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View Full Version : Don't you just hate...

The Maestro
6/28/2011, 04:55 PM
...when you hit a pedestrian, it slams your windshield, the dead persons body comes flying into the car and you drive away unaware there is a dead body in your car with you?


Some missing pieces to this story...insert joke.

6/28/2011, 05:05 PM
There really needs to be an indicator light on the dashboard to let you know.

6/28/2011, 05:17 PM
There really needs to be an indicator light on the dashboard to let you know.

I never pay attention to those idiot lights.

6/28/2011, 05:24 PM
Sucks that guy died because some drunk ***, but you shouldn't be runnning across the interstate to fix your broken car. You stay in the car and call AAA.

6/28/2011, 05:25 PM
I would prefer that the dead body not fly into the car.

6/28/2011, 05:39 PM
I always figure that everyone that is driving on the highway is drunk, been behind the wheel way to long or under the influence of something and I never work on my car.

I have seen way to many retreads come flying off of trucks, people with stuff flying out of their cars or the back of their trucks, Idiots that think it would be funny toss something out the window, just a rock get run over and go flying in the air at 70 MPH....

I had a 4x4 fall off the trailer on a friend of mine riding a guzzi. I've seen construction debris and materials hit cars, animals. I'm sure plenty of you all who make your living on the road have seen more than i have.

If you break down.....call for help. Get away from the car. I usually get out and go behind the nearest guard rail or Concrete Barrier i can find.

I never cross the Hwy.

6/28/2011, 05:56 PM
at least he didn't leave him wedged there to slowly die, begging for help...


people are *******s.

6/28/2011, 06:05 PM
I wonder just how stoned you'd have to be to not notice a dead body fly into your car?

6/28/2011, 06:13 PM
I wonder just how stoned you'd have to be to not notice a dead body fly into your car?

I mean if you were supposed to pick your buddy up anyways, it's probably quite confusing. :P

6/28/2011, 06:14 PM
I wonder just how stoned you'd have to be to not notice a dead body fly into your car?

Maybe in shock knowing your life has just changed forever?

6/28/2011, 06:18 PM
I mean if you were supposed to pick your buddy up anyways, it's probably quite confusing. :P

What if you forgot you already let your buddy out???