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8/8/2011, 04:52 PM
People are pissed about the truth....lol


8/8/2011, 04:54 PM
People are pissed about the truth....lol


Wow her surgeon has made a fortune off of her.

8/8/2011, 04:54 PM
Some folks prefer this kind of pic....


8/8/2011, 04:56 PM
People are pissed about the truth....lol


Is that Howzit in new Sunglasses? :D ;)

8/8/2011, 04:57 PM
I'm sure that was a well thought out and fair slanted article.

Btw, who cares about Bachmann?

8/8/2011, 04:57 PM
what is she staring at??? looks like Indiana Jones when he finds that stone from Temple of Doom...

http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100925235545/indianajones/images/thumb/e/e8/Stones.jpg/830px-Stones.jpg (http://indianajones.wikia.com/index.php?title=Sankara_Stones&image=Stones-jpg)

8/8/2011, 04:59 PM
They are saying she took a quick pic to test the lighting and that Newsweek chose that pic to make her look bad.

8/8/2011, 05:00 PM
I'm sure that was a well thought out and fair slanted article.

Btw, who cares about Bachmann?

The Dems care. I think they would prefer running against her.

sooner ngintunr
8/8/2011, 05:01 PM
Looks like a fark.

8/8/2011, 05:10 PM
People are pissed about the truth....lol


Newsweek, what an effing rag...

They probably worked hard to get her to look like that and then they shanghai her...

You think they would show any Lib or Progressive in this manner. Heck no.

Anything to take the edge off the O'bummer melt down today...

8/8/2011, 05:16 PM
I'm sure that was a well thought out and fair slanted article.

Btw, who cares about Bachmann?

Exactly, not a fan at all. I pray she doesn't get the GOP bid.

As for Newsweek, always on the money.
http://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2010/4/16/saupload_cover_were_back_newsweek_.jpg.scaled.1000 .jpg

8/8/2011, 05:19 PM

8/8/2011, 05:31 PM
Newsweek, what an effing rag...

They probably worked hard to get her to look like that and then they shanghai her...

You think they would show any Lib or Progressive in this manner. Heck no.

Anything to take the edge off the O'bummer melt down today...

The Fox Five just did Ten Minutes of your angle just so you know....they got ya covered.....lol

8/8/2011, 05:37 PM
That is a really bad photo. It's not just the look on her face but the lighting is awful. They lit up the area around her eyes to where she has the Morticia Addams effect going on.

8/8/2011, 05:56 PM
If I were a member of a vast left-wing media conspiracy, she's about the last person I would want to write a smear job about. I'd save that stuff until after she gets the nod.

8/8/2011, 06:06 PM
For the uninitiated: Any news source that doesn't treat the tea party line with respect and reverence is a leftist rag. That's because the tea party is the only accurate reflection of the views of all right-thinking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans.

It's kinda like ESPN having an anti-OU bias because they aren't Sooner fans like all decent folk should be.

8/8/2011, 06:08 PM
For the uninitiated: Any news source that doesn't treat the tea party line with respect and reverence is a leftist rag. That's because the tea party is the only accurate reflection of the views of all right-thinking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans.

It's kinda like ESPN having an anti-OU bias because they aren't Sooner fans like all decent folk should be.

That's good...

8/8/2011, 06:12 PM
For the uninitiated: Any news source that doesn't treat the tea party line with respect and reverence is a leftist rag. That's because the tea party is the only accurate reflection of the views of all right-thinking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans.

It's kinda like ESPN having an anti-OU bias because they aren't Sooner fans like all decent folk should be.

What I enjoy is that if you are a Republican but don't particularly support Tea Party views....you are a dinosaur that will soon be put out to pasture and you probably only became a republican because your Mom and Dad were Republican.

8/8/2011, 06:23 PM
Strange bedfellows

One of presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s major political opponents is defending her against what it says is blatant sexism on the part of Newsweek magazine.

Monday, the National Organization for Women (NOW) spoke out against Newsweek’s most recent cover, which features an extreme close-up of Michele Bachmann and the title “The Queen of Rage.”

“It’s sexist,” NOW president Terry O’Neill told TheDC. “Casting her in that expression and then adding ‘The Queen of Rage’ I think [it is]. Gloria Steinem has a very simple test: If this were done to a man or would it ever be done to a man – has it ever been done to a man? Surely this has never been done to a man.”

