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View Full Version : Tailgate Observations/Requests

9/5/2011, 08:55 AM
Well we have our first tailgate and game under our belts. We had a blast at the tailgate, and by the looks of it, so did about a hunnert or more others. Folks were helpful, generous in their purchasing of raffle tickets, and overall outstanding. We had a great set-up crew (as always, thanks Darrell, Angela, Emily, Dave, Doleo, and Jason). We had a bunch of folks help tear down and we very much appreciate the help with that as well.

We had a few people who took advantage of the beer situation by loading up on beers and then leaving without donating to the cause, but overall it was OK.

Now to the observations/requests:


Smokers. People, c'mon. My brother and I picked up no less than 150 cigarette butts on Sunday morning from the parking lot. At least 3/4 of them were Marlboro Lights. We also picked up at least 5-10 cigar butts. WTF is up with that? In general, most of the smokers were courteous and thoughtful of others, but throwing your nasty butts all over the concrete is downright rude. Somebody has to pick them up.

Beer drinkers. People, c'mon. We picked up at least 50 Bitburger, Corona, Dos Equis, Modelo, Pacifico, etc. bottle caps from the parking lot on Sunday. We have trash bags on dang near every post. You're never more than 10 feet or so from a trash recepticle. Please start using them. If we have to continue cleaning up your trash it's gonna be nothing but Schlitz and Natty Lite in cans for the duration. Also, Saturday night I personally dumped out at least 15 half-drank beer bottles/cans and had to throw them out myself. Also, the porta-turlet urinals are not receptacles for your empty beer bottles. Why would you do that?

Underage beer drinkers. People, c'mon. If you ain't 21, please don't try and get into the beer. Also, don't get your skivvies all bunched up when I ask you to not drink at our tailgates if you're not of age or if I ask for your ID. If you're legal, but your girlfriend isn't, please don't send her over to the ice chests to grab handfuls of Dos Equis.


Smokers. Starting at the next tailgate I am going to designate a smoking area. It will be determined by the wind direction that day. I will provide a butt can with water in it to put your butts into. Please help us out by respecting the rights of your fellow tailgaters who do not wish to breath your smoke or pick up your butts.

Beer drinkers. Starting at the next tailgate I am going to provide a trash bag directly under the bottle opener in the tree. Please use it.

I think that about covers it. See y'all in a couple weeks for Mizzou.

9/5/2011, 10:05 AM
Had a great time at my first Soonerfan tailgate. Thanks!

9/5/2011, 10:08 AM
Thanks for coming. It was nice to meet you.

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 11:49 AM
soooo glad i dont smoke anymore

havent given up the beer though - 100+ ....good crowd!

BHB 91
9/5/2011, 11:53 AM
Thanks Dean, I had a good time at my first tailgate. It is great to be living in Norman again.

9/5/2011, 12:11 PM
soooo glad i dont smoke anymore

havent given up the beer though - 100+ ....good crowd!

You coulda made it 101+.

I'm just hoping the Mizzou game is about 25 degrees cooler. It was a hot one. I bought a large industrial fan, and it helped a ton. Except when the smokers smoked right behind it so all the smoke was spread over the other folks. Heh.

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 12:47 PM
i was at home

not sure which game i'm coming up for - sorta hoping the Mizzou game

may swing by and say howdy

9/5/2011, 12:50 PM
That'd be right nice of you Jon. Should be a great tailgate and game. We're gonna be doing chicken (strips, wings, etc.) for this one, and fajitas for the Ball St. game. I'm just hoping for about 75 degrees, some high clouds, and a nice breeze...

9/5/2011, 01:57 PM
That'd be right nice of you Jon. Should be a great tailgate and game. We're gonna be doing chicken (strips, wings, etc.) for this one, and fajitas for the Ball St. game. I'm just hoping for about 75 degrees, some high clouds, and a nice breeze...

Ill bring some more of the Salsa mix . Not sure if any one got to try much Sat.

9/5/2011, 02:19 PM
I may have to bring wristbands and start IDing bishes. Nothin shuts a sweet tailgate
down faster than underage drinking.

9/5/2011, 02:22 PM
I had a great time at the tailgate.

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 03:34 PM
Vet's gonna be there? count me in!!!!!

9/5/2011, 03:52 PM
Vet's gonna be there? count me in!!!!!

Why? ya wanta Kiss me or Spy on the Hideout :tongue::smiley_simmons:

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 08:06 PM
kiss you? no

and your URL has never been entered in my browser......you guys have fun over there

9/5/2011, 08:26 PM
Where exactly is the tailgate location? I'm thinking about a game this season and may swing by just to see if you people really exist :)

9/5/2011, 08:27 PM
You sure seem worried about spies alot . :fat:

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 08:31 PM
You sure seem worried about spies alot . :fat:

you realize how hypocritical a statement this is right?

