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8/10/2011, 06:51 PM
I just got up from taking a Craig James and read this.
The good part is the comments to the blog.
I hope Mike Leach gets millions from him and espn.

8/10/2011, 06:58 PM
I wonder how much money Mike Leach would donate to his opponent?

Sooner Eclipse
8/10/2011, 07:25 PM
I'm suprised he doesn't dress up in a statue of Liberty costume and hold the torch high as the screen fades to black and the announcer reads the pledge of allegiance fading ever softer.
Was this produced by the same marketing agency he hired to smear Leach? If so, neither effort was very effective.

8/10/2011, 07:48 PM
Being on the take should come naturally. SMU prepared him for this.

8/10/2011, 07:54 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a better America is less Texans?

8/10/2011, 08:08 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a better America is less Texans?

No. Spek all around.

8/10/2011, 08:27 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a better America is less Texans?

Texans entire identify stems from they were once a republic. Hey, so was Vermont. Big freakin’ deal! They joined the Union because they were BROKE and joined the Union as a payment for debt. America – bailing out Texas since 1845.

Herr Scholz
8/10/2011, 08:32 PM
Texans entire identify stems from they were once a republic.


In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Herr Scholz
8/10/2011, 08:33 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a better America is less Texans?

That's OK. Keep sending your CA. businesses our way due to our lack of state income tax.

8/10/2011, 08:35 PM
From the comments, it looks like he already has a solid voting base. Too bad they are all voting against him. :D

8/10/2011, 08:43 PM
That's OK. Keep sending your CA. businesses our way due to our lack of state income tax.

Keep sending us your hot chicks who want to be famous.

8/10/2011, 08:47 PM
Keep sending us your hot chicks who want to be famous.


8/10/2011, 08:50 PM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Really? So when Texans talk about their heritiage, they talk about how many Forture 500 companies they have? WE'RE NUMBER 3, WE'RE NUMBER 3, WE'RE NUMBER 3!

8/10/2011, 09:23 PM
As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Any chance we can export you to another message board?

8/11/2011, 12:38 AM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Congrats on having economic numbers that are in line with your population (2nd in the nation). What an accomplishment :rolleyes:

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:45 AM
Texas the state is awesome, it's the university of said state that sucks monkey balls.

8/11/2011, 01:02 AM
Keep sending us your hot chicks who want to be famous.

Fu€k!ng epic!

8/11/2011, 01:16 AM
That's OK. Keep sending your CA. businesses our way due to our lack of state income tax.

Seriously Herr...I miss you!

8/11/2011, 01:34 AM
Outside of the cities, what is so good about Texas that people say it is awesome, regardless of the university? I have been pretty much all over the state of Texas and all I see is this:

1. They have have Austin. (you guess how I feel after visiting)
2. San Antonio (nice place, but felt like Mexico...)
3. El Paso (is Mexico)
4. Lubbock (worse than Mexico?)
5. College Station (its ok. not as good as Norman given the OKC proximity)
6. Waco (Heh.)
7. DFW (ok, I like DFW...other than the traffic. More than a few days makes me realize the traffic makes me vomit)
8. The Gulf of Mexico coast. (been there...vomit)
9. West Texas (vomit)

Hell...at least in Oklahoma, we have mountains and hiking and nicer rivers. We aren't as desolate. We don't have as many illegals. We have more exciting weather (which I actually like).

DFW is the only place I can tolerate. But I can only tolerate it in doses. Texas (other than large metropolises) has little to offer over Oklahoma...and Oklahoma has several things to offer over Texas (depending on your opinion).

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 01:40 AM
I'm not gonna argue one state over the other - I still tell my Texas friends I'm going to God's country when I head to Oklahoma, but uh...Texas has mountains, and hiking, and rivers too, the whole nicer thing being quite debatable.

Weather = about the same
Illegals = per capita does Texas have that many more? Maybe in the southern part of the state, but then I don't live down there.

On the other hand:
Oklahoma's roads suck.
Oklahoma drivers are worse.
State income tax.
And ultimately the reason I'm in Texas I guess - Oklahoma doesn't have enough jobs.