While some have pointed out that Newsweek has used unflattering photos of men such as Rush Limbaugh and John McCain on its cover, O’Neill says that is not the issue.

“Who has ever called a man ‘The King of Rage?’ Basically what Newsweek magazine – and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine – what they are saying of a woman who is a serious contender for President of the United States of America…They are basically casting her as a nut job,” O’Neill said. “The ‘Queen of Rage’ is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy. They didn’t even do this to Howard Dean when he had his famous scream.”

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/michele-bachmann/2011/08/08/backlash-over-bachmann-newsweek-cover#ixzz1UTzWYASZ

8/8/2011, 06:26 PM

NewsweekFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Claims of bias:
A 2004 study by Tim Groseclose and Jeff Milyo asserted that Newsweek, along with a number of other mainstream news outlets, exhibited a "liberal bias." While liberal media watchdogs described the study as "riddled with flaws,"[26][27] their opposite numbers had similarly commented on Newsweek's alleged liberal bias.[28][29]

Newsweek's Washington Bureau Chief and later Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas variously acknowledged the charge saying, "I think Newsweek is a little liberal," and "there is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for."[30][31][32]

More recently, the magazine has begun publishing articles by conservative columnist George F. Will.

8/8/2011, 06:28 PM
Does this mean you moderate Repubicans are beginning the pre-primary election attacks on true conservatives?

8/8/2011, 06:31 PM

Gotta love Newsweek.

8/8/2011, 06:39 PM
What I enjoy is that if you are a Republican but don't particularly support Tea Party views....you are a dinosaur that will soon be put out to pasture and you probably only became a republican because your Mom and Dad were Republican.

Heh. I have a co-worker who has made comments about "I'm a Republican because my dad was a Republican, and so was my granddad."

Makes me want to sing that "Tradition" song out of Fiddler on the Roof, or something.

FYI - my reaction would be totally different if he said "I'm a Republican because I agree with their policies on X, Y, and Z."

8/8/2011, 06:45 PM
For the uninitiated: Any news source that doesn't treat the tea party line with respect and reverence is a leftist rag. That's because the tea party is the only accurate reflection of the views of all right-thinking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans.

It's kinda like ESPN having an anti-OU bias because they aren't Sooner fans like all decent folk should be.

greatness! :)

8/8/2011, 06:51 PM
"I'm a Christian because my dad was a Christian, and so was my granddad."

Oh no I didn't! :eek:


Yes, yes I did.

8/8/2011, 07:06 PM

8/8/2011, 07:19 PM
One track mind - off track!

8/8/2011, 08:36 PM
Any news source that doesn't treat the tea party line with respect and reverence is a leftist rag. That's because the tea party is the only accurate reflection of the views of all right-thinking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans.
I know you're being hyperbolic, but it misses the point. It seems fairly clear that Newsweek is doing all they can to make Michelle Backman look bad, literally and figuratively. Do you disagree?

8/9/2011, 07:53 AM
I know you're being hyperbolic, but it misses the point. It seems fairly clear that Newsweek is doing all they can to make Michelle Backman look bad, literally and figuratively. Do you disagree?

Of course subjectivity cannot be eliminated, but I think you exaggerate and are hypersensitive. Is it their job to make her look good, like on her campaign posters? Maybe that's just how she really looks? Maybe reasonable people are even permitted to think she's an unstable lunatic? Not everybody sees her like you do. And that's not bad or wrong. Methinks thou dost protest too much, like the Sooner fans who see anti-OU bias in every ESPN report.

8/9/2011, 07:58 AM
You know they had other pictures of her and went with the awkward one to fit the title. I'm sure they also had pics of her with her eyes closed or squinting or not looking at the camera, but I also have a feeling that they had something a little but less psycho-eye.

It's disappointing. I think that it reflects poorly on them to chose a bad photo for their cover.

BUT, we all know that sympathy isn't such a bad thing to have in the political arena and this can serve as a starting talking point when she kicks off her campaigning.

8/9/2011, 08:25 AM
I know you're being hyperbolic, but it misses the point. It seems fairly clear that Newsweek is doing all they can to make Michelle Backman look bad, literally and figuratively. Do you disagree?

Actually, I do disagree. I think Bachmann is pretty good at making herself look bad. Newsweek is just shining a light on it.

