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View Full Version : Loveland v. Gundy

The Maestro
8/31/2011, 03:38 PM
Heh. A friend just sent me the copy of the legal documents of the actual case. It is quite a good read. If someone explains to me how I can convert or get a copy of a pdf file on here I will post it. You're welcome for being an idiot who doesn't know how!

8/31/2011, 03:41 PM
Can't you just copy paste the interesting bits?

The Maestro
8/31/2011, 03:51 PM
I keep copying like a champion, but it doesn't seem to give me the option to paste...rocket sighentz is hard!

8/31/2011, 04:04 PM
Copying and pasting a PDF can be problematic.

Your best bet is to host the file someplace and paste a link here. Or email it to someone who knows how to do so.

8/31/2011, 04:30 PM
Phil posted the actual suit a few weeks back.

8/31/2011, 04:35 PM
Heres what Phil posted


The Maestro
8/31/2011, 04:44 PM
Ha! I am REALLY on top of things!

Breaking news! Schnelly fired!

8/31/2011, 04:51 PM
I hope that goes to court and ESPN is there asking Gundy exactly why is it OU should take care of OSU in Conference Re-alignment issues.

I'd like to hear that answer. We need something to put on the plaque we give them when we leave them on the side of the road.

8/31/2011, 04:55 PM
wow, very aggie and very childish

8/31/2011, 05:02 PM
Ha! I am REALLY on top of things!

Breaking news! Schnelly fired!


8/31/2011, 05:12 PM
Considering the epic "I'm a man" rant in his history, it certainly seems plausible. What an embarrassing excuse for a human being. You can't pull the carpenter aside quietly and tell him, "hey, after today, I'd prefer you not wear anything from that other school"? Guess not.

8/31/2011, 05:23 PM
Bob Stoops was asked if anyone ever showed up to work at his house with an OSU shirt on.

"Absolutely, because at the end of day the who are you going to get to cut the grass that doesn't have an OSU shirt? Some people say that's important but I don't think it matters. You give the guy a drink from your hose and go win a Big XII Championship. That's what we do at Oklahoma"

8/31/2011, 05:45 PM
Bob Stoops was asked if anyone ever showed up to work at his house with an OSU shirt on.

"Absolutely, because at the end of day the who are you going to get to cut the grass that doesn't have an OSU shirt? Some people say that's important but I don't think it matters. You give the guy a drink from your hose and go win a Big XII Championship. That's what we do at Oklahoma"

This can't be a real quote, but if it is I love Bob even more.

A Sooner in Texas
8/31/2011, 09:21 PM
Bob Stoops was asked if anyone ever showed up to work at his house with an OSU shirt on.

"Absolutely, because at the end of day the who are you going to get to cut the grass that doesn't have an OSU shirt? Some people say that's important but I don't think it matters. You give the guy a drink from your hose and go win a Big XII Championship. That's what we do at Oklahoma"

Hilarious! Sounds like it really could be something Bob would say.

8/31/2011, 09:27 PM
That's just Sooner Tuf speaking with Bob-isms. I had a good laugh.

8/31/2011, 09:43 PM
Im siding with Gundy. I honestly doubt Mike Gundy would act like that over a shirt. I think the plaintiff did something to set him off. Maybe he wrote and article about Bobby Reid. Mike is not 40 anymore.

9/1/2011, 01:13 AM
Bob Stoops was asked if anyone ever showed up to work at his house with an OSU shirt on.

"Absolutely, because at the end of day the who are you going to get to cut the grass that doesn't have an OSU shirt? Some people say that's important but I don't think it matters. You give the guy a drink from your hose and go win a Big XII Championship. That's what we do at Oklahoma"

People doubt the Bible to Tuf. I don't know why....but I believe in God and in Bob. I don't think he's the kind of guy that would tell a guy in an oSu shirt he couldn't drink out of the hose. That's just not like him. [hairGel]

9/1/2011, 01:19 AM
What an absolute tool

9/1/2011, 08:10 AM
Im siding with Gundy. I honestly doubt Mike Gundy would act like that over a shirt. I think the plaintiff did something to set him off. Maybe he wrote and article about Bobby Reid. Mike is not 40 anymore.

Gundy wouldn't overreact? Aren't you forgetting his tirade against Jenni when she was RIGHT about his starting QB?

9/1/2011, 08:51 AM
I'd like to see Maestro get all dolled up in his tucked-in OU polo shirt, then go knock on Gundy's door and ask him how to convert a pdf file.

Now *that* would be a tirade of epic proportions!

The Maestro
9/1/2011, 10:10 AM
I'd like to see Maestro get all dolled up in his tucked-in OU polo shirt, then go knock on Gundy's door and ask him how to convert a pdf file.

Now *that* would be a tirade of epic proportions!

I was waiting for Boones to back the bus up and run over me again...well played, Sir!