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View Full Version : Democrats Reject Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill

7/22/2011, 01:17 PM
Let there be no mistake....it wasn't the Senate that rejected the House Bill. It was Demoncrats - along straight party lines!

7/22/2011, 01:20 PM
I am glad they did...

My Opinion Matters
7/22/2011, 01:21 PM
What's the max capacity of a human bladder anyway? I've had to go for hours, but damn, it's a long walk.

7/22/2011, 01:22 PM
It was Demoncratshttp://darknessdescends.envy.nu/images-2/devil.gif

7/22/2011, 01:22 PM
What's the max capacity of a human bladder anyway? I've had to go for hours, but damn, it's a long walk.

I can put down a six pack easy before I have to ****. That's at least 72 oz of carbonated liquid.

hawaii 5-0
7/22/2011, 01:32 PM
Once ya go the first time after drinking beer it's a lot more frequent later on.


Trump/ Spuds 2012

7/22/2011, 01:32 PM
Once ya go the first time after drinking beer it's a lot more frequent later on.


Trump/ Spuds 2012

But WHY?

hawaii 5-0
7/22/2011, 01:34 PM
Volume receptors in the bladder are triggered.


Trump/ Bill Nye 2012

7/22/2011, 01:34 PM
Volume receptors in the bladder are triggered.


Trump/ Bill Nye 2012

Explain. This is a subject I have great interest in.

My Opinion Matters
7/22/2011, 01:36 PM
Volume receptors in the bladder are triggered.


Trump/ Bill Nye 2012

Wouldn't a volume receptor be an ear? I don't think my bladder has ears.

7/22/2011, 01:36 PM
Has the NFL lockout ended?

hawaii 5-0
7/22/2011, 01:37 PM
No fishin' today folks.


Trump/ Lucky 2012

7/22/2011, 01:59 PM
Let there be no mistake....it wasn't the Senate that rejected the House Bill. It was Demoncrats - along straight party lines!


7/22/2011, 02:02 PM
I am glad they did...

Cruiser would have seen cuts in his retirement if thet did. Should interest rates spike he could have been clobbered

7/22/2011, 02:05 PM
Cruiser would have seen cuts in his retirement if thet did. Should interest rates spike he could have been clobbered

I am afraid this will end badly...if they don't come up with a workable plan to cut the deficit and debt our bond rating will be lowered...and then we are in deep chit over the long term....debt servicing will be impossible to fund....

7/22/2011, 02:07 PM
I am afraid this will end badly...if they don't come up with a workable plan to cut the deficit and debt our bond rating will be lowered...and then we are in deep chit over the long term....debt servicing will be impossible to fund....

I read somewhere that Moodys was going to downgrade us even if the debt ceiling is raised if spending is not cut. I can't find it now...

7/22/2011, 02:10 PM
I read somewhere that Moodys was going to downgrade us even if the debt ceiling is raised if spending is not cut. I can't find it now...

I don't think it is so much the raising of the debt ceiling as it is that they want to see meaningful legislation that addresses the debt over the short and long term...

If DC uses their usual smoke and mirrors trick we could see our ratings reduced...

There must be meaningful and logical short and long term cuts in the deficit...

7/22/2011, 02:13 PM
I don't think it is so much the raising of the debt ceiling as it is that they want to see meaningful legislation that addresses the debt over the short and long term...

If DC uses their usual smoke and mirrors trick we could see our ratings reduced...

There must be meaningful and logical short and long term cuts in the deficit...

Any if we do nothing, our credit will be downgraded, interest rates will skyrocket.

The Dem's plan of do nothing, is much more extreme and harmful than CCB...

7/22/2011, 02:14 PM

7/22/2011, 02:22 PM

I am not so sure....I think a bunch of them actually thought it was a well thought out plan...

7/22/2011, 02:24 PM
I am not so sure....I think a bunch of them actually thought it was a well thought out plan...

I'm not sure which is worse.

7/22/2011, 02:24 PM
Any if we do nothing, our credit will be downgraded, interest rates will skyrocket.

The Dem's plan of do nothing, is much more extreme and harmful than CCB...

Uh....I can't really disagree....but I cannot bring myself to accept a plan that is not realistic and has major flaws....

7/22/2011, 02:25 PM
I'm not sure which is worse.

I know....

7/22/2011, 02:52 PM
For them to do what they need to do...is pretty much impossible. It would be easier to make every PETA member voluntarily shoot every last koala bear.

We're 4 years from Snake Plissken.

7/22/2011, 06:07 PM

Heh. Apparently their evil plan worked like a charm.

7/22/2011, 06:11 PM
For them to do what they need to do...is pretty much impossible. It would be easier to make every PETA member voluntarily shoot every last koala bear.

We're 4 years from Snake Plissken.


7/22/2011, 06:16 PM
default.....it's the only reasonable option left.

we will never be able to fund liberal services with conservative taxes. If one side gives in now....then you will get less after the reset.

7/22/2011, 06:16 PM
I don't think it is so much the raising of the debt ceiling as it is that they want to see meaningful legislation that addresses the debt over the short and long term...

If DC uses their usual smoke and mirrors trick we could see our ratings reduced...

There must be meaningful and logical short and long term cuts in the deficit...

We will never have "meaningful" cuts with the current leadership....one side loses too much with "meaningful" cuts and are willing to destroy this country to keep that power....

7/22/2011, 06:22 PM
I look forward to not getting paid next month....

7/22/2011, 06:24 PM
Yes/No Question: Had spending not increased over the past three years would we have still needed a debt ceiling increase next month?

7/22/2011, 06:52 PM
CCB would result in raising the debt ceiling by 2.4trillion.

No thanks.

