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View Full Version : 9/24: vBookie oddball (Mizzou week!)

9/20/2011, 08:03 AM
Your latest Coaches Hot Seat for your vBetting pleasure:

1. Miss' Nutter
2. UCLA's Weasel
3. UGA's Markie Mark
4. The guy at New Mexico who should have been fired looooong ago
5. UAB's Neil Callaway
6. Rutgers' Schiano (really????)
7. Oregano State's Riley (hmmm....)
8. Wazzu Wulff
9. Boston College's Spaziani
10. Cal's Tedford

Keep in mind that the loss stipulation ONLY applies to a non-hot seat coach. I don't care if they beat eachother. If you think one of these will sink another nail in their coffin by losing to a team that doesn't have a coach on the hot seat list, vBet on this!

The Bottom 10 usually comes out Wednesday, at which time I'll post it for your reference.

ESPN College Gameday is in Morgantown, WV for the LSU @ West Virginia game.

For your ranked/unranked fun, here (http://espn.go.com/college-football/rankings) is your polls this week. As always, a ranked team is in either or both polls, but an unranked team must not be in the top 25 in either the AP nor the Coaches poll. This is where you call the embarrassingly bad upset, not the mildly amusing one.

Have ideas for oddball? Please let me know!

9/20/2011, 08:30 AM
Oh, and for those of you wishing good fortune on Stoops' former assistants, I have bad news: Arizona host Oregon. I also have good news: Indiana travels to North Texas! pUNT!

So, good luck, Stoops and Wilson!

9/20/2011, 11:09 AM
I think it should go without saying that OU/Mizz and OSU/A&M will not count toward the undefeated, but there is ONE major reason why the odds are 50 to 1:

KSU @ Miami.

I am amazed Old Man Snyder* didn't get that game yanked from the schedule in favor of Northeastern Oklahoma State by now.

*Not nearly as old as Old Man Weeden.

9/20/2011, 11:10 AM
And whoever thought Lee Corso would choose Mountie gear is brave. If he was willing to pick against his alma mater, you know he's all biznezz this year with his headgear and not just choosing odd upsets like he has in years past.

9/20/2011, 02:13 PM
That was me, and given the odds, I thought 10 vCash was worth it. Plus, Corso has to make oddball picks from time to time. If he was either all biznezz or all upset, people would stop caring what headgear he puts on. He has to find the right balance of seriousness and kookiness to keep people watching. Nobody gives a crap if he's right or not. Nobody bets based on his pick. (but they will bet on who he will pick).

9/20/2011, 02:16 PM
Well, that's why I set the odds a bit higher or that one... because I just don't see it happening. BUT, I also thought I was gifting vCash last week by saying that Corso would pick his alma mater... and it appeared that several vBettors thought the same. Whoops.

9/20/2011, 03:59 PM
Nobody bet on the Big 12 being undefeated this week. OU plays Mizzou people. Also, Okie. St. plays T A&M.

9/20/2011, 04:02 PM
Nobody bet on the Big 12 being undefeated this week. OU plays Mizzou people. Also, Okie. St. plays T A&M.

Once again, IT SHOULD GO WITHOUT SAYING that those two games don't count. I'm talking about when the Big 12 plays teams from other conferences, silly.

But your advice might be sound. Is it really worth risking your play money when KSU goes to Miami this week? Even if the vPayout is FIFTY to one?

Once again, 50 to 1.

That's like, a big huge payout.

All you have to do is believe that Old Man Snyder has a perfect gameplan for the U thugs.

That's all :P

9/20/2011, 04:03 PM
Sorry badger, I don't assume things.

9/20/2011, 04:09 PM
Sorry badger, I don't assume things.

I had already typed it a few posts above :P

9/20/2011, 08:50 PM
Is Wazzu Washington State or Washington?

9/20/2011, 08:59 PM

9/20/2011, 09:14 PM
Yeah, Washington's guy is not at risk. They love him up there because he has their program back in winning ways (and beating USC helps too)

9/21/2011, 12:28 PM
The Bottom 10 for your vBetting consideration is here. (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/page/bottom10110921/slogans-live-lose-bottom-10)

New Mex has an FCS opponent, but that's absolutely no guarantee for victory for that hapless coach. WHY IS HE STILL EMPLOYED THERE?!?!?!?!

There are really some chances for these teams to get wins and get off this list this week, a few FCS guys, and Boston College is facing New Mexico State. Don't look to the 5-spot to save you though: Ole Miss plays UGA. Eeep.

9/21/2011, 07:01 PM
Can I suggest an oddball?

My idea is "Kenny Stills hits the 1,000 career receiving yards mark versus Mizzou."

He is 89 yards away as of right now.

