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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/29/2011, 12:22 PM
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." - Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

The Maestro
7/29/2011, 12:40 PM
Wow. The circle jerk of politics.

7/29/2011, 12:59 PM
nice one...

7/29/2011, 01:26 PM
Now if he really said that. That's the quote of the century and I will not vote for him again.

Position Limit
7/29/2011, 01:29 PM
SCORE!!!!!!!!! nice one guy. good snag. you got your head in the game.

The Maestro
7/29/2011, 01:39 PM
Is there a link anywhere to this quote?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/29/2011, 01:43 PM
Is there a link anywhere to this quote?I've asked the provider I got it from for his source. When I hear/see his comment, will inform this board.

7/29/2011, 01:44 PM
Google search it. Snopes.com has already confirmed that Obama said it in a a speech.

7/29/2011, 01:45 PM


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/29/2011, 01:46 PM
I went googling:



7/29/2011, 01:51 PM
And the thousands of Republican votes by current Congressmen to raise the debt ceiling prior to now are somehow less hypocritical?

7/29/2011, 01:53 PM
Who said that!? Wow. I want to vote for HIM instead of the current guy!

oh wait.....

7/29/2011, 01:56 PM
And the thousands of Republican votes by current Congressmen to raise the debt ceiling prior to now are somehow less hypocritical?

Thousands?? How long have the Tea Party Reps been in office again?

7/29/2011, 02:00 PM
And the thousands of Republican votes by current Congressmen to raise the debt ceiling prior to now are somehow less hypocritical? please....shine my shoes. ;)

7/29/2011, 02:23 PM
Quote of the Century?

I don't believe [Obama's] hair is getting gray. I think they're putting flour in it everyday to make it look like it's getting grayer--or whatever the makeup trick is. ~Rush Limbaugh

7/29/2011, 02:47 PM
Who let you back in the pool, 3g? ;)

7/29/2011, 02:48 PM
Who let you back in the pool, 3g? ;)I have no idea why I was kicked out of the pool and I have no idea who let me back in.

7/29/2011, 03:17 PM
Pools are overrated. Hot tubs are where it's at.

7/29/2011, 03:29 PM
http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6131/bushexpression1016531i.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/bushexpression1016531i.jpg/)

anyone want to put a little (or most) of the blame on this guy? anyone?

7/29/2011, 03:30 PM
Pools are overrated. Hot tubs are where it's at.

Howzit and I dislike.

7/29/2011, 03:31 PM

7/29/2011, 03:33 PM
It would have been awesome for Republicans to have been this gun-ho about cut, cap, and balance when they controlled all 3 branches of government. Unfortunately,they were too busy causing the problems we're now faced with.

7/29/2011, 03:33 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/29/2011, 03:37 PM
It would have been awesome for Republicans to have been this gun-ho about cut, cap, and balance when they controlled all 3 branches of government. Unfortunately,they were too busy getting sucked in by the dems and the media, helping to cause some of the problems we're now faced with.FIFY

7/29/2011, 03:41 PM
http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u57/soonercynic/24editorial_graph2-popup-thumb-560x622-58477.gifSo a tax cut is now considered a cost??? What retard came up with that?

And obama should get some of the credit for the bail-outs and the wars. He voted for and expanded both.

And where is Obamacare?

7/29/2011, 04:02 PM


Dems and the media are responible for Republican excess and ovr-spending? Seriously?




7/29/2011, 04:26 PM

Dems and the media are responible for Republican excess and ovr-spending? Seriously?



Seriously?Did you expect nuance?

7/29/2011, 04:36 PM

John Stossel had this graph up last night. I don't know what happened to JFK, Gerald Ford, and George Hebert Walker Bush.

I don't normally watch Fox News, but CNBC wasn't showing the latest on the Boehner bill.

7/29/2011, 04:42 PM
Yes, a tax cut is a form of adding to the budget. If the government had kept rates where they were, they would have had more money and less debt. Now the inverse is that the government would have still wasted that money so that is neither here nor there. The Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility when they have no power. When they get power they become the Democrats...

7/29/2011, 04:50 PM
Yes, let's blame Bush.....'cause obama, pelosi and reid have done everything in their power to lower spending, cut taxes and reduce the national debt. And if it weren't for those evil republicans having control of the House right now, everything would be coming up roses and we'd all have jobs and we could open the southern border and let all the poor downtrodden mexicans in that just want to do all the crappy jobs that none of us Americans want to do. Those damned tea party jerks are holding us back from reaching the promised land! Evil Bastages!

7/29/2011, 05:07 PM
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." - Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

Just another Obama lie....there are many....also another example of how liberal/progressive Dems can't get elected unless they lie...media certainly won't call them on it...

7/29/2011, 06:57 PM
It would have been awesome for Republicans to have been this gun-ho about cut, cap, and balance when they controlled all 3 branches of government. Unfortunately,they were too busy getting sucked in by the dems and the media, helping to cause some of the problems we're now faced with.

Holy ****. Even when the GOP is in full control, you can blame the Dems and the "liberal media"!?

The laundry called. You can pick your brain up any time; it's been thoroughly washed.

Honestly, that's sad. :(

7/29/2011, 07:00 PM
Yes, a tax cut is a form of adding to the budget. If the government had kept rates where they were, they would have had more money and less debt. Now the inverse is that the government would have still wasted that money so that is neither here nor there. The Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility when they have no power. When they get power they become the Democrats...

Five Stars.

7/29/2011, 07:29 PM

Linking to Ezra Klein. How delightfully...........desperate!

7/29/2011, 10:36 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/30/2011, 05:07 PM
How many times do I and/or other conservatives have to reiterate that yes, we understand that Bush(W) screwed up by going along with some democrats and their socialistic ideas. Enough repubs in congress followed Bush's lead to screw things up, and help cause economic trouble. Neither I, nor anyone else I can think of failed to recognize and criticize Bush and some republicans in congress for their failings.

What's stupid is for anyone to vote for dems or 3rd partyites, expecting there will be better results. The important thing to remember is that there are quite a number of authentically conservative folks in the republican party, and almost zero in the democrats.

