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9/7/2011, 03:04 AM
Sound like a fan base we all know?


Classification of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) by DSM and ICD

As per DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic manual for mental disorders), NPD is a deep pattern of rhetoric behavior, lack of empathy towards others and want of admiration from others. This type of characteristic begins during early adulthood and is expressed in different situations. The below criteria indicate NPD and at least 5 of the below conditions should be met to indicate it.

1. The person has grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates his own skills and achievements to others. They expect to get recognized and appreciated for even their achievements and do not recognize the actual benefits of being superior to others.

2. They have fantasy expectations towards impossible things like ideal love or beauty, unlimited power, unlimited success etc.

3. Expects lot of admiration and praise from others for each and every small deeds.

4. Such individuals having NPD consider that they are very unique and extraordinary and understood only by certain people with they whom they work closer.

5. They try to exploit other human relations and try to take advantages of others for achieving their own goals.

6. They lack empathy towards others and are not wiling to understand or identify the needs and feelings of others.

7. They claim to have exaggerates expectations toward favorable treatments for them and want others to address their own expectations.

8. Are jealous over achievements of others and believes that others are also jealous over them.

9. Are Very arrogant and rude in their behavior and actions.

Hook 'em