9/21/2011, 09:43 PM
Flak did the OU ones this week. I'll suggest it to him :)

9/22/2011, 10:55 PM

You're confusing the hell outta me with the hot seat prop. Can you tell me what it means in Engrish? (I meant to put the "r" in there btw):)

9/23/2011, 08:16 AM
Explanation on "Hot Seat"

Each week, a web site called "Coaches Hot Seat" releases a list of coaches that are most likely to get fired in college football (FBS of course). I list the top 10 here each week, which once again, are the following:

1. Miss' Nutter
2. UCLA's Weasel
3. UGA's Markie Mark
4. The guy at New Mexico who should have been fired looooong ago
5. UAB's Neil Callaway
6. Rutgers' Schiano (really????)
7. Oregano State's Riley (hmmm....)
8. Wazzu Wulff
9. Boston College's Spaziani
10. Cal's Tedford

If you are unfamiliar with this delightful little site, check it out here. (http://coacheshotseat.com/)

What I want to know is which coach hammers another nail in his coaching coffin by losing. It would be silly to vPay you all if they lost to another coach on the list (for many reasons, but mostly because there's no ties in college football and one of them has to lose such a game), so I include that small stipulation.

Many times teams will come through for a coach when they desperately need a win, so that's what makes these bets intriguing. Will this crappy, underachieving team finally muster a win, or will they stick with their losing ways?

The Bottom 10 one is kind of the opposite of that. You expect them to continue losing because they suck soooooo much. So that vBet is to ask if they will actually pull off a win (again, against a team that is not also on the Bottom 10). The funny thing is that a handful of them play FCS opponents this week and winning still isn't a guarantee. One of them lost to an FCS opponent last week, hehe.

9/23/2011, 12:21 PM
Okay, got it. I understood the whole coach on the hot seat thing, it was the wording that threw me off....but, now that I know there is a site called "Coaches Hot Seat", it makes perfect sense.

Thanks for the re-explanation. I'm slow, but after a few hundred time of explaining things, I pick up on them pretty quickly :P

9/23/2011, 01:27 PM
I love doing vBets like this because it takes the focus off point spreads, over/unders, and does other aspects of college football that are also fun to follow. That's why I like sites like Coaches Hot Seat and features like the Bottom 10.

I'll probably continue to have a Coaches Hot Seat option each week, because people seem to like vBetting on it.

9/23/2011, 01:34 PM
I am curious as to which ranked team you all think will fall. The only one I see a chance of happening is Arizona State (which dropped out after losing to the Illini) beating USC. Hmm...

9/24/2011, 06:41 PM
Yay, looks like Big XII might just go undefeated this week.

9/24/2011, 11:07 PM
An update on this:

1- Lee Corso wisely picked LSU.
2- I am about to pay out close to 100k on this Big 12 event, unless Texas Tech saves my arse by losing to Nevada. I am NOT happy with Bill Snyder or Miami right about now :mad:
3- All of you that vBet on the ranked team falling are hedging your vBets on ASU holding onto their lead over USC. Alas, its a late game so you'll have to wait a few hours on the conclusion of this, because every other ranked team, even Illinois, came through.
4- Ole Miss lost. The Nutter has a new SEC fanbase to hate him. And you win if you vBet on Hot Seat.
5- North Texas beat Kevin Wilson. This kills two birds with one stone --- both the Kevin Wilson/Mike Stoops vBet (Mike isn't looking too good against UO either) and the Bottom 10 vBet, since pUNT was on the Bottom 10.
6- Holy shizzle, another weather delay. (http://www.sbnation.com/ncaa-football/2011/9/24/2446857/miami-kansas-state-dragonflies-swarm-photo) At least it was rain this time, not hurricane/lightning.
7- I think we can be assured that no school is changing conferences tonight.
8-vBank always wins.

So, need to wait on the ranked team/unranked team at this point. As soon as USC/AzSt (or another game, should the unlikely happen) is over, this vBookie event can end too.

EDIT: Tech won... by one. Dammit, wolfpack! 50 to 1 payout now :mad:

9/25/2011, 12:48 AM
Okay, 23 USC loses.

9/25/2011, 05:39 AM
Big vMoney payout this time!

9/25/2011, 06:49 AM
So I know I'm late, Badger, but I'll answer your question after the fact anyway.

As for which ranked team I thought would lose, I surely DID think that USC had the "best" chance of going down -- but at 20/1 and having SO many chances, it was just a good bet even if ASU hadn't been favored over USC. San Diego St had at least a 20/1 shot at Michigan. Kentucky isn't a power but they were home against FL, that's probably a 5/1 shot in my estimation (obviously didn't happen). Vandy isn't as good as SC, but they aren't as helpless as usual. Arizona's outclassed vs Oregon, but they're at home, it was certainly better than 20/1 odds. Add all those together, PLUS the longer-shots (Tulsa vs BSU, Rice vs Baylor, W Mich vs Ill [Missouri. . .]), THEN add ASU who was actually favored, and it was a good bet at 1/1 and an absolute no-brainer at 20/1. And sure enough it ended up coming down to just one game, but it paid. Whoever took the bet that NO ranked team would fall, and took 1/2 on that -- well let's just say that it's good that they stick to vBetting where it doesn't really matter and stay away from Vegas!

9/25/2011, 11:57 AM
Man, I wish I'd put everything on the Big XII going undefeated this week.