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9/17/2011, 11:55 PM
What a clod this guy is. I would think that ABC could find a better announcer. He seldom knew what was going on in the game. We won and that's what I really care about, but I would think ABC/ESPN would be embarrassed by him.

9/17/2011, 11:56 PM
I wish he were drunk. He's just terrible.

VA Sooner
9/17/2011, 11:56 PM
He's getting old.... starting to sound like Paterno at the end of a late-night game.

Curly Bill
9/17/2011, 11:56 PM

Curly Bill
9/17/2011, 11:57 PM
Why is it that the only thing we complain more about than ESPN hating us, is how all the annoucers suck?

9/17/2011, 11:58 PM
What the hell is wrong with him? What did he get so wrong all night long? I don't understand and if you don't like it put it on mute and listen to Toby Rowland and Coach Merv.

Judge Smails
9/17/2011, 11:59 PM
Musberger is in a class by himself.

Well, him and Holthz..

9/18/2011, 12:00 AM

9/18/2011, 12:06 AM
I believe the term is sundowning.

9/18/2011, 12:10 AM
He didn't get his calls right at times...Even when Stills caught that ball along the sidelines...Was a thousand miles away & saw that it was a catch...Time for him to call Div. 2 games

9/18/2011, 12:11 AM
What the hell is wrong with him? What did he get so wrong all night long? I don't understand and if you don't like it put it on mute and listen to Toby Rowland and Coach Merv.

Take your own advice there skippy....if you don't like my post move onto another thread. Frankly, I couldn't care less that you disagree, but the fact that you took the time to tell me to mute the TV when you're not "metaphorically" willing to do the same......hypocrite.

9/18/2011, 12:13 AM
You are looking live..... he always says that

9/18/2011, 12:14 AM
He is getting old....But I enjoy listening to him. He may get on my nerves but he's better than most.

9/18/2011, 12:16 AM
He said we were from Normandy at one point.

9/18/2011, 12:18 AM
He said we were from Normandy at one point.


9/18/2011, 12:19 AM
He said we were from Normandy at one point.

LOL.....The only statement he made that pissed me off was about Kenny and his DUI. He didn't have to share that.

Hot Rod
9/18/2011, 12:36 AM
Who was the FSU backup QB dad? And again? And again? And again?

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 12:38 AM
Take your own advice there skippy....if you don't like my post move onto another thread. Frankly, I couldn't care less that you disagree, but the fact that you took the time to tell me to mute the TV when you're not "metaphorically" willing to do the same......hypocrite.

You started the thread, he disagreed with you...this is a message board. If you don't want someone responding to your posts the best thing to do is not to post.

9/18/2011, 12:44 AM
When is he not drunk? I bet he was shotgunning beers with Stephen Garcia earlier in the day.

9/18/2011, 12:45 AM
He liked talking about Jack Nicklaus grandson in the 1st qt

Land Run Sports
9/18/2011, 12:52 AM
Brent Musburger is captian obvious. It's hard to tolerate listening to his games.

9/18/2011, 12:54 AM
I thought he was fine

Neath a Western Sky
9/18/2011, 01:00 AM
I like Musburger and think he generally is respectful and complimentary to us.

9/18/2011, 01:03 AM
He wernt as durnk as me.

9/18/2011, 01:04 AM
I kinda like the guy. I think he does a great job.

He's not as good at announcing as Vet is at drankin' Natty though.

9/18/2011, 01:06 AM
He's 72 years old, I never liked him, but that has to be a big part of it.

I created the Brent Musburger drinking game, so you know I'm not a fan or an apologist.

Just imagine if he had to call this OSU game at 12am

9/18/2011, 01:41 AM
Bah, he's old..so what. He is one of my favs, I can deal with his "misses" and honestly he is still better than most of the announcing garbage who even get the privilege to call a game these days.

I love the "looking live" stuff. apart of a dieing breed known as... Great announcers who know how to bring the spectator into the moment.

