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8/2/2011, 04:53 PM
Any of you use the patch to help you kick the habit? I've tried to quit before without success, but have never tried using the patch. Going on 72hrs smoke free now, but got this patch on pumping nicotine into my system 24/7. Last two nights sleeping, seems like I have been having some dreams that are crazier than I ordinarily have....and they also seem like they are more real.

Just wondering if any of you that have used the patch experienced this.

8/2/2011, 04:56 PM
yes, the patch will **** with your dreams (more specifically the nicotine does it).

The patch actually sort of works, it's when you step down that you have the problems. (or at least I did)

8/2/2011, 04:57 PM
Been years since I tried the patch. couldnt ever get em to stay on . Id get to working and get sweaty and they slip right off,

8/2/2011, 05:00 PM
Last time I used them had no problem, could even work out with them on then might slip a bit on the edges when I showered after the gym

8/2/2011, 05:03 PM
I thought it staying on could be a problem here, but it actually hasn't been one.

They also gave me a chitload of the nicotine gum, but I haven't used it, instead sticking to regular gum....There are certain times the cravings are worse of course....first thing in the morning, right after a meal....those were key smoking highlights of my day...haha

8/2/2011, 05:08 PM
Maybe they changed the stickem on the things. i bet its been almost 20 years since I tried em.

The nicotine craving realy aint that hard to beat, Its the Mental thingy that keeps kickin my ***:mad:

jk the sooner fan
8/2/2011, 05:10 PM
Cold turkey and white knuckles

The hand to mouth habit is just as hard to break

8/2/2011, 05:42 PM
**** I tried those patches, thats some ****ed up **** you can dream about...it looked like a Tim Burton movie on crack! :eek:

8/2/2011, 05:50 PM
**** I tried those patches, thats some ****ed up **** you can dream about...it looked like a Tim Burton movie on crack! :eek:
This is true....last nights was pretty f'n weird....looking forward to tonights installment..ha!

8/2/2011, 05:52 PM
Been years since I tried the patch. couldnt ever get em to stay on . Id get to working and get sweaty and they slip right off,

You have to put them IN your buttcrack.

8/2/2011, 06:18 PM
You have to put them IN your buttcrack.


I went cold turkey after 35 years of 2 to 3 packs per day 6 years ago and haven't regreted it. I really don't feel an urge for it but every now and then I get the insane thought I could try one, but happy to say I will never try one again.

8/2/2011, 06:25 PM
Patch didn't work for me. I quit by going cold turkey and when then the nicotine fits got real bad, I'd chew a piece of Nicorette to get me through it. I did that for maybe 6 or 8 months before I was able to totally put the gum away. Been about 11 years now.

jk the sooner fan
8/2/2011, 06:30 PM
its a matter of breaking up your routine at those times when you normally fire one up

if you smoke after you eat - then be aware of that and find something else to focus on

8/2/2011, 06:31 PM
My Saster quite smok'n about 10 yrs ago...now instead of spending fitty bucks a week on smokes, her dumb *** spends eighty bucks a week on nicorette...

8/2/2011, 06:41 PM
Liquorice patches don't work either.
But, at least they don't give you bad dreams!


8/2/2011, 06:54 PM
Sorta off topic, sorta on...

Tried nicorette gum to quit the Copenhagen crap, and all it did was make me want to dip more. Wonder if using patches plus chewing regular gum would work? Or patches and sunflower seeds? Suggestions?

8/2/2011, 07:01 PM
I quit with no help but wife used Chantix and it worked well for her. I never heard a lot of success stories with just a patch.

8/2/2011, 07:15 PM
Sorta off topic, sorta on...

Tried nicorette gum to quit the Copenhagen crap, and all it did was make me want to dip more. Wonder if using patches plus chewing regular gum would work? Or patches and sunflower seeds? Suggestions?
I'm not sure about chew. I am using the patches...seems like out of the blue I'll catch myself wanting to go out for a smoke....pop in a couple sticks of chewing gum and it definitely helps....I would think it would probably be the same way with the urge to take a dip.

