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7/14/2011, 12:38 AM
This would have to be #1 on the "Things you don't want to hear the vice president of NCAA enforcement say"


Chizik asked NCAA vice president for enforcement Julie Roe Lach several questions, including why the NCAA had not announced that the Newton investigation was finished, during a presentation at the Southeastern Conference meetings in Destin, Fla., last month.

"You'll know when we're finished," Roe Lach told Chizik, according to several coaches who were at the meeting, the Times reported. "And we're not finished."

Curly Bill
7/14/2011, 01:00 AM
Nice :D

7/14/2011, 01:04 AM
I still think the NCAA is grasping at straws. They already ruled on the issue after they knew Cecil was shopping Cameron. With a national championship, a heisman and bragging rights over Alabama, nobody in "the family" that could be involved is going to say a word.

7/14/2011, 02:27 AM
Well there was a lot of talk about FBI wire tapping and a local casino, maybe that has something to do with it.

7/14/2011, 07:25 AM
In December, the NCAA upheld a 5-game suspension for five tOSU players while clearing them to play in the Sugar Bowl. Their "reasoning"? The players didn't know they were committing these violations in 2009. In the Newton case, the NCAA ruled "Auburn University football student-athlete Cam Newton is immediately eligible to compete, according to a decision today by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff. The NCAA concluded on Monday that a violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA amateurism rules."

The NCAA also said, "We do not have sufficient evidence that Cam Newton or anyone from Auburn was aware" of improper activity involving Newton's father."

I can only hope that they are continuing to build a case where the clues are doing a naked can-can to prove one truly exists.

7/14/2011, 04:07 PM
Sorry, I thought this had something to do with a Mangino and a Golden Corral manager.

7/14/2011, 04:52 PM
NCAA's method of dealing with situations: Wait until they fully receive all of the benefits for them (aka BCS money) before they start prosecuting. God, do I hate those pukes.

7/14/2011, 05:19 PM
yes, Mr. Underhill