8/9/2011, 08:35 AM
Is it their job to make her look good, like on her campaign posters? Maybe that's just how she really looks? Maybe reasonable people are even permitted to think she's an unstable lunatic?

Are they a news magazine or a an editorial magazine? If you can answer that, you'll get your answer.

If they're an editorial magazine, I can see where they can be biased and make her look bad. It's their job to pander to the group they're targeting.

If they're a news magazine, it is there job to make her look presentable. Why? You just show the people, "Here's Michelle Bachmann" and let them decide how they feel about her.

Think of it as senior pictures. All the kids are given the same pose, lighting, and basic photo touchups. It doesn't matter if one kid was fat with no friends while the other was a jock who was popular, they're all treated the same when they go up on the wall.

Is it alright to put a white light behind the "good girl" or make the picture super dark for the "weird metal head?" No, and it's the same with the news. What they did is let their opinion of her show. As I said, taking her pose and facial expression out of the equation, it's a bad photo. The lighting on it was bad, they had the camera too low, and it's as if they got the jump on her with the pose.

Now as for the "maybe she looks like that" argument.


This coming from me, who said she was a right-wing religious-nut neo-con (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156292). I don't like her yet I can see where there was a biased in this.

Ton Loc
8/9/2011, 08:37 AM
I thought NewsWeek and Entertainment Weekly were the same thing.

Either way, Bachman is nuts before you even look at her politics.

I hope she sticks it out for awhile. I would enjoy a Bachman-Palin debate. Just for SNL Parody purposes.

8/9/2011, 08:42 AM
She's creepy, can't smile, and has 80's hair. All you white knights are pathetic.

Oh, and Newsweek. LOL.

8/9/2011, 08:46 AM
My "defense" of Newsweek does have its limits, but I just can't get all that indignant over its treatment of Bachman. So they editorialized a little? Big effing deal; the overt (as in not sneaky and hidden) point of their story was that she's the "queen of rage"! Spare me the violins, and get over it.

8/9/2011, 08:49 AM
If this had been done to The Downgrader-in-Chief, they would be called racist.

Perhaps Newsweek is sexist, and not just biased??

8/9/2011, 09:11 AM
If this had been done to The Downgrader-in-Chief, they would be called racist.

Perhaps Newsweek is sexist, and not just biased??

I would suggest mysoginist, at least to Conservative women.

8/9/2011, 09:12 AM
Actually, I do disagree. I think Bachmann is pretty good at making herself look bad. Newsweek is just shining a light on it.

You must be really scared of Backmann...A strong women out there and working hard. I guess you want them barefoot and pregnant. My guess, she has accomplished more in her lifetime than you have.

8/9/2011, 09:16 AM
The cons NEVER used unflattering pics of Hillary Clinton, did they?

8/9/2011, 09:16 AM
You must be really scared of Backmann...A strong women out there and working hard. I guess you want them barefoot and pregnant. My guess, she has accomplished more in her lifetime than you have.


8/9/2011, 09:18 AM
The great thing is that this will probably make her even more popular. Hell, she's already out polling President Downgrade in several key states.

Position Limit
8/9/2011, 09:21 AM
The great thing is that this will probably make her even more popular. Hell, she's already out polling President Downgrade in several key states.

that's great. which flyover states? i bet she would make a wonderful president. i bet you're so excited.

8/9/2011, 09:22 AM
The great thing is that this will probably make her even more popular. Hell, she's already out polling President Downgrade in several key states.

Help us...please help us...

8/9/2011, 09:29 AM
Wow her surgeon has made a fortune off of her.


Nancy Pelosi

I'm no tea party type but I find it interesting that the left has had angry protests for decades yet they are somehow labeled as meaningful.

8/9/2011, 09:29 AM
Honest question.

Why the hate for Bachmann and Palin? Why the love for Pelosi and Boxer? All four women have been successful and appear to have true convictions as the basis for their political ideology. So what is the difference?

8/9/2011, 09:31 AM
Love for Pelosi? Pelosi?????

8/9/2011, 09:32 AM
I don't know that anyone loves Pelosi. Not even her dog.

And I laugh when anyone says that a politician has "true convictions". It's sad that some people believe this.

Position Limit
8/9/2011, 09:37 AM
Honest question.

