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8/15/2011, 08:49 AM
This ******* is finished


New data posted Sunday shows that 39% of Americans approve of Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove. Both are the worst numbers of his presidency.

8/15/2011, 08:55 AM
If he gets re-elected will you move to Cuba?

Position Limit
8/15/2011, 09:01 AM
If he gets re-elected will you move to Cuba?

only if he can continue his passion as a fry-cook.

8/15/2011, 09:17 AM
The fact that the LA Times says it means there's no Fox News spin to be argued with here.

People are unemployed, dealing with having less than their parents and grandparents, while the parents and grandparents are dealing with not being able to give their kids and grandkids more. In other words, life sucks for many and the blame goes straight to the top elected official.

"President Perry." Get used to saying it, because that's the direction we're headed in, whether his aggie arse goes to the sec or not.

8/15/2011, 09:24 AM

8/15/2011, 09:30 AM
The fact that the LA Times says it means there's no Fox News spin to be argued with here.

People are unemployed, dealing with having less than their parents and grandparents, while the parents and grandparents are dealing with not being able to give their kids and grandkids more. In other words, life sucks for many and the blame goes straight to the top elected official.

"President Perry." Get used to saying it, because that's the direction we're headed in, whether his aggie arse goes to the sec or not. :D

8/15/2011, 09:36 AM
remember that Gallup calls people and the majority of Obama supporters cannot afford phones.

8/15/2011, 09:37 AM
Wow, I didn't know that SoonerNate hated Obama. There is no evidence of that anywhere on this board.

8/15/2011, 09:44 AM
remember that Gallup calls people and the majority of Obama supporters cannot afford phones.
But it evens out, because the republicans all have people to screen their calls for them.

8/15/2011, 09:47 AM
Wheres this recession and high unemployment numbers. In OKC on Saturday and you couldn't find a place to park anywhere. Eating places, malls, outlet mall, people driving cars with paper tags.
While in California disney was busier than I have ever witnessed. You couldn't hardly move. Vegas, same way.
If everyone is unemployed and times are so tough why is everyone still spending money cuz they certainly are.

8/15/2011, 09:49 AM
I can't wait until Rick Perry is President so we can secede from the Union!

8/15/2011, 09:50 AM
I wonder if Perry is going to hold Midnight Yell practices with Congress and get them to squeeze their nuts for our boys overseas.

8/15/2011, 09:53 AM

8/15/2011, 09:59 AM
As much of a disappointment as Obama has been, I can't bring myself to vote for Perry, Romney, or Bachmann.

8/15/2011, 10:06 AM
btw, I'm not saying that I support Rick Perry for president. I have found it very intriguing over the past few years that texags has continually ragged on him despite his status as an Aggie alum and former yell leader and corps member and I think even an Air Force vet. All of those things would usually be very pro-Aggie. They hate him for some reason.

8/15/2011, 10:26 AM
Maybe it's because he's a whore?

8/15/2011, 10:26 AM
As much of a disappointment as Obama has been, I can't bring myself to vote for Perry, Romney, or Bachmann.

I sure as **** can!

8/15/2011, 10:30 AM
The good news is if Perry gets elected he can just pray all of our problems away, just like Fallin prayed the drought away.

8/15/2011, 10:35 AM
The good news is if Perry gets elected he can just pray all of our problems away, just like Fallin prayed the drought away.

For some of our problems praying (A.K.A Doing nothing) is the correct answer. Even if praying has only a 15% success rate it is better than Obama is doing.

8/15/2011, 10:37 AM
For some of our problems praying (A.K.A Doing nothing) is the correct answer. Even if praying has only a 15% success rate it is better than Obama is doing.

As I eloquently said after Texas lost to Kansas State last football season:

8/15/2011, 10:38 AM
I sure as **** can!

Then I hope you're prepared for more of the same ****. The mainstream GOP candidates are not the answer to our problems, unless you hate gays and Muslims.

8/15/2011, 11:06 AM
As much of a disappointment as Obama has been, I can't bring myself to vote for Perry, Romney, or Bachmann.

That right there has been the GOPs problem for a long time. Until Dubya came around they have continued to have half the Senators and Governors in America try to run every 4 years instead of really get someone that all of America can relate to.

They have to find a Reagan again that can really get to people. I see nobody in the GOP but Huntsman who is really qualified and most Republicans unfortunately see him as a weak Candidate.

The guy has a great Foreign Policy and understands our problems. I think he'd make a good President and could probably take Obama on in a debate of the issues. Unfortunately I don't think We have a Congress ready to really take their lumps for the ****ty job they have done and that unless they get one of their own, they will continue to treat Presidents like they have Obama. The Power they now have is not good for our Country. We have had a problem with juggling the power between each of our 3 Branches of Govt for awhile IMO and now when we really need to pull it together we have out-smarted ourselves by allowing Corporations to use other Countries as Tax Havens. You will now find that people we think are American and Patroitic to the bone are now really willing to live abroad to avoid any legislation that would have them paying more tax in the US than somewhere else. Indeed Money has become King and many of us have Ourselves spilled blood to keep America Great while others have Moved to Europe and Asia to live free of the burdens of America's Tax Laws that require an MIT Professor to sort through.

Nate is funny.

8/15/2011, 11:13 AM
Then I hope you're prepared for more of the same ****. The mainstream GOP candidates are not the answer to our problems, unless you hate gays and Muslims.

So you are going to vote for Obama for more of the same ****, but are warning others not to vote for a GOP candidate because they will just be getting more of the same ****. Got it.

8/15/2011, 11:20 AM
Evil you know than the evil you don't, etc...

8/15/2011, 11:22 AM
They have to find a Reagan again that can really get to people. I see nobody in the GOP but Huntsman who is really qualified and most Republicans unfortunately see him as a weak Candidate.
Oh please. Liberals were saying the same crap about Reagan that they say about Perry and Bachmann.

Perry is the likely nominee at this point, and the likely winner due to Obumbles disastrous term in office. Independents fled the Downgrader and his extremist views long ago, and now it's democrats starting to turn on him.

8/15/2011, 11:23 AM
So you are going to vote for Obama for more of the same ****, but are warning others not to vote for a GOP candidate because they will just be getting more of the same ****. Got it.

No, I'm not going to vote at all, unless Paul gets the nod (not likely). Voting just to vote is counter-productive. It just encourages people to keep putting morons in office. Both parties need to be blown up and started over and separate themselves somehow, because they're both full of neo-cons who are doing nothing to improve this country.

8/15/2011, 11:25 AM
Ron Paul? lol

I never knew just how much of absolute ****ing idiot Paul was until that debate last week.

