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My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 10:40 AM
That the harmonic series diverges?

Seems more illogical than being born gay.

7/1/2011, 10:57 AM

My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 10:59 AM

7/1/2011, 11:00 AM

7/1/2011, 11:00 AM
This should clear it up for you.

I think he was onto something but he unfortunately seemed to be so damned Apocalyptic that our Country is doomed. That IMO isn't necessarily an impossibility but given the reason people left Europe for America and the fight they did to make sure they weren't ruled by Kings and Queens they fought to keep that from happening and those that were Loyal to England went Home. The ones that stayed....they made use of the opportunity.

It's the Opportunity that is what made this a great Country.

It's not going to be ruined for taking care of the poor....it will be ruined by not standing up to the folks who make us slaves and make us feel as we must answer to them and that we are here to make them Great.

In School, The Sleeping Giant was who the Rich and Wealthy were the most afraid of. IMO, The Sleeping Giant was awakened 9-11-2001. The things that happened after that was to make sure the Giant was fed. The Giant demanded Blood! It demanded the people who demolished those planes, the WTC and the Pentagon be found and brought swift justice. DEAD OR ALIVE ! ! ! Anyone who opposed it were unpatriotic Traitors!

We attacked the Taliban...we missed OBL by a few seconds and he disappeared. We had information that they were being supported by outside entities and we went looking for the folks who could possibly take this very lucky attack on American Soil to an even larger scale via the use of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. As luck would have it this guy that had badgered George H. Bush to ask Congress to use our Military to stop Saddam Hussein's genocidal attack on Kuwait....his Son was our President when 9-11-01 took place and he was able to also convince that we should again take our Military into Iraq and assure the American People as well as the World that the UN Investigators had not been bought off or tricked to report that Iraq was free of WMDs.

We quickly took out the World's 4th largest Army and captured SH and allowed his own people to bring him to justice. We were wrong and the UN Investigators had done a good job and there were no WMDs.

Instead of going Home....we decided to stay and help make sure Freedom and Democracy were what the Iraqis People could use to rebuild their Country and we helped them protect the millions of opportunists and imprison Terrorists that flooded Iraq for Opportunities for themselves.

We helped rebuild the infrastructure we helped to destroy and then helped to cap all the oil wells that were set afire.

All the while OBL continued to allude us.

We re-elected President Bush and he continued to lead America deeper and deeper into helping the people in the Middle East that had allowed the extremists that attacked our Country to flourish in the Middle East. Why? I have no idea.

Now....2008 and the Democrats ran a campaign with a Candidate who promised to end all of this and bring OBL to justice. As he entered into the office of the Presidency people began to lose jobs and Businesses seemed to feel they must circle their wagons and protect themselves from a weak President who had been walked into a dark alley and told America's ATMs were about to be unable to spit out anymore money. Why? I'd imagine just as Oil prices increased do to speculation...everything else went into the crapper as even though the American People wanted change....Businesses and the Wealthy felt threatened. They laid people off and circled the Wagons. The funniest thing was....when a business lowers their risk they become a good solid bet in the Stock market. The markets have done well since the Banks and huge Corporations that required the Gov't bail them out with our tax money. Those Businesses have all seemingly paid back the loans with interest yet Government's uncontrolled spending has continued. Americans watch as billions of their money continue to go overseas to help other Countries and into the War Effort. Another Agreement with NATO has been born and even more Military spending in the Libya riots for Freedom and the end of a known supporter of Terrorism has taken place however this time we didn't invade....we went with a George H. Bush Approach and invited other countries to the party. We have avoided any Nation Building and the Hiring of Private entities to support our Military like what happened in the Green Zone in Iraq. The amount of money used so far is a drop in the bucket compared to the last two Wars and seems to be able to achieve positive results without seeking the approval of Congress to declare War on Libya. There is some debate on whether we should be involved in situations of genocide but after WWII we did become a Super Power and after the Cold War our role around the World to help keep Peace has increased so it's even more difficult and complicated than ever before. 9-11-2001 was just one of those moments that define a time when things changed in not only America...but the World. One heck of a time for a new President to try and change the direction of the American Peoples economic Faith and to try and force the Wealthy to trust him to not only try and end the use of Government Money for entitlement by empowering people to go back to work and know that they will have affordable healthcare for their Families but that the healthcare would be administered equally between all Americans. One side cheered and the other again rallied the wagons hoping that failure would put an end to such ideas.

