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View Full Version : The day I can watch CFB on the net is the day I drop Dish

8/22/2011, 10:18 PM
Seriously. I just turned on my satellite receiver for the first time in a month and that was to make sure there was enough space to record football. Between Netflix, Amazon VOD, Hulu, iTunes, and TPB there is no reason to have Dish...aside from sports, of course, which is the reason we got it in the first place.

How many of you are in this position?

8/22/2011, 10:34 PM
i cut the cord sometime this Spring. i haven't figured out what i'm going to do about football yet...

8/22/2011, 10:53 PM
Breaking news and sports are the only thing stopping me from ditching cable entirely. I get all of my other TV online.

8/22/2011, 11:53 PM
meh, breaking news can suck it. the twitterverse and the web are all i've really used for that for years now, really

8/23/2011, 07:18 AM
I'll still keep it for the following reasons:

1. I live in a major metropolitan area and root for all the pro teams here...except maybe the Cowboys. I look at them with bemusement these days.

2. I have two kids that watch sprout, Nick, Disney, etc. I know, I know, I could probably watch many of these shows online.

In fact, I gave much though to cutting everything off and getting a Roku for every room in the house.

But in the end, I'm not quite ready to cut the cord.

8/23/2011, 07:25 AM
i cut the cord sometime this Spring. i haven't figured out what i'm going to do about football yet...

Same here. Cut the cord early this summer. May be spending alot of time at Buffalo Wild Wings this Fall, or dropping in uninvited to friends houses.

8/23/2011, 08:24 AM
I'm tempted to cut the cord before we have kids. I don't like the idea of having the tube there as a crutch. I know, I'm being stupid. But I'm not a parent yet so I can be stupid. :D

8/23/2011, 08:31 AM
I wish we could ESPN3 everything, because it streams on Xbox so we get it on our TV, and then you can also put it up online, but I think the cable companies have some dealio that says if you're not cable subscribers, you don't have access to ESPN3 or ESPN3.com.

8/23/2011, 08:36 AM
There are other places we can go. We just have to be willing to break the law a bit. ;)

8/23/2011, 08:43 AM
Cable has apparently gone up twice the rate of inflation since the mid 90s. I know part of that is its rise in popularity like college, but I think a lot of that is also company greed... making people buy 100 channels when they might just want ESPN (which interestingly charges $4 per subscriber to companies, a very high rate, but low compared to total cable costs)

Someday, it would be awesome to have some middle-man company where you can a la carte the channels you want at their market rate, plus a small monthly fee. That way, if you just want the free local channels and ESPN, you'd be paying $4 a month, plus like a $5 monthly fee. No more channels that you never watch, like CSPAN, MTV or TruTV. And tons cheaper rates.

8/23/2011, 08:56 AM
Yeah, the fact that I can stream Hulu and Netflix through the 360, that takes care of most programming I want to watch, but unfortunately, but yeah the live sports pretty much keeps me tied in....my 2 year contract with Dish is up in a month or two, and it's not that I've ever really been unhappy with their service or anything, but once I'm out from that contract I'm definitely going to explore other options.

8/23/2011, 09:18 AM
I'm tempted to cut the cord before we have kids. I don't like the idea of having the tube there as a crutch. I know, I'm being stupid. But I'm not a parent yet so I can be stupid. :D
Netflix, brother. It's a verb around my house. As in "shall we Netflix the kids*."

It does result in some odd recommendations, however: Land Before Time XIII right next to some violent Russian crime film.

*We don't have kids, I'm referring to the nephew and niece that we see at least twice a week.

8/23/2011, 09:33 AM
I haven't had cable in over 3 years. I found myself too many times just sitting around flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. Too much wasted time.

So now the only time my television is on is when I'm watching something. The games I can't get over the air I watch at a sports bar, or even listen to on the radio.

8/23/2011, 10:44 AM
We cut the cable this summer after their latest price hike. The only thing I miss are the sports. But considering that MLBtv is not terribly priced, and can be shown through the TV, I have a plan for next year at least. Not sure what I'm going to do about football, but considering that Wrong Way Bob isn't calling the games anymore, listening on the radio may do. Sure I'd love to watch a bunch of games in HD glory. But it's not worth the cash at this point. Maybe soon something will come up on the Roku that's worth it.

8/23/2011, 02:23 PM
espn is in the neighborhood of premium channels. If their group of channels run $4, then a cable would probably charge you atleast $8 just for it.

8/23/2011, 03:19 PM
Yeah, the fact that I can stream Hulu and Netflix through the 360, that takes care of most programming I want to watch, but unfortunately, but yeah the live sports pretty much keeps me tied in....my 2 year contract with Dish is up in a month or two, and it's not that I've ever really been unhappy with their service or anything, but once I'm out from that contract I'm definitely going to explore other options.

You should look into uverse. No contract and they are pretty cheap. Good customer service as well.

8/23/2011, 03:29 PM
I don't even know half of what you geeks are talking about. You're telling me you can get all the TV channels on a voodoo or hoodoo or some such **** on a computer? Or can you just get movies and crap like that?