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OU Adonis
8/18/2011, 09:15 PM
Best show.. eva....

8/18/2011, 09:18 PM
Damn. I missed it. Did they explain crop circles?

8/18/2011, 09:18 PM
Best show.. eva....

I, for one, welcome our ancient alien overlords and slave masters and patiently await for their return.

8/18/2011, 09:19 PM
no but apparently the blackfoot indians met the same aliens that joseph smith got the golden tablets from...

i wonder why the blackfoot indians aren't mormons.

8/18/2011, 09:35 PM


8/18/2011, 10:25 PM
This guy ^ cracks me up every time.

Peach Fuzz
8/18/2011, 11:08 PM
Actually a very interesting show. Does indeed make one wonder. For instance, the great pyramid had over 2 million 4ton limestone blocks. In the amount of time it took them to build it, one would have to be place every 2 seconds 24/7.

8/21/2011, 02:17 PM
Actually a very interesting show. Does indeed make one wonder. For instance, the great pyramid had over 2 million 4ton limestone blocks. In the amount of time it took them to build it, one would have to be place every 2 seconds 24/7.

That 2 million number might be a tad high, at least according to this article.


8/21/2011, 02:24 PM
Actually a very interesting show. Does indeed make one wonder. For instance, the great pyramid had over 2 million 4ton limestone blocks. In the amount of time it took them to build it, one would have to be place every 2 seconds 24/7.

but what's the arithmetic on aliens traveling a hundred light years to earth, of all places?

and have they found any alien artifacts, ever?

8/21/2011, 02:44 PM

Anal probes, people. Anal probes.

8/21/2011, 02:45 PM
I will use this thread as an opportunity to lobby for us to STOP sending out signals trying to attract intelligent aliens to come visit us.

Think about our own world's history. What has happened to the indigenous people every time a more advanced civilization has come into their society?

Peach Fuzz
8/21/2011, 03:07 PM
Thanks Michio Kaku. I agree with you though.

8/21/2011, 04:36 PM

I originally use to say that as a joke, but the more I thought about it, it was, "Hey, I'm making sense!"

8/21/2011, 04:53 PM
Why has the History Channel gotten so weird? It's nothing but aliens and Apocalypse 2012.

8/21/2011, 05:15 PM
And Pawn Stars and Ice Road Truckers and other nonsense. Show me the history. Save that other stuff for some crappy channel I don't watch.

8/21/2011, 05:31 PM
And Pawn Stars and Ice Road Truckers and other nonsense. Show me the history. Save that other stuff for some crappy channel I don't watch.

History International is better, but I don't get it. =(

9/2/2011, 04:09 PM
I like the show but they are stretching to come up with some of their theories. I don't think there's any doubt that there were some sort of "alien" help many centuries ago to create these amazing structures and statues that are still standing today. Some of these structures have 20-50 ton stones which have been carved completely flat and moved from many miles away. They are stacked in a way that you cannot fit a human hair in between them. Some of these huge stones are made of granite and other super hard materials that only machines with diamond tipped bits could cut. All of this done without anything but a small stone chisel.

It baffles my mind.

9/2/2011, 04:43 PM

Credible.Is this idiot from texass? Must be, he's is so full of $hit.

9/2/2011, 04:50 PM
Some of these huge stones are made of granite and other super hard materials that only machines with diamond tipped bits could cut.
Or plasmic anti-matter shifting rearrange-o beams of course!

9/2/2011, 05:07 PM
From Yahoo answers...
The words I would like to use to describe my feelings about this program would get me kicked off the internet. The program is a rating seeking hog that preys upon the stupidest instincts in the stupidest segment of the US population. These men are not scientists, but are carnival barkers, trying to get a gullible audience into their sideshow tents while dispensing crap as the truth. I am thoroughly disgusted that the History Channel would attempt to fob this program onto us along with the other idiotic UFO crap programs that seem to crowd its programming. What's the matter guys? Did the Sci Fi channel refuse to buy this garbage so you feel you must buy it? What's wrong with a program about history...I mean REAL history?!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to vent.

9/2/2011, 05:41 PM
You don't have to believe that crap to enjoy watching it and thinking about all the unexplainable things throughout history. Even if all of it is false, it's interesting pondering what possible techniques people from thousands of years ago could use that baffle even today's greatest minds not being able to use today's technology. I don't believe most of what is aired on Fox News either but I watch from time to time to get a different perspective, ideas, and think about what is being presented. It never hurts to think about things. Accepting them as truth is a whole other thing...

9/2/2011, 09:36 PM
Exactly. The thing is, no one can explain how these ancient monuments were even made and todays experts say that it would be next to impossible for them to do it with todays technology. Makes you wonder.