8/15/2011, 11:28 AM
No, I'm not going to vote at all, unless Paul gets the nod (not likely). Voting just to vote is counter-productive. It just encourages people to keep putting morons in office. Both parties need to be blown up and started over and separate themselves somehow, because they're both full of neo-cons who are doing nothing to improve this country.

Both parties are full of neo-cons? LOL Wut?

8/15/2011, 11:28 AM
They're all idiots. That's politics. At least Paul is honest and is willing to do something different, and he's closer to being a true conservative than any other GOP nominee. But sure, let's put someone up there who is going to do the same **** that got us in this mess in the first place.

8/15/2011, 11:38 AM
They're all idiots. That's politics. At least Paul is honest and is willing to do something different, and he's closer to being a true conservative than any other GOP nominee. But sure, let's put someone up there who is going to do the same **** that got us in this mess in the first place.

i agree with this...
if rp is still in the race up to the ok primary...i'll vote for him..
if he doesn't get the nomination....i'll likely not vote in the general election...
i think the last time i voted in the general election...was for another rp....ross perot..

8/15/2011, 11:39 AM
Then I hope you're prepared for more of the same ****. The mainstream GOP candidates are not the answer to our problems, unless you hate gays and Muslims.


8/15/2011, 12:34 PM

8/15/2011, 12:36 PM
No president since Harry Truman has been reelected with approval ratings this low, this late into his first term.


8/15/2011, 12:49 PM
To bad Nate did not post the lastest poll that shows Tea Party support falling in the latest Gallop Poll. Nor did he show thst among likely voters Dems have the edge in Congress.

The Tea Party is going to kill the Republican Party and people are beginning to see the are a fringe political movement.

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 12:57 PM
I guess if we go by poll numbers then every last person in Congress gets thrown out.

Their disapproval rating is much worse than the Prez.


Trump/ Whizzer 2012

8/15/2011, 12:58 PM
To bad Nate did not post the lastest poll that shows Tea Party support falling in the latest Gallop Poll. Nor did he show thst among likely voters Dems have the edge in Congress.

The Tea Party is going to kill the Republican Party and people are beginning to see the are a fringe political movement.

the tea party candidates were elected to change the way congress operates...ie overspending...
there is NO reason their support should be falling at all...
they have done/attempted to do what they were elected to do...cut spending...

are their poll numbers falling because people that didn't support them in the first place are "abandoning" them?

8/15/2011, 12:59 PM
I guess if we go by poll numbers then every last person in Congress gets thrown out.

Their disapproval rating is much worse than the Prez.


Trump/ Whizzer 2012

not every registered voter in the US gets to vote for every Congressional seat. Everyone gets to vote for the President. A subtle yet defining difference.

8/15/2011, 12:59 PM
I guess if we go by poll numbers then every last person in Congress gets thrown out.

Their disapproval rating is much worse than the Prez.


Trump/ Whizzer 2012

that would be a great concept...
yet we know the smart voters who disapprove will re-elect most of them...
i think the problem is....people disapprove of congress as a whole....but they still love their own senators/reps..

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 01:02 PM
not every registered voter in the US gets to vote for every Congressional seat. Everyone gets to vote for the President. A subtle yet defining difference.

True dat.

OK, all of the House gets tossed and 1/3 of the Senate.


Trump/ Jessie 2012

8/15/2011, 01:04 PM
"President Perry." Get used to saying it, because that's the direction we're headed in, whether his aggie arse goes to the sec or not.

He did sound Reagan-esque in his speech on Friday...

8/15/2011, 01:05 PM
As much of a disappointment as Obama has been, I can't bring myself to vote for Perry, Romney, or Bachmann.

Who could you vote for? More misery, possible salary confiscations and increase in BIG gubment, or someone else?

8/15/2011, 01:06 PM
The good news is if Perry gets elected he can just pray all of our problems away, just like Fallin prayed the drought away.
I like praying for rain, is there something wrong with that?

8/15/2011, 01:07 PM
Oh great day, The Loons of both sides are out in full force and we aint even got started yet.:rolleyes:

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 01:07 PM
Who could you vote for? More misery, possible salary confiscations and increase in BIG gubment, or someone else?

Don't forget that everyone gets their guns taken away and all churches get torn down.


Trump/ Petey 2012

8/15/2011, 01:08 PM
Who could you vote for? More misery, possible salary confiscations and increase in BIG gubment, or someone else?

Well, Oklahoma doesn't allow write-ins, so no one.

8/15/2011, 01:10 PM
Don't forget that everyone gets their guns taken away and all churches get torn down.

Don't know about the churches, but if O'bummer and his AG have their way, they'll be knocking on doors to confiscate our weapons...

8/15/2011, 01:15 PM
Don't know about the churches, but if O'bummer and his AG have their way, they'll be knocking on doors to confiscate our weapons...

I've been hiding them for 20-30 years. The Dems were coming for them back in the 1980s. Lol

8/15/2011, 01:56 PM
This ******* is finished

http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-approval-20110814,0,2481281.storyYou're smoking CRACK if you think anybody's going to beat Obama in this election.

8/15/2011, 02:09 PM
Oh please. Liberals were saying the same crap about Reagan that they say about Perry and Bachmann.

Perry is the likely nominee at this point, and the likely winner due to Obumbles disastrous term in office. Independents fled the Downgrader and his extremist views long ago, and now it's democrats starting to turn on him.

So what? If you think Perry is gonna be any better for this Country than Obama or Bush you have damaged your frontal lobe.

8/15/2011, 02:11 PM
You're smoking CRACK if you think anybody's going to beat Obama in this election.

Inside his fallout shelter. What's good is his tin foil hat gives him the endless supply of foil he needs to really get the rocks fired up.

8/15/2011, 02:12 PM

8/15/2011, 02:16 PM
I sure as **** can!

And there's a good reason for that.

The only Republican candidate that I would vote for in the General against Obama is Ron Paul. Short of that, I'm voting Libertarian like I did in '08.

Are they making, "Don't Blame Me; I voted for Bob Barr" bumperstickers yet?

8/15/2011, 02:17 PM
I just keep laughing that ANYONE thinks ANY of these candidates stand a chance. Period.

Now...if a TRUE Republican...a MODERATE who believed in science and facts and reading and stuff would run...and say "**** off" to the Tea Bagger base...now THAT guy would stand a chance.

As it is? The moderates are all gonna vote Dem...again.

8/15/2011, 02:20 PM
I just keep laughing that ANYONE thinks ANY of these candidates stand a chance. Period.

Now...if a TRUE Republican...a MODERATE who believed in science and facts and reading and stuff would run...and say "**** off" to the Tea Bagger base...now THAT guy would stand a chance.

As it is? The moderates are all gonna vote Dem...again.

Doesn't that pretty much describe what Romney is trying to be?

8/15/2011, 02:25 PM
I just keep laughing that ANYONE thinks ANY of these candidates stand a chance. Period.

