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View Full Version : Thursday poll: Best network to watch OU on?

6/23/2011, 09:51 AM
Take everything into account - replays, camera angles, broadcast quality, sideline reporters, commentary, kickoff time.

Includes everything that has ESPN in its name, even the Xbox version or the online ESPN3.com version.

2- ABC
Yes, they're technically part of the ESPN thing (or ESPN is part of them, and they are all part of Disney, whatever), but I'm listing them separately because I feel like it :D

3- FSN
We are! Fox Sports! We are! Fill in the blank depending on where you live! Also includes those few BCS bowls we've had on network Fox.

4- Versus
Have we ever been on Versus? No idea.

I know we aren't SEC or anything, but there's always the chance that someday they'll broadcast us on network or their little cable affiliate, especially if you're like A&M and are dying for an SEC invite. Oh! And basketball games too, if Lon saves our program like we all expect him too :D

6- Write-in.
NBC is domervision, so go ahead and mention them on this board if you dare. NFL Network has Stacey Dales and OU alums at the pro level, so I guess you could vote for them too if you really feel like it???

Four days of anonymous voting where you cannot vote for more than one or change your vote.

6/23/2011, 09:55 AM
CBS HD by far wins... the Sun Bowl game was amazing... except for replays it was like watching home made video on their replays....

6/23/2011, 09:55 AM
I like ABC with Musburger... and just about everybody on this board does as well. The just won't say it.

Mad Dog Madsen
6/23/2011, 09:57 AM
Hell, I'll say it... I like ABC with Musburger. :D They got my vote!

6/23/2011, 09:59 AM
CBS HD by far wins... the Sun Bowl game was amazing... except for replays it was like watching home made video on their replays....

I'll vote for CBS too just because Mike Leach was a commentator for them :D

6/23/2011, 10:00 AM
how can you not like this?


6/23/2011, 10:02 AM
and then looking live??????


how does a person not like that?

6/23/2011, 10:06 AM
My write-in is whichever station is willing to show the game out here on the west coast! Another reason I hope we run the table (as if I need one) is that I'll likely get to see all the games. It was tough in '09 to find the game and I sometimes had to go with some grainy internet stream. I think they have cracked down on those.

6/23/2011, 10:07 AM
My write-in is whichever station is willing to show the game out here on the west coast! Another reason I hope we run the table (as if I need one) is that I'll likely get to see all the games. It was tough in '09 to find the game and I sometimes had to go with some grainy internet stream. I think they have cracked down on those.

yep, Obama finally accomplished something

King Crimson
6/23/2011, 10:34 AM
can't stand Herbstreit.

6/23/2011, 11:14 AM
Went with ABC. Herbstreit and Musburger might say some blatant statements after one play happens, but it probably has the broadcast quality and best replays.

Mississippi Sooner
6/23/2011, 11:17 AM
FSN has probably been the worst because of their second tier announcers and because, for some reason I've never understood, they don't broadcast college games in HD. That's why I'm glad they'll be using FX this year. Probably be the same mediocre announcers, but at least it should be in HD.

6/23/2011, 11:25 AM
CBS HD by far wins... the Sun Bowl game was amazing... except for replays it was like watching home made video on their replays....


6/23/2011, 11:44 AM
I gotta say I'm surprised with the FSN votes... I like that they broadcast games and all, but their broadcast suuuuuuuuuuuck.

I wish we were on Versus more. They may someday be a viable ESPN competitor. Loved watching Stanley Cup on that channel the past few weeks.

6/23/2011, 11:55 AM
I liked the TBS broadcasts with Ron Thulin.
Now I'd go with ABC.

6/23/2011, 12:13 PM
I like the ABC and ESPN broadcasts. Although the HD on CBS is pretty darn good.

6/23/2011, 12:16 PM
I really like the FSN announcers. I don't like the non HD. But their analysys is interesting typically.

6/23/2011, 12:21 PM
I like ABC with Musburger... and just about everybody on this board does as well. The just won't say it.

i won't say it, because i don't like mushberger.

otherwise, i don't care. so long as it's on the tube.

i can remember having to sit in my car, cause house radio wouldn't pick it up.

also remember driving to ardmore & watching in motel there @ Ponders, cause it wasn't broadcast here.

6/23/2011, 12:23 PM
CBS has great production quality and probably the most tolerable announcers. Too bad the Sun Bowl was the only time in recent memory that we were featured on that channel. ESPN/ABC would be next, although I do have to mute them occasionally (and it seems like ESPN's HD is better than ABC's HD, even though they're the same damn thing). FSN is okay, not great.

FOX was definitely the worst. So glad they do not have the BCS anymore. Now if the Cotton Bowl could just added to the BCS rotation, they wouldn't have any college football to broadcast anymore at all.

Mad Dog Madsen
6/23/2011, 01:03 PM
I miss watching them play on TBS. :rolleyes:

6/23/2011, 01:44 PM
Take everything into account - replays, camera angles, broadcast quality, sideline reporters, commentary, kickoff time.

Includes everything that has ESPN in its name, even the Xbox version or the online ESPN3.com version.

2- ABC
Yes, they're technically part of the ESPN thing (or ESPN is part of them, and they are all part of Disney, whatever), but I'm listing them separately because I feel like it :D

3- FSN
We are! Fox Sports! We are! Fill in the blank depending on where you live! Also includes those few BCS bowls we've had on network Fox.

4- Versus
Have we ever been on Versus? No idea.

I know we aren't SEC or anything, but there's always the chance that someday they'll broadcast us on network or their little cable affiliate, especially if you're like A&M and are dying for an SEC invite. Oh! And basketball games too, if Lon saves our program like we all expect him too :D

6- Write-in.
NBC is domervision, so go ahead and mention them on this board if you dare. NFL Network has Stacey Dales and OU alums at the pro level, so I guess you could vote for them too if you really feel like it???