8/2/2011, 07:17 PM
I believe a person has to be ready to quit, and Make up their mind that they will.

If you can get past the 1st 3 days yer body is pretty much over the nicotine withdrawals. Then its just a matter of making yer mind up day by day and never picking up another. Much like an alcoholic
I have quit several times in the last few years with out any trouble. But then a few weeks /months go by and I THINK i can handle just one . Im gettin my mind right to quit again , and this time Im fight it every day and never pick up another.

8/2/2011, 07:18 PM
I quit with no help but wife used Chantix and it worked well for her. I never heard a lot of success stories with just a patch.
I thought about the chantix also, but heard they were reluctant to give that to those of us with several deployments...esp. depending on where we were deployed and what we did. My bro-in-law quit with the chantix, he also said stuff about some crazy dreams and such while he was taking it.

8/2/2011, 07:30 PM
I quit about 20 years ago. Cold turkey. I'd wake up at 4 in the morning - WIDE AWAKE - so I got up and went grocery shopping at a 24 hour discount FOOD FOR LESS. This went on about 4 to 6 weeks after I quit.

the longer I went without a smoke, the more determined I was to whip it. I was tired of being a slave to nicotine. I hated how it controlled my behavior. As I mentioned in another thread, in California I found smoking was so socially unacceptable, it forced me to avoid smoking around other people, even if I actually wanted to be around them. So I was motivated to quit.

8/2/2011, 07:38 PM
I believe a person has to be ready to quit, and Make up their mind that they will.

Wiser words have never been spoken. All that voodoo, hoodoo, patches, gum, horse**** that ****s up your mind is just another scam to take your money outta your pocket. In short, if you're ready to quit - I mean REALLY ready to quit, you'll do it. Until then, save your cash/time/mental health.

I quit no less than 50 times. Until the day I quit for ME. Not my mother. Not my wife. Not my kids. Not even "for my health." I'd just had enough, and decided it was over. Once I did that, the only temptation I had was at a bar in Tucson after I'd quit for about 3 months. I'm drinking beer, and dude walks in, packs a fresh pack of Kools (my smoke of choice), opens it, takes one out and lights it, and then drops the pack on the bar in front of me. I jonesed out for about 10 seconds going "I'm gonna ask him for a smoke" but I didn't, and right then and there I knew I had quit forever. That was 1987.

If you're a smoker, you cannot quit, and then just "have a ciggy after a couple beers" a week/month/year/decade later. You have to hate them smelly, stinky, expensive, unhealthy POS cancer sticks. With the passion of 1,000 suns.

8/2/2011, 07:40 PM
nobody likes a quitter.

quitters never win.

8/2/2011, 07:44 PM
Agree Dean. Im simply gauging my degree of determination by going from 2/3 packs a day to less than a 1/2 a pack, even when I do light one im not enjoying any part of it so I put it out and an hour or 2 later will relight it witch makes em taste even worse. Takes me 3 er 4 hours to smoke one now.

Ima prolly go ahead and lay em down next week,

8/2/2011, 07:46 PM
I'm pullin' for you Howard. It's a bloody bitch, but it's worth it.

8/2/2011, 07:49 PM
I'm pullin' for you Howard. It's a bloody bitch, but it's worth it.

If I can make it thru the week Ima make from now on. cause By quitting so many times and failing in the past, I learned a little something each time.

8/2/2011, 07:57 PM
Good luck Howard. If I did it, anyone can. I'll say a little prayer for ya.

8/2/2011, 07:59 PM
When I was in college, I decided to quit. My plan was that everytime I got to jonesing I would smoke a jernt. I don't recommend that method.

Recently I got thrown in the hospital where they will not let you smoke. After the surgery and two months of being unable to smoke due to the hospitalization, I have been smoke free all day today; and every day since May 2 of this year.

8/2/2011, 08:01 PM
I'm pullin' for you Howard. It's a bloody bitch, but it's worth it.