Any hope we have at all of straightening out the country is to elect more and more conservative republicans, which has to be done in the primary election. Our best and maybe last real hope to re-establish the private sector and economic optimism is to do that in '12, in order to overthrow Obamacare, and shed our country of the poison hand of BHO.

(it's entertaining, predictable, and rather sad to see the libs here so quick to play the personal destruction card, isn't it?)

7/30/2011, 05:17 PM
And the thousands of Republican votes by current Congressmen to raise the debt ceiling prior to now are somehow less hypocritical?

The circumstances, and the level of debt have changed!
You like the word "change", yes???
Noone was threatening to downgrade our credit rating back then....and how many Dems voted for it back then?

7/30/2011, 05:19 PM

Ezra Klein: Articles & Columns - Bloomberg
www.bloomberg.com/view/bios/ezra-klein/ - Cached- Block all www.bloomberg.com results
Not helpful? You can block www.bloomberg.com results when you're signed in to search.www.bloomberg.com
Read all articles, columns and blogs by Ezra Klein. Ezra Klein is a columnist and blogger at The Washington Post and a policy analyst for MSNBC.

Who would hire Ezra Kleinm????
Liberal leaning news!

7/30/2011, 05:25 PM
So a tax cut is now considered a cost??? What retard came up with that?

And where is Obamacare?

But, Dems do not like to count tax increases they cause with their legislation like Obamacare!
Estimates hold that near $2Trillion to private businesses.
Continuing to raise the national debt will cause great devaluation of the dollars buying power! Wayyy worst that direct costs!

Ezra Klein = Liberal!

7/30/2011, 05:28 PM

John Stossel had this graph up last night. I don't know what happened to JFK, Gerald Ford, and George Hebert Walker Bush.

I don't normally watch Fox News, but CNBC wasn't showing the latest on the Boehner bill.

John Stossel also showed the data for Obama....much worst!

7/30/2011, 05:29 PM
How many times do I and/or other conservatives have to reiterate that yes, we understand that Bush(W) screwed up by going along with some democrats and their socialistic ideas. Enough repubs in congress followed Bush's lead to screw things up, and help cause economic trouble. Neither I, nor anyone else I can think of failed to recognize and criticize Bush and some republicans in congress for their failings.

What's stupid is for anyone to vote for dems or 3rd partyites, expecting there will be better results. The important thing to remember is that there are quite a number of authentically conservative folks in the republican party, and almost zero in the democrats.

Any hope we have at all of straightening out the country is to elect more and more conservative republicans, which has to be done in the primary election. Our best and maybe last real hope to re-establish the private sector and economic optimism is to do that in '12, in order to overthrow Obamacare, and shed our country of the poison hand of BHO.

(it's entertaining, predictable, and rather sad to see the libs here so quick to play the personal destruction card, isn't it?)

Liberal argument #1....

7/31/2011, 02:08 AM
How many times do I and/or other conservatives have to reiterate that yes, we understand that Bush(W) screwed up by going along with some democrats and their socialistic ideas.
IT WAS THEIR AGRNDA!!!!!!!! This is so divorced from reality that I'm not entirely sure you and it have ever met.

NCLB -- Bush agenda
Faith based initiative -- Bush agenda
Medicare Rx Drugs -- Bush agenda
VASTLY expanding the power and scope of the Fed. Gov. -- Bush agenda
Interventionist foreign policies -- Bush agenda
The inital bank bailout and stimulas plans -- Bush agenda

The list goes on and on. Are you dense, naive, or just a partisan hack/mouth piece? Christ-o...seriously?

Please name me ONE Democrat agenda plan that Bush was 'forced' to go along with. Name one.

Enough repubs in congress followed Bush's lead to screw things up, and help cause economic trouble. Neither I, nor anyone else I can think of failed to recognize and criticize Bush and some republicans in congress for their failings.

I don't recall much criticism from you during that time. Nonetheless, even if you did, what you failed to do and continue to fail to do is hold them accountable in the ONLY way that matters -- refuse to support them or theparty.

What's stupid is for anyone to vote for dems or 3rd partyites, expecting there will be better results.
How is it any more stupid than continuing to support the same people and party and expecting them to change by rewarding their bad behavior with your vote? I believe Einstein said the definition of insanity was continuing to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

The important thing to remember is that there are quite a number of authentically conservative folks in the republican party, and almost zero in the democrats.

If that is the criteria you use for determining your support, then keep in mind that as a per capita % there are more legitimate conservatives in the libertarian party than the republican.

Any hope we have at all of straightening out the country is to elect more and more conservative republicans,
Like who exactly?

(it's entertaining, predictable, and rather sad to see the libs here so quick to play the personal destruction card, isn't it?)

Well, I have news for you, both sides do that pretty equally around here. It's hard to discuss a topic when the person you're talking to simply parrots the same predictable one-liners and talking points.

7/31/2011, 02:52 AM
What's stupid is for anyone to vote for dems or 3rd partyites, expecting there will be better results. The important thing to remember is that there are quite a number of authentically conservative folks in the republican party, and almost zero in the democrats.

Actually, the wisest thing to do is vote for 3rd party candidates, because all of a sudden you'd be voting for those candidates based on principle, and not whether or not they have a D or R next to their name. The stupidest thing rather, would be to continue voting for any and all candidates that have your party affiliation, assuming they're conservative/liberal like you believe.

7/31/2011, 04:33 AM
I think everybody should get issued a check for 250$ and that is all they get for their whole campaign. Oh and stop paying congress and the president for "the honor" of being in their positions. No more Law groups, banks, Pharmaceutical companies, and the other pork creating *******s that are clogging our economy should be allowed to donate any money. If you get caught taking money of any kind, life time ban from politics!!

7/31/2011, 05:17 AM
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." - Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

He was also advocating raising taxes which none of you guys on the right like to do. Here is fiscal responslibility.......start two wars and cut taxes. Pure genius.

7/31/2011, 05:45 AM
Liberal argument #1....

Cruiser it is going to be real funny seeing you blame Obama when you do not get your retirement check if we default on the debt. My guess is that Sapp will be crying right with you.