Why the hate for Bachmann and Palin? Why the love for Pelosi and Boxer? All four women have been successful and appear to have true convictions as the basis for their political ideology. So what is the difference?

who has love for pelosi and boxer around here? they're both deplorable politicians. im curious why you feel the need to bring them up. is it a keeping score kind of thing. which one it thrusting themselves into the media circus or currently running for higher office?

8/9/2011, 09:39 AM

Nancy Pelosi

I'm no tea party type but I find it interesting that the left has had angry protests for decades yet they are somehow labeled as meaningful.

They can marry in New York now so Ozzie and Harry can now go home and play house and work on their joint returns.

The Profit
8/9/2011, 10:38 AM
I am for Michelle all of the way. If I could vote for a republican primary contender, she would be the one.

hawaii 5-0
8/9/2011, 10:53 AM
Michelle Bachman represents the values of most Americans.

Hate everyone that isn't a homophobic white Anglo-Saxon Protestant bible-thumper.


Trump/ Michelle 2012

8/9/2011, 10:59 AM
I remember the last gay guy I turned straight by taking him to church and watching him burst into flames. He came around quick. It's all in how long you wait to apply the extinguisher.

8/9/2011, 11:04 AM
People are pissed about the truth....lol




It isn't hard to pick out the worst photo. I guess it is all in if you believe the choice was deliberate or not.

8/9/2011, 11:07 AM
Michelle Bachman represents the values of most Americans.

Hate everyone that isn't a homophobic white Anglo-Saxon Protestant bible-thumper.


Trump/ Michelle 2012

She could change your mind if you give her one night...

8/9/2011, 11:08 AM
But those are from a different magazine...

8/9/2011, 11:12 AM

8/9/2011, 11:13 AM
No, 3g. Newsweek hates republicans.

8/9/2011, 11:14 AM
You a Mamma Grizzly, 3G?

8/9/2011, 11:17 AM
But those are from a different magazine...

http://secretaryclinton.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/199129_10150151923181101_18343191100_8418560_23806 98_n.jpg



I think my point stands.

8/9/2011, 11:21 AM
You a Mamma Grizzly, 3G?I"m not really sure what that means.

8/9/2011, 11:22 AM
If only I knew what it was...

8/9/2011, 11:25 AM

8/9/2011, 11:27 AM

8/9/2011, 11:37 AM


It isn't hard to pick out the worst photo. I guess it is all in if you believe the choice was deliberate or not.

They're not in the business of promoting libs. They're in the business of selling magazines.


Bourbon St Sooner
8/9/2011, 12:30 PM
http://secretaryclinton.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/199129_10150151923181101_18343191100_8418560_23806 98_n.jpg

That's some fine airbrushing right there!

8/9/2011, 03:15 PM
Speaking of gender bias.... I'm pretty sure Rush has been depicted in the past as the "king of rage" or something equally unflattering. Just saying that NOW might be a little off the mark on this particular gender thing.

8/9/2011, 03:53 PM
Speaking of gender bias.... I'm pretty sure Rush has been depicted in the past as the "king of rage" or something equally unflattering. Just saying that NOW might be a little off the mark on this particular gender thing.

Speaking of the "rage" thing...

Isn’t it interesting that to go with a profile titled “The Queen of Rage,” Newsweek couldn’t find a single photo of Bachmann expressing said rage? In four of the nine shots, she’s smiling. In three she has a slight grin, and in the remaining two she has no expression. Some Queen of Rage she is.

Here is at least one better picture that Newsweek could have used..


8/9/2011, 03:57 PM

8/9/2011, 03:59 PM
Speaking of the "rage" thing...

Here is at least one better picture that Newsweek could have used..


That's scarier than the one they used. :eek:

8/9/2011, 04:04 PM
Michelle Bachmann is a ****ing loon.

Where's my sandwich?

8/9/2011, 04:09 PM
That's scarier than the one they used. :eek:

Where is the rage? You wouldn't think it would be hard to find for someone labeled, queen of rage...

The online story is labled, "Tea Party Queen"..

That seems appropriate. Maybe it isn't sensational enough..

8/9/2011, 04:10 PM
Speaking of the "rage" thing...

Here is at least one better picture that Newsweek could have used..


She is praying: "don't let my husband be a bigger queen than I am."