Good luck Howard. If I did it, anyone can. I'll say a little prayer for ya.

Thanks, Like i said Im pretty sure I got my mind right for it this time around. Just aint gonna try it if Im not convinced .

8/2/2011, 08:02 PM
When I was in college, I decided to quit. My plan was that everytime I got to jonesing I would smoke a jernt. I don't recommend that method.

Recently I got thrown in the hospital where they will not let you smoke. After the surgery and two months of being unable to smoke due to the hospitalization, I have been smoke free all day today; and every day since May 2 of this year.

Thats what Im talkin about Bro.:cool:

8/2/2011, 08:04 PM
I'm just takin' it one day at a time right now......worked my way up to 72hrs...now every day is a new goal.

8/2/2011, 08:08 PM
i've got a full jug of snake oil that i guarantee will help you quit smoking... or cure arthritis, i can't remember which.

8/2/2011, 08:11 PM
I have low will power when it comes to quitting. I have tried numerous times. The patch, gum, and cold turkey and I just lit back up.

I want to quit....I'm thinking about going to doctor to see if he can help.

8/2/2011, 08:40 PM
Cold turkey. Chewed up everything that wasn't nailed down.

jk the sooner fan
8/2/2011, 09:45 PM
vet is right - when you're truly ready to quit - its much easier than you'd think

my dad smoked for 45 years - 2 packs a day - family and doctors pleaded with him to stop - to no avail

then one day a friend of his said something profound and he had an epiphany - stopped that day - hasnt picked one up in close to 3 years

its not easy but its worth it

hawaii 5-0
8/2/2011, 11:42 PM
I'm with Ole Vet on this.

I smoked a pack a day for 30 years, quit a coupla times but not for very long.

1st thing is that ya really have to want to quit. There's no half way about it. You're either a smoker or your not a smoker.

12 years ago I decided enough is enough. I got a script for Zyban which helped the nicotine cravings. I started taking it two weeks before I quit and for 2 more weeks afer I quit. I think there's somethings better out there

Once the nicotine is outta your system in a coupla weeks the cravings deminish. I decided not to do the patch or the gum. It's still taking nicotine which didn't really make sense for someone really wanting to quit.

2nd, which is the hard part. THE CRAVING to put something from your hand to your mouth. I'd smoke before doing anything and I'd smoke after doing anything. That habit HAS to be broken. I used to bite my nails before I started smoking. When I smoked I didn't chew my nails. Luckily I didn't start nailbiting when I quit.

You gotta substitute something low carb to replace the pizza, the chips, the donuts......all that stuff that tastes SO GOOD once your taste buds return to normal. If you don't you'll pile on the poundage.

It was very tough going into a bar and having a drink or a beer and not having a smoke. Or five. Now, smoking is banned in most bars. I want about 6 months without going into one just to avoid the temptation.

Celery sticks, carrots or sugar free gum would help.

The thought of constantly wanting a smoke will decrease over time. Soon you'll be free of the addiction and the habit and you'll wonder why you did it in the first place. You'll smell it on others that smoke and you'll feel proud that you kicked it.

I quit 12 years ago and haven't had one. Nada. I just decided I wasn't gonna go back there again. It was like saying goodbye to your best friend who was trying to kill you.

Now having said that, I still miss it. If I knew I had 6 months to live I'd start back up tomorrow. Old Golds. Real tobacco flavor.


Trump/ Smokey 2012

8/3/2011, 07:41 AM
I've probably told this story before, but it's fun so here goes:

A lot of my co-workers smoke. When the insurance rates got jacked up on smokers, a lot decided that they would quit at the beginning of the year.

(Some of them even tried to classify themselves as non-smokers for insurance purposes since they intended to quit... but they were told that had to be immediately corrected, hehe).

So, the first of the year rolls around, Happy New Year, the resolution is to be smoke-free. They get free patches through Oklahoma's stop smoking campaign, there's some little stop smoking support group meetings available, etc. etc.

One person makes it.