Four days of anonymous voting where you cannot vote for more than one or change your vote.

Hmmm, I can't stand ABC/ESPN (they're esentially the same now so no need for seperate selections) broadcasts for one reason. The fact they break away from coverage to show other games. If someone really wanted to watch that other game, they'd have bought gameplan and be watching it there. Oh, and if you want to continue watching the game they were originally covering, tough luck, it will be blacked out on gameplan.

FSN, poor quality all around. Can't remember them breaking away from games the way that ABC/ESPN does though.

Versus seems pretty good the few times I've watch a game there but I've never watched an OU game on Versus that I can remember so I can't vote here.

CBS, the Sun Bowl was pretty solid except for the replays like already mentioned and they had some major audio problems at certain points. If this was my only point of reference I might say I would never vote for them either because the problems seemed so amateur. But I've seen their SEC broadcasts and no they do well normally. But OU doesn't play in the SEC.

Write-in? I don't know who I'd write in. I think I might just have to abstain from this vote. I was really hoping during last years conference shake up that when they said the Big 12 would be getting a new big dollar contract, I was hoping that meant an exclusive tier one deal with either Fox (would think they would do better on the major network) or NBC just to get away from ABC/ESPN that didn't happen. :(

rock on sooner
6/23/2011, 02:53 PM
I like ESPN...can you say Erin Andrews?

6/23/2011, 03:13 PM
Musberger is a pompous a-hole, and he speaks to the audience as though they've never seen a football game before. He is a tremendous phony who feels like he should still be doing NFL.

It was out of my anger for him that the infamous Musberger drinking game was spawned.

Personally I always liked Ron Thulin, it's a shame he's been banished to Versus where we never play. But I used to like his calls on FSN and TBS.

6/23/2011, 03:18 PM
Personally I always liked Ron Thulin, it's a shame he's been banished to Versus where we never play. But I used to like his calls on FSN and TBS.

I liked the TBS broadcasts with Ron Thulin as well.

6/23/2011, 05:35 PM
1. ABC. Definately the best. Always the biggest games,top-notch intros and great commercials for food. They also are home to best broadcasting duo today: Brent Musburger and Kirk Herbstreit, As well as the best duo in the early 2000's: Keith Jackson and Dan Fouts.

2. ESPN is a close second, great quality, and good broadcasters, but they have that annoying women on at 11 AM that bumps them down to second on the list. Also, the games arn't quite as big, but that's ok. Oh, ESPN3 is one of the greatest things to happen to college football. It made my laptop essentially another tv.

3. CBS: despite only broadcasting SEC football, I like the rather brash yet informative attitude of the broadcasters, now if only I could remember their damn names! :mad:

4. Versus sucks, but I put them ahead of fox because they are supposed to suck due to the nature of their station. Meh, actually they arn't all that bad, but the worst by and far is.....

5. All fox affiliates. FSN's camera quality looks like my local public access channel, broadcasters are terrible. They hold special exclusive interviews in the middle of games and miss important plays, and that is just FSN! Regular fox is even worse. For one, why in the hell was fox, a channel which did not do any college football all year, slated to do the freaking BCS games?? Their lack of experience showed big time. Oh yeah, and when I am watching NFL games, that channel is notorious for glitching out and going out of service for about ten seconds every 30 minutes.

6/23/2011, 06:52 PM
I know baseball is more his game, but I really miss Gary Thorne and Keith Jackson on ABC. Keith Jackson had the knowledge of the game to go with the great voice and could build up any matchup. Gary Thorne just flat-out brought excitement on big plays, big hits, blocks and whatnot.

As for today, Musburger's growing on me. He tends to overdo it a little with the hype sometimes (McCoy/Shipley anyone?), but he does bring excitement to the table. The last few years, he hasn't been quite as animated; but that's to be expected with age.

In the current game, Musburger, Nessler, Meyers, Corso, and who could forget Spencer Tillman ARE college football to me.

Ones I dislike: Sean McDonough (terrible monotone and boring), Pam Ward (thank GOD she doesn't do BIG 12 games) and Pistols Firing guy from OSU. I know he's just a radio guy, but I cringe whenever I hear that cheesy crap.

Best network? Despite their flaws, it's still ESPN/ABC. Fox has too many amateurs and/or borrowed help from the NFL and CBS has an SEC-shaped stick up their azz.

6/24/2011, 11:12 AM
It was out of my anger for him that the infamous Musberger drinking game was spawned.

So you're saying you're the creator of that?

6/24/2011, 11:26 AM
On an unrelated note:


Guess who the former OU players is. Scroll down for the answer.

Jason White! Seriously! Wow, didn't recognize him at all :eek:

6/24/2011, 12:25 PM
I guessed it was him, but only because I knew he was doing that camp this week.

Harry Beanbag
6/24/2011, 12:57 PM
CBS would be the best, but we're never on. FSN sucks.

ABC/ESPN is about the best we can get. I've always enjoyed Musberger. I'm tired of Herbstreit, need more Todd Blackledge and Ed Cunningham.

6/24/2011, 01:10 PM
I like ABC with Musburger... and just about everybody on this board does as well. The just won't say it.

+1 I love Pusburger.


6/24/2011, 01:16 PM
how can you not like this?


"..perennial powerhouse Oklahoma.."

Just rolls off the tongue in such a nice way, doesn't it?

6/24/2011, 09:06 PM
So you're saying you're the creator of that?

Not saying it, I am.


6/24/2011, 09:44 PM
Anything but FSN. FSN has awful production value. They look like they get their broadcast equipment from everyone else's dumpsters.