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7/20/2011, 01:03 PM
Linky-Dinky (http://www.choicetolivewith.com/page14.html)

Herbal abortions have been around for centuries. If you are looking for ways to end your pregnancy in the privacy of your home, you will no doubt wonder about the possibility of using herbs. Herbs are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and therefore, their effectiveness and safety cannot be measured reliably. This page will not be a "how-to." It will instead speak of some of the more common methods of herbal abortion along with their risks. Please do not use an herbal abortifacient. Instead, use the Contact Us (http://www.choicetolivewith.com/contact.html) form to discuss safer options.

There are two types of herbs that can have an effect on a developing pregnancy: emmenagogues and abortifacients. An emmenagogue is an herb which encourages your period to start. They usually work best if your period is just plain late - not due to a pregnancy. Some common emmenagogues include Parsley, Ginger, Yarrow, Feverfew, Rosemary, Sage, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds, Black Cohosh, Mugwort, Juniper, Angelica, Savin, Rue, Asafetida, Celery Seed, and Birthwort. Most emmenagogues are not strong enough to cause an abortion; however, they can in some women. Abortifacient herbs can both cause an abortion and encourage your period to come. The herbs explained in detail below are abortifacient herbs.

Things to Consider

Most herbal abortifacients work by poisoning you. They raise the level of toxins (poisonous substances) in your own bloodstream so high that a baby cannot develop. The goal is to not put too much in your body so as to harm or kill yourself, but this is not an exact science and it can be very harmful, even fatal, to you.
Herbal abortions do not work well. If you take them the correct way at the correct time in your cycle they only have a 20-30% chance of causing abortion.
Health risks can be considerable and may lead to death. See specific herbs for detailed information on risks.
Just because something is natural does not mean it is safe or easy to use. An herbal abortion is much more than kicking back and sipping tea throughout the day. The abortion usually does not occur for 6 days into the treatment, and the herbs can be very hard on the body, causing nausea, diarrhea, and chills. Not to mention the emotions that can occur during such a long, drawn-out process.
Most abortifacient herbs must be started before your period is even due! So you must know your menstrual cycle very well. Starting an herbal abortion too late will make it less likely to work.
Abortifacient herbs should never be used past the 6th week of pregnancy for any reason, and they should not be used for more than 2 weeks at a time.
You should not attempt the use of herbal remedies if you do not have knowledge in this area. Consulting an herbalist or doctor is very important because you don't want to take the wrong herb (some sound very much alike) or take the wrong form of an herb into your body.
Never use the essential oil of any herb internally. Essential oils are poisonous and will be harmful if not fatal even in the smallest amounts.
If an herbal abortion is attempted and fails, you may consider a medical or surgical abortion. Keep in mind that an herbal abortion does not have a direct impact on the baby, so an abortion does not need to be considered to avoid malformations.

My Opinion Matters
7/20/2011, 01:14 PM
Alternatively, the herbs can be used to season a baby.

7/20/2011, 01:23 PM
Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today called for the national convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to adopt a resolution passed by the group's Macon, Georgia, chapter addressing the impact abortion has had on the African American community. The NAACP opens its 98th Annual Convention this weekend in Detroit.

"The NAACP has always been about justice," said Dr. King. "Today, there is no greater injustice facing black people than abortion. Over 13 million African Americans are not here because they died by legal abortion. It’s as if a plague swept through our cities and towns and took one of every four blacks. Talk about inconvenient truths – the national leadership of the NAACP needs to address what abortion has done to the African American community and our nation as a whole, even if it means making some people in high positions uncomfortable."

The Macon Chapter of the NAACP this year adopted a resolution urging the national NAACP to undertake efforts to reduce the high abortion and infant mortality rates in the black community and to reduce the disproportionately high black inmate population, which the group says has a dramatic impact on the black family. A similar resolution was submitted to the national NAACP convention by the Macon Chapter in 2004, but was not considered due to an alleged technicality.

"In my travels across the country, I have met countless fellow NAACP members who are praying and marching for justice for all, including justice for unborn babies," said Dr. King. "The National Board of the NAACP needs to know that its membership loves our children and wants what is right for them, and what is right is for them to be allowed to live."

7/20/2011, 01:26 PM
Alternatively, the herbs can be used to season a baby.

pre-seasoned babies are best, that way the flavor spreads through the meat better.