8/9/2011, 04:36 PM
Here is a link to the Newsweek photos.


Once again, I fail to see any rage...

8/9/2011, 04:38 PM
If this had been done to The Downgrader-in-Chief, they would be called racist.

Perhaps Newsweek is sexist, and not just biased??

THIS ^^^^^^

The Profit
8/9/2011, 04:39 PM
Here is a link to the Newsweek photos.


Once again, I fail to see any rage...

I think she looks crazy in all of the photos. Her chances of becoming president were crushed by the teabagged showing its azz during the debt ceiling crisis. Americans do not want wack jobs running the country.

The Profit
8/9/2011, 04:40 PM


8/9/2011, 04:43 PM
You must be really scared of Backmann...A strong women out there and working hard. I guess you want them barefoot and pregnant. My guess, she has accomplished more in her lifetime than you have.

Yes! And there are bunch of very insecure little boys on this thread, who just wish they could have a fling with her.
But, she's not into pleasure with little insecure boys!

8/9/2011, 04:44 PM
I think she looks crazy in all of the photos. Her chances of becoming president were crushed by the teabagged showing its azz during the debt ceiling crisis. Americans do not want wack jobs running the country.

I don't think she ever had a chance...

But if Obama continues his downward slide(I expect approval ratings in the high 30s by Monday) everyone has a chance.

Then we could get the first 3D cover in Newsweek history..


Scott D
8/9/2011, 04:54 PM
You must be really scared of Backmann...A strong women out there and working hard. I guess you want them barefoot and pregnant. My guess, she has accomplished more in her lifetime than you have.

Ann Coulter called and said to let you know she told Bachmann to get back in the kitchen and make her a sammich, and have her "husband" get back to his day job as a gay porn fluffer.

8/9/2011, 04:54 PM
I think she looks crazy in all of the photos. Her chances of becoming president were crushed by the teabagged showing its azz during the debt ceiling crisis. Americans do not want wack jobs running the country.

We know who the wack job is....
It's any Alinskyian who attacks the messenger personally; rather than having the moral fiber to argue the issues rationally.
This seems to be all the the LW wack jobs have left to say.
They certainly can't be bragging on the accomplishments of the boy who would be president! So, all they can do is shout loudly, at the top of their keyboards. I fully expect you liberal progressives to be encouraging rioting against the Republic soon.

The Tea Party folks are the only politicians who are representing what the majority of Americans want to happen in this country and the economy.

Get over it!

8/9/2011, 04:55 PM
The Tea Party folks are the only politicians who are representing what the majority of Americans want to happen in this country and the economy.

Get over it!

Have you ever left the state of Oklahoma? Seriously.

8/9/2011, 04:58 PM
NewsweekFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Claims of bias:
A 2004 study by Tim Groseclose and Jeff Milyo asserted that Newsweek, along with a number of other mainstream news outlets, exhibited a "liberal bias." While liberal media watchdogs described the study as "riddled with flaws,"[26][27] their opposite numbers had similarly commented on Newsweek's alleged liberal bias.[28][29]

Newsweek's Washington Bureau Chief and later Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas variously acknowledged the charge saying, "I think Newsweek is a little liberal," and "there is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for."[30][31][32]

More recently, the magazine has begun publishing articles by conservative columnist George F. Will.

8/9/2011, 05:00 PM
Have you ever left the state of Oklahoma? Seriously.

29 years in the AF; all around the world.
Thank GOD for states and good people like Oklahoma!
Seriously! :P

8/9/2011, 06:07 PM
The Tea Party is just another whacked out bunch of completely lost people who climbed out of their 1950s shell to find out the World had changed and their idea of a fix is to cast everyone else's ideas into the pit of hell as fast as possible so they don't have to really do any work. When it's all over they wont really have fixed anything and they will refuse to take any blame because the rest of us didn't do our part and fix it for them like we were supposed to do.

It's just another bunch of dreamers who sit around waiting for someone to do something.

A Sooner in Texas
8/9/2011, 06:33 PM
We know who the wack job is....
It's any Alinskyian who attacks the messenger personally; rather than having the moral fiber to argue the issues rationally.
This seems to be all the the LW wack jobs have left to say.
They certainly can't be bragging on the accomplishments of the boy who would be president! So, all they can do is shout loudly, at the top of their keyboards. I fully expect you liberal progressives to be encouraging rioting against the Republic soon.