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 01:40 AM
Oh...and the Texas education system dominates Oklahoma.

It did when we moved from TX to OK, and I went from about the middle of my class in TX to the top of my class in OK, and it hasn't changed for the better since then.

8/11/2011, 02:31 AM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

This (and several Herr comments from other, recent threads) is what a chip the size of 5-7 looks like whilst perched on the shoulder of the average Horn fan. Sad, really.

8/11/2011, 02:46 AM
I'm not gonna argue one state over the other - I still tell my Texas friends I'm going to God's country when I head to Oklahoma, but uh...Texas has mountains, and hiking, and rivers too, the whole nicer thing being quite debatable.

Weather = about the same
Illegals = per capita does Texas have that many more? Maybe in the southern part of the state, but then I don't live down there.

On the other hand:
Oklahoma's roads suck.
Oklahoma drivers are worse.
State income tax.
And ultimately the reason I'm in Texas I guess - Oklahoma doesn't have enough jobs.

Yes, Texas has mountains and hiking...in the west mostly. They have rivers...no better than Oklahoma's. It is no "nicer" than Texas. But I have a ton of time in Texas and Texas (as a whole) is no better than Oklahoma unless you just like big cities. Dallas and Houston have an advantage. San Antonio is ok. Austin is ok. But neither as bearable if you an OU fan. Yes there are more jobs. But that is is because there is a larger population/more metropolises. I agree that the roads suck and there are few people...therefore fewer jobs. But if you have a job it is just as nice a place to live if you aren't into large cities. But I guess you can't force people into less dense places.

As for teachers: if you are a teacher, you should be in Texas.

8/11/2011, 07:31 AM
I'm not gonna argue one state over the other - I still tell my Texas friends I'm going to God's country when I head to Oklahoma, but uh...Texas has mountains, and hiking, and rivers too, the whole nicer thing being quite debatable.

Weather = about the same
Illegals = per capita does Texas have that many more? Maybe in the southern part of the state, but then I don't live down there.

On the other hand:
Oklahoma's roads suck.
Oklahoma drivers are worse.
State income tax.
And ultimately the reason I'm in Texas I guess - Oklahoma doesn't have enough jobs.

I live here (Houston) mostly for the weather.....after 21 long cold winters in MN, it's good to not have to worry about parkas and snowblowers. But I'm also here for my job, which is higher paying here than other parts of the country. And the no income tax thingy is pretty appealing as well. The worst part is the whorns and aggies are everywhere.

8/11/2011, 07:43 AM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Fine. Texas also has strip shopping centers for hundreds of miles along depressing concrete corridors of traffic gridlock, major cities that are crowded and gang infested, and half the population doesn't speak English.

I don't deny Texas is ahead of Oklahoma in development and economy. They are, just like California is, or any big overcrowded area. I just care about that stuff. You can make more money in a big city, then spend it living in a more expensive house with higher property taxes further out. Spend more for gas, insurance, etc. Just not my preference.
We have Bob Stoops.

8/11/2011, 07:50 AM
Sooo... since that video is about Craig James, isn't it funny that he doesn't mention his family (not his generations of Texan ancestors, but HIS family) once? No mention of raising his children in Texas, or his wife, or anything like that?

Probably realizes that everyone knows what a bratty son he raised.

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 07:57 AM
...and BTW: I wouldn't p*ss on Craig James if he were on fire. :D

8/11/2011, 07:59 AM
(Don't tell Texas, but they are about to be 'Dust Bowl 2.0'. I wonder how many Fortune 500 companies will relocate when they don't have any water.)

8/11/2011, 08:10 AM
I've always thought the "no income tax" issue was overblown. If you own real property in tejas, the state gets that money back and then some for most.

8/11/2011, 08:11 AM
Anyone who complains about Oklahoma roads, doesn't drive enough. I just came from Arkansas...

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 08:11 AM
I've always thought the "no income tax" issue was overblown. If you own real property in tejas, the state gets that money back and then some for most.

