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7/7/2011, 05:16 PM

A 36-year-old man who had tracheal cancer has received a new lab-made windpipe seeded with his own stem cells in a procedure in Sweden they call the first successful attempt of its kind, officials said Thursday.

The Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm said the surgery was performed June 9, and that the patient is on his way to a "full recovery." He will be released from a hospital Friday. Dr. Paolo Macchiarini says the first synthetic tissue engineered windpipe that has been successfully transplanted. Lorenzo Galassi/AP

Karolinska said the patient, whose late stage cancer had almost fully blocked his windpipe, had no other options since no suitable donor windpipes were available.

Professor Paolo Macchiarini, who has also involved in previous windpipe transplants, said the surgery at Karolinska "is the first synthetic tissue engineered windpipe that has been successfully transplanted."

To perform the surgery, an international team lead by Macchiarini built a scaffold and a bioreactor to seed it with the patient's stem cells. New cells to line and cover the windpipe were then grown on the scaffold for two days before it was transplanted.

"Because the cells used to regenerate the trachea were the patient's own, there has been no rejection of the transplant and the patient is not taking [anti-rejection] drugs," Karolinska said in a statement.

Windpipe transplants have previously been performed using donor windpipes and the patients' own stem cells. But this latest surgery in Sweden is the first to use a man-made organ.

Several years ago, Macchiarini and other experts used a patient's bone marrow stem cells to create millions of epithelial and cartilage cells to coat their Colombian patient's new windpipe, damaged after years of suffering from tuberculosis.

And Belgian doctors previously implanted a donor windpipe into their patient's arm to restore its blood supply and grow new tissue before placing it into her throat. In both transplants, because the patients' own cells were used to coat the windpipes, neither of them needs to take anti-rejection medicines.

Experts say synthetic structures could be used to fashion simple organs like the windpipe, esophagus or bladder, but that it will be years before scientists can create more complicated organs like kidneys or hearts in the laboratory.

The plastic polymer used to make the artificial windpipe has previously been used in tear ducts and blood vessels. It has a spongy surface to speed cell growth. The makers of the synthetic windpipe said they thought its most immediate application would be for patients with tracheal cancer and that a similar structure might also help people with cancer of the throat. Patients with those types of cancer are often diagnosed late and have few good treatment options.

Macchiarini said that more surgeries like the one just performed in Sweden are planned before the end of this year and will include two adult patients and one child.


7/7/2011, 05:20 PM

7/7/2011, 05:22 PM
But you're not Frag. :D JK.

But seriously, from a scientific standpoint this is a good thing. It is when you get to the politics of it that people will disagree.

Good post.

7/7/2011, 05:23 PM
stop playing God and let the man die like he was supposed to

7/7/2011, 05:35 PM
stop playing God and let the man die like he was supposed to

Exactly! Won't we feel stupid if he becomes the next Hitler. We'll be wishing that we had never created this bionic windpipe! :mad:

7/7/2011, 05:49 PM
stop playing God and let the man die like he was supposed to

I expect posts like this from people who are uneducated on the matter. If you want man to stop playing God, how about we get rid of hospitals, doctors, and medicine in general??

There are two types of stem cells:Adult and Embryonic. Adult stem cells come from live human tissue such as your muscles, etc. Embryonic stem cells on the other hand are controversial due to them being human embryos. Know the difference.

7/7/2011, 05:51 PM
I expect posts like this from people who are uneducated on the matter. If you want man to stop playing God, how about we get rid of hospitals, doctors, and medicine in general??

There are two types of stem cells:Adult and Embryonic. Adult stem cells come from live human tissue such as your muscles, etc. Embryonic stem cells on the other hand are controversial due to them being human embryos. Know the difference.

thanks for the very enlightening post. Now lighten up Francis.

7/7/2011, 06:27 PM
stop playing God and let the man die like he was supposed to

Yes, what is this witchcraft called modern medicine?

7/7/2011, 06:28 PM
Now let's get started on that Shakey's Pizza.

7/7/2011, 06:44 PM
Yes, what is this witchcraft called modern medicine?

They're just lucky they weren't in Kenya, we've all seen what they do to people who practice witchcraft there.

7/7/2011, 06:50 PM
Bring on every kind of stem cell there is

7/7/2011, 07:38 PM
Bring on every kind of stem cell there is

Which are your favorite?

Totipotent: it has the potential to become all other types of cells in the body. A fertilized egg is totipotent.
Multipotent: a small number of stem cells can produce only certain types of cells.
Pluripotent: stem cells that produce any type of cell in the body except those needed to develop a fetus.

7/7/2011, 07:50 PM
But you're not Frag. :D JK.

But seriously, from a scientific standpoint this is a good thing. It is when you get to the politics of it that people will disagree.

Good post.

The description of the procedure is ....ADULT STEM CELLS btw!
(Just in case someone missed it.)
I have posted several times about the recent documented cases of adult stem cell cures, or body repairs.

Embryonic stem cell efforts are mostly about the research $$$$.
(Not much different than the evil drug companies)

7/7/2011, 07:52 PM
Primarily because of stem cells the first person to live to 150 years has supposedly already been born.

7/7/2011, 07:54 PM
Awesome news story. Thanks for posting!

7/7/2011, 08:11 PM
The description of the procedure is ....ADULT STEM CELLS btw!
(Just in case someone missed it.)
I have posted several times about the recent documented cases of adult stem cell cures, or body repairs.

Embryonic stem cell efforts are mostly about the research $$$$.
(Not much different than the evil drug companies)

yeah, i don't see much controversy involved if they used his own stem cells

7/7/2011, 08:16 PM

7/7/2011, 08:16 PM
Bald is dead now