Now...if a TRUE Republican...a MODERATE who believed in science and facts and reading and stuff would run...and say "**** off" to the Tea Bagger base...now THAT guy would stand a chance.

As it is? The moderates are all gonna vote Dem...again.

your west coast liberal bias has infested your brain...
"moderates" don't matter...
people don't gas about "science" when they can't pay their mortgage and don't have a job...
bho is a one termer....start getting used to that idea...

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 02:32 PM

Ya know, a lot of people were calling Obammer The Messiah but I really think this guy believes it.

I laugh at anyone who falls for this piece of work. This guy needs his own theme song.


Trump/ Slim 2012

8/15/2011, 02:37 PM
Ya know, a lot of people were calling Obammer The Messiah but I really think this guy believes it.

I laugh at anyone who falls for this piece of work. This guy needs his own theme song.


Trump/ Slim 2012

The irony.... an Obama voter laughing at others for "falling for" some other candidate's BS.

8/15/2011, 02:40 PM
And there's a good reason for that.

The only Republican candidate that I would vote for in the General against Obama is Ron Paul. Short of that, I'm voting Libertarian like I did in '08.

Are they making, "Don't Blame Me; I voted for Bob Barr" bumperstickers yet?

So were you by any chance the guy who blocked the exit on a Team Fortess 2 server a few years back and refused to let any players exit until they all pledged to vote for Ron Paul? :D

I kid you not, that actually happened. And it was hilarious. Especially as everyone one by one pledged to vote for Ron Paul just to play the game :P

8/15/2011, 02:40 PM
I think it's wayyyy too soon to be dropping absolutes about who will win but I think this election will make the Obama vs. McCain race seem lilly white.

8/15/2011, 02:51 PM
Approval ratings are meaningless. What matters is whether a voter chooses Obama or the other guy.

8/15/2011, 03:01 PM
There isn't a single person in the race, on either side, that knows what the hell they're going to do about the state of spending in the government besides Ron Paul.

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 03:14 PM
The irony.... an Obama voter laughing at others for "falling for" some other candidate's BS.

I didn't 'fall for' Obama. Between him and McCain it was a no-brainer. Sarah Palin one heart attack away from the White House? America had to be protected.

There's no irony. The Repubs called Obama the Messiah, not the Dems.


Trump/ Roxy 2012

8/15/2011, 03:34 PM
Ron Paul until he falls out. then the vote will against obama rather then for anyone else.

8/15/2011, 03:37 PM
I didn't 'fall for' Obama. Between him and McCain it was a no-brainer. Sarah Palin one heart attack away from the White House? America had to be protected.

There's no irony. The Repubs called Obama the Messiah, not the Dems.


Trump/ Roxy 2012

Sorry, you forfeited your privilege to criticize someone else's vote when you voted for Obama.

8/15/2011, 04:19 PM
I didn't 'fall for' Obama. Between him and McCain it was a no-brainer. Sarah Palin one heart attack away from the White House? America had to be protected.

There's no irony. The Repubs called Obama the Messiah, not the Dems.


Trump/ Roxy 2012

Farrakhan was preaching Messiah...shocking, huh...


hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 04:31 PM
Sorry, you forfeited your privilege to criticize someone else's vote when you voted for Obama.

Most people voted for Obama. Get real.


Trump/ Jeckle 2-12

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 04:36 PM
Farrakhan was preaching Messiah...shocking, huh...


I guess 'implying' someone is a Black Messiah is the same as flat out calling him one as the Repubs have done.

Kinda like The Stormtrooper is claiming credit for all the job growth in Texas.


Trump/ Whooser 2012

8/15/2011, 04:38 PM
Most people voted for Obama. Get real.


Trump/ Jeckle 2-12

And most people look like complete asses for doing so. You share the blame with them for voting for the worst president in US history. You have to live with it, not me.

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 04:46 PM
And most people look like complete asses for doing so. You share the blame with them for voting for the worst president in US history. You have to live with it, not me.

I'm coping quite well, thank you.

Damn, your smack is weak. A parrot could do better. You should go to Remedial Smack School.


Trump/ Larry 2012

8/15/2011, 05:11 PM
the tea party candidates were elected to change the way congress operates...ie overspending...
there is NO reason their support should be falling at all...
they have done/attempted to do what they were elected to do...cut spending...

are their poll numbers falling because people that didn't support them in the first place are "abandoning" them?


The Tea Party is a side show and they have been given way to much press. Once the Democrats and Republicans learn that they can tell them to sit in the corner and shut the F *** up they will be gone.

And honestly I think there is some racist in the movement and once Obama is done they will lose interest.

8/15/2011, 05:11 PM
If he gets re-elected will you move to Cuba?

I don't have to worry about that. LOL

8/15/2011, 05:22 PM
I just keep laughing that ANYONE thinks ANY of these candidates stand a chance. Period.

Now...if a TRUE Republican...a MODERATE who believed in science and facts and reading and stuff would run...and say "**** off" to the Tea Bagger base...now THAT guy would stand a chance.

As it is? The moderates are all gonna vote Dem...again.

The presidential election will be about the economy. That will pit Perry's strengths against Obama's terrible, terrible weakness.

That other stuff won't matter...

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 05:31 PM
The presidential election will be about the economy. That will pit Perry's strengths against Obama's terrible, terrible weakness.

That other stuff won't matter...

I'd love to read all about Perry's economic strengths.

Please enlighten us.


Trump/ Friedman 2012

8/15/2011, 05:50 PM
I'd love to read all about Perry's economic strengths.

Please enlighten us.


Trump/ Friedman 2012


My kids are grown, and I'm not much into spoon feeding anymore..

But here are two bites that will turn your face into a sour grimace and then start spitting and sputtering...

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 (http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/on-numbers/scott-thomas/2011/05/texas-adds-732800-jobs-in-10-years.html)

That title just sorta speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Texas bucks national unemployment trend (http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2011-07-25-texas-a-magnet-for-jobs_n.htm)

From June 2009 to June 2011 the state added 262,000 jobs, or half the USA's 524,000 payroll gains, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even by a more conservative estimate that omits states with net job losses, Texas' advances make up 30% of the 1 million additions in the 34 states with net growth.

During the past two years, professional and business services added 74,000 jobs; education and health care gained 91,000; and leisure and hospitality grew by 29,000, according to BLS.

8/15/2011, 05:51 PM

The Tea Party is a side show and they have been given way to much press. Once the Democrats and Republicans learn that they can tell them to sit in the corner and shut the F *** up they will be gone.