9/5/2011, 08:33 PM
No Splane to me please.

9/5/2011, 08:37 PM
Is this tailgate open to anyone

jk the sooner fan
9/5/2011, 08:42 PM
No Splane to me please.

its ok howard - this is a tailgate thread

you have a good time with all the peeps and enjoy the game!

9/5/2011, 09:21 PM
Is this tailgate open to anyone

Yes , As Dean said all thats aked is not to be underage drankin , dont make a mess and toss some bucks in the Tip jar

9/5/2011, 11:12 PM
Underage beer drinkers. People, c'mon. If you ain't 21, please don't try and get into the beer. Also, don't get your skivvies all bunched up when I ask you to not drink at our tailgates if you're not of age or if I ask for your ID. If you're legal, but your girlfriend isn't, please don't send her over to the ice chests to grab handfuls of Dos Equis.

thanks for the 2 beers looks like yall had a good time, im 24 i showed you my id and shes 22 if she was underage I would have got them, anyways have a great season boomer sooner

9/6/2011, 01:06 AM
Stopped by for a few minutes and had a great time, thanks!

9/6/2011, 08:11 AM
thanks for the 2 beers looks like yall had a good time, im 24 i showed you my id and shes 22 if she was underage I would have got them, anyways have a great season boomer sooner

If she's 22 then I'm 19. Instead of getting all huffy about it, how about have her bring her ID? I mean how can a pretty little thing like that expect to get served alcohol anywhere without ID? I may have fallen off a truck, but it wasn't last night. Seriously, I don't know a single place in Norman - or anywhere else that would serve her a drink without it. Your choice though.

9/6/2011, 09:01 AM
I just bought some nunchucks so I will more than likely stop by the next tailgate if I can learn to use them real good like.

9/6/2011, 09:15 AM
When you can play ping pong with them like Bruce Lee, then you will be ready grasshoppah...

9/6/2011, 09:19 AM
Never had these problems on Jenkins. Higher class of tailgater back in the day. http://www.huskermax.com/vbbs/images/smilies/wink.gif

9/6/2011, 09:21 AM
Never had these problems on Jenkins. Higher class of tailgater back in the day. ;)

About a hunnert less people...you should make it a point to stop by. The exercise to the North side will be good for you.

9/6/2011, 10:25 AM
I got to see DC for the first time in like 6 years. It was magical.

9/6/2011, 10:46 AM
I got to see DC for the first time in like 6 years. It was magical. It was so magical, I moved into your sweet beard. It was great to see so many of the "old timers"

9/6/2011, 11:02 AM
My tailgate observation was that the word 'pace' is not in DCSooner's vocabulary.

9/6/2011, 11:07 AM
My tailgate observation was that the word 'pace' is not in DCSooner's vocabulary. At least I didn't lose my car.

9/6/2011, 11:09 AM
Sorry about my youthful appearance, I'll glady supply my ID next time. Hopefully my $20 tip was sufficient for the 2 beers I consumed. I appreciate everyone's hospitality. Maybe next time I'll even try some of the awesome looking food!!

9/6/2011, 11:17 AM
She found it, but lost $200+ in the process.

9/6/2011, 11:18 AM
She found it, but lost $200+ in the process. I lost more of that in innocence.

9/6/2011, 11:26 AM
Won't be able to get by for the Missouri game but will make it a point to get by for the Ball State game. You going to help the Mrs. at the OU women's games this year since you are a man of leisure now.

9/6/2011, 12:46 PM
Sorry about my youthful appearance, I'll glady supply my ID next time. Hopefully my $20 tip was sufficient for the 2 beers I consumed. I appreciate everyone's hospitality. Maybe next time I'll even try some of the awesome looking food!!

How the hell did you miss the mass banning?

9/6/2011, 12:47 PM
Won't be able to get by for the Missouri game but will make it a point to get by for the Ball State game. You going to help the Mrs. at the OU women's games this year since you are a man of leisure now.

Oh nay on the women's games. She won't be working them anymore either. Our youngest finally graduated from high school so she passed the torch for the Lexington Football/Basketball booster prez on to some other poor, dumb schmuckette.

We're actually talking about buying season tix to the men's games though. Since I don't have to travel and she doesn't have to work them we might actually go watch Kruger's boys play. We'll probably make a few women's games too.