9/18/2011, 01:48 AM
I dont' think you wanna turn down the tv and listen to Toby and Merv. Those two are a snooze fest

9/18/2011, 01:50 AM
Ron Thulin and Gus Johnson are 2 of the best out there imho

9/18/2011, 01:56 AM
I dont' think you wanna turn down the tv and listen to Toby and Merv. Those two are a snooze fest

I listened to the FX broadcast for the Tulsa game and listened to Toby and Merv for a good portion of tonight's game. I thought they did fine. Bob Barry is a legend but he screwed up so much it wasn't worth listening to him. At least Toby was more coherent.

Texas Golfer
9/18/2011, 03:36 AM
Mushburger should have retired years ago.

9/18/2011, 04:20 AM
I think the term is embalmed.

9/18/2011, 04:37 AM
He's joining the ranks of...


9/18/2011, 06:14 AM
I kinda like Musburger. I can't stand Turdstreit though. He is a ******.

9/18/2011, 06:49 AM
He said we were from Normandy at one point.


9/18/2011, 06:52 AM
Ron Thulin and Gus Johnson are 2 of the best out there imho

Yea and Gus was pretty good for his first time calling his first college football game.

9/18/2011, 07:49 AM
What the hell is wrong with him? What did he get so wrong all night long? I don't understand and if you don't like it put it on mute and listen to Toby Rowland and Coach Merv.

Apparently, Goober, you weren't listening. I few weary quickly of his 'mis-calling' of plays. 'FIRST DOWN' when the ball was clearly two yards short.....'INCOMPLETE PASS' when it was clear to anyone watching that the ball had been caught (the great catch by Stills).....and there were more. He just did not have great situational awareness of what was happening on the field, and as a consequence, made several ficticious calls that turned out to be exactly the opposite. He belongs somewhere else.

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 07:51 AM
Musburger is one of the great voices of college football, I could give a shizznit if he misses a call or two. I'll take him over some tecnically proficient robotron any day.

9/18/2011, 07:57 AM
You started the thread, he disagreed with you...this is a message board. If you don't want someone responding to your posts the best thing to do is not to post.

Sissy Bill, can you read? I said I couldn't care less if he disagrees, just don't suggest I do something that you obviously aren't willing to do yourself.

9/18/2011, 07:59 AM
Musburger is one of the great voices of college football, I could give a shizznit if he misses a call or two. I'll take him over some tecnically proficient robotron any day.

lol, a play or two??? Apparently you were drunk too.

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 07:59 AM
Sissy Bill, can you read? I said I couldn't care less if he disagrees, just don't suggest I do something that you obviously aren't willing to do yourself.

Sissy Bill? WTF is that about? You win internet tough guy of the day. Good jorb!

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:00 AM
Who watches the game to critique the announcers? That's kinda ghey!

9/18/2011, 08:00 AM
My favorite comment from him was...

"The Noles have forced the Sooners into a third down."

Wow. They forced us into a 3rd and 2. What a victory.

9/18/2011, 08:07 AM
Who watches the game to critique the announcers? That's kinda ghey!

Who gets on a message board to sunshine pump for a terrible game announcer? That's kinda ghey!

King Barry's Back
9/18/2011, 08:09 AM
Ron Thulin and Gus Johnson are 2 of the best out there imho

Isn't Ron Thulin old too?

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:11 AM
Who gets on a message board to sunshine pump for a terrible game announcer? That's kinda ghey!

Not as ghey as starting a thread about it. You win!

jk the sooner fan
9/18/2011, 08:12 AM
LOL.....The only statement he made that pissed me off was about Kenny and his DUI. He didn't have to share that.

why? its public knowledge.....it happened - it WAS Stills first game of the season - would you expect him to not explain that to a national crowd?

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:14 AM
why? its public knowledge.....it happened - it WAS Stills first game of the season - would you expect him to not explain that to a national crowd?

Don't you know ESPN, and all sports announcers hate us and are out to get us? Oh yeah.. and they all suck too!

9/18/2011, 08:16 AM
Not as ghey as starting a thread about it. You win!

Ghey obsess much?

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:18 AM
Ghey obsess much?

Call em like I see em.

9/18/2011, 08:22 AM
Call em like I see em.

Hmmmm......I think there might be a different reason, but okay.

