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6/20/2011, 03:20 PM
The Wife Unit fails to share my opinion on a topic.

If you can tell the story, what was the first time you had even a sip of alcohol? How old were you? Who did you have that "at least a sip" with?

And now, do you drink? Do you think that first sip had anything to do with it?

6/20/2011, 03:23 PM
Wine or beer before the age of 5 (European grandfather), yes I do drink but not much and I never really have been a big drinker.

6/20/2011, 03:23 PM
Summer after my JR year in HS. Me and a bunch of friends went to one of our buddy's house because his parents were out of town...Downed that Mike's Hard Lemonade and Smirnoff like it was water. Found warm bottles of Heineken in a cabinet later that night...let's just say I haven't had any Heineken since then...

And I gave up drinking for a while due to some personal reasons, but now that I am 21, I enjoy a nice cold brew every once in a while.

jk the sooner fan
6/20/2011, 03:24 PM
sips of beer with my grandparents at Shotgun Sams in Oklahoma City back when i was 10 or so

yes,i still drink - normally a beer each evening with dinner

i havent been "drunk" in close to 20 years, dont miss that at all

6/20/2011, 03:24 PM
I was around 6 probably (4-10 y.o. is about all I can say for sure). It was beer from my dad's can.

I still drink. I don't think it had anything to do with it other than I saw he didn't get ****faced drunk everytime he had a beer and I'm the same. Have a few beers, chill out, etc...

Good luck winning this one buddy.

6/20/2011, 03:24 PM
Its were some time when I were wee lad 8 maybe 9

Sister and I snuck us a beer each from dads stash. Hell yea I drink I blame it on that 1st one so it must be Dads fault .;)

6/20/2011, 03:25 PM
5 years old. Busch Gardens with my dad and one of his buds. "Beer in the cup, bottle in the box, move along, sir". Ask for drink, get a sip, am horribly disgusted.

Do I drink now? Any man that doesn't drink is afraid of something within himself. I have no such fears.

6/20/2011, 03:28 PM
My job was to go get my dad beers if he was watching the game. I would always stop out of arm's reach, pop the top, have a swig and then hand it to him. So I'd say I was 6, 7 or 8.

Was a pretty heavy drinker in my 20s but now that I'm married I don't drink to get drunk like I did 5 years ago.

6/20/2011, 03:29 PM
I was probably somewhere around 8 or 9. The neighbors across the street were older and they had a grandson that was my age. I was playing at their house one summer day and the grandson and I snuck a drink of scotch that was in a crystal decanter.

6/20/2011, 03:31 PM
Plenty of sips from dad, nothing memorable. First buzz was was with an older co-worker at a place I worked in high school.

First off the chart drunk was sipping a little of this and a little of that that I snuck out from dad's liquor cabinet one night when I was 16. While not necessarily a life changing moment I am not fond of liquor at all - and gin still gives me the chills.

6/20/2011, 03:33 PM
Germany, with my folks age 10 or 11. Still drink, though for work reasons there's no real pattern. (meaning I drank like a British sailor when I worked primarily sales and entertained six nights a week - then when I was doing project oversight, wouldn't drink at all for months when we were in the field).

Same pretty much with the dubage: daily from age 16 to 26 (during which time I also scored an 800/740 on the SATs and got an academic ride to a nice-ish undergrad school in Mass). Haven't since then for the simple reason that our authorities, in their misguided zeal, have made the consequences too severe.

It's a very personal thing, using mind altering substances. I am not sure you can characterize the motivations that drive usage.

6/20/2011, 03:34 PM
I had a drink of my stepdad's rum and coke when I was in 8th grade...about 13 I think.

Didn't take another drink of anything until I was 17.

I drink occasionally. I get really tore up about twice a year. Other than that I don't drink that often.

6/20/2011, 03:35 PM
My family drank tea...a lot. My dad drank bourbon and water, which looked identical to tea. One day, when I was 6 or so, I cam running through the living room(prolly run'n code brown to the ****ter), grabbed my dad's cup, took a big'o swig and made the nasty face...my dad laughed harder than I ever remember...

6/20/2011, 03:37 PM
As a child I often took "just a sip" of whatever my parents were drinking. I specifically remember beer, wine and a vodka gimlet.