7/31/2011, 07:38 AM
IT WAS THEIR AGRNDA!!!!!!!! This is so divorced from reality that I'm not entirely sure you and it have ever met.

NCLB -- Bush agenda
Faith based initiative -- Bush agenda
Medicare Rx Drugs -- Bush agenda
VASTLY expanding the power and scope of the Fed. Gov. -- Bush agenda
Interventionist foreign policies -- Bush agenda
The inital bank bailout and stimulas plans -- Bush agenda

The list goes on and on. Are you dense, naive, or just a partisan hack/mouth piece? Christ-o...seriously?

Please name me ONE Democrat agenda plan that Bush was 'forced' to go along with. Name one.

I don't recall much criticism from you during that time. Nonetheless, even if you did, what you failed to do and continue to fail to do is hold them accountable in the ONLY way that matters -- refuse to support them or theparty.

How is it any more stupid than continuing to support the same people and party and expecting them to change by rewarding their bad behavior with your vote? I believe Einstein said the definition of insanity was continuing to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

If that is the criteria you use for determining your support, then keep in mind that as a per capita % there are more legitimate conservatives in the libertarian party than the republican.

Like who exactly?

Well, I have news for you, both sides do that pretty equally around here. It's hard to discuss a topic when the person you're talking to simply parrots the same predictable one-liners and talking points.

I'm still trying to figure out why democrats hated Bush so much. Was it seriously because he liked God?

7/31/2011, 07:39 AM
Actually, the wisest thing to do is vote for 3rd party candidates, because all of a sudden you'd be voting for those candidates based on principle, and not whether or not they have a D or R next to their name. The stupidest thing rather, would be to continue voting for any and all candidates that have your party affiliation, assuming they're conservative/liberal like you believe.

And really there is no liberal anymore. Because liberalism is about limiting government size in reality and making the individual more free. There's very few actual liberals in the government right now.

7/31/2011, 11:21 AM
He was also advocating raising taxes which none of you guys on the right like to do. Here is fiscal responslibility.......start two wars and cut taxes. Pure genius.

Come on DD. You are supporting hypocrisy.

And speaking about genius, here's a guy that supports capital gains tax increases even when it drives tax revenues down.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 11:32 AM
Bush wasn't forced to go along with any of the ill-advised things Sicem thinks I believe he was forced into. haha.

3rd party voting = democrat(OBEARY) win = End of what's left of America as we have lived it and love it. Sorry all you moral equivalence fools. The laws of mathematics always win at the voting booth. Split the conservative vote and the dems win. America loses.

7/31/2011, 11:33 AM
Cruiser it is going to be real funny seeing you blame Obama when you do not get your retirement check if we default on the debt. My guess is that Sapp will be crying right with you.
If you're trusting the government for your retirement then you are the sap(p).

7/31/2011, 11:46 AM
Cruiser it is going to be real funny seeing you blame Obama when you do not get your retirement check if we default on the debt. My guess is that Sapp will be crying right with you.

I have always been prepared to miss a couple of paychecks even though the possibility of me missing one was small.

If I had to sacrifice a couple of paychecks and as a result the government started living within it's means, then you are correct, I would be crying.... With joy.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 11:55 AM
If I had to sacrifice a couple of paychecks and as a result the government started living within it's means, then you are correct, I would be crying.... With joy.YES, it's THAT important for the govt. to not only start living within its means, but to STOP the unconstitutional spending.

hawaii 5-0
7/31/2011, 12:24 PM
He's a politician. He's expected to lie. No big deal.

Just this Spring when Boehner, Cantor, McConnell were asked to extend the Deficit ceiling they all lined up and said they didn't want to 'kick the can down the road.' Now they're all lined up asking to refight the ceiling argument in another six months.

And Obama is blaming them for 'kicking the can down the road.'

They're ALL liars.


Trump/ Bascum 2012

7/31/2011, 01:29 PM
YES, it's THAT important for the govt. to not only start living within its means, but to STOP the unconstitutional spending.

So you don't want to pay more taxes but you don't mind if Sapp misses a few of his earned checks?

7/31/2011, 01:30 PM
Cruiser it is going to be real funny seeing you blame Obama when you do not get your retirement check if we default on the debt. My guess is that Sapp will be crying right with you.

Retirement envy, there DD!

7/31/2011, 01:32 PM
Sound like is for cutting the Medicare drug program, and Obamcare right off the bat!!????

Let's do it!

7/31/2011, 01:37 PM
Bush wasn't forced to go along with any of the ill-advised things Sicem thinks I believe he was forced into. haha

I once again find myself wrapped up in the RLIMC Twilight Zone. I belie e you think that because...welll...you said that. I can only assume that even you don't believe what you said.

Unfortunately,they were too busy getting sucked in by the dems and the media, helping to cause some of the problems we're faced with.

7/31/2011, 01:42 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why democrats hated Bush so much. Was it seriously because he liked God?

I'm not a liberal, so I couldn't say.

I can, however, point out that the faith based program was yet another government charity program that god the Feds involved at the local level with distributing charity. If you can point me to where the Fed. Government is authorized to do that in the Constitution then I'd love to read it.

7/31/2011, 02:11 PM
As I said before on another thread if we lived our lives having to go through the federal government like we do with education, health, and retirement we would go f'n nuts. We just need to fix it to where those 3 areas are privatized and we are pretty much fine.

Bush wasn't forced into anything. He really was that liberal. There's nothing you can really defend against his actions which were well documented by Sic. The Bush era was probably the least partisan era we've had in recent politics.

7/31/2011, 03:28 PM
Bush wasn't forced into anything. He really was that liberal. The Bush era was probably the least partisan era we've had in recent politics.

RLIMC/SoonerCruiser: "Blasphemy!"


7/31/2011, 04:08 PM
I have always been prepared to miss a couple of paychecks even though the possibility of me missing one was small.

If I had to sacrifice a couple of paychecks and as a result the government started living within it's means, then you are correct, I would be crying.... With joy.


They want more than a few pay checks. If it were up to the real tea baggers they would like to see a 50% across the board cut in the government.