So, as long as the issue is "ghey" it can be called as you see it, but if the issue is a bad game announcer for the touted game of the week, it can't be called as it is seen, we'll, unless it is called by you??? lol

9/18/2011, 08:25 AM
musberger sucks - plain and simple. he's getting senile... and that's being nice. i no longer wish to play the "musberger drinking game" because it would be fun; i just want to get drunk before watching just to make it through without breaking something.

9/18/2011, 08:38 AM
while age is catching up with him. (pssst it will get us all) I think Musburger does a great job. He always picks some story about an underdog (some player or situation) and runs with it during the game. Most times that means it isn't OU because we're rarely the underdog. I'm sure FSU fans got sick of hearing about our walkon. He may have been drunk, but if he was he probably had drinks with Switzter (if he was there) back in the day Brent and the king would toss more than a few back together. It's so easy to criticize announcers. Collectively I can't think of anyone the majority of people on here like. This guy or that guy sucks. or they hate OU. It's just not the case. It's not an easy job and few people do it, or have done it as well and Musburger. While he wasn't at his best I thought Musburger did a good job.

9/18/2011, 08:42 AM
My favorite comment from him was...

"The Noles have forced the Sooners into a third down."

Wow. They forced us into a 3rd and 2. What a victory.

We hadn't had a 3rd down yet :fat:

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:42 AM
They're all gonna make mistakes in the heat of the game, so freaking what! Just don't bore me to tears cause you're too afraid of messing up.

9/18/2011, 08:45 AM
He liked talking about Jack Nicklaus grandson in the 1st qt

And what poor reporting....never did tell us what the kid's handicap was!


Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 08:47 AM
And what poor reporting....never did tell us what the kid's handicap was!


His handicap is that he goes to FSU! :tongue:

9/18/2011, 08:53 AM
He was really off last night. He celebrated every 3rd down, obviously thought several of them were 4th downs.
He mixed up team:player a few times, and was distracting from the game.
I'm no fan of BM, but at least he has a good "announcer voice." That is, unless he's talking jibberish like he was last night.
I honestly think something is wrong, he didn't look very good. Maybe it's the makeup or lighting, but he looked like a cadaver.

9/18/2011, 08:58 AM
Well, I think he was definitely off his game. He has done well in the past, but definitely made drop in this game. I thought the fake first donw call for the Noles was funny. The guy hit the ground and crawled forward and was still 3 yards short. He also called the None backup QB the wrong first name after he said it right about 3 times. Can't remember what he said his first name was, but he didn't say Clint. Oh well! I'm sure he will study the game film and make some corrections to prepare for next week!

9/18/2011, 09:03 AM
He was really off last night. He celebrated every 3rd down, obviously thought several of them were 4th downs.
He mixed up team:player a few times, and was distracting from the game.
I'm no fan of BM, but at least he has a good "announcer voice." That is, unless he's talking jibberish like he was last night.
I honestly think something is wrong, he didn't look very good. Maybe it's the makeup or lighting, but he looked like a cadaver.

My husband mentioned that a couple of times last night......that Musburger didn't look good when they'd show him on camera, like something might be wrong with him.

If I hadn't been sitting glued to the game and was instead just listening as I moved around the house, I would have never known what was really happening in the game by listening to BM. That makes you a bad announcer.

9/18/2011, 09:06 AM
He's not as good at announcing as Vet is at drankin' Natty though.

Who is?

9/18/2011, 09:07 AM
Why is it that the only thing we complain more about than ESPN hating us, is how all the annoucers suck?

Disagree. The board historically grips more about Vulnerables than the announcers.

9/18/2011, 09:14 AM
I love Musburger. His voice is classic and timeless. I think he does a great job.

What I am more tired of is a) people who bitch about every announcer and b) people who bitch about ESPN and how much they "hate the Sooners", yet somehow seem to find themselves watching a lot of the channel that they allegedly despise.

9/18/2011, 09:14 AM
I don't like him. The non-OU fans I watched the game with were commenting on how he was mostly jock-sniffing FSU the whole game. I still want to ask him how Danny Manning's cawk tasted.

I hold an unapologetic grudge.