This ain't no lie! Property taxes in Texas suck. Why when I retire I'm coming back to Oklahoma! :D

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 08:12 AM
Anyone who complains about Oklahoma roads, doesn't drive enough. I just came from Arkansas...

Well yeah, but Arkansas is like some 3rd world country or something.

8/11/2011, 08:19 AM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.


8/11/2011, 08:21 AM
Well yeah, but Arkansas is like some 3rd world country.


Also, Missouri, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Are some bad ones.

8/11/2011, 08:41 AM
Texas the state is awesome, it's the two-legged walking buckets of s**t that live there that suck a dead mule's nutsack.


8/11/2011, 08:44 AM
But I guess you can't force people into less dense places.

Of course you can. Put them in the same room with Herr. No matter where he is, he's dense.

8/11/2011, 09:01 AM
Wow a bunch of uninformed OU people taking shots at Texas. I have lived in Texas for 25 years. There is NO comparison. It's not even worth talking about. Traffic ? Just shut up. It takes a decade to resurface I-35 in Oklahoma and then they just start again. I love Oklahoma, born and raised but you are an idiot if you just trash the state Texas. It's ** you are supposed to hate. Half our football team and a good percentage of the student body is from Texas and most likely will return to the state. I am sure the coaches who recruit Texas love the venom some of you spew.

8/11/2011, 09:08 AM
Don't forget if you raised your kids in Oklahoma and sent them to public schools you sent them to one of the 5 worst state school systems in the country.

8/11/2011, 09:09 AM
Wow a bunch of uninformed OU people taking shots at Texas. I have lived in Texas for 25 years. There is NO comparison. It's not even worth talking about. Traffic ? Just shut up. It takes a decade to resurface I-35 in Oklahoma and then they just start again. I love Oklahoma, born and raised but you are an idiot if you just trash the state Texas. It's ** you are supposed to hate. Half our football team and a good percentage of the student body is from Texas and most likely will return to the state. I am sure the coaches who recruit Texas love the venom some of you spew.

Dude, please. Comparing traffic in Dallas/Houston/Austin/San Antonio to OKC is beyond laughable. I ain't bagging on anything, but the traffic in the metropolitan areas of Texas is some of the worst on the planet.

Also, people here "trash" Texas because Texans spend their entire life with the "we're Texas so we can do whatever the **** we want" mentality. That's why it's so fun to see * lose at anything. They're like "wtf? how did that happen? we're Texas by gawd." Meh. Like many have said, I don't hate the state of Texas, I hate the stereotypical "everything's bigger" loudmouth Texan.

8/11/2011, 09:19 AM
Dude, please. Comparing traffic in Dallas/Houston/Austin/San Antonio to OKC is beyond laughable. I ain't bagging on anything, but the traffic in the metropolitan areas of Texas is some of the worst on the planet.

Also, people here "trash" Texas because Texans spend their entire life with the "we're Texas so we can do whatever the **** we want" mentality. That's why it's so fun to see * lose at anything. They're like "wtf? how did that happen? we're Texas by gawd." Meh. Like many have said, I don't hate the state of Texas, I hate the stereotypical "everything's bigger" loudmouth Texan.

Those are Longhorns not Texans. There is a big difference. I live in Fort Worth and work all over the state. If you know the territory traffic is not that big of a deal. Even in Austin if you know how to use the tolls and when to avoid I-35 it's not that big of a deal.

If we all hate Texans should we quit taking Texas kids. Most of them will tell you they are Texans going to OU. You can't have it both ways.

By the way there are some really, really arrogant over the top okies that come shoot their mouths and knives and fists off in Texas from time to time.

Ton Loc
8/11/2011, 09:21 AM
Don't forget if you raised your kids in Oklahoma and sent them to public schools you sent them to one of the 5 worst state school systems in the country.

Don't forget if you are letting schools dictate the outcome of your child's education you're probably not doing your job as a parent.


There is no arguement to Craig James the dousche

Texas is cool, but the people/traffic/Houston(blah Houston sucks ***, outside of the oil business) can and do ruin it -

I prefer Oklahoma

8/11/2011, 09:30 AM
Congrats on having economic numbers that are in line with your population (2nd in the nation). What an accomplishment :rolleyes:

Yup. That was my first thought, too.