And now, do you drink? Do you think that first sip had anything to do with it?Yes, and no.

Individual differences in things like temperament, risk taking, and austerity are more likely to explain variations in drinking behaviors.

6/20/2011, 03:38 PM
Plenty of sips from dad, nothing memorable. First buzz was was with an older co-worker at a place I worked in high school.

First off the chart drunk was sipping a little of this and a little of that that I snuck out from dad's liquor cabinet one night when I was 16. While not necessarily a life changing moment I am not fond of liquor at all - and gin still gives me the chills.

Gin is the urine of goats.

Mississippi Sooner
6/20/2011, 03:38 PM
Like others have said, I had sips out of my dad's beer can about as far back as I can remember. I do remember the first time I got plowed, though. 18 year olds could still buy beer at convenience stores in Oklahoma, so it was no problem for me to get it when I was 16. Me and a couple of buddies went in together and bought about a case and a half of Bud and then went on an "all night fishing trip." I plainly remember swearing the next morning that I'd never do that again.

I still drink more beer than any man probably should, and do like to sip on some tequila or good whiskey from time to time. I try to limit the hard stuff, though, because my granddad was a hardcore alcoholic, and it killed him way before his time.

The Maestro
6/20/2011, 03:42 PM
Didn't get my hands on it until October 14th, 1988, my Senior year in high school, the night before OU whipped K-State in Norman. I had five peach Bartles and James wine coolers. Hammered. Now that would just make me pee.

I am a regular drinker. I usually work all day, workout, hang with the kids and play with them at night...get them in bed...and then once the night is done and time to relax, I like a good stiff drink. Probably four nights a week. I have no problem with it. Helps me unwind. Use to drink dark stuff and will when with friends...Bourbon, Crown, etc. Most nights it is just vodka with some gatorade and 7 up to keep it simple and light. Love wine, just like the really expensive kinds so stick with vodka cause a bottle lasts me longer.

I drink...I like it...and have some of my favorite memories with a cocktail in hand.

6/20/2011, 03:43 PM
Gin is the urine of goats.

Gin is the tonic of the soul.

6/20/2011, 03:44 PM
Gin is the urine of goats.

I'd always wondered what the urine of goats was like.

Thanks for obviating the need for me to do my own empirical testing.

Are there other weird things you've tasted? This could save me a lot of time.

6/20/2011, 03:47 PM
I drink anywhere between 27 and 34 beers per night.

6/20/2011, 03:48 PM
I drink between 28 and 35 beers per night.

6/20/2011, 03:49 PM
But I do it on the way home.

6/20/2011, 03:50 PM
I'd always wondered what the urine of goats was like.

Thanks for obviating the need for me to do my own empirical testing.

Are there other weird things you've tasted? This could save me a lot of time.

Yes, but it would hijack this thread all to ****.

6/20/2011, 03:50 PM
Like many, my first sip was at a very early age (4 to 6 probably), fetching my dad beers. I do still drink, less now than I did in my younger days. I really have no idea if that first sip had any bearing on later drinking.

6/20/2011, 03:52 PM
Not sure about the very first sip, but my first "real" experience was in the 8th grade. Some buddies and I went to a local high school football game, and one of them had a sister who was a Senior and had turned 18 - this was back when girls could buy beer at 18 but guys had to be 21 (how many of you young 'uns knew that?)

Anyway, I think there were 3 of us and we split a 6-pack of Coors tall boys. And got plowed. :D

Yes, I still drink, but I think that's more attributable to the environment I grew up in, not just the initial experience. Plus, I like to drink.

6/20/2011, 03:52 PM
I drink anywhere between 27 and 34 beers per night.

I drink between 28 and 35 beers per night.
So, you'd both basically classify yourselves as "non-drinkers", right?

6/20/2011, 03:53 PM
Plus, I like to drink.


6/20/2011, 03:53 PM
So, you'd both basically classify yourselves as "non-drinkers", right?

No, we drink, we just don't do it to drunk anymore....like Outland said.

6/20/2011, 03:54 PM

He's a lightweight.

6/20/2011, 03:55 PM
No, we drink, we just don't do it to drunk anymore....like Outland said.

Right, I do it to unwind druring the last hour of the workday and the drive home.

I don't drink at home, I'm a Baptist.