I do not want to see you lose a single pay check or your retirement and I am willing to pay more taxes to see that happen. The problem that I see that you and cruiser have is that you are arguing against your best interest and fail to see that the tea party view any government employee as being a problem. That includes both of you guys. This is not to say the Dems have your best interest in mind either.

We need to cut defense but it can be done without sacrificing quality or pay/benefits.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 04:11 PM
So you don't want to pay more taxes but you don't mind if Sapp misses a few of his earned checks?Nice spin. Am I surprised? Nah.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 04:14 PM
I once again find myself wrapped up in the RLIMC Twilight Zone. I belie e you think that because...welll...you said that. I can only assume that even you don't believe what you said.I don't believe Forced is what happened to Bush. If I said it was, I misspoke/wrote, and deepest apologies that I mislead you into thinking I beleive that.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 04:24 PM
I'm not a liberal...Does Not Compute. Seems like in another recent thread you were approving of the Earned Income Credit wealth distribution abomination that the Obamanation now does. (and has done even before the Obear got his claws into America) Oh well, Big Wup, huh.

7/31/2011, 04:37 PM
It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.

7/31/2011, 04:38 PM

So, if I am reading this chart correctly, Obama has kept all of Bush's supposedly horrible spending policies in place, and increased spending 28 percent beyond that? Is this somehow supposed to be a positive Democratic talking point?

7/31/2011, 04:41 PM

They want more than a few pay checks. If it were up to the real tea baggers they would like to see a 50% across the board cut in the government.

I do not want to see you lose a single pay check or your retirement and I am willing to pay more taxes to see that happen. The problem that I see that you and cruiser have is that you are arguing against your best interest and fail to see that the tea party view any government employee as being a problem. That includes both of you guys. This is not to say the Dems have your best interest in mind either.

We need to cut defense but it can be done without sacrificing quality or pay/benefits.


I heard Rand Paul's plan... An immediate freeze in government spending and cut 1% per year for 5-6 years.

7/31/2011, 04:42 PM
Obama's spending was based on the needs of the American people on the homefront. You know, those Americans that have been neglected and disenfranchised by the majority culture wanting to protect the status quo at the expense of others.

7/31/2011, 04:45 PM
It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.


7/31/2011, 04:46 PM
I heard Rand Paul's plan... An immediate freeze in government spending and cut 1% per year for 5-6 years.

This may be a red herring fallacy I'm posting now, but Rand Paul is a neo-segregationist from Kentucky. He represents the mentality and agenda of the Dixie separatist states, not Oklahomans.

I remember seeing his interview with Rachel Maddow, and he openly stated his opposition to the tenth of the Civil Rights Act. He believes the private sector should retain the right to discrimination and racism. This man's career was dead at that very moment.

7/31/2011, 04:54 PM
It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.

Think he has a handle on it, do you?

Has your worldly experience given you a particular insight into his energy policies?

7/31/2011, 04:57 PM
Think he has a handle on it, do you?

Has your worldly experience given you a particular insight into his energy policies?

Sorry, ad hominems don't count.

7/31/2011, 04:58 PM
Holy ****. Even when the GOP is in full control, you can blame the Dems and the "liberal media"!?

The laundry called. You can pick your brain up any time; it's been thoroughly washed.

Honestly, that's sad. :(

I remember when the Dems had a supermajority, and whined that the Republicans blocked them at every turn.

Both parties know that if it wasn't for the other party, they'd have to get actual results, which is a LOT harder than getting elected by focusing on partisan politics.

7/31/2011, 04:59 PM
Sorry, ad hominems don't count.

Do you mean like this one?

It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.


7/31/2011, 05:02 PM
Sorry, ad hominems don't count.

Doesn't apply.

Surely you can explain his energy policies for the last 3 years.

7/31/2011, 05:03 PM
Do you mean like this one?



7/31/2011, 05:07 PM
Do you mean like this one?


Except that one wasn't an ad hominem. It wasn't really a red herring fallacy either.

7/31/2011, 05:15 PM
Except that one wasn't an ad hominem. It wasn't really a red herring fallacy either.

Because anyone that disagrees with Obama's policies is a racist....surprised they even bother to review, debate or even vote on any of his policies since you have this revealed this obvious fact.

But for those of us that are less worldly and obviously less informed than yourself, please reveal to us the wisdom of his energy policies.

7/31/2011, 05:25 PM
His clean energy policy? The seven year moratorium policy on drilling in the Gulf Coast was for obvious reasons regarding environmental protection. Obama's policy aims at protecting the environment and creating a stronger economy by producing clean energy and viable alternatives to fuel.

BTW, what are you getting at? How is this relevant to the OP?

7/31/2011, 05:41 PM
His clean energy policy? The seven year moratorium policy on drilling in the Gulf Coast was for obvious reasons regarding environmental protection. Obama's policy aims at protecting the environment and creating a stronger economy by producing clean energy and viable alternatives to fuel.

BTW, what are you getting at? How is this relevant to the OP?

We are drilling now (again) in the Gulf in spite of Obama's tedious delays.
Obama (now) is the only one keeping the US from drilling off its east and west coasts.

Obama floated a $10,000,000,000 loan for Brazil to develop its offshore reserves, his concern for the environment notwithstanding. China is about to help Cuba drill in the gulf of Mexico and the Mexicans have been doing it for decades.

Obama mandated that ethanol be given a favored fuel source status as well as subsidies and mandatory integration into our energy grid. This was the same day the EPA stated ethanol was dirtier than gasoline.

There are billions for this country to be made off of its domestic oil and gas reserves, help balance the trade deficit, reduce unemployment and move this country towards energy independence at the same time. Yet, we are hamstrung by his lame ideology that has done nothing in the last few years to move us towards energy independence.

As to the OP, he11, I thought this topic morphed when we got to "only racists would oppose Obama".

7/31/2011, 05:48 PM

They want more than a few pay checks. If it were up to the real tea baggers they would like to see a 50% across the board cut in the government.