The Tea Party folks are the only politicians who are representing what the majority of Americans want to happen in this country and the economy.

Get over it!



hawaii 5-0
8/9/2011, 06:39 PM
The Tea Party folks are the only politicians who are representing what the majority of Americans want to happen in this country and the economy.

The Tea Party politicians represent what the majority of Americans want to happen?


Thanks for tha Laugh o' The Day !!!


Trump/ Glove Man 2012

8/9/2011, 07:01 PM
Newsweek...just another liberal/progressive rag like several others...

8/9/2011, 07:04 PM
The Tea Party is just another whacked out bunch of completely lost people who climbed out of their 1950s shell to find out the World had changed and their idea of a fix is to cast everyone else's ideas into the pit of hell as fast as possible so they don't have to really do any work. When it's all over they wont really have fixed anything and they will refuse to take any blame because the rest of us didn't do our part and fix it for them like we were supposed to do.

It's just another bunch of dreamers who want to go back to running this country according to the Constitution of the United Sates of America .


And yeah, those Tea Party guys are a real bunch of loonies, wantin' to follow the Constitution and all.

8/9/2011, 07:21 PM

And yeah, those Tea Party guys are a real bunch of loonies, wantin' to follow the Constitution and all.

That and the loss of their power is why they are desperately trying to demonize the tea party...they know its only a matter of time when they lose much of this power and they are holding on for dear life...

8/9/2011, 07:24 PM
That and the loss of their power is why they are desperately trying to demonize the tea party...they know its only a matter of time when they lose much of this power and they are holding on for dear life...

And you, my friend just stated the real reason that both the dems and pubs are scared ****less of them.

8/9/2011, 08:37 PM

And yeah, those Tea Party guys are a real bunch of loonies, wantin' to follow the Constitution and all.

Well if they truly want to follow the Founding Fathers that means they have to get rid of the amendments that were later added. I think that's the thing that turns me off is that they really have no real clear message. They are just pissed off and in the last election they completely misread why they were elected. They weren't there to help lose the our AAA Credit Rating they were sent to send a message to the remaining pubs and dems that they had better get off their asses and help straighten out this Country. Now it's just turned into dividing our Country even further.

They should be ashamed as they have grasped onto making sure they take control instead of really help the US put itself on the right track of strengthening our economy and reminding Terrorist who the boss is and that we will continue to come after them no matter the cost.

The Amendments to our Constitution are things that needed to change and it's possible there could be more in the future. Unfortunately like I said they are a mixed bag of folks and it just seems like they have no clear message it's mostly just a huge pish posh mess and they seem angry that other people might have different views on how to live their lives.

hawaii 5-0
8/9/2011, 08:48 PM
I don't think most Blacks would enjoy the ideas of becoming slaves.

I don't think most Indians would like the idea of having open season on them either.


Trump/ Bosco 2012

8/9/2011, 08:58 PM
I don't think most Blacks would enjoy the ideas of becoming slaves.

I don't think most Indians would like the idea of having open season on them either.


Trump/ Bosco 2012

Exactly and some of you can deny that that's not a Tea Party Agenda but I know for a fact from the email / spamming campaigns I've seen over the last few years that there are some that feel it should be debated again once the Tea Party gets things straightened out. Again there is no clear message as to have one would lose them votes with the Ultra Conservatives that blindly support them.

8/9/2011, 11:15 PM
The Tea Party folks are the only politicians who are representing what the majority of Americans want to happen in this country and the economy.

Get over it!

OMG are you serious ?

I put the Tea Party on par with the idiots of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Obama is a joke. But McCain-Palin would have been much worse.

hawaii 5-0
8/10/2011, 12:18 AM
So if the Teabaggers want the original Constitution does that mean women don't have the right to vote?



Trump/ Sue Anthony 2012

8/10/2011, 03:24 AM
Nothing has been perfect in politics for a long time but this climate shows just how screwed up if we allow a bunch of newbs in Congress to have their way all we get is confusion and gridlock. Now...I'm not sure that's a bad thing except that one bunch of Newbs didn't follow old party lines and they decided that what the American People wanted was to make the current President show us a Birth Certificate, prove he was Christian, Admit he's not a military genius yet after 11 years the #1 Most Wanted Man in the World was captured and disposed of so there would be no place but their minds to martyr him, and then after he somehow kept all of our 401ks from becoming a worthless and useless retirement tool they have now not only stonewalled normal changes made by every sitting President we have had and helped to achieve us the first downgrade from AAA that we have ever had and then tried to take no blame in any of it.