6/20/2011, 03:57 PM
OleVet's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together...

6/20/2011, 03:57 PM
OleVet's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together...

I've banged OleVet's quiff.

6/20/2011, 03:58 PM
I've banged OleVet's quiff.I love you...

6/20/2011, 03:59 PM
I think his quiff called me on Saturday night.

6/20/2011, 03:59 PM
I've banged OleVet's quiff.

Was it as good fer you as it was for me?

6/20/2011, 04:00 PM
I think his quiff called me on Saturday night.Maybe that's why the music in the back ground was so muffled...

6/20/2011, 04:01 PM
Vet puts a ball gag in his quiff's mouth at parties.

6/20/2011, 04:04 PM
So, what you're saying is that the information I was looking for is before this post and after it is... less so.

For some reason the first time I saw Outland's post about Vet and a ball gag, I saw it as "giraffe quiff". True story.

6/20/2011, 04:05 PM
OleVet's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together...

Good quote from a terrible movie.

6/20/2011, 04:05 PM
Well besides Church....kidding.....first drink was like at 4 but the one and only time I was drunk was July 4th, 2009.

6/20/2011, 04:05 PM
I was going to answer the original question but then this thread got really ****ing strange.

6/20/2011, 04:06 PM
I had the occasional sip of a beer as a little kid but my first major incident was when I was 14 or 15. Spend the night at a buddy's house and we all got rip roaring drunk on all manner of different booze. I felt turrible the next day. I drink beer about once a week, on the weekend, and in pretty decent volumes. If I have to work the next day, I don't drink anything and almost never anything other than beer. The first time probably has nothing to do with drinking today. I just like to drink.

6/20/2011, 04:06 PM
Good strange or bad strange?

6/20/2011, 04:06 PM
Some of Yall do realize that your posts indicate that you are Ghey as a 3 dollar bill dont ya?

6/20/2011, 04:06 PM
I was about 12, on the way home from a "beer league" softball game with my step dad and one of his buddies. They were drinking those Miller 7oz bottles and I begged for a drink, trying to be cool in front of the kid in the back seat. My step dad opened a bottle, handed it to me and said "if you take one drink, you've got to finish it".

Challenge accepted!!!

Didn't really care for it (is was Miller High Life), but I drank every last drop. To this day, I'm mainly a beer drinker, but that first beer really had nothing to do with it.

6/20/2011, 04:07 PM
Good strange or bad strange?

Girraffe Quiffs = bad strange

6/20/2011, 04:09 PM
I was going to answer the original question but then this thread got really ****ing strange.

Welcome to Soonerfans.com.

6/20/2011, 04:09 PM
I had the occasional sip of a beer as a little kid but my first major incident was when I was 14 or 15. Spend the night at a buddy's house and we all got rip roaring drunk on all manner of different booze. I felt turrible the next day. I drink beer about once a week, on the weekend, and in pretty decent volumes. If I have to work the next day, I don't drink anything and almost never anything other than beer. The first time probably has nothing to do with drinking today. I just like to drink.

You're still a little kid.

6/20/2011, 04:09 PM
Welcome to Soonerfans.com.

:D ;)

6/20/2011, 04:10 PM
You're still a little kid.

Only in stature and matruity level.

6/20/2011, 04:12 PM
Oldnslo, what was the point in this exercise? Where do you and your wife's opinions vary on the subject of "first sips"?

6/20/2011, 04:12 PM
Oldnslo, what was the point in this exercise? Where do you and your wife's opinions vary on the subject of "first sips"?

I think he's trying to figure how many pathetic grown up drunks we have around here.

6/20/2011, 04:13 PM
Maybe she thought you said tips?

6/20/2011, 04:13 PM
Maybe she thought you said nips?


6/20/2011, 04:14 PM
I think he's trying to figure how many pathetic grown up drunks we have around here.
I won't be a pathetic grown up drunk until about 7:30.

6/20/2011, 04:15 PM
Dad would let me sip once in a while. When I was real young, he would keep beer around but only drank one once in a while and I never saw him drink more than 1 or 2 at any one time. I never drank in high school, my first full beer was at 20. I drink about the same as my dad did. I've had a 6 pack in the fridge as long as 3-4 months before finishing it. I don't think I've ever been "drunk" but have been buzzed a couple of times.