And honestly I think there is some racist in the movement and once Obama is done they will lose interest.

a side show? hardly...
the dems/repubs have already learned they they CANNOT tell the tea party to sit in the corner and shut up...

believe what you want...
there is finally an organized block of people sick of the same old crap in washington...that is big enuf to wield significant power..

hawaii 5-0
8/15/2011, 06:05 PM

My kids are grown, and I'm not much into spoon feeding anymore..

But here are two bites that will turn your face into a sour grimace and then start spitting and sputtering...

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 (http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/on-numbers/scott-thomas/2011/05/texas-adds-732800-jobs-in-10-years.html)

That title just sorta speaks for itself, doesn't it?

The titles ONLY speak for themselves. The first one doesn't attribute Texas' economic boom to Perry and the second one actually discredits Perry's involvement.

You really oughtta read the articles before you post links.

Sorry you spent so much effort in your post. Is that a picture of you ten years ago?


Trump/ Highpockets 2012

8/15/2011, 06:16 PM
The titles ONLY speak for themselves. The first one doesn't attribute Texas' economic to Perry and the second one actually discredits Perry's involvement.

You really oughtta read the articles before you post links.

Sorry you spent so much effort in your post. Is that a picture of you ten years ago?


Trump/ Highpockets 2012

Perry will be judged based on the performance of his state during his tenure.

Obama will be judged based on the performance of the country during his tenure.(He said so himself)

Who's camp would you rather be in? It isn't that hard of a concept to follow and you know the answer, you just don't like it... Similar to how you didn't like the outcomes of the Prosser and Senate recalls in Wis after telling us the unions were taking back the state.

I'm sure you will be right sometime.. Just probably not about politics...

8/15/2011, 06:58 PM
You're smoking CRACK if you think anybody's going to beat Obama in this election.

You're sniffing (Obama's) crack if you don't think anyone has a chance to beat him.

8/15/2011, 07:03 PM
Approval ratings are meaningless. What matters is whether a voter chooses Obama or the other guy.

What will probably matter more is which side is motivated more to get out and vote.

8/15/2011, 07:22 PM
A few months ago I didn't think Obama could lose to any of the current candidates the GOP has presented, but it's looking like Obama may be a one-term president.

8/15/2011, 07:29 PM
The question about congress is poorly phrased. People, for the most part, like their congressman. It's everyone else's congressman that they dislike.

and this is why nothing changes...

8/15/2011, 07:35 PM
A few months ago I didn't think Obama could lose to any of the current candidates the GOP has presented, but it's looking like Obama may be a one-term president.My balls are still on top of the fence rail...you know as well as I, that when it comes show time there will be plenty of taxi/lib soccer moms minivans/city buses taking people straight out the hood to the polling booth. "A free pack of menthol cig's for every vote"...:D

8/15/2011, 10:12 PM
Ron Paul? lol

I never knew just how much of absolute ****ing idiot Paul was until that debate last week.

And the fact that he is hated by partisan demagogues is one of the reasons I like him.

A Sooner in Texas
8/15/2011, 11:16 PM
I'm just waiting for the truth about Perry to come out.


8/16/2011, 01:48 AM
I'm just waiting for the truth about Perry to come out.



8/16/2011, 06:36 AM
Perry will be judged based on the performance of his state during his tenure.

Obama will be judged based on the performance of the country during his tenure.(He said so himself)

Who's camp would you rather be in? It isn't that hard of a concept to follow and you know the answer, you just don't like it... Similar to how you didn't like the outcomes of the Prosser and Senate recalls in Wis after telling us the unions were taking back the state.

I'm sure you will be right sometime.. Just probably not about politics...

I wish people understood how the governorship of Texas works. Perry is third most powerful persion in Texas. He has very limited powers. The real power lies with LT Governor and arguably the speaker of the house. The Governor of Texas is one of the weakest in the country in terms of being able to do anything. Bush and Perry are taking a lot of credit they do not deserve.

8/16/2011, 06:46 AM
DD, most all of the candidates make me barf...

8/16/2011, 06:52 AM
DD, most all of the candidates make me barf...

I do not like any of them on either side. The problem is both parties are being pulled by their base.....far right or far left.

8/16/2011, 07:19 AM
I wish people understood how the governorship of Texas works. Perry is third most powerful persion in Texas. He has very limited powers. The real power lies with LT Governor and arguably the speaker of the house. The Governor of Texas is one of the weakest in the country in terms of being able to do anything. Bush and Perry are taking a lot of credit they do not deserve.

I don't really feel like debating today DD(too many 18 hour days the past couple of weeks), so I will just frame it this way..

Lets say I agree with you that the governor of Texas is the third most powerful person in the state. Which has around the 14th largest GDP in the world... That has had a great track record for the last decade plus when in it comes to jobs even when national numbers are way down... A state that gained 4 congressional seats because of all the people that are moving here in droves....

Nancy Pelosi wishes she had that kind of track record to look back on when she was the third most powerful person in national government.

It is a very odd position for you to take.

Ton Loc
8/16/2011, 09:06 AM
It really doesn't matter who you vote for as long as congress and the senate stay in about the same shape. It's just a load of BS as the plate of blame gets passed around the piece of **** table to each part of the government. Leaving us pointing fingers, arguing pointless topics, and believing what some half brained moron on the tv tells us all while trying to work a 10-12 hour day, take care of your family, and sneak a little sportscenter in.

Your vote will not change anything when you're stuck voting/choosing between the worst of the worse. Certainly not your life...

BTW - what are these millions of unemployed people doing? Are they looking for jobs, writing their representitives, or hanging out at home writing on message boards?

Hell, they've got the time - tell them to get their asses out there and affect some change....

I don't have time to rage against the machine anymore - I got other things to do and I think the government knows this. Thus, they get away with everything they do.

8/16/2011, 09:19 AM
It really doesn't matter who you vote for as long as congress and the senate stay in about the same shape. It's just a load of BS as the plate of blame gets passed around the piece of **** table to each part of the government. Leaving us pointing fingers, arguing pointless topics, and believing what some half brained moron on the tv tells us all while trying to work a 10-12 hour day, take care of your family, and sneak a little sportscenter in.

Your vote will not change anything when you're stuck voting/choosing between the worst of the worse. Certainly not your life...

Apathy has never been my cup of tea, but it is sad indeed that there is a certain ring of truth to this part of your post.

8/16/2011, 09:26 AM
The question about congress is poorly phrased. People, for the most part, like their congressman. It's everyone else's congressman that they dislike.

Thanks to congressional redistricting, aka gerrymandering, this is a very sad fact indeed.

8/16/2011, 09:36 AM
Obama is a 0% to me. :P

As much of a disappointment as Obama has been, I can't bring myself to vote for Perry, Romney, or Bachmann.

There's hope. Ryan may run.

Ton Loc
8/16/2011, 10:00 AM
Apathy has never been my cup of tea, but it is sad indeed that there is a certain ring of truth to this part of your post.

