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9/19/2011, 11:29 AM
Sifning a 7 year contract extension with Minnesota might come back to bite him. I was put in mind of Barry Sanders signing the big contract extension with the Lions,hopefully the Vikings wil build a beeter team around AD.

Oh and with AD gaininh 120 yds against Tampa Bay Adrian now has 6000 career yards(had 5880 going in to that game).I believe is now #74 in NFL career rushing.If he ends up with his usual 1400 (approximately) yard season he would jump into the Top 50.

9/19/2011, 11:55 AM
I know AD is very competitive and wants to win, but hard to fault a guy for wanting the financial security to take care of his family for years to come. Goodness, I hope he doesn't go broke like so many NFL'ers have before him after signing the biggest running back deal in NFL history.

As such, the NFL is cyclical. Odds are that if the Lions can eventually upgrade from NFL loserdom to being expected to win, so can the Vikings. Chances are, however, it will take more than seven years to bounce back. The Favre fiasco set Minnesota back a loooooong time.

9/19/2011, 11:59 AM
I would not give any RB a 7 year deal myself, the average career for a back is just under 4 years. I know there is a few Emmitts, Barrys, Tony's out there, but for the most part they fade when the legs start to go.
If Minnesota doesn't get him some help soon he'll be wasted and won't be around. Minnesota might would be better off trading him and start the building process off of those draft picks/players, but that would be hard to do with his new contract.

9/19/2011, 12:05 PM
I've been a Viking fan my whole life so I'm dancing that they signed him. I don't think comparing the Vikings to the lions is a fair comparison and AD is not your average back. I realize the other guys you mentioned above are great players and AD hasn't quite reached their status this early in his career. But, his determination and will to compete are unmatched! He is a machine at the highest level!

9/19/2011, 12:13 PM
I used the Lions for several reasons:

1- We're all in the same division (full disclosure: I'm a lifelong Packer fan).

2- You guys suck and the Lions are notorious for sucking.

3- The Lions also had a great running back that was stuck on a bad team.

I am of course, referring to the pro bowler that actually led the hapless Lions to the playoffs, none other than #20 himself!


What, you thought I was referring to someone else? This is SOONERfans.com!! :D

9/19/2011, 01:11 PM
I used the Lions for several reasons:

1- We're all in the same division (full disclosure: I'm a lifelong Packer fan).

2- You guys suck and the Lions are notorious for sucking.

3- The Lions also had a great running back that was stuck on a bad team.

I am of course, referring to the pro bowler that actually led the hapless Lions to the playoffs, none other than #20 himself!


What, you thought I was referring to someone else? This is SOONERfans.com!! :DBingo.That is EXACTLY why the Barry/Lions- AD/Vikings comparison popped into my head.

9/19/2011, 01:41 PM
It was ridiculous his only getting 15 carries in week 1.

9/19/2011, 01:43 PM
They probably made him sign it, you know how that modern day slavery goes.

9/19/2011, 01:46 PM
They probably made him sign it, you know how that modern day slavery goes.

He's addressed this. He wasn't expecting people to take it at face value and put the media spin on it. I don't remember his exact words, but he is extremely regretful for uttering those specific words.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/19/2011, 01:49 PM
The problem the Vikings made, and most people probably still disagree with me like they did a few years back, was making themselves that much older at the QB position with Favre..That is an experiment that is only succesful if the result is a superbowl ring. They really set there organization back on that decision

9/19/2011, 01:54 PM
The Vikings also made the mistake of paying him that much, when franchise RBs with high-dollar paychecks don't win Super Bowls anymore.

9/19/2011, 02:48 PM
I know there are Vike fans here and I don't want them to feel like I'm uber bashing their team (but I am, you guys put me through hell in the past and I will enjoy watching your meltdown this and many more seasons in the future).

HOWEVER, the Vikings set themselves back for reasons other than AD's contract:

1- Brad Childress. Holy cow, what a buffoon. Let's draft a mid-major quarterback that scrambles like Vince Young! That worked out sooooo well for Tennessee in the long run!