Living in Dallas wasn't bad, but hearing their constant propoganda/drivel about how much better they are than anyone else in world got old fast.

8/11/2011, 09:42 AM
Is that where Bush keeps all of our money?

8/11/2011, 10:00 AM
My house taxes are $6000. a year. I'll bet Okla. income and property taxes are less than that. When my oldest Son and family lived in Weatherford while my Daughter in Law went to pharmacy school, he said his property taxes and income taxes were much less than his Texas property taxes.
I'm not in Texas because I like Texas, I'm stuck because my friends and family are here. I do miss the old days when my Grandfather lived in Velma, Ok. and my other Grandfather was a livestock inspector in Ada, Ok. I was the guest of OU to 2 of the football games last year and hope to get in to a couple free ones again this year. If you haven't been in the stands during an OU game, you have really missed something.

8/11/2011, 10:01 AM
While I loved my time spent as a student at OU, and I probably would have been happy to live there still after graduation, but I am so glad to be back in the DFW metroplex. To me, there is just so much more to offer on both professional and personal levels. I love that all the major sports are represented in the area, and I really love that I can listen to "The Ticket" and not have to suffer with the Sports Animal. Who else is ready for Fight Night!?!

8/11/2011, 10:29 AM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Thanks Herr, I never realized Bull**** was worth that much.

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 10:57 AM
It's not even worth talking about. Traffic ? Just shut up. It takes a decade to resurface I-35 in Oklahoma and then they just start again.

Try to drive from the Racetrack on 35w to the High Five (635 & 75). Since Halloween your Highway has been CLOSED. 5 guys with cowboy-hat hardhats and shovels working on it.

In 1 day (yesterday) I saw more mouthbreathing, moronic driving incidents on the LBJ than I'll see in 1 year in OKC/Tulsa. And in each case, the instigator plowed on like they were entitled to their assfoonery.

8/11/2011, 11:40 AM
Regardless of whether Texas is awesome or Texas sucks as a state to live in, you TEXANS suck if you elect Craig James.


College football has had a void to fill ever since Leach left Tech :(

8/11/2011, 11:41 AM
Try to drive from the Racetrack on 35w to the High Five (635 & 75). Since Halloween your Highway has been CLOSED. 5 guys with cowboy-hat hardhats and shovels working on it.

In 1 day (yesterday) I saw more mouthbreathing, moronic driving incidents on the LBJ than I'll see in 1 year in OKC/Tulsa. And in each case, the instigator plowed on like they were entitled to their assfoonery.

Let's see there are at least 5 other ways to go east and west in north dallas now. Why would you ever be on that road. I don't live in Dallas and don't own the road. I was on my way to a Thunder game in March and downtown roads were so screwed up we walked two miles to get there. It's everywhere. Ya gotta know the territory and I didn't and you didn't.

Craig James sucks and I would love to tell him so. I shoulda stayed on topic.

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 11:51 AM
Let's see there are at least 5 other ways to go east and west in north dallas now. Why would you ever be on that road. I don't live in Dallas and don't own the road. I was on my way to a Thunder game in March and downtown roads were so screwed up we walked two miles to get there. It's everywhere. Ya gotta know the territory and I didn't and you didn't.

Craig James sucks and I would love to tell him so. I shoulda stayed on topic.

Well, we are constructing a big-*** building there.

Sure, there are lots of ways around that Dallas/FTW mess, however, apparently 100,000 other drivers don't know them either.

8/11/2011, 12:21 PM
Let's see there are at least 5 other ways to go east and west in north dallas now. Why would you ever be on that road. I don't live in Dallas and don't own the road. I was on my way to a Thunder game in March and downtown roads were so screwed up we walked two miles to get there. It's everywhere. Ya gotta know the territory and I didn't and you didn't.

Craig James sucks and I would love to tell him so. I shoulda stayed on topic.

Gee I wonder if that has to do with the 850 foot devon building they are building?

Anywhere near the okc arena is a terrible place to be.

