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View Full Version : Kidney Stones!

8/3/2011, 10:21 PM
About 4 hours ago, I was relaxing and looking over SF. Then an uncomfortable sensation began developing in my back and quickly became the worst pain I've ever experienced! :eek:

Pain so bad it caused me to vomit. 5 times. Now I'm home from the ER and under the pleasant influence of narcotics. The stones should pass within the next day or so...

But you know what? I would wish that on my worst enemy. The idea of those Al Qaeda p.o.s. writhing in that kind of pain brings a satisified smirk to my face... I kinda feel bad thinking that evil thought.....

8/3/2011, 10:35 PM
Rest easy dude!
The son in Tulsa had this over a year ago....and kept his Momma up on the phone for hours screaming & wreching. I called the ambulence on the other phone.
"And this too shall pass"!....a day later.
Lucky me, only moderate chronic back pain here.

8/4/2011, 08:23 AM
Took three days for mine to pass. I drove myself to the emergency room and puked as soon as I walked in the doors. Left the car parked in the middle of the entrance and an aide had to go move it for me.

I would also wish this on lousy terrorists, just need to stipulate they can't have any assistance from those poppy fields they hide in.

8/4/2011, 08:48 AM
Ah the fond memories of my first kidney stone... I was such a lad....

Yes, it's easily one of the most painful experiences you can go through. I've had quite a history of stones myself.

But, my worst experience so far has been this year. It started back in February. I spent the better part of 4 days at home in pain. I passed 2 stones, but I still didn't feel like it was over. So I went to the doc and they had me do a CT scan. Turns out there were still 7 stones... 3 in each kidney and one in my left ureter, all between 2-3mm.

So, I've been passing them periodically over the last few months. I still have one larger one left that is stuck in my left ureter. I hope that it will eventually pass rather than developing a fever and infection... in that case they will have to go get it and I'm not really a fan of the logistics on that procedure.

So it's an understatement to say I feel your pain...

8/4/2011, 09:10 AM
Drink Mo BEER. Never had one and I thank God for that.

8/4/2011, 09:35 AM
sounds like this a Sooner Fan epidemic. I may be leaving this group.

8/4/2011, 09:42 AM
i had one and it was a very similar experience...
except mine passed about the time i got to the er and gave a sample...
it was instant recovery...
my nausea seemed much worse than the pain itself...
i felt like i had just eaten a dead possum that had been on a highway in 110 degree heat for 3 days...

8/4/2011, 09:45 AM
i had one and it was a very similar experience...
except mine passed about the time i got to the er and gave a sample...
it was instant recovery...
my nausea seemed much worse than the pain itself...
i felt like i had just eaten a dead possum that had been on a highway in 110 degree heat for 3 days...

Speakin of eatin Possum, have I shared my recipe with the nOObs?

Peach Fuzz
8/4/2011, 09:48 AM
So, do the majority of people get them? Is there an estimate at the age when people start getting them? (as in increased % or something) I don't want that ****.

8/4/2011, 09:54 AM
So, do the majority of people get them? Is there an estimate at the age when people start getting them? (as in increased % or something) I don't want that ****.

i got mine on my 38th or 39th birthday....can't remember which...

i'm 46 and haven't had any more...
i started drinking orange juice with calcium in the evenings...
wasn't about 2-3 months later i got the stone.....

8/4/2011, 10:12 AM
I started drankin beer at a very young age, Im 61 Never had one.
So drank mo Beer.

8/4/2011, 10:23 AM
Some people are genetically predisposed to have them. Most who do just don't drink enough water.

8/4/2011, 10:34 AM
Some people are genetically predisposed to have them. Most who do just don't drink enough BEER.

FIFY ;) :D

8/4/2011, 10:45 AM
I was 39 when I got mine. Yes, drinking adequate water can help prevent them but is not always a guarantee. Diet and genetics play the biggest part.

8/4/2011, 11:54 AM
a 20 yo in my office got them recently. He's started drinking more water since then.

I was 39 when I got mine. Yes, drinking adequate water can help prevent them but is not always a guarantee. Diet and genetics play the biggest part.

Water consumption is a big part of your diet.

8/4/2011, 12:22 PM
Every one I've known who has had them says that same thing: worst pain they're ever felt. My brother just had them. It terrifying to think of.

Hope you're feeling better, and have the attention of a good female to get you thru it.

8/4/2011, 03:28 PM
I had one TOO LARGE to pass (5 centimeters)...underwent lithotripsy. It's like getting spanked 4,000 times a minute. Thank goodness they gave me some kind of pleasure drug to endure it.

8/4/2011, 03:39 PM
Speakin of eatin Possum, have I shared my recipe with the nOObs?

Nope...I am always on the lookout for a new possum recipe...

8/4/2011, 03:45 PM
I've passed 1 every six months to one year for the past 10-12 years. I'm lucky: mine are what they call 'smooth' (the others are 'comet' and, yeah, baby: 'jagged'). So mine involve the onset symptoms (there's a smell to the urine, a feeling and then the lower back, sort of, pain) and then MORPHINE. RIGHT NOW.
12-18 hours of Cartoon Network later, I give birth and all is well.
I drink **** loads of water, but my body has a great ability to refine crystalline mineral salts out of whatever it takes in.
I have a long letter from my doctor to carry with me so that various police authorities can satisfy themselves as to why I'm carrying opiates.
It's a good, solid class 9-10 pain.

