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View Full Version : And the Wichita Wildlife Refuge Burns

9/5/2011, 07:14 PM
Sorry for the substandard pics...sun was in front of me and this is as close as I could get...




9/5/2011, 08:40 PM

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 08:43 PM
long long ago, i was an MP at Fort Sill and we had a fire out there - i was working traffic control - and all of the sudden deer, rabbits, etc started running across the road looking for safety

lots of stuff to burn out there

9/5/2011, 09:16 PM
As of Sunday 50 sq miles have burned...

9/5/2011, 09:32 PM
When I interviewed in Dallas in 1991 I remember when the Arbuckles were on fire, it was a pretty eerie site driving back at night with the sky glowing orange from about Thackerville.

We have them all around Austin as well, over 30,000 acres and 500 homes lost east of Bastrop. I know a few out there who have lost homes as well. There are also fires all around Lake Travis. 85Sooner is a few miles from one up there. It just REAL bad in this part of the country right now, luckily the wind has died down tonight.

Here is a satellite image from earlier today showing Southern Oklahoma and Texas, all of the "clouds" in our areas are smoke plumes. The big one going all the way to Corpus Christi is the Bastrop fires.

One from the Bastrop fire.
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/309262_10150785280665648_538505647_20720682_809890 1_n.jpg