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9/1/2011, 06:53 AM
As expected, it appears the Big 12 has reached out to BYU. I think this would be a smart (and obvious) move by the Big 12.


9/1/2011, 07:48 AM
I think it's a horrible move as I want this steaming pile of a conference to die.

9/1/2011, 08:16 AM
if we cant get Notre Dame, the conference should die. end of story.

and I know that there's not a snowball's chance in hell of that happening

9/1/2011, 08:19 AM
the Big 12 is trying really hard to become the new C USA. This is not awesome!

9/1/2011, 08:30 AM
yup...the big 12 just sat there as pac10, big10 and sec took control and expanded (or are expanding)...

sucks because I don't want 4 super conf...but that is the way it is going and we just are reactionary...at least OU has a good name and product to sell...but still sucks.

9/1/2011, 08:42 AM
I found the reference to ND as "partners" and that they've spoken to them rather interesting.

I still don't think it'll happen (nor do I particularly want it to happen), but if we pulled in BYU and ND, and then possibly steal TCU back from the Big East, that's a path I think could actually save the XII. The best thing about that, were it to come to pass, would be the collective look on the B1G's faces. I almost think that alone would make it worth it.

9/1/2011, 08:50 AM
This is a move that BYU absolutely has to make... if you just look at their home football schedule this year, as some Salt Lake columnist pointed out:

Hosting Utah (but they likely will be going to Utah next year)
Hosting UCF
Hosting Utah State
Hosting San Jose State
Hosting Idaho State
Hosting Idaho
Hosting New Mexico State

All of their marquee matchups that you sell season tickets for? Away games, or neutral site games.

Even the lowest tier of Big 12 opponents would be more compelling, and at least a conference title would be on the line against those guys. What to Coug fans get by watching their team beat up New Mexico State at home? The same thing Boise fans got for years... yawwwwwwwwwwwwn.

9/1/2011, 09:58 AM
This is a move that BYU absolutely has to make... if you just look at their home football schedule this year, as some Salt Lake columnist pointed out:

Hosting Utah (but they likely will be going to Utah next year)
Hosting UCF
Hosting Utah State
Hosting San Jose State
Hosting Idaho State
Hosting Idaho
Hosting New Mexico State

All of their marquee matchups that you sell season tickets for? Away games, or neutral site games.

Even the lowest tier of Big 12 opponents would be more compelling, and at least a conference title would be on the line against those guys. What to Coug fans get by watching their team beat up New Mexico State at home? The same thing Boise fans got for years... yawwwwwwwwwwwwn.

Yeah, I don't see how BYU has much of a power play here. If they say no, the Big 12 will collapse and super conferences are coming for sure with BYU not having a place to land. Pac won't take them due to the religious angle and the rest of the probable supers conferences are sooooo far away that those conferences may not value what BYU has to offer enough to put up with BYU's travel and other 'issues'. They really have to say yes.

9/1/2011, 10:04 AM
To be associated with BYU just kind of makes me feel dirty.

Probably Pac 10 is the way to go, but that sucks, too.

9/1/2011, 10:07 AM
To be associated with BYU just kind of makes me feel dirty.


If it's the religious thing, we already have Baylor. If its a Mormon thing, they have really reformed during the last century and are no longer the plural marriage folks that were kicked out of every state except Utah. If it's a distance thing, Colorado was out west too. If its a Cougar thing, yes, we are all thinking the silly little jokes in our heads too.

Really... what is so bad about BYU?

9/1/2011, 10:08 AM
I'm ready: PAC-16 Clap, clap, clap, PAC-16 Clap, clap, clap, PAC-16 Clap, clap, clap, PAC!-16 Clap, clap, clap!


9/1/2011, 10:18 AM
Doesn't matter who the Big XII adds, OU is gone in the next 24 months.

9/1/2011, 10:18 AM

One day after Texas A&M notified the Big 12 of its intention to leave, there are rumors Oklahoma will do the same in the near future.

