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View Full Version : What to do with the Greeks

6/21/2011, 07:21 PM
IMHO, Greece goes belly up in the years ahead and a whole lot of Greeks spend their last borrowed Euro to come to the USA. What should we do with them?
Send them to Stillwater to teach the locals how to "do" sheep right?
Displace the illegal Mexicans to clean our toilets at a cheaper price?
Send them to repopulate Hati?
Set them up to run the California goverment?
Let them suck on our tit for a few generations to establish their "hoods"?

Any suggestions?


6/21/2011, 07:31 PM
Put all the hot Greek chicks on my rod.

6/21/2011, 07:34 PM
It is not our responsibility to bail out Greece. Europe has tried bailing out Greece, keeping it from becoming a third world country, but Greece is not willing to reform.

Greece cannot be helped with more money. They have an entitlement society which is not willing to give up their entitlements, nor is it willing to work harder, produce more.

Greece has many problems besides economy.

6/21/2011, 07:44 PM
It is not our responsibility to bail out Greece. Europe has tried bailing out Greece, keeping it from becoming a third world country, but Greece is not willing to reform.

Greece cannot be helped with more money. They have an entitlement society which is not willing to give up their entitlements, nor is it willing to work harder, produce more.

Greece has many problems besides economy.

I know it's not our responsibility. But if they come here, do we send them back or to join the Hmongs in Minnesota? Like you said they have been indoctrinated in entitlement and will expect the same here (I think). There are plenty of civil rights lawyers here to help them continue that culture. So, what do we do?

6/21/2011, 07:46 PM
Kill'm all...let God sort'm out...

6/21/2011, 07:52 PM
the greeks will be better off once they default. It's not like the bondholders have any claim to the State's assets. That's why they haven't given in to some of the austerity measures.

Look at the big picture for all the governments in trouble.......default means a reset but you have to balance your budget (government services cut and/or taxes raised) but your debt service expense goes away. Don't default and you have to balance the budget and service your debt.

6/21/2011, 08:11 PM
the greeks will be better off once they default. It's not like the bondholders have any claim to the State's assets. That's why they haven't given in to some of the austerity measures.

Look at the big picture for all the governments in trouble.......default means a reset but you have to balance your budget (government services cut and/or taxes raised) but your debt service expense goes away. Don't default and you have to balance the budget and service your debt.


The US believes that there is no way that the debt will be called...there is no threat, so why change anything?

6/21/2011, 08:17 PM
The US believes that there is no way that the debt will be called...there is no threat, so why change anything?

That's my theory as to why no reasonable/prudent legislator/president can read the annual consolidated financial statements for this country and not have a heart attack.

$1.6 trillion deficit with a $4.2 trillion annual operating expense serviced from taxes from an economy of $14 trillion. Closing that gap would implode the GDP numbers. you're talking like a 10% decrease in GDP y/o/y ceteres paribus.

I think both the pubs and dems know that none of it can ever be repaid and if you give in now the baseline % for post-reset will be more acceptable if you accepted the cuts prior to reset.

just a theory though.

6/21/2011, 09:10 PM
"Let them eat cake"...!!!!

6/21/2011, 11:29 PM
Ban fraternities????

6/22/2011, 05:26 AM
American Foreign Legion

6/22/2011, 06:30 AM
put them on double secret probation.

6/22/2011, 06:53 AM
Ban fraternities????

Leave the sororities. Ban the frats which have too many effeminite preppy types.

6/22/2011, 07:01 AM
"The Greek shall inherit the Earth"-Jesus

6/22/2011, 07:27 AM
We need more competition in the whole Greek Food market IMO. I welcome the scores of new Gyro Sammie Shops that are to come. Damn. Now I'm hungry!

6/22/2011, 07:32 AM
Also...isn't it a bit gauche thinking that they all would pick America for their refugee entitlement camps?

6/22/2011, 07:38 AM
I'm not sure what kind of work ethic the Greeks have after living in an entitlement welfare state all of these generations. I'm sure the older generations were really hard working, like most immigrants in this country, but I am afraid the newer ones would make a v line for Eastern Kentucky and join the entitlement dwellers there.

6/22/2011, 07:45 AM
Can you make hooch out of olives?

6/22/2011, 08:07 AM
Can you make hooch out of olives?

Can't you make hooch out of anything?

6/22/2011, 08:11 AM
You know what the last thing that jesus said to The Greeks was...."Don't do anything until I get back"....

6/22/2011, 08:17 AM
Can't you make hooch out of anything?

I can't but Ive heard stories.

6/22/2011, 08:39 AM
That's my theory as to why no reasonable/prudent legislator/president can read the annual consolidated financial statements for this country and not have a heart attack.

$1.6 trillion deficit with a $4.2 trillion annual operating expense serviced from taxes from an economy of $14 trillion. Closing that gap would implode the GDP numbers. you're talking like a 10% decrease in GDP y/o/y ceteres paribus.

I think both the pubs and dems know that none of it can ever be repaid and if you give in now the baseline % for post-reset will be more acceptable if you accepted the cuts prior to reset.

just a theory though.

That's about as simple and succinct as I've seen. So, you either grow your income (what happened during Clinton era, but how likely are we to see another paradigm shift in productivity and stock valuations <the digitization of the economy>?), or cut your spending (but the 'easy' stuff to cut is what? 10-15% of the overall budget) or both.
Or there's a third way: you inflate your way out, at least partially. In this scenario, you let inflation climb to 8-10% and your debt becomes increasingly meaningless. Of course it's simply an indirect tax on the population and killls your economy for 1/2 to an entire generation, but hey! it's easier than actually changing the nominal bargain between the government and the people. And those with tangible assets, who can hold them, make out like bandits.
Oh, such policy also tends to crush other world economies and throws the most vulnerable into internal unrest and potential external aggression/war. But it sure solves the debt issue.

6/22/2011, 01:58 PM
"The Geeks shall inherit the Earth"-Jesus

Casey......I fixed it!

6/22/2011, 01:59 PM
You know what the last thing that jesus said to The Greeks was...."Don't do anything until I get back"....

:D :D

The Profit
6/22/2011, 02:03 PM
I know it's not our responsibility. But if they come here, do we send them back or to join the Hmongs in Minnesota? Like you said they have been indoctrinated in entitlement and will expect the same here (I think). There are plenty of civil rights lawyers here to help them continue that culture. So, what do we do?

I thought the Hmongs were in Michigan.

6/22/2011, 04:39 PM
I thought the Hmongs were in Michigan.

And all this time, I thought it was Wisconsin...

6/22/2011, 04:42 PM
[Maxwell Smart]Would you believe six houses and an apartment complex in Ohio?

...How about a trailer park in Reno?[/Maxwell Smart]