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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/17/2011, 05:51 PM

6/17/2011, 07:14 PM
And we wonder why these guys stay in office. With benefits like that....who would want a real job?

6/17/2011, 07:19 PM
As much as I hate it....we have to offer a premium benefit...

Quality people in their earning prime will give up a career for a 4 year post in politics...offer a crappy benefit and only the wealthy will be to afford the loss of pay...

6/17/2011, 07:32 PM
I'd rather offer better pay than pile up expensive Benefits that will need to be paid over a lifetime. There is more incentive to do a good job if you are going to lose a hefty paycheck. We don't need wealthy folks in office. Honest Folks would be much better.

6/17/2011, 07:57 PM
As much as I hate it....we have to offer a premium benefit...

Quality people in their earning prime will give up a career for a 4 year post in politics...offer a crappy benefit and only the wealthy will be to afford the loss of pay...

That's what the "quality people" want us to believe anyway. Perks and premium benefits to screw up everything and do it with no accountability. What a deal. :rolleyes:

6/17/2011, 08:05 PM
Its pure unadulterated Bull****.

Phil you trying to tell me YOU wouldnt go to DC fer a decent payin job with decent benefits Cause you might make a little more in the private sector?

6/17/2011, 08:14 PM
Its pure unadulterated Bull****.

Phil you trying to tell me YOU wouldnt go to DC fer a decent payin job with decent benefits Cause you might make a little more in the private sector?

I wouldn't go because my kids love it here and I was uprooted like that when I was a kid. I wish we had stayed closer to the kids I grew up with.