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9/13/2011, 09:37 PM
OP: What's with the TU Rivals Board (http://www.orangepower.com/threads/whats-with-the-tu-rivals-board.125461/)

For fans of irony:

I cannot wait for the Cowboys to crush these guys dreams. Again.

I've always been astounded by the hate TU fans have for OSU. It's unreal.

It's not near the rivalry they like to pretend it is, and I don't think it ever was.

I think Tulsa is a good school and has had some nice teams and some good QBs. But really when OSU is good we beat them every time virtually. Sure they beat us a couple times in the 90s when we sucked. Big deal.

They just realize that there school is irrelevant on a national scale AND in the state of Oklahoma.

They are always gonna be OSU and OU's little cousin. You know, that one that comes over once a year and pesters the crap outta you until you remind them that you're the BIG cousin.

And you've been relevant...never. And yet all we ever hear is how Tulsa can get OSU this time around.... When we're ranked in the top ten preseason and are "pounding our chests", it makes me that much sadder for you that you think it's unjustified.

They don't want us to think this game is their whole season? Then they should stop acting like this game is their whole season.

Then why is TU charging us 70-75% of their season ticket price for this 1 game?

TU's new name is Inferior U. They have an epic case of little man syndrome that is almost laughable...

The lack of self-awareness is stupefying.

9/13/2011, 10:35 PM
Ok, that is fugging hilarious. and sad...

Sad, because they're like really stupid and stuff. Ruhtards.

9/13/2011, 10:37 PM
Hahaha...aggies just kill me with their ignorance

9/13/2011, 10:38 PM
They better stop it. That much irony will surely cause the galaxy to implode.

9/13/2011, 10:47 PM
OH. MY. GAWD. Aggots. Srsly.

9/13/2011, 11:52 PM
Idiot sheep pumpers.

9/14/2011, 01:52 PM
OSU fans can only dog on Tulsa on the innerwebs. If they did it at work, their Tulsa bosses would fire them.

9/14/2011, 02:02 PM
pro·jec·tion (Psychology)

b. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.


8. (Psychology)
b. the process of projecting one's own hidden desires and impulses See also defense mechanism

9/14/2011, 02:12 PM
OMG That thread is epic.
I nearly fell outta my chair when one of them started criticizing Tulsa's "NASCAR uniforms." Seriously, best thread I've seen in the past month.

9/14/2011, 02:34 PM

It's like arguing who's the tallest midget in the circus. Who freggin' cares, you're still a midget!!!!!!!!!!

9/14/2011, 02:48 PM
Tulsa is to Okie State as Okie State is to:

A. Oklahoma
B. Oklahoma
C. Oklahoma

9/14/2011, 03:54 PM
This thread is better than the other one.

Lott's Bandana
9/14/2011, 04:04 PM
Then why is TU charging us 70-75% of their season ticket price for this 1 game?

What's the big deal? Every single one of your fans graduated from your school, so they should be able to afford it.

9/14/2011, 04:18 PM
Aww someone decided to spoil the fun and point out the irony. Fortunately it was completely lost on them XD

edfromtulsa said:
I'm new here and really don't want to ruffle any feathers. I'd like to stick around and post here as long as possible and will not abuse my privilege of doing so. With that being said, see the posts below and tell me if it's not ironic to see these... TU is a program trying to come up and brings some legit football to this state. Yea like every other program in the country they have dillusional fans. But as you read these posts do they not seem somewhat familar about another program here in the state?

I cannot wait for the Cowboys (sooners) to crush these guys dreams. Again.
I've always been astounded by the hate TU (OSU) fans have for (OU) OSU. It's unreal.
It's not near the rivalry they like to pretend it is, and I don't think it ever was.
I think Tulsa (OSU) is a good school and has had some nice teams and some good QBs. But really whenOSU (OU) is good we beat them every time virtually. Sure they beat us a couple times in the 90s when we sucked. Big deal.
They just realize that there school is irrelevant on a national scale AND in the state of Oklahoma.
This one is one of my favorites. They are always gonna be OSU and OU's little cousin. You know, that one that comes over once a year and pesters the crap outta you until you remind them that you're the BIG cousin.
And you've been relevant...never. And yet all we ever hear is how Tulsa (OSU) can get OSU (OU) this time around.... When we're ranked in the top ten preseason and are "pounding our chests", it makes me that much sadder for you that you think it's unjustified.
They don't want us to think this game is their whole season? Then they should stop acting like this game is their whole season.
Didn't OSU do something very similar to this to OU? Then why is TU charging us 70-75% of their season ticket price for this 1 game?
TU's new name is Inferior U. They have an epic case of little man syndrome that is almost laughable...

UArkPoke said:
I'm sorry...you lost me..

9/14/2011, 05:29 PM
It's like that famous drawing of the person doodling their self portrait as magnificent while looking at their insignificant selves in the mirror.

I like TU, but you could basically have OSU drawing itself as OU while looking in the mirror at pistol pete in a rasslin unitard.


^^^ seriously, who thought that was a good idea?!

9/14/2011, 05:32 PM
A whole bunch of meh to me. I will say this though - I'll wager pretty much any amount that Tulsa will score more on the aglet's D than they did on ours. I've already stated that nobody will hold TU to <14 points the rest of the year. I'd like to see a 63-61 game with TU coming out on top. That would be cuhlassic.

Lott's Bandana
9/14/2011, 05:38 PM
A whole bunch of meh to me. I will say this though - I'll wager pretty much any amount that Tulsa will score more on the aglet's D than they did on ours. I've already stated that nobody will hold TU to <14 points the rest of the year. I'd like to see a 61-0 game with TU coming out on top. That would be cuhlassic.

As long as we're rubbing lamps...

9/14/2011, 05:45 PM
Now that would be classic. Heh. Could you imagine the stink from the meltdown?

Lott's Bandana
9/14/2011, 05:48 PM
Now that would be classic. Heh. Could you imagine the stink from the meltdown?

Bet we'd go West.


9/14/2011, 05:49 PM

9/14/2011, 05:49 PM
They are always gonna be OSU and OU's little cousin. You know, that one that comes over once a year and pesters the crap outta you until you remind them that you're the BIG cousin.

This quote is funny to me considering that osu is, and always has been, OU's little cousin.. It's really not the rivalry osu people think it has been. I believe the bedlam series record is like 82–16–7. WOW!! what a rivalry lololol... please, someone correct me if I'm wrong (without embarrassing me lol).

9/14/2011, 06:06 PM
All Bullsh*tting aside, I feel Tulsa has a legit chance in this game.......

9/14/2011, 09:37 PM
But wait! It gets better!

Delusional [Lassie] Aggie (http://www.orangepower.com/threads/delusional-aggie.125647/)


I always love the "we played like crap last year when we lost to you, so this year we'll obviously win" rationalization.

They've played one game this year and they're talking about running the tables to a national championship....wow delusional is right...

You don't understand aggie logic. Our turnovers were do to them playing unbelievable defense. Their turnovers were do to their offensive mistakes and had nothing to do with the OSU defense.

The sooner everyone realizes that A&M's fans are nothing but a collective of Uncle Ricos, the better off everyone will be.

Uncle Rico humped sheep?

When referencing Texas Aggies, the "delusional" aspect is automatically implied.

Wow. Just wow. If that thread gets any more meta the universe will implode on itself. "Uncle Ricos" is a good one, though.