Look I always loved the state of Texas. My grandparents lived in Plano when Plano was not even on the map. But why people hate Texas is because te populace acts as if they are entitled and elitists over all other states in the union.

They are always talking succession when they do not get what they want as a state.

I still love going to the DFW area, but I would not live there again. And you guys are right, Texas does offer more things, like MS13, Bloods, Crips, illegal immigrants, Prison populace, higher property tax, car inspections, higher car tags and taxes, more drugs, etc.

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:23 PM
Man, I'm glad I'm close enough I can escape to Oklahoma when the mood hits me...you know cause there's no illegals, and almost no drug use up there. :rolleyes:

8/11/2011, 12:26 PM
Man, I'm glad I'm close enough I can escape to Oklahoma when the mood hits me...you know cause there's no illegals, and almost no drug use up there. :rolleyes:

See this is the elitist attitude I'm taking about.

Not one person said Oklahoma doesn't have that stuff, Texas just has more of it.

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:29 PM
See this is the elitist attitude I'm taking about.

Not one person said Oklahoma doesn't have that stuff, Texas just has more of it.

Per capita? Are you sure? I'm not looking it up but I'd bet drug use in OK is as high or higher than TX.

8/11/2011, 12:33 PM
Never gets old:


8/11/2011, 12:33 PM
I'd rather live under a rickety assed bridge in Oklahoma as live in a mansion in saxet :P :D

8/11/2011, 12:34 PM
Per capita? Are you sure? I'm not looking it up but I'd bet drug use in OK is as high or higher than TX.

If u think there is less drugs in Texas, your nuts.

Oklahoma does seem to be the meth capital though.

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:35 PM
I'd rather live under a rickety assed bridge in Oklahoma as live in a mansion in saxet :P :D

If I was so inclined I could make a joke here about how half the peeps in Oklahoma do live under rickety assed bridges. :D

Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:39 PM
If u think there is less drugs in Texas, your nuts.

Oklahoma does seem to be the meth capital though.

I never argued there was less in Texas, though unlike some of you neither would I argue there's more. Quite frankly there are a whole lot of similarities between the two states. That's why I mess with those that try to argue that either is superior to the other. Since most in this thread are trying to argue the superiority of OK I've taken the opposite tact.

8/11/2011, 12:44 PM
If u think there is less drugs in Texas, your nuts.

Oklahoma does seem to be the meth capital though.

Honestly, does anymore need to be said ? That is what they call an "ender" on the Ticket (radio station) down here in the lowly, drug and illegal infested, tax crazed, traffic polluted, DFW area (Home of the World Series Rangers and World Champion Mavericks and oh yeah most of you guys favorite NFL team). Yup the State of Texas has nothing.

8/11/2011, 12:44 PM
I never argued there was less in Texas, though unlike some of you neither would I argue there's more. Quite frankly there are a whole lot of similarities between the two states. That's why I mess with those that try to argue that either is superior to the other. Since most in this thread are trying to argue the superiority of OK I've taken the opposite tact.

I never said Oklahoma is superior to Texas! Though this state is my state of birth and where I have lived the majority of my life, I have lived in states that are flat out better, like Arizona. I have also lived in states that are completely worse, like Nebraska.

i was just talking about what Texas has more of!

8/11/2011, 12:47 PM
Honestly, does anymore need to be said ? That is what they call an "ender" on the Ticket (radio station) down here in the lowly, drug and illegal infested, tax crazed, traffic polluted, DFW area (Home of the World Series Rangers and World Champion Mavericks and oh yeah most of you guys favorite NFL team). Yup the State of Texas has nothing.

Are you getting your panties in a bunch, Sand in your vagina?

Calm down there Patty!