9/6/2011, 01:22 PM
How the hell did you miss the mass banning?

I'm the ying to your yang, I guess!

9/6/2011, 01:24 PM
I'm the ying to your yang, I guess!

Yeah, I guess. Oh yeah, you can tell Jammin' he ain't banned anymore if'n you see him around.

9/6/2011, 01:26 PM
Sorry I only dropped by to say hi and ask around for tickets, but we had some others with us and were pressed for time. :( I promise we'll make the next one and mooch off ya proper. ;)

9/6/2011, 01:29 PM
I'm the ying to your yang, I guess!That's "yin to your yang". "Yin"

9/6/2011, 01:33 PM
It's really more like the vaj to my ayjay.

9/6/2011, 02:21 PM
It was so magical, I moved into your sweet beard. It was great to see so many of the "old timers"

You were staring longingly at it.

9/6/2011, 02:31 PM
That's "yin to your yang". "Yin"

Can I at least get some credit for using "your" correctly, it's a rarity?

9/6/2011, 02:40 PM
You were staring longingly at it. I have lazy eyes.

The Profit
9/6/2011, 03:40 PM
I think I would like to make it to the next tailgate. Sounds like fun.

9/6/2011, 05:42 PM
To everybody that was there and met/hung out with me and Lady Skull, we thank you. Also, no butts or caps were harmed during our afternoon consumption. They all found a good home in the nearest receptacle. Now that I'm back up and running online, I'll be back around here a bit more often... not that that's news to get anybody overly excited. Except maybe Dean. And Bob Costas.



9/6/2011, 06:12 PM
I think I would like to make it to the next tailgate. Sounds like fun.

Do eeet. It's a good time. Let me know if you need parking.

9/6/2011, 06:13 PM
To everybody that was there and met/hung out with me and Lady Skull, we thank you. Also, no butts or caps were harmed during our afternoon consumption. They all found a good home in the nearest receptacle. Now that I'm back up and running online, I'll be back around here a bit more often... not that that's news to get anybody overly excited. Except maybe Dean. And Bob Costas.



Dude, where did you pick up the woman? You waaaaaaay outkicked your coverage brother.

9/6/2011, 06:15 PM
Dude, where did you pick up the woman? You waaaaaaay outkicked your coverage brother.

Heh, He was to skeered to introduce her to ME.:tongue:

9/6/2011, 06:27 PM
With all of the land burning around us and the focus on the fires here in Central Texas (and I am sure the same in Oklahoma with the fires up there) it amazes me that I saw three different people throwing butts out of cars on my commute today. You can still see where the medians and grass berms next to the road have been burned. Some smokers have absolutely no concern for others whether it is just littering or lack of concern about starting a fire.

9/6/2011, 10:02 PM
If she's 22 then I'm 19. Instead of getting all huffy about it, how about have her bring her ID? I mean how can a pretty little thing like that expect to get served alcohol anywhere without ID? I may have fallen off a truck, but it wasn't last night. Seriously, I don't know a single place in Norman - or anywhere else that would serve her a drink without it. Your choice though.

louis, the mont, and the booths selling beer sold to her and no place in norman ever ID's me at your booth was the only place i had to take it out haha im the one who told her not to bring her purse. you have a great setup have fun this year

9/7/2011, 09:18 AM
We will. Feel free to join us, only have her slip her driver's license in her pocket next time. We can't take chances letting underage folks drink. That's the way it is...

9/7/2011, 09:37 AM
My other observation was that this was my most enjoyable tailgate in recent memory.


9/7/2011, 09:45 AM
You forgot the pic of DC teabagging your durnk ***.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
9/7/2011, 03:16 PM
I may have to bring wristbands and start IDing bishes. Nothin shuts a sweet tailgate
down faster than underage drinking.And roofies.

9/7/2011, 03:39 PM
Somebody slipped DC a roofie cause that boy was going out...or it coulda been the half-gallon of vodka he drank.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/7/2011, 04:39 PM
I will be at the next one depending on the when and what of surgery..I will be dishing out spankings and poops

9/8/2011, 01:22 PM
I will be at the next one depending on the when and what of surgery..I will be dishing out spankings and poops

Don't forget to bring a boot...

9/8/2011, 09:24 PM
Don't forget to bring a boot...

What, you can't help a brother out and loan him yours? You're not using it anymore.

9/8/2011, 10:28 PM
What, you can't help a brother out and loan him yours? You're not using it anymore.

How else we gonna Know who he is???????

9/9/2011, 10:41 AM
What, you can't help a brother out and loan him yours? You're not using it anymore.