I'm actively rooting for the government to default. I don't care if Congress has to fire everyone in the building and put a 'For Sale' sign up front.

7/22/2011, 07:46 PM
I am afraid this will end badly...if they don't come up with a workable plan to cut the deficit and debt our bond rating will be lowered...and then we are in deep chit over the long term....debt servicing will be impossible to fund....

The plan you were glad the Senate rejected without a vote was the only plan that would have avoided an S&P downgrade. I understand liberals are caught in between a rock and a hard place right now. Kind of like the lay-abouts in Greece: S**t gets tough when you run out of other people's money.

Too bad so sad. Keynesian economics sucks. Socialism is a proven failure. We're out of money and no more gravy train for the leechf***s of society, whether they are wallstreet bankers or section 8 octomoms.

7/22/2011, 08:14 PM
Sorry to say...I am anything but a liberal...

If I had one piece of proof that our leadership could actually get anything done unless it is the last second...I might buy into your thoughts...

But history tells me that they will drag their feet at every opportunity and have to pull together a half azzed plan at the last second...a plan that won't actually do as they say...the pricks take time off with the deadline drawing near...and now look where we are at...and in the future they would do the same crap with the votes to raise the limit in the short term...

I have spent enough time looking through actual historical and budget data that I have good grasp of where we have been and where we are headed...

If we don't get the economy up and running we will never be able to tax ourselves out of this mess....if we get any closer to a double dip recession we could really be in deep trouble...

To be honest I don't give a chit about the debt ceiling at the current time...I would look at cuts that would not hurt the economy...minor tax changes...I would be pulling troops back from a bunch of offshore bases...I would be pushing the chit out of big oil and gas and create a bunch of big paychecks and tax royalty checks...

I would toss another half trillion or so into infrastructure...

A year and a half or two years from now I would put into place the heavy duty crap I talked about earlier...

Play our cards right and we could sell that plan to the rating agencies...we will spend more now to get jobs to help drop unemployment costs and increase tax revenue....then when the economy is back on it's feet we drop in the actual increased revenue plan...

We are between a rock and a hard place...

7/22/2011, 08:17 PM
Yes/No Question: Had spending not increased over the past three years would we have still needed a debt ceiling increase next month?

If spending had not increases over the last three years we would have 20% unemployment and about the same amount of yearly deficits and debt...actually. probably higher deficits and more debt...

7/22/2011, 08:32 PM
If spending had not increases over the last three years we would have 20% unemployment and about the same amount of yearly deficits and debt...actually. probably higher deficits and more debt...


7/22/2011, 08:34 PM

I don't know if it would have been 20% (exaggeration, maybe)...but it would have been significantly higher that where we are today....

7/22/2011, 08:41 PM
The stimulus was less important than the bank bailouts and the semi stabilization of the banking system...

if you look at my unemployment chart you can see where the rate of increase in unemployment slowed significantly (April 2009) even before the stimulus was put into place...the stimulus helped create enough jobs to keep unemployment flat it is all on the economy, now...the infrastructure (those shovel ready jobs) are nearing completion and that has seemed to hurt the unemployment rate....


7/22/2011, 09:13 PM
If spending had not increases over the last three years we would have 20% unemployment and about the same amount of yearly deficits and debt...actually. probably higher deficits and more debt...

Ok, I was wrong about the socialist part, but apparently not the Keynesian part. My bad.

You do realize that the people who passed the Stimulus claimed that unemployment would never rise above 8% if it became law? "Oh, it would have been 20% had it not passed!" Now that is a moving goalpost!

Maybe if you guys had let the free market work it would have corrected itself by now. Sure, 2008-2009 would have been brutal but the free market has a way of fixing itself. Google "Depression of 1920" in which the government responded by doing Jack nor Sh*t.

What you really should study now is "The Lost Decade" of Japan. Another Keynesian fail.

7/22/2011, 09:25 PM
This situation is the result of Washington cohorting with big business by manipulating the central banking system. Major mistakes were made by both parties and the solution from Washington was to compound the problem by funneling trillions to those responsible for the problem.

Jefferson and Jackson warned us of the evils and threats to liberty representec by big business and centralized banking.

7/22/2011, 10:43 PM
This situation is the result of Washington cohorting with big business by manipulating the central banking system. Major mistakes were made by both parties and the solution from Washington was to compound the problem by funneling trillions to those responsible for the problem.

Jefferson and Jackson warned us of the evils and threats to liberty representec by big business and centralized banking.

Medicare, medicaid, SS, defense and other entitlements are all far and away a bigger fiscal problem than big business and central banking.

We have an annual bailout for those too ignorant to earn/save for themselves. Every freaking year.

7/23/2011, 12:50 PM
If spending had not increases over the last three years we would have 20% unemployment and about the same amount of yearly deficits and debt...actually. probably higher deficits and more debt...

Don't we already have 18-20% unemployment anyway based on what they leave out when calculated?

7/23/2011, 01:09 PM
Don't we already have 18-20% unemployment anyway based on what they leave out when calculated?

It depends what you mean by unemployment. I think the calculations are based on those who are actively seeked employment but can't find a job they are willing to accept.

I have an acquaintance who was unemployed for a year. She was a beginning teacher who was not re-hired. The only job she was seeking was a teaching job. She could have accepted a job if she really wanted a job. In that sense, she was unemployed by her own choice - not because no jobs were available.

7/23/2011, 01:28 PM
Don't we already have 18-20% unemployment anyway based on what they leave out when calculated?

I don't really pay attention to it...but that is probably close...maybe a little on the high side...

If I keep jumping back and forth between the two I confuse myself...I stick with the standard unemployment...I have a long term baseline and just look for trends...