9/4/2011, 07:46 PM
I like the show but they are stretching to come up with some of their theories. I don't think there's any doubt that there were some sort of "alien" help many centuries ago to create these amazing structures and statues that are still standing today. Some of these structures have 20-50 ton stones which have been carved completely flat and moved from many miles away. They are stacked in a way that you cannot fit a human hair in between them. Some of these huge stones are made of granite and other super hard materials that only machines with diamond tipped bits could cut. All of this done without anything but a small stone chisel.

It baffles my mind.

One of the strangest posts I have ever read. You accuse the show of "stretching to come up with some of their theories" then in the next sentence "I don't think there's any doubt that there were some sort of "alien" help . . ." Oh really? Uh, I think there is all kinds of doubt about that. As for how they cut the stones, I have seen a program where they showed modern day Egyptian stone cutters using "primitive" tools to do just that, cut large blocks of granite. No, there were no pharoah-looking types standing on top of them wielding a bull whip on the slaves to pull them over a succession of logs so they would roll across the ground but the concept of cutting them was explained and there was not a single alien in sight.

9/4/2011, 08:32 PM
Regular people or so ****ing gullible it makes me wanna puke/****/cum/evacuate all bodily fluids simultaneously.

9/4/2011, 08:46 PM
Is this idiot from texass? Must be, he's is so full of $hit.Damn he looks like Dana Holgerson with more hair.

9/5/2011, 09:56 AM
LOL, exactly. The most plausible explanation is aliens came down, helped an ancient civilization build something, then took off never to be seen again (except they occassionally come down to make crop circles in a farmer's field).

9/5/2011, 09:58 AM
Erich Von Daniken

read his stuff

9/5/2011, 11:00 AM
Erich Von Daniken

read his stuff

When I was 10-years old, Erich Von D was a god to me.

Now that I can think a little more critically . . . not so much.

9/5/2011, 11:31 AM
Erich Von Daniken

read his stuff

There is some evidence a few aliens left on Wikipedia:

Several scientists, such as Carl Sagan and I. S. Shklovskii, have written about Däniken's paleocontact and extraterrestrial visitation claims. Although Sagan did not rule out the possibility of visitation, he insisted that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", which Däniken fails to provide.[7]

Däniken claimed that a non-rusting iron pillar in India was evidence of extraterrestrial influence.[8] Later, Däniken admitted in a Playboy interview that the pillar was rusty and man-made, and that as far as supporting his hypotheses goes "we can forget about this iron thing."[9]

Some also question von Däniken's credibility, as he has also knowingly put forward fraudulent evidence to advance his hypotheses, such as photographs of pottery "depicting UFOs", supposedly from an archaeological dig dating back to the biblical era. The PBS television series Nova determined that this was a fraud, and even located the potter who made them. When confronted with this evidence, von Däniken argued that the deception was justified because some people would only believe his ideas if they saw actual proof.[10]

In The Gold of the Gods von Däniken claimed to have been guided through artificial tunnels in a cave under Ecuador, Cueva de los Tayos, containing gold, strange statues and a library with metal tablets, which he wrote was evidence of ancient space visitors. The man who he claimed showed him these tunnels, Juan Moricz, told Der Spiegel that all of von Däniken's descriptions came from a long conversation and that the photos in the book had been "fiddled". Von Däniken eventually told Playboy that although he had seen the library and other places he had described, he had also fabricated some of the events to add interest to his book.[11]

Ronald Story published The Space Gods Revealed in 1976, providing an almost page-by-page refutation of the hypotheses and evidence in Däniken's Chariots of the Gods?.

A 2004 article in Skeptic Magazine[14] states that Däniken plagiarized many of the book's concepts from The Morning of the Magicians, that this book in turn was heavily influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, and that the core of the ancient astronaut theory originates in H. P. Lovecraft's short stories "The Call of Cthulhu" written in 1926, and "At the Mountains of Madness" written in 1931.

9/5/2011, 11:32 AM
They even managed to ruin "The Universe" by explaining how painful a death I will be experiencing 7 billion years from now (if I don't encounter a black hole first).

9/5/2011, 12:39 PM

9/5/2011, 02:22 PM

9/5/2011, 05:55 PM

That's what an alien looks like, an effing red X?

9/5/2011, 08:58 PM
That's what an alien looks like, an effing red X?

That's what an X looks like on Mars.

9/6/2011, 10:31 AM
Aliens took my source pic, replaced it with a red X.

Mississippi Sooner
9/6/2011, 10:41 AM


That guy has actually gotten more whacked out looking as the show has gone on. It reminds me of the slow transformation that Lloyd Bridges made as he switched to harder and harder drugs in the original Airplane movie.