This guy was the only guy who truly seemed to want to quit. Everyone else seemed to only be on board because of the insurance thing, but when faced with their lifelong addiction, lost the battle. Quickly. The classes apparently sucked and people stopped going. Having smokers right outside the doors you enter and leave every day probably didn't help, either.

I used to bother friends and acquaintances who smoked about their habit. Not anymore. Not only does it not do any good, it just peeves them further that they'll never be able to shake what they know is unhealthy and expensive.

Advice to non-smokers: Be supportive when the smoker tries to quit on his own. Don't try to pressure em to quit, it just doesn't work and only pizzes them off.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 07:48 AM
lifelong addiction to smoking? they smoked as babies and toddlers?

8/3/2011, 08:03 AM
lifelong addiction to smoking? they smoked as babies and toddlers?

Damn near. I started smoking at 8, and started inhaling them at 10. By the time I was in Jr. High, I was a hardcore smoker. Funny thing is, in high school, they had smoking areas for the students.

8/3/2011, 08:07 AM
Damn near. I started smoking at 8, and started inhaling them at 10. By the time I was in Jr. High, I was a hardcore smoker. Funny thing is, in high school, they had smoking areas for the students.

Same thing in My High school. It was called the bathroom, Just dont get caught :eek:

8/3/2011, 08:23 AM
They set up smoking areas just so the kids wouldn't smoke in the bathrooms anymore. Weird thinking back on it. There were cigarette machines out there too. 14 year old freshman wants a pack of Marlboro's? Just hit the machine.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 08:24 AM
any of the old guys remember the candy cigarettes we used to get? to pretend we were smoking? how screwed up is that......that candy would never fly in today's PC world

8/3/2011, 08:39 AM
any of the old guys remember the candy cigarettes we used to get? to pretend we were smoking? how screwed up is that......that candy would never fly in today's PC world

Pretty sure that candy company was a subsidiary of Phillip Morris or something.


jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 08:46 AM
Pretty sure that candy company was a subsidiary of Phillip Morris or something.


yep, and the same people that created the cartoon joe camel ad campaign! :)

8/3/2011, 08:49 AM
Damn near. I started smoking at 8, and started inhaling them at 10. By the time I was in Jr. High, I was a hardcore smoker. Funny thing is, in high school, they had smoking areas for the students.

I used to drive the assistant principle crazy at Norman High because I was a jock/freak combo. He'd come walking through the smoking area, and here I would be with shoulder length hair, smoking a Marlboro and wearing an all-state letter jacket.

Bad image for the school.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 08:50 AM
what did you letter in?

8/3/2011, 08:53 AM
I quit cold w/o supplements. Don't be a poon. You can do it. Mind over matter! (My main tip is to always pay for gas at the pump. Most people do nowadays anyway, but if you don't have to go into the gas station and look at those beautiful little smokes, you won't be as tempted, and if you don't HAVE any, your temptation later can't set you back.)

8/3/2011, 08:56 AM
I used to drive the assistant principle crazy at Norman High because I was a jock/freak combo. He'd come walking through the smoking area, and here I would be with shoulder length hair, smoking a Marlboro and wearing an all-state letter jacket.

Bad image for the school.

You rebel.

8/3/2011, 09:04 AM
any of the old guys remember the candy cigarettes we used to get? to pretend we were smoking? how screwed up is that......that candy would never fly in today's PC world

Isn't it weird they banned those yet they still allow pixie sticks?

Don't smoke son but do powder through a straw.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 09:13 AM
Isn't it weird they banned those yet they still allow pixie sticks?

Don't smoke son but do powder through a straw.

heh - true. when i lived in Houston as a kid - that was one of the first candies that was in the "tainted halloween candy" scare

8/3/2011, 09:30 AM
Dang, more of the crazy dreams today....I think I even dreamed about trying to make myself remember what I was dreaming about....but it is still kind of hazy.

8/3/2011, 09:34 AM
I dreamed all you guys were eating chocolate pudding.

Wait for it.