6/20/2011, 04:15 PM
I think he's trying to figure how many pathetic grown up drunks we have around here.
I suspect there is a disagreement on whether or not it hurts anything for a youngster to have a sip of alcohol.

6/20/2011, 04:17 PM
Of course Dad let me have a beer when I was a wee lad. He didn't want me to grow up to be some kind of *****.:D

6/20/2011, 04:23 PM
Of course Dad let me have a beer when I was a wee lad. He didn't want me to grow up to be some kind of *****.:D

This is actually the correct answer.

6/20/2011, 04:26 PM
Of course Dad let me have a beer when I was a wee lad. He didn't want me to grow up to be some kind of *****.:D

This is actually the correct answer.I'm glad I didn't grow up to be some kind of *****.

6/20/2011, 04:27 PM
I'm glad I didn't grow up to be some kind of *****.

DeNed. You are a monumental lush. Though you do tend to disappear at odd times.

6/20/2011, 04:40 PM
21....rum and coke...in Las Vegas the weekend the Luxor opened.

6/20/2011, 04:43 PM
Oldnslo, what was the point in this exercise? Where do you and your wife's opinions vary on the subject of "first sips"?

This past weekend, my son became a Bar Mitzvah (a son of the Torah, for those who are wondering why it's worded this way). We had all manner of family in town.

In the course of the weekend celebration, Parent 1 enjoyed a drink of bourbon (Pappy Van Winkle 23 year reserve) and Son wanted a sip. Parent 1 supplied said sip. Nearly 21 Cousin wanted a sip, too. 1 supplied it. Other Cousin (also almost 21) may also have had a sip. Scotch, in the form of Macallan 18, also may have been sipped, however the TOTAL amount of ALL alcohol imbibed by Son and Cousins wouldn't have filled a thimble.

Parent 2 became cross.

Parent 2's relatives weighed in on the subject. At length. Hilarity ensued.

6/20/2011, 04:46 PM
Sounds like your wife, I mean Parent 2, is as uptight as most wives. Congrats.


6/20/2011, 04:47 PM
I would suggest not inviting Parent 2 to any more parties.

6/20/2011, 04:49 PM
Jews complain about something?

Something doesn't sound right about this.

6/20/2011, 04:53 PM
My dad used to give my brother and I sips of his beers back when we were wee lads.

I drink now, and I don't think sips of my dad's beers has a thing to do with it. I was your prototype goody-too-shoes kid in high school--dead set against drinking. Then one night, I was at a party, someone handed me a beer, and peer pressure set in. I was a pretty nervous kid--I had real trouble socializing with people I didn't know, and there were plenty of them at the party. I drank four beers that night, and I was chatting it up with everyone. I loved it, and after that night, it was something I sought out whenever possible.

6/20/2011, 05:10 PM
Parent 2 is a doofus. I drank hard liquor when I was old enough to walk and I'm fine now. Sure, my liver is gone and I hate my life, but doesn't everyone?

6/20/2011, 05:12 PM
my Dad gave me sips when i was very young. didn't like the taste, so never had any significant amounts of booze until i was @ least 20. even then, skipped next couple yrs before i ever drank very much.

6/20/2011, 05:16 PM
My mom would not let me drink but started giving me wine enema's after the age of 5......

6/20/2011, 05:22 PM
19 sophomore year at an off campus party... and it was coors original...

also, it had no effect on my current taste for alcohol...

6/20/2011, 06:31 PM
Of course Dad let me have a beer when I was a wee lad. He didn't want me to grow up to be some kind of *****.:D

This is actually the correct answer.

DeNed. You are a monumental lush. Though you do tend to disappear at odd times.
The "some kind of *****.:D" stands for "some kind of lush"? That's not at all what I thought del said.

When you think I've disappeared, it is actually because you've gone down that dark hall and can't see me anymore.

6/20/2011, 07:27 PM
18 years old, week before freshman classes started...

what my maniac uncles and dad slipped me when I was little is anybody's guess

6/20/2011, 07:44 PM
18 years old, week before freshman classes started...

what my maniac uncles and dad slipped me when I was little is anybody's guess

incestual pedophilia... whoa!!!