The POTUS asked for a small 3% raise in he tax rates for the rich and you would think he asked them to give some of their personal wealth to help the Soviets build WMDs or help feed the starving Chinese Population. He asked them to help the American People in feeding this out of control Monster and instead got them to support Zero help and really Zero cuts to put a stop to the very problems they stated we must do something about.

It was a huge bunch of Cowboys sitting around a campfire eating beans and seeing who could make the campfire glow brighter with their butt stink.


8/10/2011, 11:05 AM


Barney Frank farted on national TV!

Good use for the mask!
He usually just farts out of his mouth!

8/10/2011, 11:08 AM
I don't think most Blacks would enjoy the ideas of becoming slaves.

I don't think most Indians would like the idea of having open season on them either.


Trump/ Bosco 2012

Unfortunately, most blacks (as seen from election polling) are very happy to be slaves of the state and the Demoncratic Party.
(But, I guess that is their "choice". Like aborting most of their children.)

8/10/2011, 11:10 AM
Unfortunately, most blacks (as seen from election polling) are very happy to be slaves of the state and the Demoncratic Party.
(But, I guess that is their "choice". Like aborting most of their children.)
That may be the most stupidly offensive thing you've ever said.

8/10/2011, 11:18 AM
Nothing has been perfect in politics for a long time but this climate shows just how screwed up if we allow a bunch of newbs in Congress to have their way all we get is confusion and gridlock. Now...I'm not sure that's a bad thing except that one bunch of Newbs didn't follow old party lines and they decided that what the American People wanted was to make the current President show us a Birth Certificate, prove he was Christian, Admit he's not a military genius yet after 11 years the #1 Most Wanted Man in the World was captured and disposed of so there would be no place but their minds to martyr him, and then after he somehow kept all of our 401ks from becoming a worthless and useless retirement tool they have now not only stonewalled normal changes made by every sitting President we have had and helped to achieve us the first downgrade from AAA that we have ever had and then tried to take no blame in any of it.

The POTUS asked for a small 3% raise in he tax rates for the rich and you would think he asked them to give some of their personal wealth to help the Soviets build WMDs or help feed the starving Chinese Population. He asked them to help the American People in feeding this out of control Monster and instead got them to support Zero help and really Zero cuts to put a stop to the very problems they stated we must do something about.

It was a huge bunch of Cowboys sitting around a campfire eating beans and seeing who could make the campfire glow brighter with their butt stink.


Whatever you say, Hurricane tits! :D

8/10/2011, 11:19 AM
The POTUS asked for a small 3% raise in he tax rates for the rich and you would think he asked them to give some of their personal wealth to help the Soviets build WMDs or help feed the starving Chinese Population. He asked them to help the American People in feeding this out of control Monster and instead got them to support Zero help and really Zero cuts to put a stop to the very problems they stated we must do something about.
Let me tell you about my big brother, Sam. Uncle Sam, my kids call him. Figuring all taxes total, I'm spending over 50% of my income to help support him. Even with all the money I give him, he keeps coming back and asking for more money for yet another doomed-to-fail scheme. So this latest phone call came in. "Oh my god I need to 'borrow' more money or these guys are going to break my legs."

Man, how many times have we been here before. All he's going to do is **** away that money like he's pissed away every other penny we've given him.

So no, he doesn't get any more money. He needs to get his **** together and start making better decisions with his money.

Stop trying to support all these baby mammas that keep getting knocked up and then come crying to him for support.

Stop starting **** across the street and in other towns, because those "little" wars are expensive and I'm pretty sure they're a big part of the reason he's here again, hat in hand, wanting another wad of cash.

Because me and the other people who are already giving up half our income to support him could give up 100% of our money to support him and it wouldn't fix the problem.

My big brother, as much as I love him, has to learn to live within his means. And it probably means some hard times for me and for everyone else that supports him and especially for those who've grown crippled by the habit of living off of him.

But I'm not real worried, because I wasn't born with the resources that he keeps coming to me begging to have just a little bit more of. I figured out how to get there once, I'll do it again.