Waaaaait for it.


8/3/2011, 09:42 AM
what did you letter in?

Don't make me say it.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 09:44 AM
Don't make me say it.

i was just curious

8/3/2011, 09:48 AM

8/3/2011, 09:49 AM
I thought it would surely have something to do with a pole.

8/3/2011, 09:49 AM


8/3/2011, 09:49 AM
I thought it would surely have something to do with a pole.

My God I hate you.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 09:51 AM
i figured it was swimming

one of my best friends in high school got a scholly to West Point for swimming

we only made fun of him because he shaved his entire body....which we thought was gay

8/3/2011, 09:53 AM
I had offers from a number of schools, including SMU. I decided I was burned out on swimming, wasn't ready for college, and joined the Army instead.


jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 09:55 AM

8/3/2011, 09:58 AM
swimmingWhy so coy? Swimming is cool.

8/3/2011, 10:04 AM
Why so coy? Swimming is cool.

It's come a long way since my day, used to be not as cool. I'm pretty sure all the football players were intimidated by the raging bulge in my speedo.

That ****ing sock sure weighted me down in the water, but it was worth it.

8/3/2011, 10:05 AM
I always assumed those were rudders.

jk the sooner fan
8/3/2011, 10:10 AM
its always about the penis with howzit


8/3/2011, 10:12 AM
any of the old guys remember the candy cigarettes we used to get? to pretend we were smoking? how screwed up is that......that candy would never fly in today's PC world

Oh, man!
I loved those candies! Memories.....:D
5 cents would buy a bag of candy back "in the day".

2 strong cigars within a couple of hours in highschool cured me!
(Am I still green?) :O

8/3/2011, 10:55 AM
its always about the penis

Oh, man! I loved those candies! Memories.

This thread took a downturn.

8/3/2011, 10:56 AM
This thread took a downturn.Like flaccid?

8/3/2011, 10:59 AM
I used to drive the assistant principle crazy at Norman High because I was a jock/freak combo. He'd come walking through the smoking area, and here I would be with shoulder length hair, smoking a Marlboro and wearing an all-state letter jacket.

Bad image for the school.

I bet you drove your english teacher crazy, too.

(Sorry, had to do it...I'm a ******y grammar nazi today.)

8/3/2011, 10:59 AM
The content went limp.

Usually it's stiff competition for a laugh around here, what with all the boners.

8/3/2011, 04:09 PM
Occasionally I get that feeling that I am walking around nekkid, because I will feel my pockets and not have a lighter or a pack of smokes in there, where before I would never be without them...goin on 4-days now!

8/3/2011, 06:20 PM
I am at 15 days smoke free.

Of course, i am apparently also a huge ***** dumbass who's throwing my money away because i am using Chantix.

Dreams are unreal...

8/3/2011, 06:56 PM
I am at 15 days smoke free.

Of course, i am apparently also a huge ***** dumbass who's throwing my money away because i am using Chantix.

Dreams are unreal...

No, you're desperate. Sorta. It's not stupid to want to quit. It's just stupid to think some other drug that replaces nicotine is gonna do it for you. Kinda like methadone for heroine. Good luck on your attempt. When you've quit the nightmare meds, and have gone a few months without cigs or drugs, then you shall be free! And that's some seriously good livin' right there.

8/3/2011, 08:08 PM
When I quit I saved my last cigarette in case I really needed it. It's been in my desk for quite a few years now. It's still there and I know if I have to have it it will be there waiting for me.

It really wasn't that hard to do. The toughest time for me was at about one year. I started waking up wanting one or dreaming I was smoking.

Henry McKenna helped me through it and will help you too.

8/3/2011, 08:45 PM
I will put in a good word for Chantix. I'm still going cold-turkey- i just have a crutch to help me. And Chantix isn't replacing nicotine in my system- not how it works. Basically, it works like an anti-depressant and just keeps my moods from swinging wildly one way or the other. I don't think the methadone comparison is apt. I've tried to quit with no aids before- this is much easier. It does help no doubt about it. But that's just me.