2- Brett Favre. Let's pay him $20 million! A quarterback that won a Super Bowl 15 years ago is surely due for another right now!

3- The dome. The city isn't charging us rent! Let's stay in craptacular facilities! Surely they will last forever and there will be no reason to speculate moving to another city so long as we have our beloved Metrodome! I mean, everyone else has moved out! Now we have it to ourselves!

4- The defense. We have a guy that does a d00shey sack dance. That's good enough! We don't need to worry about defense when we have a kicker that used to be the most accurate ever when he was in Green Bay, that GO GATA receiver, that graying haired quarterback legend and the best running back in the history of the NFL! The best defense is a good offense, right?!

You guys are all soooooo screwed and it all starts with Brad Brainless.

9/19/2011, 02:49 PM
Hells yes he made a mistake. He should have refused to sign with those POS queenies in the first place, then he wouldn't be stuck on a POS team. Forever...

9/19/2011, 02:59 PM
Whoa, whoa, Badj. Favre was a good call on their part. Came off an amazing season in his last with our Packers and proved his value his 1st year in Minnesota. Besides, who was the option withOUT Favre?

Tavaris Jackson? Nuh uh.

The Draft? I remembered questioning why they didn't go QB in this draft, so I pulled up the list. Sitting at 22, the top 3 QBs were already gone by the time it came to the Vikes. Do you take a Pat White, Tavaris Jackson part deux? Do you trade up to get a Josh Freeman or even crazy higher to a top ten pick to get a Sanchez? And STILL be faced with the option of suck versus untested, brand new rookie in the VERY unforgiving NFC North?

Can't speak to available free agents that year, but you know they would've asked for volumes of cash as well. And while it may have been less than what they spent for Favre, you have to admit, the ol' gunslinger still had a few left in that old arm.

9/19/2011, 03:07 PM
My Packer fan imposter alert is sounding. Surely you recall that Favre was shipped off to NYJ for a year before Minny as part of a contract stipulation that if he ended up traded to Minnesota that NYJ owed us big time?

The NYJ year is why Minny should have known better than to invest in the Favre failure.

They went all-in for a championship and lost and it was funny :D

In retrospect, they should have went after Sanchez or Freeman, as both have done fairly well for their teams. Instead, they chose to get one OK year with Favre and one abysmally FAIR year of Favre.

9/19/2011, 03:20 PM
My Packer fan imposter alert is sounding. Surely you recall that Favre was shipped off to NYJ for a year before Minny as part of a contract stipulation that if he ended up traded to Minnesota that NYJ owed us big time?

The NYJ year is why Minny should have known better than to invest in the Favre failure.

They went all-in for a championship and lost and it was funny :D

In retrospect, they should have went after Sanchez or Freeman, as both have done fairly well for their teams. Instead, they chose to get one OK year with Favre and one abysmally FAIR year of Favre.

But surely you also remember that his first year in Minnesota he was fantastic and had them within a few plays of going to the Super Bowl, and a winnable one at that. The second year turned out to be a failure, but Minnesota had a great year with Favre his first season.

9/19/2011, 03:20 PM
My Packer fan imposter alert is sounding. Surely you recall that Favre was shipped off to NYJ for a year before Minny as part of a contract stipulation that if he ended up traded to Minnesota that NYJ owed us big time?

The NYJ year is why Minny should have known better than to invest in the Favre failure.

They went all-in for a championship and lost and it was funny :D

In retrospect, they should have went after Sanchez or Freeman, as both have done fairly well for their teams. Instead, they chose to get one OK year with Favre and one abysmally FAIR year of Favre.

Favre had maybe the best year of his career with Minnesota. It took a colossal choke job on the part of the team to not win the superbowl that year.

