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View Full Version : Was watching OU/Texas Tech 2008 last night

8/1/2011, 04:21 PM
Got bored and switched it on as I have many games on my mediacenter for immediate gratification. Two things.

1) It was kinda sad, because Austin Box had a tremendous game that night, and it just makes you feel bad, because you know it didn't end well. It's like seeing the twin towers in a pre-2001 movie, it stings ever so slightly.

2) The last 2 minutes of the 1st half may just be one of the greatest moments in Owen Field history, there was so much energy in the stadium that night and even in a 3 year old recording where I know the outcome, you can still feel it. I was at the Nebraska game in 2000 and only saw this one on TV and it still felt bigger.

8/1/2011, 04:25 PM
Nebraska 2000 was better than 2008 Tech. Both were great though. My favorite play in that game was Manny's one broken arm catch for the td.

8/1/2011, 04:28 PM
Nebraska 2000 was better than 2008 Tech. Both were great though. My favorite play in that game was Manny's one broken arm catch for the td.

I second that. Nothing better than a one-handed catch and high-stepping. Boomer!

8/1/2011, 04:43 PM
Nothing was better than the 2008 Tech game.....Not even Nebraska games in the 70's and 80's. No way. It was a night game and absolutely crazy, nuts and insane. I saw 70 year old people screaming at the top of their lungs. Nebraska 2000 was nice but not really even that close.

8/1/2011, 04:46 PM
DM played a big part in that game. Shows how much we missed him against Florida.
That's the only game we've never been able to buy tickets outside the stadium since my old lady I have been together ('02).
We watched at the tailgate and could hear the crowd cheer before each big play per delayed telecast.

8/1/2011, 04:47 PM
Travis Lewis int right before was pretty good. Tech was so frustrated by then, that was hell of a night to remember.

8/1/2011, 05:05 PM
I was lucky enough to be at both Nebbish '00 and Taco Tech '08. '00 was so memorable because we were down 14-0 to the children of corn, the crowd felt deflated.... then came Sooner Magic! It was alive it was back. I can't recall too many other sooner magic moments since then. It was such a huge part of #7. now Taco Tech '08 was insane. The crowd was insane. The stadium was literally shaking. Tough to choose between the two for me, but I'd have to go with '00. We got #7 because of that sooner magic day and comeback.

Oh and not to mention that '00 game was the very first OU game that I'd ever attended.

VA Sooner
8/1/2011, 07:32 PM
I think being down 17-0 in last year's Big 12 Championship game against Nebraska counts as Sooner Magic. My Husker friends were all texting and paging with trash talk about how they were going to shut out the Sooners. Then... the second quarter Magic started and we began chipping away at the lead we spotted them.

Great game.... haven't back-trash-talked my Husker friends more than I did that night. :D

8/1/2011, 07:42 PM
the crowd at the 2008 Tech game was out for blood. i've never seen them that crazy.

we are never loud like that. we didn't want Tech even sniffing the end zone

8/1/2011, 07:53 PM
I was at both games and I'll agree that the atmosphere at the TT game was more electric than NU 2000 but the Nebbish game was more like fine wine, something to be savored. We were playing the team that we considered a fair measuring stick and we were back!!

8/1/2011, 07:55 PM
Was at both. Tech of 08 was insane. Tech didn't want anything to do with that game in the second half. SO MUCH FUN!!!

8/1/2011, 08:13 PM
I wasn't at the 00 Husker game, but I was at this 08 tx tech game...and it was crazy. I've never seen the atmosphere so wild and full of excitement like it was that night.
So if the 00 Husker game beat 08 tx tech then I need to slap myself across the face for not being at that 00 game.

8/1/2011, 08:15 PM
Make sure you watch the taped game of the following year down in Lubbock..

8/1/2011, 08:18 PM
I think being down 17-0 in last year's Big 12 Championship game against Nebraska counts as Sooner Magic. My Husker friends were all texting and paging with trash talk about how they were going to shut out the Sooners. Then... the second quarter Magic started and we began chipping away at the lead we spotted them.

Great game.... haven't back-trash-talked my Husker friends more than I did that night. :D

Oh how soon we forget...! Yea somehow that totally skipped my mind. I guess winning the conference championship has become so customary these days! lol. I guess we had some magic when Bama came to town.... We'll take all we ca get this year. Hope we go ape sh!t against aTm this year. They've been running there mouth about the atmosphere at OUr house.