Austin-American Statesman columnist Kirk Bohls said in a recent column that he expects the Sooners to bolt for the new Pac-12, effectively ending any chance for the Big 12′s survival.

Bohls wrote in part: “Should Oklahoma act upon its earnest desires and seek an invitation to join the Pacific-12 Conference – something I’m fully expecting to happen within days, if not hours – that decision could well be the killing blow to the Big 12 while also providing Texas the political cover to follow suit and ask for admission as well.”

Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott then sent a statement to Bohls’ newspaper that didn’t confirm any of Oklahoma’s alleged desires but did not shoot them down, either. You can read that in the link below.

If the Big 12 is still standing, who is it targeting to replace the Aggies? Reportedly it’s looking at BYU, which now is independent after leaving the Mountain West Conference after last season.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported early Thursday that the Cougars have been in “discussions” with the Big 12 about joining the conference. The newspaper said it’s unclear if there has been an invitation to join from the Big 12.

But Bohls’ Big 12 doomsday scenario, according to his column, includes Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State leaving together to form a Pac-16 super-conference.

Yes, it could be Armageddon for much of the college football landscape. We are just going to sit back and witness the chaos because, well, it’s impossible to predict how it’s going to turn out.

[Austin-American Statesman]

[The Salt Lake Tribune]

The Maestro
9/1/2011, 10:29 AM
Man, they are talking it on local radio in Phoenix...and every station is saying, "WE WANT OKLAHOMA!" They are excited about the prospects. As am I to get the Sooners in AZ for one game a year!

The best scenario I heard involves sticking with states. Like adding Oklahoma and Oklahoma State as the state Board of Regents might require them to remain together. Same could be said for Kansas schools. If you get Oklahoma, you add a great football power. Add Kansas, you add a great basketball power. You take what OSU and KSU can give you. So that changes the Pac 12 to the Pac 16 and you split them up East and West.

East Division - KU, KSU, OU, OSU, CU, Utah, ASU, UofA
West Division - WU, WSU, Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford, Cal, USC, UCLA

I'm all for it. The Big 12 is a bitch league now. And I still hope we keep OU-Texas alive. We played them when we were in the Big 8...I don't want that tradition to go away and still a great recruiting tool (see Adrian Peterson) in the state of Texas.

9/1/2011, 02:11 PM
Nice thing about the Pac-12 now is that the CCG is played on the top seeds home field.

9/1/2011, 02:15 PM
screw byu this conference needs to die. Let's get to the pac 16 and get on with the "new" face of college football.

9/1/2011, 02:37 PM
yup...the big 12 just sat there as pac10, big10 and sec took control and expanded (or are expanding)...

sucks because I don't want 4 super conf...but that is the way it is going and we just are reactionary...at least OU has a good name and product to sell...but still sucks.

You can dream all you want but the Big 12 was not going to get any of the top or mid tier teams from the PAC 10, Big 10, or SEC....wasn't gonna happen...

Peach Fuzz
9/1/2011, 02:57 PM
Are we really talking about bringing the Kansas schools with us?? Dude, **** that noise.

9/1/2011, 03:01 PM
BYU doesn't play on Sunday so scheduling would be a nightmare for other sports. This article came out before the one about OU bolting. Yesterday BYU didn't seem to be on board with the Big 12 as they like the package they have according to their President.

We need to leave. UT stopped us from going the last time with their ESPN big deal for the LHN and this time we need to do what is best for OU and forget the Big 12.

9/1/2011, 03:02 PM
Saying on the west coast that the Conference Championship if we go to the PAC 12 will rotate between the Rose Bowl and Jerry's World. Love the Rose Bowl! Just driving up to the stadium is awesome.

9/1/2011, 03:06 PM
My lil' ol' head is spinning with all that's going on.

9/1/2011, 03:30 PM

If it's the religious thing, we already have Baylor. If its a Mormon thing, they have really reformed during the last century and are no longer the plural marriage folks that were kicked out of every state except Utah. If it's a distance thing, Colorado was out west too. If its a Cougar thing, yes, we are all thinking the silly little jokes in our heads too.