8/4/2011, 03:49 PM
i've heard a kidney stone the size of a grain of salt can feel like constantly having your gut torn at with a knife.

Peach Fuzz
8/4/2011, 04:51 PM
I hear people who get kidney stones are druggies that make bad decisions throughout their lives.


8/4/2011, 05:02 PM
Bunch of pussies. Anytime I get one I just cut it out with a pocket knife.

8/4/2011, 07:42 PM
I had one on the golf course about 15 years ago. I was down on all fours (probably humping air) and asked someone to call 911. About a century later the cops showed up and told me to quit doing that. It never crossed anyone's mind to call an ambulance.

I passed 5-6 stones that were small and very jagged. They were barely bigger than a grain of salt each.

It's not the worst thing I have been through but it has left me with more vivid memories than any other event in my life.

8/4/2011, 10:03 PM
i passed one the size of a pencil eraser once. it was not awesome. i was in pain for about a month. went to the dr. beforehand, and even with my assurance that it had made it most of the way down, they still wanted to shove a catheter up my peehole. so i left. i was 22 at the time, the dr. was positive that i was too young. sad part is, i had been passing them for 6 yrs by that point. terrible time in my life. i don't get them much anymore, thanks to a diet change.

8/4/2011, 10:18 PM
I take back what I said about hoping the Al Qaeda guys get it... just give them the noodle, that's a fine fate. Nobody should have to endure what I did today!

I'm 48. Probably vomited as much today as I have in my life to this point, counting college days, everything. Of course, purging every 15-20 minutes for hours means no pain pill can do its duty! Miserable... I spent most of the day laying on the cold bathroom tile... it felt cool and was near the Great White Throne of Judgment.

The whole family was out of town today, my doc was off, my urologist was on vacation, so I was all set to have a friend haul me back to the ER. Then my lovely wife got in touch with another urologist that agreed to prescribe some sort of anti-nausea magic pill.

I think I want to live now.

hawaii 5-0
8/4/2011, 10:24 PM
Certain pain pills can cause nausea.

Just sayin'.


Trump/ Dr. Phil 2012

8/4/2011, 10:41 PM
Certain pain pills can cause nausea.

Just sayin'.


Trump/ Dr. Phil 2012

i never took any pain pills

8/4/2011, 10:46 PM
I've taken Lortab before, never any problem...

8/4/2011, 11:06 PM
I wonder if taking magnesium every day would reduce the occurrences of kidney stones? A lot of people seem to be suggesting that it does. I'll bet it would help if you took 400 Mg. of Carlson's Brand Chelated Magnesium along with 50 Mg. of P5P, Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (active form of Vitamin B6) every day.

8/4/2011, 11:18 PM
FWIW I work in the ER and I am seeing at least 3-4 patients daily with kidney stones. On average I might see one or maybe two.

I suspect its due to chronic mild dehydration the unusually hot weather is causing. I really have nothing else to blame it on...

8/4/2011, 11:27 PM
Passing a kidney stone hurts worse than childbirth. I can testify to that because I've gone through both.

A member of my family had one at age 14 months. It had to be surgically removed - this was before lithotripsy. It was the size and shape of a small rock, like you might find in a package of pinto beans. It bore a strong resemblance to a cockle-burr.

8/5/2011, 07:13 AM
Mods, please lock this thread. It's making me walk around holding my business and wince.

8/5/2011, 02:39 PM
I take back what I said about hoping the Al Qaeda guys get it... just give them the noodle, that's a fine fate. Nobody should have to endure what I did today!

I'm 48. Probably vomited as much today as I have in my life to this point, counting college days, everything. Of course, purging every 15-20 minutes for hours means no pain pill can do its duty! Miserable... I spent most of the day laying on the cold bathroom tile... it felt cool and was near the Great White Throne of Judgment.

The whole family was out of town today, my doc was off, my urologist was on vacation, so I was all set to have a friend haul me back to the ER. Then my lovely wife got in touch with another urologist that agreed to prescribe some sort of anti-nausea magic pill.

I think I want to live now.
Best wishes man, I feel for ya.

8/7/2011, 12:59 PM
Well, I finally feel like I'm back among the living, sort of. I ended up having to go to the hospital. There is just no substitute for having an IV drip that can supply plenty of fluid to wash out the stone as well as a timely dose of morphine every 3 hours. Finally gave birth to a tiny black grain about 5:00 Sat morning. I gave it an indian name; Hurts Like Hell. Been discharged about 24 hrs now. Now I have strength to sit at a computer.

I blame the heat wave. I had been painting outside for the past several weeks... apparently drinking the occasional bottle of water or G2 wasn't good enough. I'll be more than happy to begin my inside teaching job in a few days. Glad I don't coach football anymore!

8/7/2011, 01:12 PM
Glad to hear you made it through it. It's a SOB.