8/1/2011, 08:18 PM
Make sure you watch the taped game of the following year down in Lubbock..

Boooooo. I was at that game as well, it sucked azz! Wasn't a fan of the all white unis either. It was my wife and my first trip to a game in Lubbock. I'm looking forward to my redemption trip to Lubbock next year!

8/1/2011, 09:30 PM
I was at the Tech game. It still gives me goosebumps to think about that night.

My voice was gone for a week. Every time Tech touched the ball that stadium was louder than anything I've ever heard. Even when the game was well in hand.

The team made a statement, and the crowd gave it an exclamation point.

8/1/2011, 09:52 PM
I was at both tt 08 and bugeater 00 games and have to say 00 was slightly better overall as it represented the return of OU football after years of suffering under Blake. I doubt the goal posts go down again at least in my lifetime. The tt game represented an arse kicking of a team who thought they were on the rise to greatness. The tech nation was thumped back to reality like no other and the fans I know who went to that game have vowed never to return to Norman. Priceless.

8/1/2011, 09:59 PM
I was at both games. I will never forget either one. I remember the week before the Tech game Bob challenged the fans. It was a brilliant move by him.
The memory of my wife and my 4 year old daughter " Jumping Around " after Travis Lewis returned that INT. was the most fun I or we have ever had at an OU Game of any kind. I will also never forget Bob going around and bowing down to the crowd after the game and giving the crowd a game ball. For those reasons, to me Tech 08 is the best atmosphere and game I have evr been to in Norman.

8/1/2011, 10:08 PM
I've been to every home game since 1998 and went to about half the home games from '85 to '98. The '00 nebbish game was special but I have never seen a game atmosphere like Tech in '08.

Box did have tremendous game. To think it was only his 4th start EVER @ LB @ any level makes it sad to think what kind of player he may have been but for all the injuries.

8/1/2011, 10:36 PM
Both games were equally awesome for me in different ways and for different reasons. Great memories. :D

8/1/2011, 11:22 PM
The 2008 game had more people, and in a way... we all here kinda expected to murder Tech that night. So they were just all amped up to see it. The 2000 Nebraska game was so awesome because it started slow and all of a sudden the fans woke up and were like "what's this? WHAT'S THIS!?! We're WINNING! WE'RE BACK, BITCHEZZZZ!!!"

2008 was louder IMO. I remember the excitement in 2000 OU/NU... but the broadcast actually had to stop during the 2008 game against Tech to marvel in what was happening that night. Seriously, it would have made any SEC rivalry homer fan jealous.

8/1/2011, 11:58 PM
I was speaking more to the moment, not the end result. As I said, I was at the 2000 game, had the best seats I've ever had at a sporting event, 50 yard line, 11 rows up and it will probably always be the best game I've ever seen live. But that moment in the 08 Tech game watching the entire stadium jumping up and down and screaming non-stop is still overwhelming to watch. You can see it in the eyes of the OU players on the side line looking around in wonder at what was happening.

8/2/2011, 12:13 AM
They should never play "Jump Around" in Oklahoma Memorial Stadium again. The spontaneity of it made it special. Now it just makes me groan to hear it start up.

8/2/2011, 07:10 AM
Best game ever. Was there at 7:00a.m. to start the tailgate, did not leave the stadium till the final seconds. Energy was amazing. Night game and all that.

8/2/2011, 07:43 AM
Was at both. Tech of 08 was insane. Tech didn't want anything to do with that game in the second half. SO MUCH FUN!!!

Well, let me correct you just a tad: After their onside kick failed to start the second half, THEN they didn't want anything to do with that game.

We were in the south endzone and got to see them all walking toward the lockerroom at the end of the first half. They were clearly defeated, but for that one moment in the second half, Leach must have said or done something to make them want to try to get back in the game with that onside attempt.

After its failure though... :D

8/2/2011, 08:23 AM
I would throw '03 OSU into the mix. I wouldn't say it's better than '00 Nebraska or '08 Tech but I think it's in the same league.

8/2/2011, 08:35 AM
I was at the 08 tech game and man it was AMAZING! Any chance it gets like that for a/m this year?! i sure hope so b/c i 'll be at that one too, Lord willing!

