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View Full Version : Whoa, déjà vu...

8/10/2011, 02:15 PM
Trinity: What did you just say?
Neo: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu.
Trinity: What did you see?
Cypher: What happened?
Neo: A political post went up, and then another that looked just like it.
Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same post?
Neo: It might have been. I'm not sure.
Morpheus: jkm! Veritas!
Neo: What is it?
Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.


8/10/2011, 02:36 PM
Have you ever experienced Vuja De`?

That haunting feeling that nothing like this has ever happened to anyone, anywhere before?

Very unsettlling.