I do not want to see you lose a single pay check or your retirement and I am willing to pay more taxes to see that happen. The problem that I see that you and cruiser have is that you are arguing against your best interest and fail to see that the tea party view any government employee as being a problem. That includes both of you guys. This is not to say the Dems have your best interest in mind either.

We need to cut defense but it can be done without sacrificing quality or pay/benefits.


The difference between Sapp and I, and the Demoncrats is...
We are willing to give a little for the good of the country.
(Are we to be attacked to that willingness?) :rolleyes:
The Dem shills, and their liberal minions are not willing to give up on ANY of the social give-aways.
To he11 with the country's interest, they say!

7/31/2011, 05:49 PM
I didn't realize this was one of them damn politics threads, nevermind.

7/31/2011, 05:50 PM
Does Not Compute. Seems like in another recent thread you were approving of the Earned Income Credit wealth distribution abomination that the Obamanation now does. (and has done even before the Obear got his claws into America) Oh well, Big Wup, huh.

The EITC was a Reagan policy supported and expanded by every President since. I said that I'd hardly call it socialism. Nonetheless, I find the eitc preferable to direct welfare assistance. I have no problem at all with the tax credits since giving people back a bit of their taxes may just keep them off tne government payroll. The problem is that some people get more back than they paid in the first place which is unacceptable.

I'll respond to the rest later.

7/31/2011, 05:51 PM
It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.


#2 Welcome to the game......"Playing the Race Card!"
(What you use when you have no real argument)

7/31/2011, 05:56 PM
It's astonishing to see how many individuals have the balls to openly defend Bush's policies that killed the republic and created an empire. There's no legitimate reason to oppose Obama's policies, and the chances are that most of the anti-Obama crowd are simply closet racists.

Yeah, I know I'm new here, but I have more world experience than the majority of the posters here.

Using the "Race Card" is a sign of gross immaturity!

I hate socialists!

7/31/2011, 06:03 PM

#2 Welcome to the game......"Playing the Race Card!"
(What you use when you have no real argument)

See, this is what has bothered me most about living in a red state. We still have many reactionaries who believe "socialism" is always a negative and anti-American term. The saddest part is how the red states receive far more welfare funds worth more than they could ever pay in. The northeast and west coast carry this country.

BTW, the weather and social life down here in Norman, OK is absolute hell on earth. I think deciding on OU for a cheaper grad school education wasn't worth the social cost of living in OK. I will probably be banned for criticizing Oklahoma here, but I had no idea it would be this horrific down here. Something has obviously failed this region of the US politically.

7/31/2011, 06:08 PM
The saddest part is how the red states receive far more welfare funds worth more than they could ever pay in. The northeast and west coast carry this country.

the debtor state study is very old and the contributing factor was taxes paid not benefits received. Change the progressive tax system and then lower cost of living areas will pay their fair share. If not than STFU. Also, the west and NE is depleting our f'ing UE that red states are paying for.

7/31/2011, 06:48 PM
the debtor state study is very old and the contributing factor was taxes paid not benefits received. Change the progressive tax system and then lower cost of living areas will pay their fair share. If not than STFU. Also, the west and NE is depleting our f'ing UE that red states are paying for.

Here's where I get banned from this lame *** site...

First off, somebody from Okla-mobile-Homa doesn't talk down to somebody from NY. I would bust your fat Okie head to a pulp in the real world. Secondly, your fake white Indians in OK making Chickasaw Nation commercials are the ones receiving more federal aid in this state and dependent on the pathetic federal employment opportunities that Republicans down here hate so much. Notice how your fugly state doesn't produce **** or create marketable products? All employment in OK is federal employment due to the fact nobody worth a **** will hire your Indian population or meth addicts and mental retards in this hell hole.

You hicks talk more **** and are depressing as hell. Oklahoma needs to be ****ing nuked from this nation. Everybody is fat and white trash as hell here, and all of you inbreds claim Injun blood to get free government cheese. Funny how the federal programs feed your state and create everything for Oklahomans, yet you idiots vote against the hands that feed. I wish for a tornado or another bomb to ****ing end this reservation state for good. BTW, David Boren is a proud homosexual ruling your conservative bible belt football college. Just thought you rightwing idiots in Okla-mobile-Homa should know that he is openly bisexual and a member of one of your inbred churches....****ing hicks!

7/31/2011, 06:58 PM
Here's where I get banned from this lame *** site...

First off, somebody from Okla-mobile-Homa doesn't talk down to somebody from NY. I would bust your fat Okie head to a pulp in the real world. Secondly, your fake white Indians in OK making Chickasaw Nation commercials are the ones receiving more federal aid in this state and dependent on the pathetic federal employment opportunities that Republicans down here hate so much. Notice how your fugly state doesn't produce **** or create marketable products? All employment in OK is federal employment due to the fact nobody worth a **** will hire your Indian population or meth addicts and mental retards in this hell hole.

You hicks talk more **** and are depressing as hell. Oklahoma needs to be ****ing nuked from this nation. Everybody is fat and white trash as hell here, and all of you inbreds claim Injun blood to get free government cheese. Funny how the federal programs feed your state and create everything for Oklahomans, yet you idiots vote against the hands that feed. I wish for a tornado or another bomb to ****ing end this reservation state for good. BTW, David Boren is a proud homosexual ruling your conservative bible belt football college. Just thought you rightwing idiots in Okla-mobile-Homa should know that he is openly bisexual and a member of one of your inbred churches....****ing hicks!

Is that because you still wouldn't understand?

7/31/2011, 07:05 PM
oh you,

your state (NY) is hovering around 8.0% UE while okie is around 5.3%. Stop being such a leech dude.

7/31/2011, 07:07 PM
Here's where I get banned from this lame *** site...

First off, somebody from Okla-mobile-Homa doesn't talk down to somebody from NY. I would bust your fat Okie head to a pulp in the real world. Secondly, your fake white Indians in OK making Chickasaw Nation commercials are the ones receiving more federal aid in this state and dependent on the pathetic federal employment opportunities that Republicans down here hate so much. Notice how your fugly state doesn't produce **** or create marketable products? All employment in OK is federal employment due to the fact nobody worth a **** will hire your Indian population or meth addicts and mental retards in this hell hole.