8/2/2011, 09:01 AM
the crowd at the 2008 Tech game was out for blood. i've never seen them that crazy.

we are never loud like that. we didn't want Tech even sniffing the end zone

Believe it or not, the only other time I can remember such a bloodthirsty crowd was OU-A&M 77-0 game. They didn't cross the 50 on offense. That is amazeballs. When the crowd realized we were on pace to score 100 it was just a damned frenzy. Everyone reluctantly calmed down once Coach took his foot off the gas.

Usually plenty of people will leave such a bloodbath a little early, but not that time.

8/2/2011, 09:21 AM
Boooooo. I was at that game as well, it sucked azz! Wasn't a fan of the all white unis either. It was my wife and my first trip to a game in Lubbock. I'm looking forward to my redemption trip to Lubbock next year!

Yeah I was at that game too. Wasn't very much fun and I kinda felt like we were in a alternate universe with those all white unis combined with the way we were playing. Unfortunately for me that was my second time to go to ****ty Lubbock. The first time was two years earlier when Sammy got knocked out of the game. I probably won't go back to Lubbock for a long time. Tech fans are terrible.

8/2/2011, 09:26 AM
I am in LBK a lot now and was on the field there for their 2009 redemption. Their fans are really pretty bad. It's not the adults; it's the students. They're as vulgar as any I've encountered.

8/2/2011, 09:33 AM
I am in LBK a lot now and was on the field there for their 2009 redemption. Their fans are really pretty bad. It's not the adults; it's the students. They're as vulgar as any I've encountered.

Agree that it's mostly students, but they're kinda like OSU where most of their fans in attendance are students so the jackassedness is way more noticable.

8/2/2011, 09:54 AM
Well, let me correct you just a tad: After their onside kick failed to start the second half, THEN they didn't want anything to do with that game.

We were in the south endzone and got to see them all walking toward the lockerroom at the end of the first half. They were clearly defeated, but for that one moment in the second half, Leach must have said or done something to make them want to try to get back in the game with that onside attempt.

After its failure though... :D

teck didn't exactly quit, they scored the last touchdown.
starting qb still in game.

8/2/2011, 10:33 AM
teck didn't exactly quit, they scored the last touchdown.
starting qb still in game.

:mad: I know have vivid flashes of Broyles celebrating a late TD in Lubbock as Tech is destroying us :mad:

They were done. They were sooooo done. They were almost done to the point that they nearly blew it against Baylor in their last game, which would have made the three-way-tie thing a moot point, because then it would have been back to us and Tejas.

8/2/2011, 11:02 AM
:mad: I know have vivid flashes of Broyles celebrating a late TD in Lubbock as Tech is destroying us :mad:

They were done. They were sooooo done. They were almost done to the point that they nearly blew it against Baylor in their last game, which would have made the three-way-tie thing a moot point, because then it would have been back to us and Tejas.

would've been bad, then tx would've been the winner.

8/2/2011, 11:07 AM
Heupel to Fagan vs Nebraska in 2000. Nothing will ever top that.

8/2/2011, 12:33 PM
I would throw '03 OSU into the mix. I wouldn't say it's better than '00 Nebraska or '08 Tech but I think it's in the same league.

:les: LET ER RIP!!!!1!!

8/2/2011, 12:58 PM
I would throw '03 OSU into the mix. I wouldn't say it's better than '00 Nebraska or '08 Tech but I think it's in the same league.

Only for the goalline stand. That was the loudest I had ever heard Owen Field until the Tech game.

8/2/2011, 05:58 PM
Heupel to Fagan vs Nebraska in 2000. Nothing will ever top that.

Heupel to Woolfolk in the same game was the spark. The best part is that if you watch the play on TV you see the Nebraska punter do a full on disbelief head slap.

Look at #17 on the side line


8/2/2011, 07:53 PM
I think being down 17-0 in last year's Big 12 Championship game against Nebraska counts as Sooner Magic. My Husker friends were all texting and paging with trash talk about how they were going to shut out the Sooners. Then... the second quarter Magic started and we began chipping away at the lead we spotted them.