Because my big brother isn't too big to fail, nothing is, and if we keep doling out cash to him trying to cover up for his stupid decisions his fall is going to be oh so much worse than if we draw the line now.

8/10/2011, 11:22 AM
Nothing has been perfect in politics for a long time but this climate shows just how screwed up if we allow a bunch of newbs in Congress to have their way all we get is confusion and gridlock. Now...I'm not sure that's a bad thing except that one bunch of Newbs didn't follow old party lines and they decided that what the American People wanted was to make the current President show us a Birth Certificate, prove he was Christian, Admit he's not a military genius yet after 11 years the #1 Most Wanted Man in the World was captured and disposed of so there would be no place but their minds to martyr him, and then after he somehow kept all of our 401ks from becoming a worthless and useless retirement tool they have now not only stonewalled normal changes made by every sitting President we have had and helped to achieve us the first downgrade from AAA that we have ever had and then tried to take no blame in any of it.

The POTUS asked for a small 3% raise in he tax rates for the rich and you would think he asked them to give some of their personal wealth to help the Soviets build WMDs or help feed the starving Chinese Population. He asked them to help the American People in feeding this out of control Monster and instead got them to support Zero help and really Zero cuts to put a stop to the very problems they stated we must do something about.

It was a huge bunch of Cowboys sitting around a campfire eating beans and seeing who could make the campfire glow brighter with their butt stink.


So either the Tea Partiers are really, really smart or Obama is a terrible leader or a combination of the two. Which do you think it is?

Oh and by the way.. Never, NEVER try to feed an "out of control monster". Shoot the ****er with a tranquilzer dart and put him in his cage.

8/10/2011, 11:25 AM
Nothing has been perfect in politics for a long time but this climate shows just how screwed up if we allow a bunch of newbs in Congress to have their way all we get is confusion and gridlock. Now...I'm not sure that's a bad thing except that one bunch of Newbs didn't follow old party lines and they decided that what the American People wanted was to make the current President show us a Birth Certificate, prove he was Christian, Admit he's not a military genius yet after 11 years the #1 Most Wanted Man in the World was captured and disposed of so there would be no place but their minds to martyr him, and then after he somehow kept all of our 401ks from becoming a worthless and useless retirement tool they have now not only stonewalled normal changes made by every sitting President we have had and helped to achieve us the first downgrade from AAA that we have ever had and then tried to take no blame in any of it.

Care to clarify how the "anointed one" did this?

8/10/2011, 11:27 AM
Let me tell you about my big brother, Sam. Uncle Sam, my kids call him. Figuring all taxes total, I'm spending over 50% of my income to help support him. Even with all the money I give him, he keeps coming back and asking for more money for yet another doomed-to-fail scheme. So this latest phone call came in. "Oh my god I need to 'borrow' more money or these guys are going to break my legs."

Man, how many times have we been here before. All he's going to do is **** away that money like he's pissed away every other penny we've given him.

So no, he doesn't get any more money. He needs to get his **** together and start making better decisions with his money.

Stop trying to support all these baby mammas that keep getting knocked up and then come crying to him for support.

Stop starting **** across the street and in other towns, because those "little" wars are expensive and I'm pretty sure they're a big part of the reason he's here again, hat in hand, wanting another wad of cash.

Because me and the other people who are already giving up half our income to support him could give up 100% of our money to support him and it wouldn't fix the problem.

My big brother, as much as I love him, has to learn to live within his means. And it probably means some hard times for me and for everyone else that supports him and especially for those who've grown crippled by the habit of living off of him.

But I'm not real worried, because I wasn't born with the resources that he keeps coming to me begging to have just a little bit more of. I figured out how to get there once, I'll do it again.

Because my big brother isn't too big to fail, nothing is, and if we keep doling out cash to him trying to cover up for his stupid decisions his fall is going to be oh so much worse than if we draw the line now.

Sounds like you need a better accountant to me. :texan:

8/10/2011, 11:30 AM
So if the Teabaggers want the original Constitution does that mean women don't have the right to vote?



Trump/ Sue Anthony 2012

Wish you libs wouldn't keep saying the ridiculous, and hoping someone agrees with you. :rolleyes:

But, all the same....THIS! vvvvvv


No! We know who the extremists are!
Thank you.