You hicks talk more **** and are depressing as hell. Oklahoma needs to be ****ing nuked from this nation. Everybody is fat and white trash as hell here, and all of you inbreds claim Injun blood to get free government cheese. Funny how the federal programs feed your state and create everything for Oklahomans, yet you idiots vote against the hands that feed. I wish for a tornado or another bomb to ****ing end this reservation state for good. BTW, David Boren is a proud homosexual ruling your conservative bible belt football college. Just thought you rightwing idiots in Okla-mobile-Homa should know that he is openly bisexual and a member of one of your inbred churches....****ing hicks!

Say what? Let me picture you right now. Underwear? Check. Pencil-neck pasty white 126lb. frame planted in front of a computer with a Dr. Pepper? Check. Trying to decide which penis that is hanging out in your face right now to suck? Check.

**** off chump. We've heard that same lame **** from Texas fans for 30 ****ing years. Buy Bye.

7/31/2011, 07:09 PM
However, the guy is an absolute Carnac. He picked the exact time and date of his POS demise. Meh. WTF is wrong with some people?

7/31/2011, 07:12 PM
In the meantime, please carry on with your silly politics.

7/31/2011, 07:20 PM
In the meantime, please carry on with your silly politics.



RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 07:28 PM
The EITC was a Reagan policy supported and expanded by every President since. I said that I'd hardly call it socialism. Nonetheless, I find the eitc preferable to direct welfare assistance. I have no problem at all with the tax credits since giving people back a bit of their taxes may just keep them off tne government payroll. The problem is that some people get more back than they paid in the first place which is unacceptable.

I'll respond to the rest later.Are you saying it was Reagan's idea to redistribute more confiscated bucks back to tax form filers than the $0 they had to pay?

7/31/2011, 07:31 PM
Would this be the quote of the 20th then?

“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot.”

Henry Morgenthau, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin D. Roosevelt

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 07:35 PM
Welcome to the game......"Playing the Race Card, the Stoopid card, Crazy card or the Tinfoil Hat card!"
(What you use when you are a Rude(almost by definition)Leftist)


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 07:37 PM
See, this is what has bothered me most about living in a red state. We still have many reactionaries who believe "socialism" is always a negative and anti-American term. The saddest part is how the red states receive far more welfare funds worth more than they could ever pay in. The northeast and west coast carry this country.

BTW, the weather and social life down here in Norman, OK is absolute hell on earth. I think deciding on OU for a cheaper grad school education wasn't worth the social cost of living in OK. I will probably be banned for criticizing Oklahoma here, but I had no idea it would be this horrific down here. Something has obviously failed this region of the US politically.

HAha.You need to post more. THAT'S Entertainment.

In a way, sorry you got bained. You were pure gold, Jerry!

7/31/2011, 07:42 PM
Are you saying it was Reagan's idea to redistribute more confiscated bucks back to tax form filers than the $0 they had to pay?

****ing stop. Please.

7/31/2011, 08:06 PM
It doesn't matter RLIMC. Get it? Please get it. Just stop. It's all I ask.

7/31/2011, 08:34 PM
How about this little salvo, 90% of Democrats are socialist and 90% of Republicans are socialist. About 90% of our federal government wants you to be dependent on the FEDERAL government. Since the early 1900's this country has slowly dissolved any type of state government power. The Tea Party likes to throw around the word socialism like it is equal to Nazism. It's not for one simple reason. Take away people's medicare and social security and see just how fast the Tea Party attacks the government for ending those "socialist" programs. Socialism isn't a horrible thing in the right context. However, the government both left and right have socialized our asses into massive economic debt. I would say a large portion of the country is right of center or left of center by a very small degree. The left of center people believe in gay rights and small simple issues to the left. The right of center believe in gun rights and small simple issues to the left. However that same large portion also believe in fiscal responsibility and agree on probably a high percentage of issues. Which is what astounds me is that 90%(and I am being very generous with that estimate) of our politicians skew either HARD right or HARD left and it has got to the point where HARD left and right are ALMOST indistinguishable.

7/31/2011, 08:35 PM
He's gone already?

He was an inspired poster...filled with facts, information and a worldliness that
many can only dream about for themselves.

He was suffering, though, given the social climate he was forced to endure.

7/31/2011, 08:43 PM
How about this little salvo, 90% of Democrats are socialist and 90% of Republicans are socialist. About 90% of our federal government wants you to be dependent on the FEDERAL government. Since the early 1900's this country has slowly dissolved any type of state government power. The Tea Party likes to throw around the word socialism like it is equal to Nazism. It's not for one simple reason. Take away people's medicare and social security and see just how fast the Tea Party attacks the government for ending those "socialist" programs. Socialism isn't a horrible thing in the right context. However, the government both left and right have socialized our asses into massive economic debt. I would say a large portion of the country is right of center or left of center by a very small degree. The left of center people believe in gay rights and small simple issues to the left. The right of center believe in gun rights and small simple issues to the left. However that same large portion also believe in fiscal responsibility and agree on probably a high percentage of issues. Which is what astounds me is that 90%(and I am being very generous with that estimate) of our politicians skew either HARD right or HARD left and it has got to the point where HARD left and right are ALMOST indistinguishable.

In the actual society for most Americans only has about 3 areas that are really socialized in their lives. And they are the 3 most economically f'd up parts. Healthcare, education, and retirement. Most of the rest of our lives are almost completely un-socialized. Even if you say drugs are, in the black market drugs are cheaper than ever and fairly well distributed seeing that a big population block still gets these drugs. But look at the internet. The internet is pretty much the most libertarian thing in the world. In fact if you want a perfect example of how government being out of something makes it work great it's the internet right now.

7/31/2011, 08:50 PM
He's gone already?

He was an inspired poster...filled with facts, information and a worldliness that
many can only dream about for themselves.

He was suffering, though, given the social climate he was forced to endure.

The heat drives NYers mad apparently..

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 08:55 PM
It doesn't matter RLIMC. Get it? Please get it. Just stop. It's all I ask.as if, huh?