Really... what is so bad about BYU?

Inquiring minds would like to know what kind of dirt BYU has that makes you feel "dirty"

Landthief 1972
9/1/2011, 03:53 PM
Just what I want...a obligatory human interest story about the BYU top player's compulsory mission to [insert 3rd world country here] and how it changed them, every year we play them. Ugh. It would be like having a team full of Tebows in our league. No thanks.

Yes, I know The Oklahoman did piece on Landry and Broyles going on a mission, but hopefully, it won't be banter fodder to fill gaps at every game this season. That crap bores me to tears.

9/1/2011, 04:25 PM
Road games in Provo should be really fun! The night before the game we can sit around and drink lemonade (no cokes allowed) and play charades.

9/1/2011, 05:13 PM
East Division - KU, KSU, OU, OSU, CU, Utah, ASU, UofA
West Division - WU, WSU, Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford, Cal, USC, UCLA

That would not be fair. OU would dominate that division in football. I think it's better to add BYU and save the Big-12. We would only have to make one trip every other year out west. If we join the Pac - 32 we would be making 3-4 trips out there. That's a bigger deal than you might think. I would also worry about how a move to the Pac - 64 would affect recruiting in Texas.

It just seems like traveling north and south in the Big-12 is better than traveling east and west in the Pac-128, especially for the other sports programs.

9/1/2011, 05:25 PM
BYU is expected to decline the Big 12's offer (or negotiations are just going to break down over differences), so what then? I wish the Big 12 could have stayed together in its original form, but now that 3 of the biggest brands are gone, maybe this conference needs to be dissolved. OU will only hurt itself by staying in a conference that is starting to degenerate into another version of the Mountain West.

9/1/2011, 05:34 PM
How soon till they pick the top 64 football teams to be in four 16-team BCS conferences and just assign them region-based?

How do they determine the top 64? Premiere League style? :P

9/1/2011, 06:32 PM
Considering BYU just went independent, I guess I am surprised they would consider coming to the Big XII. Would the Bovine 9 take BYU for all sports except football?

9/1/2011, 06:38 PM
just went indy.....if B12 falls apart they can simply go back indy. They will likely only agree to football until the B12 looks more stable.

9/1/2011, 06:51 PM
You people are funny.

9/1/2011, 06:57 PM
How soon till they pick the top 64 football teams to be in four 16-team BCS conferences and just assign them region-based?

How do they determine the top 64? Premiere League style? :P

I don't think they can get it down to 64 teams...schools had to upgrade facilities to meet requirements...I would expect huge payouts or lawsuits to result if they trimmed to 64 teams...

9/1/2011, 07:15 PM
I think BYU went the "free agent" route this season to give them the ultimate flexibility for a quick move as conference realignment shakes out.

9/1/2011, 07:45 PM
That would not be fair. OU would dominate that division in football. I think it's better to add BYU and save the Big-12. We would only have to make one trip every other year out west. If we join the Pac - 32 we would be making 3-4 trips out there. That's a bigger deal than you might think. I would also worry about how a move to the Pac - 64 would affect recruiting in Texas.

It just seems like traveling north and south in the Big-12 is better than traveling east and west in the Pac-128, especially for the other sports programs.

A lot of AU and ASU fans would agree with you on this because they would get royally screwed from an expansion. However, this will effect recruiting texas just slightly but even then, it's still unpredictable. We assume that the the three biggest schools in the state of texas will each be in a different conference (ut being an independent). These recruits would have a LOT to think about on their mind. Would they want west coast or east coast? ut could pitch for both for that position.

The reason I say that ut would be an independent is because that is the likely scenario for them if this conference dies so I understand the desperate attempt to keep the conference together. Pac 12 won't take a longhorn network nor will the B1G, or SEC. My opinion, if they have any chance at all of joining a prestigious conference, they would have to break their contract with ESPN and face a massive lawsuit or go to a mediocre conference who doesn't mind the network.

