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7/29/2011, 01:33 PM
of said omellte posse?

I always wanna be with the in crowd.

Are they in?

7/29/2011, 01:37 PM
I'm a bi poster.

7/29/2011, 01:38 PM
You have to pass a stringent background test. Then you get a drug test, if you show no drugs in your system, you are immediately denied. Then you have to submit a 50 page essay on the virtues of Chuck Bao

7/29/2011, 01:41 PM
You have to pass a stringent background test. Then you get a drug test, if you show no drugs in your system, you are immediately denied. Then you have to submit a 50 page essay on the virtues of Chuck Bao
I am ****ed then. I have never even smoked weed man.

The Profit
7/29/2011, 01:47 PM
I am ****ed then. I have never even smoked weed man.

You really are a dolemite

7/29/2011, 01:49 PM
You really are a dolemite


7/29/2011, 01:53 PM

7/29/2011, 02:09 PM
is that the commish with hair?

7/29/2011, 02:12 PM
What you gotta do, is you gotta go down to that warehouse and you gotta crack some skulls. Chiklis style.

Yeah. The Commish.

Yes but, Chiklis, Shield style. Not Commish style.

7/29/2011, 02:28 PM
The omelet posse is mostly banned now. You and mgsooner have the run of the clubhouse.

7/29/2011, 02:33 PM
I think you have to make a pun about eggs, then give yourself a name about eggs, then click your heels together three times and hope for the best.

7/29/2011, 02:34 PM
I'm the only one left, and I'm not currently accepting new members.

7/29/2011, 02:39 PM
The omelet posse is mostly banned now. You and mgsooner have the run of the clubhouse.

GOOD! MG and chk were the only good ones in the carton!

7/29/2011, 02:45 PM
Be the son of a posse member (the society is men only) or save the life of a member.

7/29/2011, 02:53 PM
It starts with a member's only jacket. Do you own a member's only jacket.

7/29/2011, 07:06 PM
Just go to another forum espouse with the others your superiority to everyone on Sooner Fans. Talk a lot of sh!t. Probably helps if you know a lot about bowls of old balls.

7/29/2011, 07:33 PM
I heard ya just needed to be scrambled :D

7/29/2011, 07:39 PM
All Doleo needs to do is quit being such a me guy. I mean....All Eggs get laid. I've heard he's getting steady action the last few years so all he needs to do I think is start hanging around the coffee pot with all the other eggs.

It's good to see him posting again.

Chuck Bao
7/29/2011, 07:54 PM
All Doleo needs to do is quit being such a me guy. I mean....All Eggs get laid. I've heard he's getting steady action the last few years so all he needs to do I think is start hanging around the coffee pot with all the other eggs.

It's good to see him posting again.

Yeah that and I can help him out on the essay part even though the cool kids wouldn't accept me as a member.

Never you mind, I'm still quite happy with the older cool peeps at the Olevet Posse. Hillbilly fabulousness will eventually be the new chic.

7/29/2011, 07:56 PM
Doleo is a dickweasel's dickweasel. He gave me a ****ing rash.

Actually, seeing the ****ing tard posting more than once a year is kinda refreshing. I guess it means football is coming back. So doleo, is OU running the table, or are you gonna pick your longwhorns over us? Again.

7/29/2011, 09:10 PM
I still want to know if badges are issued at the acceptance ceremony.

7/29/2011, 09:26 PM
Doleo is a dickweasel's dickweasel. He gave me a ****ing rash.

Actually, seeing the ****ing tard posting more than once a year is kinda refreshing. I guess it means football is coming back. So doleo, is OU running the table, or are you gonna pick your longwhorns over us? Again.


7/29/2011, 09:38 PM
I heard ya just needed to be scrambled :D

He's way too scrambled to be of any use in an omlette

8/1/2011, 01:02 AM
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/smilies/coffee.gif You load up the truck and move to California, become a sheriff, a firefighter, a medic, and an Indian Chief. Then, when you know everything there is to know, you must join a message board in outer space and post relentlessly while sucking on the tax payers bosom, and become extremely skilled at embellishing pms received by wine drinkers who rejected you.

8/1/2011, 02:06 AM
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/smilies/coffee.gif You load up the truck and move to California, become a sheriff, a firefighter, a medic, and an Indian Chief. Then, when you know everything there is to know, you must join a message board in outer space and post relentlessly while sucking on the tax payers bosom, and become extremely skilled at embellishing pms received by wine drinkers who rejected you.

You also have truly believe in your heart that being a County Employee is on the level as Royalty in the social pecking order. Delusions of grandeur are also a must.

8/1/2011, 06:14 AM
He's way too scrambled to be of any use in an omlette