7/31/2011, 09:01 PM
Can anyone tell me where this is from?

"That Reagan's message found such a receptive audience spoke not only to his skills as a communicator; it also spoke to the failures of liberal government, during a period of economic stagnation, to give middle-class voters any sense that it was fighting for them. For the fact was that government at every level had become too cavalier about spending taxpayer money. Too often, bureaucracies were oblivious to the cost of their mandates. A lot of liberal rhetoric did seem to value rights and entitlements over duties and responsibilities.

...by promising to side with those who worked hard, obeyed the law, cared for their families, and loved their country, Reagan offered Americans a sense of a common purpose that liberals seemed no longer able to muster. And the more his critics carped, the more those critics played into the role he'd written for them—a band of out-of-touch, tax-and-spend, blame-America-first, politically correct elites."

7/31/2011, 09:01 PM
First off, somebody from Okla-mobile-Homa doesn't talk down to somebody from NY. Lol. Heaven forbid.

You hicks talk more **** and are depressing as hell. Oklahoma needs to be ****ing nuked from this nation. Everybody is fat and white trash as hell here, and all of you inbreds claim Injun blood to get free government cheese. Funny how the federal programs feed your state and create everything for Oklahomans, yet you idiots vote against the hands that feed. I wish for a tornado or another bomb to ****ing end this reservation state for good. BTW, David Boren is a proud homosexual ruling your conservative bible belt football college. Just thought you rightwing idiots in Okla-mobile-Homa should know that he is openly bisexual and a member of one of your inbred churches....****ing hicks!

Seems you have first hand knowledge about Boren...not that there is anything wrong with that.

7/31/2011, 09:07 PM
The heat drives NYers mad apparently..

Amazing that he found his way to OU grad school...I guess he wanted to be close to Dave. Even more amazing is that he is apparently an OU fan...while overlooking our shortcomings.

You just don't talk down to down to someone from NY.

7/31/2011, 09:08 PM
Oh You was a hell of a defensive end though...

7/31/2011, 09:09 PM

I'm waiting for the part where Dean PM's him an addy and Oh You gets his *** kicked.

7/31/2011, 09:11 PM
He actually started a new message board to taunt Dean, it's called OhYouDidntJustDoThat.com Everyone is free to post there...

7/31/2011, 09:15 PM
You mean the internet that started as a government program? That internet?
How much of the internet is really government ran now? You can buy or do just about anything on the web without the government doing a damn thing about it.

7/31/2011, 09:19 PM
Amazing that he found his way to OU grad school...I guess he wanted to be close to Dave. Even more amazing is that he is apparently an OU fan...while overlooking our shortcomings.

You just don't talk down to down to someone from NY.

There is probably not enough hot dog venders on the street for him...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 09:29 PM
In Big Brother We Trust! Got it, Freeze.

7/31/2011, 09:34 PM
You mean the internet that started as a government program? That internet?

So we should cut Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid over Defense because no cool **** comes from those programs? Got ya.

7/31/2011, 09:46 PM
You mean the internet that started as a government program? That internet?

Great example. Think of how primitive the internet would still be if was run by the government. Market pressure turned the internet into what it is today.

7/31/2011, 09:47 PM
There is probably not enough hot dog venders on the street for him...

So does he prefer mayo on his dog?

7/31/2011, 09:52 PM
So does he prefer mayo on his dog?

We might have to ask Dave. Not that there is anything wrong with that...

7/31/2011, 10:01 PM
We might have to ask Dave. Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Dave liking NYer's?

That would be hard to swallow....no pun intended.

7/31/2011, 11:02 PM
Are you saying it was Reagan's idea to redistribute more confiscated bucks back to tax form filers than the $0 they had to pay?


History snd facts are pretty cool.

The EITC was what Reagan called, to paraphrase, the best anti-poverty program in the country. Like I said, the problem is with people getting larger credits than they pay, but I'm pretty sure those are a small minority of those getting the rebate (I may be wrong).

Other than those people,I'm all for giving people a rebate on their taxes that keeps them off government assistance program.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2011, 11:52 PM
Great example. Think of how primitive the internet would still be if was run by the government. Market pressure turned the internet into what it is today.HOW DARE YOU make that point!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/1/2011, 12:00 AM

History snd facts are pretty cool.

The EITC was what Reagan called, to paraphrase, the best anti-poverty program in the country. Like I said, the problem is with people getting larger credits than they pay, but I'm pretty sure those are a small minority of those getting the rebate (I may be wrong).

Other than those people,I'm all for giving people a rebate on their taxes that keeps them off government assistance program.Funny, most folks don't think of Reagan as a champion of wealth redistribution. If he really was, I guess that make the 3rd big mistake he made after believing the democrats were going to cut the social spending they promised to cut, and his giving in to Amnesty.

The essence of the EITC is giving people money they never even paid in. Right? Otherwise, it's just a tax refund for money you overpaid.

8/1/2011, 01:21 AM
Market pressure? You mean how government-regulated industries (cable and telephone) duked it out to bring high-speed internet to everyone's doorstep? Or how nations with heavy government involvement in building net infrastructure have much better bandwidth to each home than we do? Using the internet as an example of a triumph of libertarianism is ridiculous.

Government involvement? You mean how the market drove demand and services ahead of time that caused all those nations with heavy government to decide to increase their infrastructure to take advantage of all the great things that the market had come up with? How in the world did the US manage to be the epicenter of business, entrepeneurship, and innovation without all that heavy government involvement in building net infrastructure? Using the internet as an example of a triumph of heavy government involvement is ridiculous.

And before anyone says DARPAnet, that thing chugged along nice and adente till it was let loose for the masses.

8/1/2011, 07:25 AM
Ha. You really think so? Talk to Chinese citizens about that. Or Iranian citizens.

Those are different countries, what limits does the government in America really place on our internet right now? It's a total free market on the internet in this country.