9/1/2011, 07:54 PM
The reason I say that ut would be an independent is because that is the likely scenario for them if this conference dies so I understand the desperate attempt to keep the conference together. Pac 12 won't take a longhorn network nor will the B1G, or SEC. My opinion, if they have any chance at all of joining a prestigious conference, they would have to break their contract with ESPN and face a massive lawsuit or go to a mediocre conference who doesn't mind the network.
I don't think the LHN is a deal breaker for UT or the Pac. If UT goes to the Pac-16 then it gets morphed into a Pac-Regional network and saves face for everyone. Otherwise I think it becomes an abject failure and one or both parties eventually agree to a divorce.

As of today there are six minor carriers in Texas and Verizon FiOS which has limited distribution who have agreed to carry it with a game only two days away. Time Warner Cable, one of the largest providers in Texas and the city providers in Austin and San Antonio still haven't pickled it up as of yet.

Longhorn Network Cable Providers
Verizon FiOS
Consolidated Communications
En-Touch Systems
E-Tex Communications
Bay City Cablevision
Mid-Coast Cablevision
Texas Mid-Gulf Cablevision

9/1/2011, 08:00 PM
Don't know much about BYU. Stadium seats 64,000. Basketball games are always sold out in a 24,000 seat arena.

9/1/2011, 08:01 PM
ESPN will have to agree also. I don't remember the specific language, but the current contract says ESPN/LHN stays as is with any conference change and even seemed to be written with an independent UT as the goal.

9/1/2011, 08:05 PM
I don't think the LHN is a deal breaker for UT or the Pac. If UT goes to the Pac-16 then it gets morphed into a Pac-Regional network and saves face for everyone. Otherwise I think it becomes an abject failure and one or both parties eventually agree to a divorce.

As of today there are six minor carriers in Texas and Verizon FiOS which has limited distribution who have agreed to carry it with a game only two days away. Time Warner Cable, one of the largest providers in Texas and the city providers in Austin and San Antonio still haven't pickled it up as of yet.

Longhorn Network Cable Providers
Verizon FiOS
Consolidated Communications
En-Touch Systems
E-Tex Communications
Bay City Cablevision
Mid-Coast Cablevision
Texas Mid-Gulf Cablevision

This is where the problem is though. The Pac 12's conference network is provided by Fox and not ESPN. (Correct me if I'm wrong. I think it is Fox but I know it isn't ESPN). You could not simply just morph the network in because that is a huge conflict of interest between the two networks. UT is pretty much binded with ESPN (unless their are terms of the LHN contract that give both parties the options for a lenient divorce)

9/1/2011, 08:09 PM
Basketball games are always sold out in a 24,000 seat arena.

What can Jimmer do for (b-y-) YOU?

9/1/2011, 08:18 PM
This is where the problem is though. The Pac 12's conference network is provided by Fox and not ESPN. (Correct me if I'm wrong. I think it is Fox but I know it isn't ESPN). You could not simply just morph the network in because that is a huge conflict of interest between the two networks. UT is pretty much binded with ESPN (unless their are terms of the LHN contract that give both parties the options for a lenient divorce)
I couldn't remember if they had actually signed with anyone yet or not.

I bet there are out clauses out the wazoo for both UT and ESPN since it was such new territory, it would only make sense for both parties. Supposedly of the 300 million over the 20 year term of the contract only 25 million of that is guaranteed. I could see them negotiating that down if UT decides to head west and terminate the LHN. I do think that OU could trigger that move if they wanted to by making the move west which would more than likely have UT in that package with OSU and Tech.

I do think they are a bit shocked that so few have picked it up yet, they seem bumfuzzled by that fact. Of course wanting $0.40 per subscriber/month is the main reason why they are balking. From what I have heard TWC has offered to carry it at $0.08 subscriber/month. That is a very wide gap and TWC dropped Versus during their negotiations which included a UT game at the time. I don't think they are averse to telling anyone no.