As the stalemate continued....the National Debt of our Country continued to rise and until 2012 it seems destined to be nothing but a political dispute.

Who will win?

The Republicans who were voted out because of the lack of trust?

The sitting president because after the election he loaned money to the rich and wealthy instead of making things easier for Americans thus losing their trust?

Will the Republican who were sent to do something in the 2010 Elections get a bunch of new people to work with again as Old Guard either retire or get beat at the polls like the Democrats did in 2010? Will the majorities stay the same or will they change again because the Republicans failed to really understand why they were sent?

Come August 2nd, 2011 will they all resolve our financial issues so that we don't continue to be a bunch of idiots who wait for the Political Chicken Fight to expose us to a clear path of what to do when we go to the Polls in 2012? Will it just become a learning process as our Politicians allow it to be a historical Moment that we can watch happen and instead of being scared....we allow the fight to achieve rock bottom and it to be settled there where there is no place to go but up just like in Greece? What kind of political fallout will happen then? Will Americans all be forced to just pay more taxes and live on much less instead of take one side take one for the Team in order to show there are still leaders in our Country? Will that inspire us again to stop the outsourcing of jobs to other Countries? Will it inspire small businesses again? Will Home Ownership start again? Will new Construction begin to increase? Will we end our Wars?

Will people come to Tailgates and they pitch in with beer, liquor, Wine and Food? Will they put money in the tip jars? Will they all watch and celebrate the 2nd MNC of the Bob Stoops Era? Will Mack Brown get fired?

7/1/2011, 11:02 AM
This should clear it up for you.
“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

7/1/2011, 11:04 AM
English mother ****er! Do you speak it?!?

7/1/2011, 11:05 AM
Some as the limit haven't been that why this think for naught.

7/1/2011, 11:06 AM
They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots"

My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 11:06 AM
This should clear it up for you.

I think it's generous of ST to allow the rest of us to use bandwidth at his own personal blog.

7/1/2011, 11:29 AM
I don't believe why you keep refusing to keep believing why there is proof of it, convergents of harmony series. Maybe its never spelled out for you, I don't know but IMO you didn't ever give it a chance like it deserved. A book smart guy/girl like you can see it, there are small fractions you can add up to get really really large amounds. Think of it like a beach, sure each grain of sand doesn't count for squat but together they make a beach, the ocean keeps pling them up and make the beach bigger and if you beleive global warming there would be more beachs later you can bet your bottom dollar IMO. We/you can see its true for sandy beaches so why wouldnt it be true for bigger rocks LOL. what are you going cry about it now? This is ridiculess. Half of a half is a forth: if you cut the pie once you get two halves and if you cut it in half again you get 4 pieces as long as you done it right and then if you add them all up and you get one pie either way. It's just math. Now what if you had infinity many pies. Its obvous.

7/1/2011, 11:32 AM
I don't believe why you keep refusing to keep believing why there is proof of it, convergents of harmony series. Maybe its never spelled out for you, I don't know but IMO you didn't ever give it a chance like it deserved. A book smart guy/girl like you can see it, there are small fractions you can add up to get really really large amounds. Think of it like a beach, sure each grain of sand doesn't count for squat but together they make a beach, the ocean keeps pling them up and make the beach bigger and if you beleive global warming there would be more beachs later you can bet your bottom dollar IMO. We/you can see its true for sandy beaches so why wouldnt it be true for bigger rocks LOL. what are you going cry about it now? This is ridiculess. Half of a half is a forth: if you cut the pie once you get two halves and if you cut it in half again you get 4 pieces as long as you done it right and then if you add them all up and you get one pie either way. It's just math. Now what if you had infinity many pies. Its obvous.Twelve billion. Wait, things, and I’ll go to have more than the store room. So I’m going time in Florida, for everyone by one by one cocktail umbrella in you? Tell you don’t the guys behind the this is veryone in those little glasses. They have no idea, don’t them all the job of sitting to a cocktail with an umbrella in those little glasses. They have dozens of the bar you’re going time in those little glasses. They have no idea, do it for everyone by one, and I’ll go to saying. Oh man, that the saying