Hey, I don't like that it is this way. But really, it is. I wish the people I elected to represent me did what I thought they were going to do, but that is so far off now it is laughable. They aren't responsible to me or held to their promises once elected except that they might not get re-elected next time. Which is another problem...

Really though, you can look through the apathy and just see that most of us create/control the lives we lead 99% more than the government does. So that's refreshing, right? :D

8/16/2011, 10:16 AM
I don't really feel like debating today DD(too many 18 hour days the past couple of weeks), so I will just frame it this way..

Lets say I agree with you that the governor of Texas is the third most powerful person in the state. Which has around the 14th largest GDP in the world... That has had a great track record for the last decade plus when in it comes to jobs even when national numbers are way down... A state that gained 4 congressional seats because of all the people that are moving here in droves....

Nancy Pelosi wishes she had that kind of track record to look back on when she was the third most powerful person in national government.

It is a very odd position for you to take.


Bush and Perry did not create a single job. They do not have the ability to do so in the legislature. The LT Governor is the one who should get that credit.

We will talk about the Texas job gaines later.

8/16/2011, 10:30 AM

Bush and Perry did not create a single job. They do not have the ability to do so in the legislature. The LT Governor is the one who should get that credit.

We will talk about the Texas job gaines later.

Well Rick Perry was LT Governor for two years before becoming governor, so there you go...

I'm glad we solved that.

8/16/2011, 10:31 AM
Thanks to congressional redistricting, aka gerrymandering, this is a very sad fact indeed.

Are you saying only one side gerrymanders or that it is a shame it goes on?

8/16/2011, 10:31 AM
Well Rick Perry was LT Governor for two years before becoming governor, so there you go...

I'm glad we solved that.

not that LT Governor, the other one.


8/16/2011, 10:42 AM
not that LT Governor, the other one.



8/16/2011, 10:48 AM
Are you saying only one side gerrymanders or that it is a shame it goes on?

It's a shame it is still currently being practiced since it does nothing the supporters says it will do, other than ensure the same folks are constantly re-elected with minimal opposition, or in a large number of the cases, no opposition.

8/16/2011, 10:52 AM
I do not like any of them on either side. The problem is both parties are being pulled by their base.....far right or far left.

I've yet to see a difference between far right and far left. Both want to spend too much and want to govern too much at the federal level. They are both pro welfare, and warfare, don't want to really cut spending and want to control the lives every every American. The only difference is the language.

8/16/2011, 12:19 PM
It's a shame it is still currently being practiced since it does nothing the supporters says it will do, other than ensure the same folks are constantly re-elected with minimal opposition, or in a large number of the cases, no opposition.

Agree. As long as the wolves are the ones to divy up the chicken coup, the wolves will always have the advantage...If we can get the state legislatures out of the process, then perhaps we will see some turn over in elected officials. However, that may a constitutionally sticky matter...

8/16/2011, 02:28 PM
I guess it's not terribly surprising that Perry has some naysayers.
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett told ABC News on Aug. 11, 2011, that Gov. Rick Perry’s rosy depictions of employment conditions in Texas aren’t entirely accurate.

"Twenty-five states have lower unemployment than Texas does today," the Austin Democrat said, adding that "we're tied with Mississippi for more minimum-wage jobs than anywhere in the United States."

8/16/2011, 02:35 PM
I think it should be mentioned that MA with socialist Romneycare currently has a lower unemployment rate than the miracle worker's state.

Yea, both are lower than the national rate. I know.

8/16/2011, 03:37 PM
I guess it's not terribly surprising that Perry has some naysayers.

Obama supporters cannot defend his economic policies. They are indefensible. All they can do is try to poke holes into Perry's accomplishments or whomever gets the nomination.

Obama is going to make this an ugly, neck deep in the mud race. He has to do whatever he can to take attention away from his own dismal failures.

8/16/2011, 03:40 PM
Obama is going to make this an ugly, neck deep in the mud race. He has to do whatever he can to take attention away from his own dismal failures.The entire climate in Washington is ugly, neck deep in mud. And it has been for a while.

8/16/2011, 03:43 PM
The entire climate in Washington is ugly, neck deep in mud. And it has been for a while.

The level will be raised...

Reelections are all about the incumbent.. Obama will lose if he allows that to happen. He cannot brag about his accomplishments because he doesn't have any that appeal to anyone outside of his base. All he can do is attack, attack, attack.

The 2008 election will be tame compared to what is coming.

8/16/2011, 03:45 PM
The level will be raised...
So what is the level above the current "screeching at each other"?

8/16/2011, 03:55 PM
If he gets re-elected will you move to Cuba?

If Obama gets a second term, this will be Cuba, comrade!

8/16/2011, 04:00 PM
So what is the level above the current "screeching at each other"?

Making videos showing the other side literally pushing grandma off a cliff and those kind of dumb attacks. Wait...

8/16/2011, 04:04 PM
Wheres this recession and high unemployment numbers. In OKC on Saturday and you couldn't find a place to park anywhere. Eating places, malls, outlet mall, people driving cars with paper tags.
While in California disney was busier than I have ever witnessed. You couldn't hardly move. Vegas, same way.
If everyone is unemployed and times are so tough why is everyone still spending money cuz they certainly are.

oklahoma is lucky to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country at about 5%. unemployment numbers are still rising in other states.

8/16/2011, 10:51 PM
Agree. As long as the wolves are the ones to divy up the chicken coup, the wolves will always have the advantage...If we can get the state legislatures out of the process, then perhaps we will see some turn over in elected officials. However, that may a constitutionally sticky matter...

No offense, but...the chicken coup????


8/16/2011, 11:17 PM
your west coast liberal bias has infested your brain...
"moderates" don't matter...
people don't gas about "science" when they can't pay their mortgage and don't have a job...
bho is a one termer....start getting used to that idea...The cries and gnashing of teeth is going to be EPIC when he's re-elected.

And re-elected by a healthy margin, I might add. :pop:

8/16/2011, 11:21 PM
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease: Gonorrhea Lectim. Pronounced "Gonna Re-Elect 'Em," it’s a terrible obamanation. The disease is contracted through high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted this very contagious disorder in 2008.

8/16/2011, 11:22 PM
The presidential election will be about the economy. That will pit Perry's strengths against Obama's terrible, terrible weakness.

That other stuff won't matter...Minimum wage job creation and overinflated empty statistics from a guy who, one week ago, was on record PRAYING TO GOD IN A FOOTBALL STADIUM FOR HELP WITH THE ECONOMY BECAUSE HE COULDN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX IT vs. a guy who made the tough choices that averted a full scale depression and has been working his *** off to fix all the crap that Big Budged Bush did during his two terms even though it pissed off all of his Liberal supporters?

yeah....it really isn't even close.