I thought for a while Satuday that you might need it... :smug:

9/9/2011, 10:53 AM
I thought for a while Satuday that you might need it... :smug:


9/9/2011, 11:58 AM
I thought for a while Satuday that you might need it... :smug:

Ummm....what happens at the tailgate, stays at the tailgate. :cower:

9/9/2011, 02:07 PM
Ummm....what happens at the tailgate, stays at the tailgate. :cower:

Agreed... I'm just glad I haven't run over Dean this year. Yet...

9/9/2011, 03:44 PM
Agreed... I'm just glad I haven't run over Dean this year. Yet...


OU Sooners
9/13/2011, 08:46 AM
Hey i'm new to the forum. I'm from Enid OK and will be attending the OU Missouri game on 9/24 which is also my birthday. I really would like to join you all for tailgaiting but i dont know where to go. This is my first time being at an OU game since 2003...

9/13/2011, 12:22 PM
Hey i'm new to the forum. I'm from Enid OK and will be attending the OU Missouri game on 9/24 which is also my birthday. I really would like to join you all for tailgaiting but i dont know where to go. This is my first time being at an OU game since 2003...

We're right on the corner of Jenkins and Boyd in the West parking lot of the Casa Blanca Building. It's the old spanish style building right in front of the Greek House. If you want to park at the tailgate, send me a PM. It's $20 to park there.

Info and map link below.

9/13/2011, 12:23 PM
Also, how the hell was "OU Sooners" available? You're lucky.

OU Sooners
9/13/2011, 01:28 PM
Man i was shocked that OU Sooners was available so i jumped at it!

Yeah i'm riding to Norman with a friend so i'll check with her about the parking. How does the contribution for beer/food thing work? I don't want to short change you or anything if i drink like five of your brews...

9/13/2011, 01:42 PM
Man i was shocked that OU Sooners was available so i jumped at it!

Yeah i'm riding to Norman with a friend so i'll check with her about the parking. How does the contribution for beer/food thing work? I don't want to short change you or anything if i drink like five of your brews...

Just show up and partake. There's a jar for contributions. Throw whatever you think is fair or whatever you can afford into the jar. There'll be plenty of food, beer, booze, soda, water, etc. and there's his/hers porta potties as well. It's only 2 blocks from the stadium, so it's a great place to park. Parking is tight though so you need to let me know asap if you'll need a spot.

OU Sooners
9/13/2011, 02:00 PM
Ok thanks so much. Since the game is at 7 what time are people usually done with tailgating and heading to their seats? I told her we need to get there early for the beer!!! Ha ha

By the way sorry for the dumb questions i just havent been in awhile...

9/14/2011, 07:34 AM
Just show up and partake. There's a jar for contributions. Throw whatever you think is fair or whatever you can afford into the jar. There'll be plenty of food, beer, booze, soda, water, etc. and there's his/hers porta potties as well. It's only 2 blocks from the stadium, so it's a great place to park. Parking is tight though so you need to let me know asap if you'll need a spot.

Well, there WAS a jar for contributions... :smug:

9/14/2011, 07:54 AM
I'll post tailgate details next week.

9/14/2011, 02:09 PM
Constanza-type question. I've been to the tailgate, and I always try to be generous with bills in the donation jar. Noone necessarily sees me. I don't wanna be known as a moocher, but I also don't wanna say - hey look what I did aren't I a nice guy?

And a big thanks to you all who put serious time and effort into a party for the rest of us.

9/14/2011, 02:16 PM
Constanza-type question. I've been to the tailgate, and I always try to be generous with bills in the donation jar. Noone necessarily sees me. I don't wanna be known as a moocher, but I also don't wanna say - hey look what I did aren't I a nice guy?

And a big thanks to you all who put serious time and effort into a party for the rest of us.

I yell "HOLY ****E" at the top of my lungs, and then drop some quarters in the jar.

9/14/2011, 02:53 PM
I yell "HOLY ****E" at the top of my lungs, and then drop some quarters in the jar.

I called you a two-bit whore so you throw quarters in the jar.

9/14/2011, 02:58 PM
We're lucky he didn't mistake it for the porta-potty.

9/14/2011, 03:01 PM
Well, there WAS a jar for contributions... :smug:

Thank BTK for that!

9/14/2011, 09:34 PM
Thank BTK for that!

Yah...I've been put in timeout.

9/15/2011, 09:44 AM
this was the first tailgate i saw so many people arrive early even with the HOT weather. I didnt find a seat until about 6pm. I hope it will be cooler next week. I was worn out by 9pm. But wont stop me from helping out again. :)

ill be there next saturday bright and early!