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6/15/2011, 07:19 AM
Hope this guy is right...


NFL source: Labor negotiations 80-85 percent complete

By Mike Freeman
CBSSports.com National Columnist
June 14, 2011

Inside the super duper not-so-secret meetings, jokes are exchanged, when threats were before. Handshakes are commonplace. So are smiles and chit chat: How's the wife? How's the kids? Good to hear. Tell them I said, Hi.

These are the new owners and player meetings that are now apparently moving at faster than light speed with a great sense of politeness towards a collective bargaining agreement. The usual cautious caveats apply but it's crystal clear now: the bullet train is headed towards a deal and the only thing that can stop it is last-minute, rampant stupidity. That likely won't happen.

One source with intimate knowledge of the discussions tells me negotiations are 80-85 percent complete. They've made such fast progress, I'm told, it's catching many of the principals by surprise. Some are now canceling vacations, believing an agreement will be reached within a matter of days.

Basically, it seems, we continue to move solidly into that threshold of a season will be played, not if one will be played. Again, barring the knucklehead factor.

"It's going to be very difficult for this to get screwed up," the source said.

That doesn't mean the negotiations can't revert back to the primordial days of disgust and hatred, or that the talks can't implode. It does mean, however, that the discussions are in such a good place it would be difficult for even the most selfish, destructive personality to affect them.

No one will go into specifics about what concessions are being made. What is being said is that both owners and players are making major ones and that has greased the CBA skids.

"I think all the players want to do is get back on the field," Minnesota Vikings tight end Visanthe Shiancoe told me. "I think owners have a vested interest in getting this done as well."

The tone of the meetings has taken such a dramatic turn it has indeed been like a different set of gatherings. The players, I'm told, had no trust in anything ownership said during the initial mediation sessions but that has completely changed. Different proposals are exchanged almost daily. The two sides are, well, finally and heartily negotiating.

In addition to the previously reported dinner involving trade association head DeMaurice Smith and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, several owners and players have had private lunches together. These smaller, informal meetings also have helped.

I've confirmed that lawyers for both sides have returned to the negotiating table after being kicked out of the room for weeks. Their return is another sign of good news since the talks are now getting more specific. Hopefully, the lawyers won't torpedo progress.

One person tells the story of how he saw more smiles in one recent negotiation than he had in almost all of the mediation sessions in Washington combined.

If a deal is soon struck, more smiles will follow.

6/15/2011, 10:15 AM
Best thing that happened for this moving forward was the independent mediator kicking all lawyers out of the room for the first couple of sessions in Chicago and then in NY.

I am fairly close to the discussions due to some business dealings I can't disclose, but from what I hear the negotiations are very positive right now. The players have a lot of strength in their position given the win on the TV case, the NLRB case, the potential for treble damages in the anti-trust lawsuit,and one further undisclosed negotiating nugget.

I'm very hopeful of a deal soon.

6/15/2011, 10:17 AM
I could give a **** less if those spoiled ****s ever play again......

6/15/2011, 10:19 AM
Here we go! #Budlight

6/15/2011, 10:29 AM

Report: CBA talks almost blew up Tuesday
Posted on: June 15, 2011 11:20 am
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Posted by Josh Katzowitz

On Tuesday, a new sense of optimism invaded the NFL world, especially after CBSSports.com’s own Mike Freeman reported that labor negotiations were 80-85 percent complete and that it would be difficult for either side to screw up the progress (naturally, I followed up with a post about how the talks COULD be screwed up).

Today, though, there have been tweets here and there dispelling some of th enthusiasm that a new CBA could be forthcoming soon (an example from NFL spokesman Greg Aiello: “As late, legendary George Young said: ‘There is no such thing as close. It’s either done or it isn’t.’”)

And now ESPN.com’s Adam Schefter is reporting that talks almost blew up Tuesday, and not surprisingly, the incident occurred after the lawyers were let back into the negotiations – ahem, that was No. 1 on my list of reasons that could derail the negotiations.

From Schefter:

How close it did (come to blowing up) is a matter of opinion. But what is factual is that the moment came shortly after lawyers from both sides were brought back into the process. As tensions rose and anger grew, two sources said NFL Players Association leader DeMaurice Smith instructed his lawyers to "stand down."

With the lawyers removed from the direct negotiations, the process was said to get back on track and to a good spot. The incident is an example of just how tenuous these talks can be and how quickly they can be derailed.