The Tea Baggers will keep on with their sad racist (and it IS racist) hissy fit for the next five years and I will continue to mock all of them mercilessly.


8/16/2011, 11:24 PM
You're sniffing (Obama's) crack if you don't think anyone has a chance to beat him.
Just as I did in 2008...I will be laughing at all the hissy fits when the O is re-elected.

8/16/2011, 11:32 PM
"President Perry." Get used to saying it, because that's the direction we're headed in, whether his aggie arse goes to the sec or not.

And four more years of shotty government will continue. Rand Paul 2016 can't come fast enough.

8/16/2011, 11:33 PM
Just as I did in 2008...I will be laughing at all the hissy fits when the O is re-elected.

He was primarily elected in 08 because the sheep who were led to the polls blindly voted for him based solely on the color of his skin...and that my friend is racism/discrimination in its purist form. Granted the GOP ran a candidate that was not much of a threat. I think they did not want to waste a good candidate on an election they already knew what the outcome was most likely going to be.

Curly Bill
8/16/2011, 11:38 PM
It's good to see LAS is full of crap as ever, and just looking to stir the pot. We can go back to ignoring him like he's not even here. If we do he might go away again. :D

You been working on that long-range shooting while you been gone LAS? ;)

8/16/2011, 11:50 PM
Nah. I'm saving all my rounds for when the Tea Baggers go into full scale revolt after O is re-elected.

8/16/2011, 11:50 PM
He was primarily elected in 08 because the sheep who were led to the polls blindly voted for him based solely on the color of his skin...and that my friend is racism/discrimination in its purist form. Granted the GOP ran a candidate that was not much of a threat. I think they did not want to waste a good candidate on an election they already knew what the outcome was most likely going to be.If you actually think he was elected BECAUSE he is black then you're willing to believe ANYTHING. :rolleyes:

8/17/2011, 12:08 AM
If you actually think he was elected BECAUSE he is black then you're willing to believe ANYTHING. :rolleyes:

If you believe that was not a HUGE part of it, then you are dumber than I think you are. How many sheeple voted a straight Democrat ticket ONLY because bho was running? I guaran-damn-tee you 90% of those voters had no idea or concern about his platform.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 12:16 AM
I'm not part of that 90%.

Spin away tho.


Trump/ Smokey 2012

8/17/2011, 12:25 AM
I'm not part of that 90%.

Spin away tho.


Trump/ Smokey 2012

Which is why I did not say 100%. There are some party members who make an informed vote. I do not begrudge someone who has a way of thinking and votes accordingly. Our differences are what makes our country great.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 12:30 AM
Which is why I did not say 100%. There are some party members who make an informed vote. I do not begrudge someone who has a way of thinking and votes accordingly. Our differences are what makes our country great.

Thanks for the prop. I actually look at the candidates and then decide.

I've voted for the Republican Gov in Hawaii twice and voted for local Repa here that were Repubs.

Give me a pretty honest person and I might vote for them. That's why I like Colin Powell and Condi Rice. I think they just followed orders given them and I'm OK with that. At least Powell said, "No more" and quit as Sec of State.


Trump/ Bev 2012

8/17/2011, 01:19 AM
Nah. I'm saving all my rounds for when the Tea Baggers go into full scale revolt after O is re-elected.

It's not happening.

8/17/2011, 07:52 AM
The cries and gnashing of teeth is going to be EPIC when he's re-elected.

And re-elected by a healthy margin, I might add. :pop:

looking forward to your posts when he's defeated...by a healthy margin i might add...

8/17/2011, 07:57 AM
Minimum wage job creation and overinflated empty statistics from a guy who, one week ago, was on record PRAYING TO GOD IN A FOOTBALL STADIUM FOR HELP WITH THE ECONOMY BECAUSE HE COULDN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX IT vs. a guy who made the tough choices that averted a full scale depression and has been working his *** off to fix all the crap that Big Budged Bush did during his two terms even though it pissed off all of his Liberal supporters?

yeah....it really isn't even close.

The Tea Baggers will keep on with their sad racist (and it IS racist) hissy fit for the next five years and I will continue to mock all of them mercilessly.

how old are you?
is today your first day in junior high?
wtf has he "fixed"?

8/17/2011, 09:12 AM
Minimum wage job creation and overinflated empty statistics from a guy who, one week ago, was on record PRAYING TO GOD IN A FOOTBALL STADIUM FOR HELP WITH THE ECONOMY BECAUSE HE COULDN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX IT vs. a guy who made the tough choices that averted a full scale depression and has been working his *** off to fix all the crap that Big Budged Bush did during his two terms even though it pissed off all of his Liberal supporters?

yeah....it really isn't even close.

The Tea Baggers will keep on with their sad racist (and it IS racist) hissy fit for the next five years and I will continue to mock all of them mercilessly.


Pulease! O'bummer couldn't find his way out of a wet paper sack with a tear in it.

Praying for help doesn't mean you don't know what to do. And this is the first I hear from you that a Governor has monetary abilities and can effect the market.

8/17/2011, 09:14 AM
how old are you?
is today your first day in junior high?
wtf has he "fixed"?

DD...he has done plenty...he promised us:

Shut down GITMO...
Double renewable energy in 3 years
Lower unemployment
Build the economy
Get us out of Iraq (plan was agreed to and signed prior to him taking office)
No more wars
Health care (kinda, maybe)
Increase middle class wages
Stop jobs from going overseas
Immigration reform
One million electric vehicles on the road by 2015...only about 998,500 to go...
Transparency LOL
Bring the country together

What did I miss?

8/17/2011, 09:15 AM
DD...he has done plenty...he promised us:

Shut down GITMO...
Double renewable energy in 3 years
Lower unemployment
Build the economy
Get us out of Iraq (plan was agreed to and signed prior to him taking office)
No more wars
Health care (kinda, maybe)
Increase middle class wages
Stop jobs from going overseas
Immigration reform
One million electric vehicles on the road by 2015...only about 998,500 to go...
Transparency LOL
Bring the country together

What did I miss?

He really has been successful hasn't he?

8/17/2011, 04:18 PM
If you believe that was not a HUGE part of it, then you are dumber than I think you are. How many sheeple voted a straight Democrat ticket ONLY because bho was running? I guaran-damn-tee you 90% of those voters had no idea or concern about his platform.Probably the same percentage of sheep who voted a straight Republican ticket only because bho was running.

And even at my drunkest and dumbest I'm still light years ahead of you, pardner. ;)

8/17/2011, 04:21 PM
Probably the same percentage of sheep who voted a straight Republican ticket only because bho was running.

And even at my drunkest and dumbest I'm still light years ahead of you, pardner. ;)
Normally yes. But there were tons of new voters that voted for the first time just because it was "in".