9/19/2011, 03:23 PM
I do, I do. And I remember being up in arms over Thompson essentially taking a dump in the hat of what I considered the face of the franchise. I was amongst the decriers of Aaron Rodgers and the direction Ted Thompson took with the Packers and I will freely admit now that I was wrong.

Wrong. Wrong as sin. Brand me because I deserve it.

But you can't write Favre's year with the Jets as a sign of the times. Story after story came out of New York about all the bullcrap and trash in that locker room. All the cancer from Thomas Jones. Of course we didn't see it until he was gone, but he wasn't wanted by the players in New York and his play, as well as the Jets, suffered from it.

But again, look at his last season in the green and gold. Look at his first season in Minnesota. Favre brought it. Both seasons over 4000 yards and what, around 30 TDs? The year in New York was an abberation and had as much to do with the circumstances as it did with Brett. And his last year in Minnesota simply shows the old fart going for one more season he had no business going for.

So if wanting to see that crazy old bastard do well in the league, that same crazy old bastard that brought us '96, bloodied lips, interceptions, and linebackers trapped in a quarterbacks body, makes me a "Packer fan imposter", then I guess I am. Pretty tough criteria, Badj.

9/19/2011, 03:28 PM
Alls I'm gonna say is this: I was OK with him going to NY. No harm, no foul. However, when he signed with the queenies that was it. eff him. in the A.

Do I appreciate everything he did for us? Absolutely, but him going to Minnyhaha would be like Sam Bradford deciding to go back to college and finish his senior season with Texas. He was a whore. Plain and simple, and it pained me to see him in purple. Now he can get back into my good graces if he goes into the HOF in green and gold. If he goes in there in purple? Double eff him in the A.

9/19/2011, 03:29 PM
Now he can get back into my good graces if he goes into the HOF in green and gold. If he goes in there in purple? Double eff him in the A.

This. Times a brazillion.

9/19/2011, 03:39 PM
OK you know, as a little blond chick growing up in northeastern Wisconsin, you LOVE Favre. You think he would be cute it if weren't for Mark Chumura being cuter (that is, till that guy's trial ruined his good-guy reputation).

Then, you grow up and you realize that he shunned who you really loved all along: The Packers. Not the Favres, the PACKERS. Badger loved the Packers, and would have loved them even if Don Majowski was still their quarterback.

And Minnesota? They should have seen how Favre's career was destined to end: With an INT. Favre was destined to INT doom whether he end his career in green and gold, green and white or purple and more purple. INT,INT, INT. Your magical run to get another Super Bowl before you retire? FINISHED! Why? I-N-T! I-N-T!

And it broke my heart to see it happen, because we were at home and NYG wasn't favored by any stretch of the imagination. It was our destiny, not Eli's to dethrone the almighty undefeated Patriots, not the G-men.

As long as we were stuck with that unbelievable burden of Fav-ruh, we were not going to achieve our destiny of Super Bowl greatness ever again, because Favre demanded to play the role of hero, of savior, of victor in the waning moments of the game.


Favre was out for Favre during the last few seasons of his career and as such, Childress never should have sought him out, NYJ never should have traded for him, and d00she sack dance that traitor kicker shouldn't have flown to Mississippi to bring him to Minny for year two.


9/19/2011, 03:46 PM
I think banging the baby sitter ruined his rep......

9/19/2011, 04:58 PM
He was found not guilty, but that trial completely soured everyone on him having the honor of being a Packer and his football career and image of being the local United Way guy were over. No more endorsements, no more cuteness comments, nothing. People Goodwill'd and garbaged their No. 89 jerseys too.

9/19/2011, 08:06 PM
screw the nfl

9/19/2011, 08:12 PM
I am willing to sign with any sucker team in USA for 500,000/ year.

I can be a kicker, OL, DE, LB, DB, QB, TE, FB, RB, Water Boy, Cheerleader... whatever the sucker team want me to be.

hawaii 5-0
9/19/2011, 08:22 PM
Toby Gerhart is a good backup to spell AD. He can catch, block and run. He's no AD of course, but he'll do.
