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View Full Version : When OU was down on their 4, there were 2 or 3

Dan Thompson
9/19/2011, 12:57 PM
penalties called. Stoops was going crazy. What where the calls, and who where the calls against?

This happened just before FSU made the TD.

9/19/2011, 12:59 PM
D-line was trying to draw O line into a false start.. it worked, everone saw it but the official

9/19/2011, 01:07 PM
Yes, it should have been a penalty on the defense.

9/19/2011, 01:08 PM
I said many unchristian swear words at this point in the game and am not proud of my actions.

9/19/2011, 01:10 PM
It was the second false start that triggered Stoops. He was arguing the D was flinching to get the offense to move. The penalty didn't hurt much because it was only about a yard, but getting 5 yards the other way would have been a big deal for Tress.

9/19/2011, 01:41 PM
Yea, I fail to understand how you recognize a flinch by the OL, but don't see a 290 pound lineman on the DL jumping at the OL.

9/19/2011, 03:23 PM
To even be backed up in the first place, they called an illegal chop block, but on replay the DB(Hurst, I think) hit the defender in the shoulder then slid down into his legs. Not sure it was an illegal block.

9/19/2011, 03:24 PM
It wasn't. Bad call.

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 03:26 PM
I said many unchristian swear words at this point in the game and am not proud of my actions.

List some christian swear words...I'm intrigued!

9/19/2011, 03:27 PM
I saw that also soonertravis, but all in all I think the bad calls went both ways, and did not affect the outcome of the game.

9/19/2011, 03:28 PM
God bless them!

Christ Almighty saves!

Son of a God that is merciful and great!

Motherfantastic of Christ, our blessed Virgin Mary!

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 03:30 PM
He has risen!

(for a false start penalty)

The laying of the hands!

(Holding and PI)

No false idols!

(Illegal substution)

Ok, those were terrible.

9/19/2011, 03:32 PM
You need more Jesus. Something in an easy to use, resealable container.

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 03:33 PM
You need more Jesus. Something in an easy to use, resealable container.

But Jesus doesn't commit penalties.

9/19/2011, 03:34 PM
No, Jesus. My lawn guy.

Not the all-powerful Son of God. Completely different Jesus.

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 03:36 PM
Why are there no lawn guys named Judas?

9/19/2011, 03:37 PM
Because they're all named Jesus.

Your structural engineers are all named Judas.

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 03:38 PM

Hoo duhs

9/19/2011, 03:47 PM
I would prefer not to have a lawn guy that tells the HOA that we don't spend the required $1k on landscaping a year. That is the LAST time I use Judas lawn care. Ugh.

9/19/2011, 04:04 PM

MI Sooner
9/19/2011, 04:34 PM
Since when is it illegal for the defense to move/flinch/try to get the offense to jump? If you make contact, that's a penalty. If you cross into the NZ and the offense moves, that's a penalty. If you're in the NZ when the ball is snapped, that's a penalty. If you simulate the snap (or yet "hut" or whatever) that's a penalty. But, otherwise, the defense is allowed to move around pre-snap all it wants, is it not?

Lott's Bandana
9/19/2011, 04:41 PM
Since when is it illegal for the defense to move/flinch/try to get the offense to jump? If you make contact, that's a penalty. If you cross into the NZ and the offense moves, that's a penalty. If you're in the NZ when the ball is snapped, that's a penalty. If you simulate the snap (or yet "hut" or whatever) that's a penalty. But, otherwise, the defense is allowed to move around pre-snap all it wants, is it not?

NCAA Rulebook:

4. Player(s) aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line
of scrimmage may not make quick or abrupt actions that are not part
of normal defensive player movement in an obvious attempt to cause
an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). An official shall sound his
whistle immediately [S7 and S21] (A. R. 7-1-5-IV).

9/19/2011, 04:48 PM
NCAA Rulebook:

4. Player(s) aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line
of scrimmage may not make quick or abrupt actions that are not part
of normal defensive player movement in an obvious attempt to cause
an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). An official shall sound his
whistle immediately [S7 and S21] (A. R. 7-1-5-IV).


9/19/2011, 04:54 PM
NCAA Rulebook:

4. Player(s) aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line
of scrimmage may not make quick or abrupt actions that are not part
of normal defensive player movement in an obvious attempt to cause
an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). An official shall sound his
whistle immediately [S7 and S21] (A. R. 7-1-5-IV).

Someone print this and give it to Stoops quick !!
That should work next time, by gawd.