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View Full Version : BAYLOR BASH: Ann Richards and Ken Starr talk

9/9/2011, 09:00 AM
Ann Richards is a Democrat!

Ken Starr is a Republican!


(in an effort to steer anti-Baylor political-related talk away from the football board, please discuss Baylor politics here)

9/9/2011, 09:07 AM
Don't throw your Football related crap our way.... Clean your own house! :smug:

9/9/2011, 09:13 AM
Just for that, you get this:

9/9/2011, 09:29 AM
Just for that, you get this:

Is it possible to un-see something?!

9/9/2011, 09:36 AM
She is a feisty broad...might be fun in the sack...Starr not so much....

9/9/2011, 09:45 AM
Just for that, you get this:


9/9/2011, 09:46 AM
She is a feisty broad...might be fun in the sack...Starr not so much....

Phil, I knew you were old, but.... Damn... You are OLD!! ;)

9/9/2011, 09:55 AM
Phil, I knew you were old, but.... Damn... You are OLD!! ;)

They all look the same when the lights are turned off...

9/9/2011, 10:28 AM
Ken Starr pictured here showing how awesome Baylor football is:

Ken Starr pictured here showing how awesome Baylor basketball is:

Oh look, a TIME cover!


9/9/2011, 10:40 AM
badger, you need to red card yourself

9/9/2011, 10:44 AM
They all look the same when the lights are turned off...

Maybe... But something tells me they don't feel the same.

Reminds me of an old joke..

What does an elderly woman have between her breasts that a younger woman doesn't?

Her belly button.

9/9/2011, 10:47 AM
badger, you need to red card yourself

I'm not a real Modador. I can always red card you for suggesting that though :D

But I won't... that would be abuse of my not-real-Modador status :D

9/9/2011, 10:49 AM
Oh, and now for more Ann Richards bashing: She dated Bill on King of the Hill:


9/9/2011, 10:54 AM
Dale: Ann Richards, it's been awhile! You may not remember me, but I've seen you on TV!


Bill: I'm a mature man, older but wiser. And Lenore is older but still pretty.
Dale: True, Lenore is ten times hotter than Ann Richards. And Ann Richards is hot!


Ann Richards: Bill, whenever they serve humble pie, why do you always come back for seconds?


Ann Richards: (to Bill mooning LaNore) While you're at it, blow her a kiss too!


BILL: Ann, you're the best thing to happen to my life since Lenore ruined it.
BILL: Yeah. I used to have kind of a taste for trash, but now it's all prime rib and filet mignon and tenderloin.
GOVERNOR RICHARDS: Are you talking about dinner, or are you talking about me?
BILL: Mostly you.


LENORE: I'm dating a man who dumped Ann Richards! That's like me dumping Ann Richards!


BILL: No. Does that mean we've still got a chance?
RICHARDS: No. But it does mean you've still got a chance.


:D it was a pretty funny episode

9/9/2011, 03:19 PM
Ann Richards is a Democrat!

Ken Starr is a Republican!


(in an effort to steer anti-Baylor political-related talk away from the football board, please discuss Baylor politics here)

Ken Starr would be a scumbag no matter the party. He is unethical as they come. He leaks info to the media he knows that is not true to get a reaction. Couldn't stand Ma Richards which I lived in TX -- her voice grated on my nerves big time and her policies were worse along with little big ears perot and TX standardized testing. Bad combination. I was in TX when this went down and a member of the UT Board of Regents was also on our athletic board. We got the full scoop about how Lt Gov Bullock and Ma Richards were twisting arms and threatening various reps to hold up money of A&M and UT wouldn't bring Baylor along. Neither of the schools wanted to bring them along. It was really nasty.

Cannot believe any school would choose Ken Starr for anything but the scumbag of the year. I wish Starr would go independent and leave the GOP -- destest the man.