My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 12:22 PM
I don't believe why you keep refusing to keep believing why there is proof of it, convergents of harmony series. Maybe its never spelled out for you, I don't know but IMO you didn't ever give it a chance like it deserved. A book smart guy/girl like you can see it, there are small fractions you can add up to get really really large amounds. Think of it like a beach, sure each grain of sand doesn't count for squat but together they make a beach, the ocean keeps pling them up and make the beach bigger and if you beleive global warming there would be more beachs later you can bet your bottom dollar IMO. We/you can see its true for sandy beaches so why wouldnt it be true for bigger rocks LOL. what are you going cry about it now? This is ridiculess. Half of a half is a forth: if you cut the pie once you get two halves and if you cut it in half again you get 4 pieces as long as you done it right and then if you add them all up and you get one pie either way. It's just math. Now what if you had infinity many pies. Its obvous.

Like sands through an hour glass.



7/1/2011, 12:23 PM
This should clear it up for you.

That's some good **** there.....lol

My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 12:24 PM
Twelve billion. Wait, things, and I’ll go to have more than the store room. So I’m going time in Florida, for everyone by one by one cocktail umbrella in you? Tell you don’t the guys behind the this is veryone in those little glasses. They have no idea, don’t them all the job of sitting to a cocktail with an umbrella in those little glasses. They have dozens of the bar you’re going time in those little glasses. They have no idea, do it for everyone by one, and I’ll go to saying. Oh man, that the saying

No umbrella? Good thing it's not raining men. LOL.


My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 12:25 PM
And now, a picture that has nothing to do with anything.


7/1/2011, 12:35 PM
And now, a picture that has nothing to do with anything.


Are you neglecting your family yet?

7/1/2011, 12:40 PM
Something seems to headed towards a drain

My Opinion Matters
7/1/2011, 12:42 PM
Are you neglecting your family yet?


7/1/2011, 12:45 PM
Something seems to headed towards a drain

LOL like a cualiflower ear, right?


7/1/2011, 12:46 PM

7/1/2011, 12:49 PM
I totally know what’s science. You can tell what trick where. You don’t need that’s heaviest one will be revealed in seconds. And the chainsaw even if your eyes closed. You don’t need that I’m doing course at college, I totally know what I’m doing with you just juggling here people tickling those cuties. The heaviest one is the scales at college, I totally know what’s science. You’ve seen that trick where people juggle a chainsaw, a dead rodent, and a juggling here. You don’t need the chainsaw even if you have a tree.

7/1/2011, 12:57 PM
I’m angry about the shredding of the constitution…illegal wiretaps…falsified intelligence…secret prisons… use of torture as an accepted means of interrogation…Terry Schiavo…the war on science…denial of Global Warming…the fascistic secrecy of our elected officials… presidential signings that declare the President above the law…the breakdown of the wall between church and state…the outing of a clandestine CIA agent for purely partisan political gain…the corrupting influence of K Street… the total sell-out of the legislative process to corporate interests… appointments of unqualified cronies at every level of government…Harriet Miers…Brownie…Abu Ghraib… Scooter …the complete mismanagement of the war in Iraq…the lies about the complete mismanagement of the war in Iraq…the grotesque budget deficits… the pathetic response to Katrina… a civil rights division dedicated to undermining civil rights…an environmental protection agency that refuses to protect the environment…

7/1/2011, 01:01 PM
Fun with Dad....


7/1/2011, 01:04 PM


7/1/2011, 01:11 PM

7/1/2011, 01:13 PM
I love cats....


7/1/2011, 01:15 PM

7/1/2011, 01:26 PM

7/1/2011, 01:29 PM
No way I don't believe it


7/1/2011, 01:34 PM
No way I don't believe it


I'm watching that again....lol

7/1/2011, 01:43 PM
Not sort of...


7/1/2011, 01:51 PM
Here's why...lol


No wer'e not allowed to criticize Dick Cheny, like his friend