PS- I've never quit heroin before, so I know next to nothing about how methadone works. I just assume it gives you a high similar to heroin that allows an addict to be weaned off gradually. I'll quit heroin next- no way i could cut that and smokes out at the same time. :D

8/3/2011, 09:08 PM
cold turkey. make it one week and you got it made

8/3/2011, 09:58 PM
Edit: On second thought my post was way too much of a downer.

I hope the very best to anyone who is trying to quit smoking.

8/4/2011, 08:09 AM
I will put in a good word for Chantix. I'm still going cold-turkey- i just have a crutch to help me. And Chantix isn't replacing nicotine in my system- not how it works. Basically, it works like an anti-depressant and just keeps my moods from swinging wildly one way or the other. I don't think the methadone comparison is apt. I've tried to quit with no aids before- this is much easier. It does help no doubt about it. But that's just me.

PS- I've never quit heroin before, so I know next to nothing about how methadone works. I just assume it gives you a high similar to heroin that allows an addict to be weaned off gradually. I'll quit heroin next- no way i could cut that and smokes out at the same time. :D

Heh. I quit everything (except booze) on March 14, 1987. Cocaine, acid, pills, weed, dip, and ciggies. The dip and cigs were by far the hardest to kick. I think the dip was even worse than the smokes.

What ended up working for me was to develop a hatred, a loathing for tobacco. I'd watch people smoke and mentally go "look at that dumbass killing himself." When I'd smell them I'd mentally go "that's what I used to smell like, nasty." And I ate at least a metric ton of sunflower seeds during that time. Had to have something in my mouth all the time (leave it alone). I guess you could say bird seeds were my Chantix.

8/4/2011, 02:28 PM
I thought about the chantix also, but heard they were reluctant to give that to those of us with several deployments...esp. depending on where we were deployed and what we did. My bro-in-law quit with the chantix, he also said stuff about some crazy dreams and such while he was taking it.

Chantix works, but it can **** with your dreams, your moods and several other things. They also say you should stay on it for 2-6 months after stopping.

It's also not cheap, and most insurance doesn't cover it.

Sooner Tri
8/4/2011, 02:38 PM
I will put in a good word for Chantix. I'm still going cold-turkey- i just have a crutch to help me. And Chantix isn't replacing nicotine in my system- not how it works. Basically, it works like an anti-depressant and just keeps my moods from swinging wildly one way or the other. I don't think the methadone comparison is apt. I've tried to quit with no aids before- this is much easier. It does help no doubt about it. But that's just me.

PS- I've never quit heroin before, so I know next to nothing about how methadone works. I just assume it gives you a high similar to heroin that allows an addict to be weaned off gradually. I'll quit heroin next- no way i could cut that and smokes out at the same time. :D

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!"

8/4/2011, 02:40 PM
I quit smoking five years ago with the help of the patch and Wellbutrin. Like others have said, you have to want to quit.

I also experienced wild, vivid and unpleasant dreams while using the patch. The doctor recommended wearing it for only 12 or so hours during the day, then removing it a couple of hours before bedtime. It did the trick.

Good luck!

8/6/2011, 06:17 PM
7 days in. I quit the patch a 2 days ago....I felt it was hindering me from getting some good quality rest. Have stuck to chewin' gum when I start getting the feeling that I want to smoke....that and I have gone through quite a few bags of sunflower seeds.

8/6/2011, 06:26 PM
7 days in. I quit the patch a 2 days ago....I felt it was hindering me from getting some good quality rest. Have stuck to chewin' gum when I start getting the feeling that I want to smoke....that and I have gone through quite a few bags of sunflower seeds.

Keep up the good work Bro:cool:

8/6/2011, 10:30 PM
When all else fails, one could take up the joys and satisfaction of inhaling a good propylene glycol mist. :(

8/21/2011, 06:43 PM
23 days now....BOOYA!

8/21/2011, 09:34 PM
23 days now....BOOYA!