9/18/2011, 09:14 AM
Also, I got tired of the high hit dirty play stuff when the Shaw kid got knocked out. I'm glad he is ok and even made it back to the game, but he made huge deal out of that and personally I think that was OU ball right there. Great catch, great hit and a fumble before the goal line. Even the postgame shows said it should not have been flagged!

9/18/2011, 09:58 AM
There could have been a BM drinking game based solely on how many times he said "Tallahassee."

Also on third down he said it was "decision time for the Sooners."

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 10:04 AM
There could have been a BM drinking game based solely on how many times he said "Tallahassee."

Also on third down he said it was "decision time for the Sooners."

If I remember correctly he was referring to do we want to run or pass? As it was 3rd and like 3 or 4 I believe.

9/18/2011, 10:09 AM
No, we were on about the 2. He clearly said it as though he thought it was 4th down.

9/18/2011, 10:12 AM
I can't stand him. I think he's a clown. Where's Keith Jackson when you need him? Now, he was a class act.

9/18/2011, 10:17 AM
I thought he sounded like he was sick. I just assumed he guzzled a triple dosage of NyQuil.

9/18/2011, 11:10 AM
He certainly looked terrible physically.

I'm long past the point of caring when announcers make mistakes about down and distance or whatever though. They all do it, and sometimes I see things wrong too.

Herbstreit called Millard "Troy" in the post-game recap. Big deal. If a guy has a good voice and isn't BORING, he's doing a good job. Try listening to the early games on ESPN or FSN. Those guys/ladies are bad.

9/18/2011, 11:12 AM
Also, I got tired of the high hit dirty play stuff when the Shaw kid got knocked out. I'm glad he is ok and even made it back to the game, but he made huge deal out of that and personally I think that was OU ball right there. Great catch, great hit and a fumble before the goal line. Even the postgame shows said it should not have been flagged!

That's the one thing I flat out was bothered by. Herbstreit called it straight when he saw it: "That's not a penalty." Musburger took the party line immediately though, and I completely disagreed.

That doesn't make him biased against OU or a bad announcer though.

9/18/2011, 11:12 AM
No, we were on about the 2. He clearly said it as though he thought it was 4th down.

You are correct. He got all excited and said, "He didn't make it!" Billy obviously watched a different game....he doesn't know what went on in last night's game either.

hawaii 5-0
9/18/2011, 11:27 AM
My thoughts on Mushberger are well documented. I didn't care for him from Day 1. He makes too many mistakes. He sensationalizes waaay too much. Every time out, every 2nd and long, every substitution is critical.

He has a very good speaking voice. But for the money he makes, he should be spot on every time, letting the game be played and calling it accordingly.
It's like he thinks he's bigger than the game itself.


9/18/2011, 12:02 PM
Play the drinking game, and you will cease to GAS. You may also be dead.

9/18/2011, 12:05 PM
Musburger was not drunk. But his face was so white made me think of a ghost movie.

9/18/2011, 12:08 PM
This thread makes me smile. As a fanbase it appears that we have moved on from wanting our Coordinators fired to wanting the announcers fired.

Good jorb guys.

9/18/2011, 12:12 PM
Fire Venables!!!!

9/18/2011, 12:16 PM
You are looking live at the port a ****ters outside Doak Campbell stadium, and they are all in use.

9/18/2011, 12:19 PM
I will say this about Brent, my most memorable moment of his calling the game was 2000 in the RRS, take that for what you will.


But since then, yeah he's gone downhill....age does that to you.

And hookers.

And well everything else.

Curly Bill
9/18/2011, 12:32 PM
No, we were on about the 2. He clearly said it as though he thought it was 4th down.

Oh..I'm remembering something else then.

9/18/2011, 12:45 PM
He's 72 years old, I never liked him, but that has to be a big part of it.

I created the Brent Musburger drinking game, so you know I'm not a fan or an apologist.

Just imagine if he had to call this OSU game at 12am:D You mean that wasn't him?

9/18/2011, 12:51 PM
:D You mean that wasn't him?A stellar member of the broadcast team during the TU/OSU game.

9/18/2011, 01:12 PM
We won.... I could care less who announces to be honest with you.

9/18/2011, 01:15 PM
I like Brad Nessler.