8/17/2011, 04:22 PM
looking forward to your posts when he's defeated...by a healthy margin i might add...It's gonna be EPIC.


I can't wait. :D

how old are you?
is today your first day in junior high?
wtf has he "fixed"?Oh, I'm six years old, daddy. And I don't start Junior High until the END of August. But I thought someone as mature as you (as evidenced by your post) would have known that.

Seriously though...

As to what he's fixed...pull your head out of your Fox hole and read some documents from the financial experts about exactly HOW the current administrations early efforts averted an outright depression and maybe you won't sound so blindingly ignorant.


8/17/2011, 04:23 PM
Normally yes. But there were tons of new voters that voted for the first time just because it was "in".Or because (justified or not) they felt inspired to vote for the first time in their lives.

But it's easier to say, " 'cause he's black!" Inaccurate, but easier.

8/17/2011, 04:31 PM
obama will be re-elected.

anyone that believes otherwise doesn't know politics. the republicans have yet to put forth a candidate that can beat him. i mean the best guy in the field is ron paul, and he'll never get the nomination because he doesn't like lil baby jebus enough.

8/17/2011, 04:34 PM
Or because (justified or not) they felt inspired to vote for the first time in their lives.

But it's easier to say, " 'cause he's black!" Inaccurate, but easier.
"Inspired to vote" is a slightly dishonest statement. Sure, they were "inspired", but for reasons other than policy. They just wanted a different guy to cheer for, and he said lots of pretty things that people not experienced with politics would believe. It was a brilliant campaign, and it was really helped by the advent of social media becoming mainstream.

8/17/2011, 04:45 PM
obama will be re-elected.

anyone that believes otherwise doesn't know politics. the republicans have yet to put forth a candidate that can beat him. i mean the best guy in the field is ron paul, and he'll never get the nomination because he doesn't like lil baby jebus enough.

so you know politics...yet your only reason for owebama getting re-elected is because the republicans haven't "put forth a candidate that can beat him"?
that's the sum of your political expertise?

looking forward to you joining LA in a crow eating tour....

8/17/2011, 04:45 PM
He really has been successful hasn't he?

That is my point. He has not been successful. Most of his policies are the same as Bush.

Keep Gitmo open
Stay in Iraq/Afghanistan
Keep Bush tax cuts
Continue to bow to the Chinese on trade
Bail on clean energy funding

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 04:47 PM
obama will be re-elected.

anyone that believes otherwise doesn't know politics. the republicans have yet to put forth a candidate that can beat him. i mean the best guy in the field is ron paul, and he'll never get the nomination because he doesn't like lil baby jebus enough.

Don't jump your guns. There's a new Sheriff, er. Messiah in town.


Trump/ P*ick 2012

8/17/2011, 04:48 PM
As to what he's fixed...pull your head out of your Fox hole and read some documents from the financial experts about exactly HOW the current administrations early efforts averted an outright depression and maybe you won't sound so blindingly ignorant.

so he single handedly put this country on his back and averted depression.....
yet 3 years later...he can't seem to fix anything...

do you have any references for those documents from financial experts?

8/17/2011, 04:48 PM
obama will be re-elected.

anyone that believes otherwise doesn't know politics. the republicans have yet to put forth a candidate that can beat him. i mean the best guy in the field is ron paul, and he'll never get the nomination because he doesn't like lil baby jebus enough.

You do realize no president since Harry Truman has been reelected with approval ratings this low, this late into his first term... Don't you?

Reelections are about the incumbent, not the challenger.

Approval numbers in the 30s is like blood in the water for politicians.. The sharks are coming.

8/17/2011, 04:49 PM
You do realize no president since Harry Truman has been reelected with approval ratings this low, this late into his first term... Don't you?

Reelections are about the incumbent, not the challenger.

Approval numbers in the 30s is like blood in the water for politicians.. The sharks are coming.

gkeeper knows politics...

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 04:52 PM
Had McCain/Palin (shudder) won we would have been in a major depression, fighting 5 wars and making the national dept much much worse.

At least unemployment would be better by the workers building The Great Wall of the Rio Grande.


Trump/ Splif 2012

8/17/2011, 04:54 PM
Had McCain/Palin (shudder) won we would have been in a major depression, fighting 5 wars and making the national dept much much worse.

At least unemployment would be better by the workers building The Great Wall of the Rio Grande.


Trump/ Splif 2012

Not to detract, but this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AepyGm9Me6w) comes in my head everytime I see a post from you. :O

Carry on.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 05:02 PM
Not to detract, but this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AepyGm9Me6w) comes in my head everytime I see a post from you. :O

Carry on.

Actually the handle came about because I live in Hawaii and I was 50 when I started posting on sports message boards.

It was a short jump from 50 to 5-0.

I've always been a Jack Lord fan. Ever since Stoney Burke.


Trump/ McGarrett 2012

8/17/2011, 05:31 PM
Had McCain/Palin (shudder) won we would have been in a major depression, fighting 5 wars and making the national dept much much worse.

At least unemployment would be better by the workers building The Great Wall of the Rio Grande.


Trump/ Splif 2012

not that i think things would be tremendously better with mccain/palin....but...
i think mccain is the one person tat knows/understands war better than most politicians..
i don't think he would have gotten us into iraq...and he would have been a better decisionmaker wrt afghanistan....
i do not think we would be in 5 wars right now....which if you would bother counting...that's pretty close to what owebama has us in RIGHT NOW....

on the national "dept".....assuming you mean "debt"...i would agree...we wouldn't be much different today...but prolly not "much much worse"..

and wrt the great wall of the rio grande....neither party wants to stop illegal immigration so i'm not sure why you would make such an ignorant statement...

Ton Loc
8/17/2011, 05:33 PM
Not to reiterate my point, [<--that's how you know I'm going reiterate my point] but wtf does it matter, and being that Apathetic middle man that I am...:(

What's the point?

I see you guys arguing back and forth all day, and as entertaining as it is, I take no side. There is no good vs evil here, there is no side I can get behind and support.

We're f'd either way until a giant group of us can get together, put all the dumb**** aside, and agree that we're the ones that make our lives and in turn this country what it is. I have no idea what we do when we get into that giant group but I stopped, wait, I didn't stop - I never believed that one guy (president) or a group of guys (congress/reps) could fix a damn thing for me.

For them, they got the group effort thing down and that's what continues to f things up.

Damn it, when does football start again?

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 05:44 PM
not that i think things would be tremendously better with mccain/palin....but...
i think mccain is the one person tat knows/understands war better than most politicians..
i don't think he would have gotten us into iraq...and he would have been a better decisionmaker wrt afghanistan....
i do not think we would be in 5 wars right now....which if you would bother counting...that's pretty close to what owebama has us in RIGHT NOW....

on the national "dept".....assuming you mean "debt"...i would agree...we wouldn't be much different today...but prolly not "much much worse"..

and wrt the great wall of the rio grande....neither party wants to stop illegal immigration so i'm not sure why you would make such an ignorant statement...