But it also is the ultimate proof that (DeMaurice) Smith and his players, and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and the owners have taken the process out of the hands of the attorneys and demanded that they control it as the two sides try to hammer out a collective bargaining agreement.

If Tuesday was an overly-optimistic day, then today’s news is a bit of a slap in the face. But the two sides are talking – and really, since nobody is talking on the record, it’s hard to know exactly what is going on – and that’s always a good sign.

Now, if they could just keep the lawyers out of the room.

6/15/2011, 10:33 AM
I could give a **** less if those spoiled ****s ever play again......

OK, but don't you think that would hurt the quality of college football as well? Consider a great young athlete who has to choose between basketball and football in HS. If he has the potential to make a living playing one but not the other, which do you think he'd choose to do in college?

The existence of the NFL is a huge benefit to college football.

6/15/2011, 11:04 AM
In a word no......It's probably more of a problem than an asset......

6/15/2011, 11:39 AM
I misinterpreted your use of "encouraging". I was kinda hoping that the impasse would continue for another 18-24 months.

6/15/2011, 12:49 PM
I misinterpreted your use of "encouraging". I was kinda hoping that the impasse would continue for another 18-24 months.Me too, the national financial league can go to hell.:rolleyes:

6/15/2011, 02:12 PM
In a word no......It's probably more of a problem than an asset......

How so?

Are all NFL players "spoiled" or just some?

6/15/2011, 02:37 PM
How so?

Are all NFL players "spoiled" or just some?
Most, elitist mentality, Many college and even HS players are the some.

6/15/2011, 02:42 PM
I love the NFL. I know the players are rich, some are spoiled, but man can they play ball and entertain.

In college, I assume/know some of the players are being given money, some are spoiled and some can play ball.

6/15/2011, 02:53 PM
I love the NFL. I know the players are rich, some are spoiled, but man can they play ball and entertain.

I bet you like that WWF stuff too.;)

BTW I sell magazine subscriptions, what do you want, The Enquirer or People?

In my spare time I knock on doors. What do you want to become? A Jehovahs Witness or a Mormon?

That's where the real money is.;) :D

6/15/2011, 03:28 PM
Did you retire from Fuller Brush??

OU Adonis
6/15/2011, 04:51 PM
How so?

Are all NFL players "spoiled" or just some?

All of them

Dan Thompson
6/15/2011, 06:34 PM
I just hope the RAMS, and SAM, move to LA.

6/15/2011, 08:20 PM
****, you realize how big of a hit the economy would be hit if there was no football for two years.

Curly Bill
6/15/2011, 09:16 PM
Count me in as another who doesn't care if they play or not.

6/15/2011, 09:25 PM
****, you realize how big of a hit the economy would be hit if there was no football for two years.

No...People would find something to spend there money on.......

6/15/2011, 10:48 PM
If the NFL doesn't play, I won't my main Sunday afternoon nap fodder available... but I would get by.

The thing that would really chap me is the number of articles/columns cluttering the sports pgs bemoaning the lack of an NFL season. Tired of hearing about the lockout... just agree to something and be done w/it, you dumbazz milliionaires... :mad:

6/15/2011, 10:57 PM
I could live without the NFL, but I do like to watch former Sooners play. I always keep track of several NFL teams that have OU players. I could live with having football on Saturday and none on Sunday. I just don't like when the broadcasters say, "How will we live with a season without football?" I am mainly a NCAAF guy so without NFL, I will live.

6/16/2011, 10:12 AM
I bet you like that WWF stuff too.;)

BTW I sell magazine subscriptions, what do you want, The Enquirer or People?

In my spare time I knock on doors. What do you want to become? A Jehovahs Witness or a Mormon?

That's where the real money is.;) :D

I had the Mormons at my door two nights ago, were you the young Hawaiian or the quiet kid from Utah?

Fly Eagles Fly!

(P.S. it's WWE now, keep up. ;) )

6/16/2011, 01:37 PM
I had the Mormons at my door two nights ago, were you the young Hawaiian or the quiet kid from Utah?

Fly Eagles Fly!

(P.S. it's WWE now, keep up. ;) )No I was the atheist who came in the back door while the Mormons were diverting you and stole your TV and computer. We work in teams.;)

I sure do owe my friend Hubler an apology.:O