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View Full Version : Get rid of the extra point?

8/24/2011, 12:14 PM
That's what Bill Belichick suggests. I do agree it is pretty much a non play. I say move it back and set it on the left or right hash marks.


This is my favorite thing to come out of the conversation about the new kickoff rules. Bill Belichick used a kickoff question to move the conversation toward the extra point, and argued that it should be eliminated from the game, or at least greatly modified.

"Philosophically, plays that are non-plays shouldn't be in the game. I don't think it is good for the game. Extra points, when the odds are 99 percent range in extra points it is not a play. Let's move the ball back to the 15-20 yard line and not make it a tap in. Let them kick it. Same thing with the kickoff return, if you're just going to put the ball on the 20, put the ball on the 20."


Given my druthers, I'd eliminate it completely -- I don't think you'd see a lot of kicks missed from the 15 or 20, either. It saves time, it speeds the game along, and the guy in the end-zone seats with the John 3:16 sign doesn't get time to prepare for his close-up.

This is the MJD plan: Let's just make touchdowns worth seven, and if someone wants to risk a point either way, they'll have the option to trot the ball out to the 2-point conversion spot, and they'll get eight points for their touchdown if they convert, six if they don't. Hell, I say we move that back, too. I think the 6-yard-line sounds about right.

I'm with him on the kickoff, too. I'll talk more about this later, but Belichick is right. If what the NFL wants is more touchbacks, then why go halfway? Put the ball on the 20. Put it on the 25 or 30 if you want to. I'm not saying I'm anti-kickoff, I'm just saying that if the league just wants drives to start at the 20, there are ways to do that that are more efficient.

Hmm. This Belichick character. I think he might be a smart one.

8/24/2011, 12:20 PM
IMO, the extra point is pointless. If anything, it should be called the Extra-2 for 2 points being a run/pass play instead of kicking it.

Lott's Bandana
8/24/2011, 12:26 PM
They've pretty much eliminated the kickoff return.

Kickoffs in the NFL are nothing but a buffer between commercials.

8/24/2011, 01:12 PM
Kickoffs in the NFL are nothing but a buffer between commercials.

And there are way too many commercials.

8/24/2011, 08:01 PM
I mean in the PROs I see no problem with it, but not in College Football. Hell Jimmy "The Gut" Stevens has missed enough to make watching PATs interesting.

8/24/2011, 09:48 PM
Heh. I watched the Big 12 CG from last year yesterday and that gut does look funny given his small stature. He kinda looks pregnant with that tight jersey.

8/24/2011, 09:55 PM
They should get rid ofthe field goal extra point and make all extra points ran by te offense. Instead if having one or two point conversions just go with one point with the offense!

8/24/2011, 10:02 PM
Let's see, they want to get rid of the extra point kick, some want to get rid of kickoffs. What's next? Punts? Will they still be able to call it "football"?

8/25/2011, 12:28 AM
I mean in the PROs I see no problem with it, but not in College Football. Hell Jimmy "The Gut" Stevens has missed enough to make watching PATs interesting.

You might want to pick a different guy. He didn't miss one last year and holds several records at OU.


Curly Bill
8/25/2011, 12:34 AM
Just quit messin with the game already. Like I need another excuse to tune out the NFL.

8/25/2011, 01:02 AM
Hmm, remove kick offs altogether? What about onside kicks?

Curly Bill
8/25/2011, 03:17 AM
Hmm, remove kick offs altogether? What about onside kicks?

They'd just flip a coin to see who gets possession of the ball. :wink:

8/25/2011, 03:35 AM
Unless you are in Oregon...