:victorious: Congrats! you've whipped it. forever.

8/21/2011, 11:32 PM
23 days now....BOOYA!

What are you going to do with the extra cash?

hawaii 5-0
8/22/2011, 10:04 AM
23 days now....BOOYA!

Keep up the good work. Are you off the patch? I forgot to mention that I rewarded myself for not smoking by buying myself stuff I might not normally buy. A new camera, New boots. Things paid for with cigarette money.


8/22/2011, 01:30 PM
Even though cigarettes were cheap when I quit. I also quit drinking for a few years to make sure I didn't fall off the anti-smoking wagon. Drinking and smoking just went together so well in my mind back then. While the cig money wasn't that much the whiskey money was. I bought a BMW instead all the Scotch and Bourbon I would have purchased over that time. To say nothing of all the money you spend on others when you are out drinking.

8/22/2011, 02:51 PM
Saved about 100$ already not smokin' a pack a day. Takin' R&R leave in Oct and taking the family to Dallas for the RRS, so looks like we'll be having a little extra spending money there. Also have a trip to the Orlando area planned for March after we redeploy back home....so we will accrue some extra cash for that. Not on the patch at all anymore either. Pretty much changed my whole health routine. Eating better and walking 5 miles a day in addition to our regular PT. Still occasionally get the cravings & sometimes feels like my hand is bored not holding a smoke in it....lol. Drink a little more coffee now and chew alot more gum.

8/23/2011, 01:47 PM
Saved about 100$ already not smokin' a pack a day. Takin' R&R leave in Oct and taking the family to Dallas for the RRS, so looks like we'll be having a little extra spending money there. Also have a trip to the Orlando area planned for March after we redeploy back home....so we will accrue some extra cash for that. Not on the patch at all anymore either. Pretty much changed my whole health routine. Eating better and walking 5 miles a day in addition to our regular PT. Still occasionally get the cravings & sometimes feels like my hand is bored not holding a smoke in it....lol. Drink a little more coffee now and chew alot more gum.


8/23/2011, 01:50 PM
I have been seeing ads on ESPNU or NFL network or one of those other-sports-channels for electric cigarettes. Anyone ever try them? Do they help you quit smoking via water vapor or whatever? Would you actually be able to get away with smoking one in an office like the ad suggests?

8/23/2011, 01:53 PM
Aside from cigars, I don't smoke. Every now and then I'll have a cig but I don't inhale.

My bestfriend at Baylor, a fat italian from Boston, smoked a pack of "cowboy killers" every day. I got to where I got somewhat addicted to his 2nd hand smoke because I started craving his smoke breaks. Weird.

In general though, cigs are pretty disgusting. Poor quality tobacco, a paper wrapper, lots of impurities and other crap added...no thanks.

8/23/2011, 02:12 PM
Lies.I am gonna kick your arse!

8/23/2011, 02:21 PM
OMG. I just realized who Fish&Game is (I ain't too bright!) Congrats dear sir!! You are doing so well!! Lack of smokes and salt intake...does a body good!!!

8/23/2011, 02:29 PM
OK now that you have pretty much have the quitting thing down you can move to the next step. Which will cement your quitting forever and guarantee you won't go back.

You have to start looking down on people that still smoke. Pretend it bothers you. If someone asks if you mind if they smoke tell yes you do mind, that you have quit and they should too. Tell them how easy it is and how all they have to do is do it.

8/23/2011, 02:53 PM
my old man smoke 2 packs/day for 35 years. did the patch for about a week and hasn't smoked since. can't stand to be around it anymore. mom smoked 1+ packs/day until she got cancer - put a quick stop to her smoking. personally, never had any interest - odd given that both parents smoked a ton while i was a kid.

hawaii 5-0
8/24/2011, 01:25 AM
I've quit before and gone the Anti-Smoking Route. This time (12 years ago) I don't hassles other smokers. I just feel sad that they're too weak to quit.
I refer to those that say that want to quit. Some don't want to quit.