6/20/2011, 10:12 PM
19 sophomore year at an off campus party... and it was coors original...

also, it had no effect on my current taste for alcohol...
There's one effect the sips from my dad had on me--he was a Coors drinker, and I've always liked it the best of the big 3 American companies.

My wife and I were in Denver a few years back, and took the tour of the Coors brewery. We got to taste some beer that was fresh out of the tanks, and it reminded me of the first tastes of beer that I could remember. It was wonderful.

6/21/2011, 05:44 AM
I'm glad to see all those in this thread obeying the law are the same people who jump up and down about the necessity of the War on Drugs and how it's a moral outrage if we don't do it.



I didn't drink until I was 19. I tried to be the good through high school but once I reached college I got into worshipping Satan and everything changed.

My first beer was Bud Lite like every underage kid that's about all you can get your hands on.
The first time I got drunk was with Rich & Rare and Coors.
My first whiskey, the one I got drunk on, was Rich & Rare.
My first vodka was Skyy.
My first rum was Captain Morgan.
The very first beer I got when I turned 21 was Guinness.

6/21/2011, 06:51 AM
there is a picture somewhere of one of my mom's friends holding me and a Little Kings like a baby bottle when i was something like a year old, so i don't remember the first time, but i know about when it happened :D

when when i was out somewhere with my mom as a kid (under 10), i'd taste her strawberry daiquiris, frozen margaritas, pina coladas, etc... but she wasn't much of a drinker most of the time, and basically never at home.

i basically always had access to beer around my dad after they split, but never really liked the taste. i was probably about 20 before i started really drinking beer.

i'll still drink girly drinks on occasion, like Mont Swirls or something, i'm not too proud. but i don't drink that much or very often, like 1-3 beers/drinks at a time every couple of weeks, maybe. i might get plowed 1-2 times a year if the mood strikes, or i'm in Vegas or something.

i kinda randomly took 2003 off from drinking, the first half, basically by accident. it got hard at the end, but was kind of an interesting experience.

6/21/2011, 10:52 AM
I'm glad to see all those in this thread obeying the law are the same people who jump up and down about the necessity of the War on Drugs and how it's a moral outrage if we don't do it.

Most older folks that have done it and seen it all since growing up in the 1960, 70's, 80's, 90's and now the new Millinium....we call what you are going through just being young and dumb but who knows....maybe it takes History repeating itself to see how many folks survive the times that will create the next War on Drugs.

You do understand that lots of the drugs that were made illegal were legal at one time and because of the amount of abuse and misconceptions of those drugs that some guy that mixed cocaine in a refreshing drink or that marijuana cured alcoholism or that opium or laudanum really helped folks that couldn't get out of bed...that the were later in need of control because they were misused and did indeed ruin lives. Later they did put alcohol back on the shelves but did try to stop the folks that made their own....

Anyway....those that think some of these drugs will someday become legal....maybe they will but just as Belgium has experienced, it's not really adventageous to your Country if you decide to just make them legal and create a melting pot of junkies who's only reason to visit your Country is to get blasted on drugs spend their money to find out the secrets behind what happens behind the doors of those women who stand in the windows instead of visit a museum or nice restaurant or Hotel or any of the things to see on the travelogues.

Of course I'm sure the War on drugs in America is completely unjustified. It's just a bunch of idiots who are standing in the way of your ability to be truly free....lol

6/21/2011, 11:19 AM

Seriously, thanks. An accord has been reached.

There is Peace in Our Time!


6/21/2011, 11:21 AM
I talked my Dad into letting me taste his Scotch when I was about 12 years old. Loved the aroma, hated the taste. I started drinking beer when I was a senior in high school. I drank more than my fare share in college. After my kids were born, it wasn't uncommon for me to go years between drinks. Today, a six-pack of beer, a bottle of wine or a bottle of vodka will last me months before I finish it.

Booze wasn't demonized by my family therefore it wasn't nearly as interesting to me as it was to other kids.

6/21/2011, 11:24 AM

Seriously, thanks. An accord has been reached.

There is Peace in Our Time!

You know how well that worked out for the other guy.

6/21/2011, 01:41 PM
8 or 10, tho Mom used to rub whiskey on my gums when I was teething...

sip of beer with Dad

Drink now, love wine, beer and spirits, but not to excess.

A healthy introduction to alcohol early will likely prevent problems later on.