8/11/2011, 12:54 PM
This thread is cracking me up! Look, I'm born and raised an Okie. Both sets of my grandparents homesteaded in Oklahoma after the land run in 1889. And I absolutely love my heritage and am proud of it. But you guys that are putting Texas down just because it's Texas, well, you sound just as elitist as the dumbassed native Texans down here that talk about secession from the Union. Truth be known, there's not a hell of a lot of difference between the two states and if it weren't for the highway signs or the Red River, you wouldn't be able to tell when you left OK and entered TX. There's drugs and illegals in every frickin' state and there's dickheads everywhere too. Yeah, there is that bunch of Texans that carry a chip on their shoulder when it comes to state pride, and some of 'em are pretty damned annoying. But for every one of those Texans I know, I also know another Texan that's a down-to-Earth, plain old good person. And now that I think about it, I can pretty much say the same for the Okies I know....some are good people, some are dickheads. I've lived and traveled all over this country, and people are pretty much the same wherever I've been. But Texas and Oklahoma each have their good points as well as their bad. Nothin' wrong with either as a place to live....just a personal preference. Now, when it comes to CFB....there's only one OU. ;)

Oh, one more thing....Craig James is one of the dickheads (and Herr Smells is too).

Carry on...:pop:

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 12:56 PM
If u think there is less drugs in Texas, your nuts.

Missouri does seem to be the meth capital though.

Let's try to be accurate, shall we?


Curly Bill
8/11/2011, 12:56 PM
This thread is cracking me up! Look, I'm born and raised an Okie. Both sets of my grandparents homesteaded in Oklahoma after the land run in 1889. And I absolutely love my heritage and am proud of it. But you guys that are putting Texas down just because it's Texas, well, you sound just as elitist as the dumbassed native Texans down here that talk about secession from the Union. Truth be known, there's not a hell of a lot of difference between the two states and if it weren't for the highway signs or the Red River, you wouldn't be able to tell when you left OK and entered TX. There's drugs and illegals in every frickin' state and there's dickheads everywhere too. Yeah, there is that bunch of Texans that carry a chip on their shoulder when it comes to state pride, and some of 'em are pretty damned annoying. But for every one of those Texans I know, I also know another Texan that's a down-to-Earth, plain old good person. And now that I think about it, I can pretty much say the same for the Okies I know....some are good people, some are dickheads. I've lived and traveled all over this country, and people are pretty much the same wherever I've been. But Texas and Oklahoma each have their good points as well as their bad. Nothin' wrong with either as a place to live....just a personal preference. Now, when it comes to CFB....there's only one OU. ;)

Oh, one more thing....Craig James is one of the dickheads (and Herr Smells is too).

Carry on...:pop:
What I'm saying exactly.

8/11/2011, 12:57 PM
Let's try to be accurate, shall we?


Well in my defense, I said "does seem to be," not that it was. :P

8/11/2011, 01:01 PM
We're texas!

Margin of Error






New Hampshire









South Dakota

North Dakota









New Jersey








New York


United States


District of Columbia

Rhode Island



North Carolina

New Mexico

South Carolina


West Virginia









Good luck with your battle with Mississippi and Kentucky.

8/11/2011, 01:01 PM
This thread is about as gay as a bowl of dicks.

FOOTBALL!!! Remember? We all like that?

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 01:03 PM
Well in my defense, I said "does seem to be," not that it was. :P

yeah, I was taking the same approach. I was in SW Mizz last weekend and discovered:

Sleeves were nowhere to be found. (when shirts were even donned)

Go-Karts are an accepted form of transportation on town streets. (without shirt or helmet)

Jorts require calf length white socks.

Watched a dude walking down the street with no shirt and a compound bow in his hand...seemingly hunting in the downtown area of Sheldon, MO. No one else to be seen, apparently they felt they were the prey?

8/11/2011, 01:10 PM

8/11/2011, 01:11 PM
This thread is about as gay as a bowl of dicks.

FOOTBALL!!! Remember? We all like that?

You say this with such conviction like you know from experience.

8/11/2011, 01:13 PM
Oklahoma IS far superior to saxet or any other state. :P
End of discussion.

8/11/2011, 01:25 PM
None of you know *hitty traffic.... not OKC, not Austin, not Dallas. not Houston. I drive through 2 of the worst interchanges in the world every single day, and complaints about bad traffic in Texas or OK cities is epically laughable.

The 405 is satan's highway.

We're #1! We're #1! We're #1!

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 01:38 PM
Regarding the video:

Only black face in the montage is Eric Dickerson.

