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View Full Version : Obama: Low rating shows unhappiness with Congress

8/22/2011, 11:58 AM
VINEYARD HAVEN, Massachusetts (AP) — President Barack Obama says his low approval rating is a reflection of public unhappiness with Congress.


Here the picture of Obama as he said this on his vacation...


8/22/2011, 01:07 PM
He's only partly right. The public hates everybody in government, not just him.

8/22/2011, 01:35 PM
I'm surprised* that he's commenting on his approval rating. I don't know how the people that voted for him and like/liked him view it, but in my eyes it's textbook deflection and is indicative of his narcissism that he even takes time from his vacation to address it.

*I'm actually not.

8/22/2011, 01:54 PM
It's kind of a worthless question. "Hey, everyone hates you, any comment? I wouldn't mind seeing Obama flip out on someone before this is all over.

8/22/2011, 03:04 PM
You'd just trash him for not keeping his cool though.

And you'd be right to do so. :)

8/22/2011, 03:30 PM
If Obama turns all bitter and dividing like Jesse Jackson when he's ousted from office, either from term limits (after another term, yes), impeachment (if the economy keeps tanking he might get Gray Davis treatment) or voter ousting (which would be about January 2013 I guess), I don't think he'll be as much fun to listen to. :(

8/22/2011, 04:20 PM
I'm surprised he didn't say it was the Tea Party's fault.

Maybe that will be next week's spin.

8/23/2011, 10:27 AM
A new LOW for Barack---- http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2011/08/23/obama-hits-all-time-low-rasmussen-poll

Curly Bill
8/23/2011, 08:19 PM
I'm surprised he didn't blame Bush for his low approval ratings.

8/23/2011, 08:37 PM
I bet he moves out of the country after he loses the next one.....

8/23/2011, 08:58 PM
Repubs should just give CNN a boatload of money for this screenshot....

That is pure gold.


Curly Bill
8/23/2011, 09:44 PM
I bet he moves out of the country after he loses the next one.....

Maybe go back to his African homeland! :victorious:

8/24/2011, 06:14 AM
I'm surprised* that he's commenting on his approval rating. I don't know how the people that voted for him and like/liked him view it, but in my eyes it's textbook deflection and is indicative of his narcissism that he even takes time from his vacation to address it.

And if he didn't address it, a lot of folks would post pictures like this

and say that he was ignoring a bad situation. He's in a lose-lose situation, and right now, you really can't blame him for much, he's got a Congress that hasn't allowed him to push through his policies. There's no telling where we'd be if he had the ability to do that. Congress' do-nothing approach sure as hell hasn't worked though.

*I'm actually not.[/QUOTE]

8/24/2011, 06:58 AM
The Dems controlled Congress for Two years and passed Barack's agenda---Look at the results----If he still had a super majority in both Houses the Country would be in even a bigger mess

8/24/2011, 08:26 AM
The Dems controlled Congress for Two years and passed Barack's agenda---Look at the results----If he still had a super majority in both Houses the Country would be in even a bigger mess

Exactly. Some people don't seem to get that the Repubs sweeping into the house in one of the most dramatic shifts in the history of the House was a direct result of Obama doing and passing whatever he wanted.

I also wonder what policies Obama is trying to push through, but can't... I haven't heard much except raising taxes on the rich and corporate jet owners... That isn't going to fix the economy and he seems pretty much out of ideas after that...

8/24/2011, 08:39 AM
The Dems controlled Congress for Two years and passed Barack's agenda---Look at the results----If he still had a super majority in both Houses the Country would be in even a bigger mess

Well, no, don't pretend that the Democrat controlled Congress actually passed Obama's plans, 'cuz that's not what happened. Republicans and conservative Dems (read: Dems who received large donations from lobbyists) thwarted the President's agenda. He really never got a chance to implement anything that was totally his agenda.

