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View Full Version : 9/25: Sunday hangover vBetting

9/19/2011, 12:35 PM
I have offered the honor of doing the oddball pregame fun to Flak, so I am going to try something else, because something involving college football usually gets announced on Sunday.

Here's how it works: You have till midday Saturday to predict how Sunday will react to what happened on Saturday (and earlier games, which suck this week, so it shouldn't matter). This will mostly involve the polls, but will also include some other stuff that might happen.

Have ideas? Please let me know!

9/19/2011, 12:49 PM
The polls the vPayout are based on are here. (http://espn.go.com/college-football/rankings)

The "SEC drop" one will be based on both polls. If an SEC team drops five spots in the Coaches poll, but another conference's team drops 6 in the AP poll, for example, that would not constitute a win on the bet. The SEC team must drop more than any other team! In other words... do you think Bammer will look gawd awful against Arkansas and nosedive from its #2 perch???

"Five Big 12 teams" can be either poll, but don't expect me to count "OU in AP Poll" and "OU in coaches poll" as two teams, silly.

Non-BCS will include any team not in the Big East, Big 12, Pac 12, Big Ten, ACC or SEC... or Domer, because of their stupid stipulations that name them as a BCS participant. In other words, do you think a team like Houston will muster enough national respect to slip into next week's poll?

A coach must get fired Saturday for me to vCount that one. I'm talking a loss so abysmal that the athletic director, president, and army of boosters come up to coach after the game and say "GTFO. You sucked that badly today that you are fired NOW." In other words, will Mike Locksley deservedly get his walking papers Saturday after another New Mexico loss. It befuddles us all how he is still there, yes.

The Saturday-into-Sunday one will refer to the local time zone where the game is played. Yes, games in Hawaii often last until its Sunday on the east coast, but THAT DOES NOT COUNT. I'm talking a bizarre situation like the OSU-Tulsa game kicking off at 12:16 a.m. yesterday. Holy shizzle. Also, if a late game is Mike Leach'd into Sunday, that would count too. Passing game that makes a game last five hours?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, and overtime. You never know how long THAT would make a game last! :D

If the AP and Coaches poll's 1-25 rankings are all exactly the same next Sunday, you win that one. Don't count on it though. They've been swapping LSU/Bammer so much lately it should make SEC heads roll, lol.

The first place votes are the totals OU has currently in each poll. I'm basically asking if they will pick up more votes in either poll after Saturday's games.

Look like fun? Hope so! Welcome to vHangover :D

9/19/2011, 03:38 PM
There is a Sunday game this week though, Hawaii and somebody. :confused:

9/19/2011, 03:53 PM
Shizzle, looks like I'll have to postpone this till Monday, because if there's a Sunday game, they won't do polling till Monday.

Pushing it back a day!

9/19/2011, 04:07 PM
Just looked at it, it is 12:00 A.m. ET, because it is in Hawaii. Not sure if this will count or not. Tulsa-Okie. St. started after Midnight and they still released it on Sunday, so I think this will count as a Saturday game.

9/19/2011, 04:26 PM
Oh, I see. I thought you meant it started Sunday as in ACTUAL Sunday.

You the see, the purpose of that vBet is to predict if a game will LOCALLY (as in, wherever the game is played) last until Sunday just like the OSU-Tulsa one did. It doesn't count if, like I said in an earlier post, if a game in Hawaii lasts until Sunday on east coast time. Hell, there are west coast games that regularly last till Sunday if that were the case!

This is to predict whether or not a weather delay, a Mike Leach-like offense, or anything else causes a true Saturday game to last until Sunday, as in, Sunday where the game is played.

9/23/2011, 11:39 AM
Also, just so there's no confusion, there is in fact a Sunday game, so there may in fact be a one-day delay on the polls getting released to accommodate Hawaii's Sunday game.

:mad: And no, the Sunday game does NOT count as a Saturday game extending into Sunday. Why? Because it's NOT A SATURDAY GAME!

9/25/2011, 07:54 AM
The game I thought was on Sunday? It's already over, so I guess that means they will release the polls today around noonish so I can pay up on those types of vBets.

Those of you thinking OU will gain first place votes in the polls might be in vTrouble, because the media wouldn't shaddap how LSU beat three ranked teams in September (methinks they'll suffer LSU hangover like FSU suffered OU hangover, though).

Mizzou now has two losses, even if they're to ranked teams (I think ASU will be ranked after beating USC), so my guess is they will drop out of the polls. However, Iowa State is a borderline team, so they could be the SIXth Big 12 team in the polls this week (after OU, OSU, A&M, UT and Baylor). I will have to up that number next week to 6.

Your best bet for a non-AQ school getting ranked is Houston, and it's possible.

I have heard of no coaching changes on Saturday. It was a longshot, anyway.

I heard of no Saturday (local time, not Oklahoma or east coast time) games lasting into Sunday. That was just bizarre and it will probably not happen ever again this season.

There is very little chance of OU picking up more first place votes in either poll or for both polls to be identical, but hey, I just paid out 50 to 1 odds on an oddball event, so I'll till the polls are out before I giggle and all of the vCash you're paying your vBookie :D

9/25/2011, 01:48 PM
Sooo... who suffered the biggest drop?

A&M dropped from #8 in both polls to #13 and #14 :rcmad:
Arky dropped from 12/14 down to 18 in both.
USC dropped from being 23 in one poll to being unranked in both.
BUT, Florida State, bless them, suffered the most deplorable drop of the week in either poll. Ranked 11/14 last poll, they are now 23/24. OUCH!

Also, OU gave up its #1 spot in the I-DON'T-COUNT-ANYWAY AP poll to LSU, but kept 12 first place votes. In the coaches poll, OU remained #1, but only had 32 first place votes.