Maybe you could Google Search War + McCain

There's several instances at Town Hall meetings where he promised there would be "more wars".

As to the Great Wall of the Rio Grande, I don't think it would have been a stretch at all had McCain been elected. Guess we'll probably never know for sure.


Trump/ Ken 2012

8/17/2011, 05:44 PM
obama will be re-elected.

anyone that believes otherwise doesn't know politics. the republicans have yet to put forth a candidate that can beat him. i mean the best guy in the field is ron paul, and he'll never get the nomination because he doesn't like lil baby jebus enough.

Oh, he does. He just doesn't like to Bible thump as a political platform.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 05:46 PM
Not to reiterate my point, [<--that's how you know I'm going reiterate my point] but wtf does it matter, and being that Apathetic middle man that I am...:(

What's the point?

I see you guys arguing back and forth all day, and as entertaining as it is, I take no side. There is no good vs evil here, there is no side I can get behind and support.

We're f'd either way until a giant group of us can get together, put all the dumb**** aside, and agree that we're the ones that make our lives and in turn this country what it is. I have no idea what we do when we get into that giant group but I stopped, wait, I didn't stop - I never believed that one guy (president) or a group of guys (congress/reps) could fix a damn thing for me.

For them, they got the group effort thing down and that's what continues to f things up.

Damn it, when does football start again?

I don't honestly expect to change anyone's opinion on this Board.

I'm just entertaining myself till Kickoff.

Actually, because the posters here are mostly Sooners, I'm giving them a break and not smacking them so much.


Trump/ Freddie 2012

8/17/2011, 05:49 PM
Maybe you could Google Search War + McCain

There's several instances at Town Hall meetings where he promised there would be "more wars".

As to the Great Wall of the Rio Grande, I don't think it would have been a stretch at all had McCain been elected. Guess we'll probably never know for sure.


Trump/ Ken 2012

post a link....
i have high confidence you have a big problem with context..

you didn't count the current wars did you?

Last year, Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post reported that U.S. Special Operations forces were deployed in 75 countries, up from 60 at the end of the Bush presidency. By the end of this year, U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told me, that number will likely reach 120.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 06:05 PM
post a link....
i have high confidence you have a big problem with context..

you didn't count the current wars did you?

I guess I see a difference between 'operations' and 'wars'.

Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZCISY40qns

Notice McCain doesn't mention 'operations'. The word he uses is 'war'.


Trump/ Warren 2012

8/17/2011, 06:17 PM
I guess I see a difference between 'operations' and 'wars'.

Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZCISY40qns

Notice McCain doesn't mention 'operations'. The word he uses is 'war'.


Trump/ Warren 2012

as i thought....you take a "there will be more wars" comment and make a mountain out of a molehill...

what wars do you think mccain would have us in right now...that owebama doesn't have us in?

are you surprised/disappointed owebama has us in more "operations" than bush and possibly twice as many?

8/17/2011, 06:49 PM
Ron Paul clobbers Rick Perry in their home state of Texas poll (http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/ron-paul-clobbers-rick-perry-in-latest-poll/#ixzz1VJOkExy2)

Answering the question, “If the Texas Republican primary were held today, which presidential candidate would you be most likely to vote for?” 22 percent of those polled selected Mr. Paul. Just 17 percent of respondents voted in favor of Mr. Perry.

The poll comes just days after Mr. Perry announced his intention to seek the Republican presidential nomination. The Texas Republican governor had hinted at an entry earlier this year, testing levels of support for his candidacy.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/ron-paul-clobbers-rick-perry-in-latest-poll/#ixzz1VKikUHMT

8/17/2011, 07:12 PM
Ron Paul clobbers Rick Perry in their home state of Texas poll (http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/ron-paul-clobbers-rick-perry-in-latest-poll/#ixzz1VJOkExy2)

who did they poll?
likely repub primary voters?
joe blow at the mall?

8/17/2011, 07:13 PM
Ron Paul clobbers Rick Perry in their home state of Texas poll (http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/ron-paul-clobbers-rick-perry-in-latest-poll/#ixzz1VJOkExy2)

Perry has pissed off most of the educators in the state with the educational funding cuts.

8/17/2011, 07:43 PM
gkeeper knows politics...

yes he does.

hawaii 5-0
8/17/2011, 08:37 PM
as i thought....you take a "there will be more wars" comment and make a mountain out of a molehill...

what wars do you think mccain would have us in right now...that owebama doesn't have us in?

are you surprised/disappointed owebama has us in more "operations" than bush and possibly twice as many?

Using "there will be more wars" as a campaign promise lost him my vote.

I'm not a fan of War Economies, especially those not paid for. (See GW Bush).

This little argument is about wars, not operations. I trust you know the difference. Stay on topic.


Trump/ Vince 2012

8/17/2011, 09:21 PM
Using "there will be more wars" as a campaign promise lost him my vote.

I'm not a fan of War Economies, especially those not paid for. (See GW Bush).

This little argument is about wars, not operations. I trust you know the difference. Stay on topic.


Trump/ Vince 2012

it wasn't a "campaign promise".....it was his honest assessment of the world in which we live...

are you surprised/pleased owebama has us in as many or more wars as w?

8/17/2011, 09:35 PM
Maybe you could Google Search War + McCain

There's several instances at Town Hall meetings where he promised there would be "more wars".

As to the Great Wall of the Rio Grande, I don't think it would have been a stretch at all had McCain been elected. Guess we'll probably never know for sure.


Trump/ Ken 2012

Not to digress........
But, the Bible says that "there will always be wars, and rumors of wars".
Somebody think they are BIG enough to change that???
Didn't think so....:rolleyes:

8/17/2011, 09:39 PM
Not to digress........
But, the Bible says that "there will always be wars, and rumors of wars".
Somebody think they are BIG enough to change that???
Didn't think so....:rolleyes:

But bho lives by the Koran.


8/17/2011, 09:39 PM
Using "there will be more wars" as a campaign promise lost him my vote.

I'm not a fan of War Economies, especially those not paid for. (See GW Bush).

This little argument is about wars, not operations. I trust you know the difference. Stay on topic.


Trump/ Vince 2012

Am I the only person that has not allowed the PC liberal regressives to change the English language and the meaning of words?
American soldiers, airman, and sailors lives are on the line. And weapons are being used against another "force" =====WAR! It's not a game!

Curly Bill
8/17/2011, 09:42 PM
Operations, wars, it's just a matter of semantics. There are bullets, bombs & all kinds of implements of war being used. What you call it really doesn't matter.