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9/8/2011, 01:00 PM

9/8/2011, 01:49 PM
Two things I can't stand...bigotry and Longshoreman...especially longshoreman...I hate those bastards.

9/8/2011, 01:59 PM
They held 6 guards hostage but no arrests were made.

9/8/2011, 02:02 PM
They held 6 guards hostage but no arrests were made.

Plus they cut the brake lines of the railroad cars...

What about the enviroment?!?

9/8/2011, 02:13 PM
Maybe they could go to Wisky and help them out.

9/8/2011, 02:15 PM
Bunch of goons.

9/8/2011, 02:32 PM
Sometimes one pines for the days when you could shoot unionists.

9/8/2011, 02:48 PM
Enter 5-0 in 3...2...

9/8/2011, 02:54 PM
Typical "union" behavior -- vandalism and kidnaping. Well, not really, but why screw up an good anti-union rant?

9/8/2011, 03:17 PM
Typical "union" behavior -- vandalism and kidnaping. Well, not really, but why screw up an good anti-union rant?I think it just points out the lengths the "union" will go to, to keep they're legal scam going on...

9/8/2011, 03:23 PM
I think it just points out the lengths the "union" will go to, to keep they're legal scam going on...

No doubt. I've said before that unions are a necessary evil. In this case evil; but in other times necessary.

9/8/2011, 03:25 PM
Desperate people do desperate things. I don't think this will be the worst we see during these harsh and unpredictable economic times.

9/8/2011, 03:28 PM
Enter 5-0 in 3...2...

Let me see if I can try to post like 5-0.

It wasn't actually the Longshoremen that did this. It was members of the TeaParty trying to make the fine upstanding Union members look like goons.

Trump/Pinocchio 2012

9/8/2011, 03:31 PM
Let me see if I can try to post like 5-0.

It wasn't actually the Longshoremen that did this. It was members of the TeaParty trying to make the fine upstanding Union members look like goons.

Trump/Pinocchio 2012


9/8/2011, 03:32 PM
No doubt. I've said before that unions are a necessary evil. In this case evil; but in other times necessary.

I agree with other times. Like the 1950s...

9/8/2011, 04:09 PM
I agree with other times. Like the 1950s... I was actually thinking of the 1920s & 1930s.

But really, how can you deny people the right to unite in a common interest for their for their common good? To do so is undemocratic (small d).

Like many things, the concept is excellent, but in practice it doesn't always work so well. Like when people try to ignore or countervail the persistent force of the market, which is sorta like a wave or a river: You have to know how to ride it and know when to be content with just keeping your head above water. Ideally, unions keep management from screwing the workers, and management keeps the unions from killing the biz. Ideally, I say. Where people are involved things sometimes need sorting.

9/8/2011, 08:16 PM
A labor union grievance turns violent? Get out!

9/8/2011, 08:27 PM
This story dovetails nicely with the Hoffa declaration of all-out war upon the diabolical, anti-American Tea Party.

I sure am glad the left called for everyone to tone down the political rhetoric following the Tucson shootings. I mean, where would we be without that?

9/9/2011, 08:07 AM
I was actually thinking of the 1920s & 1930s.

But really, how can you deny people the right to unite in a common interest for their for their common good? To do so is undemocratic (small d).

Like many things, the concept is excellent, but in practice it doesn't always work so well. Like when people try to ignore or countervail the persistent force of the market, which is sorta like a wave or a river: You have to know how to ride it and know when to be content with just keeping your head above water. Ideally, unions keep management from screwing the workers, and management keeps the unions from killing the biz. Ideally, I say. Where people are involved things sometimes need sorting.

Who is denying anyone the right to unite? The vast, vast majority of American workers have decided to not join a union. A union was needed when government enforcement of regulations was weak or nonexistent and the 20s and 30s are a good example. That isn't the case any longer. The government enforces everything from equal rights to minimum wage to job safety. Both strong unions and strong government regulations are not needed, only one is. I don't see the government going anywhere...