SI cover shown has Sooners in the top right corner.

Better America means being a part of the crew that brought down a football program with the Death Penalty. Even The King couldn't outbid SMU.

"Entrepreneurial Spirit"? He owns a ranch and makes real estate investments. Meh.

Why does this guy's attitude remind me of Roger Clemens?

I'm guessing the OP had to flush twice.

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2011, 01:39 PM
Stoopid double postage.

8/11/2011, 01:55 PM
Well yeah, but Arkansas is like some 3rd world country or something.

Yeah, but they have mountains and lakes and rivers...and rain.

8/11/2011, 04:50 PM
Regarding the video:

Only black face in the montage is Eric Dickerson.

SI cover shown has Sooners in the top right corner.

Better America means being a part of the crew that brought down a football program with the Death Penalty. Even The King couldn't outbid SMU.

"Entrepreneurial Spirit"? He owns a ranch and makes real estate investments. Meh.

Why does this guy's attitude remind me of Roger Clemens?

I'm guessing the OP had to flush twice.

Beat me to it. Best part of video is 1:31 mark; upper right corner.

8/11/2011, 05:11 PM
You see that pile of ****ty toilet paper next to the toilet in every restroom in Texas? That is the mark of the illegal.

8/11/2011, 05:13 PM
I thought I was sorry starting this thread and the only thing I really regret about it is? We forgot about CJ. Actually I flushed twice and had to call the plumber.

8/11/2011, 08:22 PM
Let's face it, If you're a high income person, you are going to live in Texas. You're property taxes may be $6,000 a yr. but 6% of $300,000 is $18,000 grand. As long as Oklahoma has a state income tax it will never have true economic growth. Do you really think Citgo, Conoco, Phillips moved to Texas because of the wonderful culture on the great climate? It's because the high income executives found out how much more they could take home by living in Texas. I love OU and Oklahoma, but I can't afford Oklahoma Taxes!

8/11/2011, 08:44 PM
What does your 6% of $300,000 have to do with me?

8/11/2011, 08:58 PM
I don't understand the "Texas" arrogance. I mean, the state really has nothing to brag about beauty wise. Go to a beautiful state like Wyoming or Alaska and you will see what I'm talking about.

8/11/2011, 09:06 PM

In 2011, Texas is home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 51 overall, (third in line after New York with 57 Fortune 500 and then California with 53). Texas has an economy that was the second largest in the nation and the 15th largest in the world based on GDP (nominal) figures. As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Whatever. I live in Texas, it's true......we're all as sholes down here.

8/11/2011, 09:10 PM
Those are Longhorns not Texans. There is a big difference. I live in Fort Worth and work all over the state. If you know the territory traffic is not that big of a deal. Even in Austin if you know how to use the tolls and when to avoid I-35 it's not that big of a deal.

If we all hate Texans should we quit taking Texas kids. Most of them will tell you they are Texans going to OU. You can't have it both ways.

By the way there are some really, really arrogant over the top okies that come shoot their mouths and knives and fists off in Texas from time to time.

Only when some stupid whorn needs his nutsack torn from his flabby abdomen or needs to get cut down to size.

Texans (not longwhorns who are like texans on steroids) have the mentality. Hell, you're an okie who's been there for a while and you're getting it. There's nothing superior about that POS state. Texas kids come to OU because they want to win championships and play for a great coach/s. Just that simple.

8/11/2011, 09:10 PM
Keep sending us your hot chicks who want to be famous.

I don't always log in.....but when I do, I give spek to quotes like this.

8/11/2011, 11:17 PM
I was hoping to read funny comments about CJ

8/12/2011, 02:21 AM
I don't always log in.....but when I do, I give spek to quotes like this.


Stay spekky, my friends ...

8/12/2011, 05:36 AM
My buddy Bob Ford called, he wants to join the pony express.

8/12/2011, 08:44 AM
Texas is a dynamic advanced place, like London. Can't understand why everyone doesn't want to live there.

Its no use trying to change someone's mind. If you choose live somewhere, you're likely to be partial to it in some way. The $64,000 question is why?