And as far as healthcare reform goes, how can you possibly say it was a failure before it's even really been implemented? As far as what has been implemented, would you say that allowing kids to stay on their parents' healthcare plans through the age of 26 while they're still attending school has been some kind of failure?

8/24/2011, 08:42 AM
And if he didn't address it, a lot of folks would post pictures like this

and say that he was ignoring a bad situation. He's in a lose-lose situation, and right now, you really can't blame him for much, he's got a Congress that hasn't allowed him to push through his policies. There's no telling where we'd be if he had the ability to do that. Congress' do-nothing approach sure as hell hasn't worked though.

*I'm actually not.[/QUOTE]

I disagree...he made campaign promises that he has been unable to keep...he knew the cards he was dealt...he knew that we were in "The Greatest Recession Since the Depression"....no one to blame but himself....

8/24/2011, 08:46 AM
You are right Barack would have loved to have passed complete socialized medicine-----card check and cap and trade----- None of which would be good for the Country

8/24/2011, 09:16 AM
You are right Barack would have loved to have passed complete socialized medicine-----card check and cap and trade----- None of which would be good for the Country

Card check....shudder....

8/24/2011, 09:27 AM
Well, no, don't pretend that the Democrat controlled Congress actually passed Obama's plans, 'cuz that's not what happened. Republicans and conservative Dems (read: Dems who received large donations from lobbyists) thwarted the President's agenda. He really never got a chance to implement anything that was totally his agenda.

And as far as healthcare reform goes, how can you possibly say it was a failure before it's even really been implemented? As far as what has been implemented, would you say that allowing kids to stay on their parents' healthcare plans through the age of 26 while they're still attending school has been some kind of failure?

If Obama couldn't get his agenda through in 2 years when he had a super majority in the Senate and majority in the House like you say, then it just proves how poor of an executive he really is.... A president couldn't ask for more than he had.

8/24/2011, 10:28 AM
It's bordering on astonishing that grown men who can tie their own shoes and actually can drive a vehicle to work can honestly believe that if Obama somehow got all of his policies through congress, that somehow the economy would be improved compared to the present.

That's not too dissimilar from claiming if Howard Schnellenbergr was HC and AD that OU would have been a national power in 1995.

8/24/2011, 10:34 AM
You are right Barack would have loved to have passed complete socialized medicine-----card check and cap and trade----- None of which would be good for the Country

Card check and cap and trade would both be really bad for the economy. But his health care plan, if fully implemented, will be a game changer too. Employer sponsored health care will go the way of the defined benefit pension plan. Companies will terminate their health plans and pay the $2,000 per employee fine. Some will argue that employees won't tolerate that but all it will take is a couple of big companies throwing in the towel and we're headed for single payer, government sponsored health care.

8/24/2011, 12:10 PM
It's bordering on astonishing that grown men who can tie their own shoes and actually can drive a vehicle to work can honestly believe that if Obama somehow got all of his policies through congress, that somehow the economy would be improved compared to the present.

At least in the short term, it's even disputable that more federal spending = economic growth. As for the policies which have gone into effect, student loan reform looks promising. The crackdown on loans to for-profit universities seems like a good idea.

And in the final analysis, Presidents don't create jobs unless they increase spending. Republicans are hell bent on contracting government and are having some success. It's indisputable that contracting government kills jobs.

The economy isn't the President's fault, and what he can or can't do doesn't have a huge short term effect. Now, it goes without saying that we're in the morass we're in because Clinton and his Congress a few years ago, did away with Glass-Steagall. We're headed back that direction because of how watered down Dodd-Frank ended up being due to Congress.

8/24/2011, 11:11 PM
Anybody foolish enough to expect a real "jobs plan" when he return from vacation.
I'm thinkin' he's workin' on his short game!

8/25/2011, 08:16 AM
Looks like the hurricane is heading straight for Martha's Vineyard. For the country's sake, I'm hoping Obama doesn't have to end his vacation early...