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View Full Version : ? on the SoonerSports all-access?

8/5/2011, 10:31 AM
Anyone that subscribes, is it good, do you get the football games on video and does it have an iPad App? Is there something better to subscribe to in order to get Sooner games on video or radio while I am traveling the world. TIA.

8/6/2011, 10:44 PM

Chuck Bao
8/7/2011, 01:36 PM
No clue either. I'm willing to bump it several times until someone gives a good answer because I willing to pay a lot of money to watch live streaming video of the games.

I am going to guess here that that is impossible. The TV contracts are very complicated and fall by rank on games that the higher priority didn't pick up. Then, the international rights are sold off for additional money by some company. If OU offers live streaming video, it would break all of those contracts, I think.

The Asian Sports Network picked up a lot of OU games when OU was not having such a great season several years ago. Big name and sold cheaply internationally and I think that is how it works. This year, I imagine that I will be treated by a lot of THE OSU followed by USC games. Ack, ack, ack.

8/7/2011, 01:49 PM

8/8/2011, 05:28 AM
Thank you Flagstaff,

However, live video will be provided if no TV according to them. Did they show any game on video last year?

8/8/2011, 06:52 AM
However, live video will be provided if no TV according to them.

I don't think so. That has never been the case before for football and usually not men's basketball. I've *never* seen a live football game offered on SoonerSports.com (been with them 8-9 years now) and I'm pretty sure I never will. Unless you can find a link on the website that says otherwise, this would be a new feature that I would love to have.

Did they show any game on video last year?

Yes, their archives are actually quite good except that very sadly, you can't get the full broadcasts of the bowl games. At least not on Soonersports. But you do get all of the regular season games and the Big XII championship as well as highlight reels of the bowl games. They show games all the way back from 2000. And the highlight videos are usually very good. There are occasional glaring lapses (the highlights favor offense naturally and expectedly), but they are usually high quality and available very quickly.

They do have one false statement on there which is a bit of a trap for those of us who can't hope to get the choked up ESPN live feed from outside of the U.S.

Football live audio will be available regardless of the TV situation.

THIS IS NOT TRUE FOR THE BCS BOWL GAMES! You will NOT be able to get OU's bowl game audio live through Soonersports, no matter how cunningly they word it. I was bitten by this false expectation again this year (I've been with them for years now) because of that statement. They even had the gall to provide a 'link'. Which I just kept clicking on like a dumb lemming. It's very disappointing to say the least, after paying all of that money for the whole season only to find out that you are are locked out of the bowl game audio. I do hope they correct this statement before it lures too many people in. (I've complained about these kind of false statements in the past. Believe me, it's been much much worse). This alone has made my subscription to ESPNAmerica worthwhile. Even if I don't get OU's audio, and have to annoyingly mute through commercials, I at least get to see the game.

If you are into OU affiliated TV shows and pre-game stuff, I suppose it's a good site, but since I'm not into that sort of thing (just want to see/hear the games myself) I can't really be a judge. Maybe another subscriber can shed more light on that facet of their offerings. They certainly seem to have a lot of it. It's got to be of interest to some fans.

Although slightly off-topic, it is nice to be able to occasionally pop on a big baseball game and have a listen. And I have taken in a bit of the women's volleyball live video here and there. I've completely given up hope of ever seeing live streaming of men's basketball games with any regularity. It's just not profitable for anybody, including Soonersports.com, to offer that content online. *shrug* Sad, but if that's the way the economics plays out, then so be it.

Being out of the country, the positives out way the negatives enough for me to be a long-time subscriber. But if I was living in the U.S., I would likely never have given it more than a first thought because:

I'd almost certainly be just fine with whatever I can find online, and could see any big games on TV anyway on my extended sports package or pay-per-view.
The only compelling reason for me to join would be audio for a half-dozen baseball games and perhaps the rare final four basketball game which can get hard to find on the internet.

8/8/2011, 09:30 AM
Thanks 'flak. Do you subscribe to ESPN 360?

8/8/2011, 11:12 AM
Thanks 'flak. Do you subscribe to ESPN 360?
No, it has only been available in Europe for the last couple of years (since ESPN finally got its hooks into the European market), and I haven't had the greatest experiences streaming games from the U.S. (in fact it's been down right atrocious with the exception of, surprisingly, justintv). I admit though that I'm now seriously considering atleast giving it a go. Now that ESPN is here, I might actually get a local stream coming off of a satellite. The lag then would not be that much less than what I would get stateside. And they have a considerably more flexible pricing plan than I remember the last time I looked with a 24 hour college pass. This would suit me quite fine as I would likely only be interested in a few games outside of OU anyway. I'll give it a try at least once this season and give a report.