It explains why unions in the private sector only make up 8% of workers.

9/9/2011, 08:30 AM
Who is denying anyone the right to unite? The vast, vast majority of American workers have decided to not join a union. A union was needed when government enforcement of regulations was weak or nonexistent and the 20s and 30s are a good example. That isn't the case any longer. The government enforces everything from equal rights to minimum wage to job safety. Both strong unions and strong government regulations are not needed, only one is. I don't see the government going anywhere...

It explains why unions in the private sector only make up 8% of workers.

That was mostly a rhetorical question; I wasn't accusing anyone was "denying" such a right. In fact, it's against the law to do so. But some people seem to forget that there is such a right, and that there should be. I respect your answer, but most of the same people who condemn unions also condemn govt regulation. (If we'll only trust the rich, they'll lead us to the promised land!) Plus, the right to unite does not ebb and flow depending on the degree of govt regulation.

My own experience with unions (NALC & Teamsters) has been decidedly mixed. I appreciated the good pay and decent working conditions they negotiated, but I resented the harmful niggling BS they generated and their dangerous, short-sighted animosity toward the employer on which they ultimately depended. And that's not even taking into account the abject thuggery that gave rise to this thread.

jk the sooner fan
9/9/2011, 08:34 AM
Typical "union" behavior -- vandalism and kidnaping. Well, not really, but why screw up an good anti-union rant?

nobody used the words "typical union behavior" until you did! :)

9/9/2011, 08:38 AM
nobody used the words "typical union behavior" until you did! :)

Well, the thread title says "Stay classy, unions" so I reckoned I could infer a universal condemnation.

Besides, reasonable debates are boring! :)

9/9/2011, 09:32 AM
I would have typed "Stay classy, open shop workers" but I can't remember open shops doing this kind of stuff.

If you're honest with yourself you can't either.

I'm sure you can fire up the Google machine and pull up a few stories but the fact of the matter is this is typical bad behavior from a Union.

9/9/2011, 07:52 PM
Desperate people do desperate things. I don't think this will be the worst we see during these harsh and unpredictable economic times. Going through hard times is no excuse for terrorism.

9/10/2011, 08:41 AM
This is all Scott Walker's fault. If he hadn't have pissed off all those unions in Wisconsin, this never would have happened.

9/10/2011, 08:43 AM
And with respect to TU, I understand that it's not fair to paint ALL unions with a broad brush. Just like it's not fair to paint ALL Muslims with a broad brush.

But just as it doesn't surprise me when a Muslim is behind a terrorist attack color me unsurprised that a union resorted to these tactics.

9/10/2011, 09:50 AM
That was mostly a rhetorical question; I wasn't accusing anyone was "denying" such a right. In fact, it's against the law to do so. But some people seem to forget that there is such a right, and that there should be. I respect your answer, but most of the same people who condemn unions also condemn govt regulation. (If we'll only trust the rich, they'll lead us to the promised land!) Plus, the right to unite does not ebb and flow depending on the degree of govt regulation.

My own experience with unions (NALC & Teamsters) has been decidedly mixed. I appreciated the good pay and decent working conditions they negotiated, but I resented the harmful niggling BS they generated and their dangerous, short-sighted animosity toward the employer on which they ultimately depended. And that's not even taking into account the abject thuggery that gave rise to this thread.

I didn't see your response.. I hate when a post gets buried at the bottom of a page.

You are correct that the "right" does not ebb and flow, but I would argue that the need does.

Companies should be looking out for themselves. Unions should be looking out for the workers... Too many times, the unions are just looking out for the unions. At that point, they are no longer needed.

9/10/2011, 02:16 PM
Those longshoreman just ooze class.... "Typical"?

Most certainly NSFW for language.


9/10/2011, 03:18 PM
Clearly a Tea Party plant.

Trump/Frank Drebin 2012

9/10/2011, 03:45 PM
Clearly a Tea Party plant.

Trump/Frank Drebin 2012