8/1/2011, 07:41 AM
Government involvement? You mean how the market drove demand and services ahead of time that caused all those nations with heavy government to decide to increase their infrastructure to take advantage of all the great things that the market had come up with? How in the world did the US manage to be the epicenter of business, entrepeneurship, and innovation without all that heavy government involvement in building net infrastructure? Using the internet as an example of a triumph of heavy government involvement is ridiculous.

And before anyone says DARPAnet, that thing chugged along nice and adente till it was let loose for the masses.

To answer your question on how we became the leaders in net services.....porn. The net was made for porn.

8/1/2011, 07:53 AM
To answer your question on how we became the leaders in net services.....porn. The net was made for porn.


8/1/2011, 10:35 AM

I'm glad it includes projections since the stimulus was projected to never let unemployment go above 7% or so. I'm sure all of these projections are based on rosy scenarios of economic growth.

Edit: Even better, it includes a couple years of the new health care system which taxes are already being collected for. Just like when it was passed - count more years of revenue than spending and say it doesn't cost as much.

8/1/2011, 11:46 AM
I'm glad it includes projections since the stimulus was projected to never let unemployment go above 7% or so. I'm sure all of these projections are based on rosy scenarios of economic growth.

Edit: Even better, it includes a couple years of the new health care system which taxes are already being collected for. Just like when it was passed - count more years of revenue than spending and say it doesn't cost as much.

How dare you catch the dirty libs on tweeking their dirty little lying statistics.
(Kinda like CBO projections, huh?)

8/1/2011, 11:49 AM
I'm glad it includes projections since the stimulus was projected to never let unemployment go above 7% or so. I'm sure all of these projections are based on rosy scenarios of economic growth.

Edit: Even better, it includes a couple years of the new health care system which taxes are already being collected for. Just like when it was passed - count more years of revenue than spending and say it doesn't cost as much.

I believe the correct number is actually 8%...

8/1/2011, 11:52 AM
You mean the internet that started as a government program? That internet?

Thank GOD that Al Gore didn't pick the internet that he invented as his way to scam the world for $Billions!

As it is, he left us with the tax on our every phone bill to redistribute to those who can't afford a phone, or live in rural areas.

8/1/2011, 03:48 PM
I believe the correct number is actually 8%...


Ahh, you are correct. Thanks to the stimulus we will have 6.5% unemployment this quarter.

8/1/2011, 03:50 PM

Ahh, you are correct. Thanks to the stimulus we will have 6.5% unemployment this quarter.

That chart hasn't been updated in awhile, or it would be even uglier...

8/1/2011, 03:52 PM
I swear to God that the South Oval is recommended therapy for lobotomy patients. I mean, seriously????

Look up "net neutrality" sometime and read up on why it has been so key in the internet developing into what it is today in the US. You'll see why it is responsible for technological innovations that we take for granted, like youtube, Netflix streaming, HULU, and so on to develop.

Understand that without heavy government regulation, we wouldn't have an internet that even remotely resembles what it is today.

Check out the FCC's "broadband roadmap" and see why the US is playing catch up to most developed nations in broadband speed and access. Mostly because the government hasn't been as involved as they should be here.

Left unregulated you would get metered access, higher costs and lower quality, all in the name of the "cost of doing business".

The internet as an example of libertarianism? That's laughable. Froz is absolutely correct.

8/1/2011, 03:58 PM
I kinda gotta go with 49er and Froze on this one.

8/1/2011, 04:05 PM
I kinda gotta go with 49er and Froze on this one.

I don't have a dog in the fight...

8/1/2011, 05:04 PM
Dearly beloved...
Phil's dog died today.

8/1/2011, 05:11 PM
To answer your question on how we became the leaders in net services.....porn. The net was made for porn.

Insert Trekkie Monster quote.

8/1/2011, 05:33 PM
Dearly beloved...
Phil's dog died today.


8/1/2011, 06:01 PM
Funny, most folks don't think of Reagan as a champion of wealth redistribution. If he really was, I guess that make the 3rd big mistake he made after believing the democrats were going to cut the social spending they promised to cut, and his giving in to Amnesty.

The essence of the EITC is giving people money they never even paid in. Right? Otherwise, it's just a tax refund for money you overpaid.

I'm really not sure what most folks think of Reagan or his support for the eitc. I don't really care. Nonetheless, he was a proponent and even expanded it. Why wpuld ue do that? Because the eitc was nit created to just give people money -- it was created to give a tax rebate to families with kids. This tax credit allowed families to keep a little more of theor tax money thus keeping more people off the governmen payroll.

The problem is that through other tax loopholes, laws,credits, rebates, etc...some people get kore than they actually end up paying in taxes. The EITC has been expanded a lot over the years and this is the result. But the EITC is not a welfare program or scheme. The solution is to eliminate the loopholes by establishing a flat-tax and throwing out the current tax code.

At any rate, as far as allowing folks to keep more of their income, I'm all for the eitc for the same reasons as Reagan.

There are a lot of true welfare programs you cpuld direct yoir ire toward instead of directong it at the eitc. Did puppet boy Hannity spend a segment ranting about it or something?

8/2/2011, 11:25 AM
What time did you post this?
Musta been really late when you fingers were closer to the bedroom on the keyboard.

As a RWer, I'd get the he11 beat outa me for that!

8/2/2011, 11:50 AM
What time did you post this?
Musta been really late when you fingers were closer to the bedroom on the keyboard.

As a RWer, I'd get the he11 beat outa me for that!

I pretty much just use my tablet these days amd I try to type as fast as I can on a keyboard and the tab can't keep up.

I was also drinking just a little.

8/2/2011, 01:05 PM
Isn't there only one "tab" key?
Oh! Tab on the bottle!

My problem is in-between vision.....trifocals.
My fingers and the keyboard are never in the same field of vision.
(Even when I been drinkin' a "little".)

8/2/2011, 03:26 PM
Isn't there only one "tab" key?
Oh! Tab on the bottle!

My problem is in-between vision.....trifocals.
My fingers and the keyboard are never in the same field of vision.
(Even when I been drinkin' a "little".)

I can type around 90 wpm, but I have a hard time with the touchscreen on my galaxy tab.

8/2/2011, 03:50 PM
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." - Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