Great game.... haven't back-trash-talked my Husker friends more than I did that night. :D

same here

8/2/2011, 08:08 PM
Heupel to Fagan vs Nebraska in 2000. Nothing will ever top that.

Especially since it was off his back foot which Heupel did a lot lol. He threw that pass with all arm.

8/2/2011, 08:27 PM
I attended both games, and both were memorable, each in their own way.

I remember that the 2000 Nebraska game, I went with my nephew, an OU grad during the Blake years. We were both pretty down in the mouth after seeing Nebbish jump out to a seemingly effortless 14-0 lead. I mean, I'm not sure that the Huskers even went to a 3rd down, it was so quick and easy.

....and then the Magic began! By the end of the game, the crowd was totally involved, and it was one of the very few times that I have EVER seen the crowd rush the field and take down the goalposts! Wow, what memories, I will carry them to my grave, seriously!!!

Now, the 2008 game. I have been going to OU games since the days of Bud, and I can truly say that I have NEVER witnessed such electricity in the air! Bob Stoops challenged the fans before the game and the crowd responded... and HOW they responded!!! When the PA started playing "Jump Around". Owen Field was jumping!

Difficult to compare the two games, but if I had to give an edge, it would go to the TT game, simply because of the atmosphere!

After all, that is the whole reason why I prefer to go to a game rather than watch it on TV: the crowd factor. And the 2008 crowd factor was unforgettable. That's another game that I will take to the grave with me.

8/2/2011, 08:54 PM
I attended both games, and both were memorable, each in their own way.

I remember that the 2000 Nebraska game, I went with my nephew, an OU grad during the Blake years. We were both pretty down in the mouth after seeing Nebbish jump out to a seemingly effortless 14-0 lead. I mean, I'm not sure that the Huskers even went to a 3rd down, it was so quick and easy.

....and then the Magic began! By the end of the game, the crowd was totally involved, and it was one of the very few times that I have EVER seen the crowd rush the field and take down the goalposts! Wow, what memories, I will carry them to my grave, seriously!!!

Now, the 2008 game. I have been going to OU games since the days of Bud, and I can truly say that I have NEVER witnessed such electricity in the air! Bob Stoops challenged the fans before the game and the crowd responded... and HOW they responded!!! When the PA started playing "Jump Around". Owen Field was jumping!

Difficult to compare the two games, but if I had to give an edge, it would go to the TT game, simply because of the atmosphere!

After all, that is the whole reason why I prefer to go to a game rather than watch it on TV: the crowd factor. And the 2008 crowd factor was unforgettable. That's another game that I will take to the grave with me.

Alright I'm sold! I've been watching video of both and I have to admit, in person nothing can beat '08 Taco Tech Slaughter.:D

8/2/2011, 09:21 PM
the crowd at the 2008 Tech game was out for blood. i've never seen them that crazy.

we are never loud like that. we didn't want Tech even sniffing the end zone

And the best part was with both being passing teams the game lasted for 5 hours - solid screaming that didn't let up until only about 30 seconds left. Probably the greatest sporting event I'll ever be lucky enough to attend.

8/3/2011, 09:46 AM
To me, OU/tx game in 2000 was most exciting.

8/3/2011, 09:53 AM
I STILL watch youtube highlights of the '08 Tech game. Camped out that one night for tickets with probably a 150 other students. The game? Well...just indescribable awesomeness. I didn't even know Jump Around was playing till probably 15 seconds into the song because the place was so loud and everyone was just jumping around, so I joined in. I doubt I'll ever see that kind of atmosphere again at Owen, which is just fine. Makes it that much more special. It's one of those games that will be talked about forever.

8/3/2011, 09:59 AM
I remember that the 2000 Nebraska game, I went with my nephew, an OU grad during the Blake years. We were both pretty down in the mouth after seeing Nebbish jump out to a seemingly effortless 14-0 lead. I mean, I'm not sure that the Huskers even went to a 3rd down, it was so quick and easy.
My wife and I had Nebraska fans behind us. Even though they were up and we were having trouble sustaining drives, I'll never forget the concern in the voice of one of the Husker fans. "They had a lot of guys open on that play." Over and over he said it.

8/3/2011, 10:09 AM
One of the most exhausting games I've ever been to in person was the 2001 KSU game. That was a rollercoaster and I think I blew my voice out by the end.