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View Full Version : Anyone know the symptoms of Eye strain?

6/14/2011, 07:11 PM
I read a lot but I think i might have over done it. Its hard to keep em focused and they itch seem to be matting up cause when I rub em its like theres little white grains of sand there and thats seems to have scratched the lids.
I blink several times and it helps em focus but it werks better if i take a tissue and rub em easy.

I really want to finish this novel i started last night, Only got about 75 pages to go. I started it last night about 8 pm and just couldnt put it down.

6/14/2011, 07:18 PM
You might want to check into some wetting drops or liquid tears.

6/14/2011, 07:19 PM
or, you have an infection in your eyes.

6/14/2011, 07:28 PM
You might want to check into some wetting drops or liquid tears.

They seem moist enough, Think thats why they get blurry

or, you have an infection in your eyes.

Come to think of it the left one is more irritated than the right. HMMMM think Ill call the Doc tomorrow, was hoping I could just rest em a bit
Thanks Yall.

6/14/2011, 07:32 PM

6/14/2011, 07:32 PM
They seem moist enough, Think thats why they get blurry

My eyes do the same thing as yours are doing, adding some liquid tears helps a lot.

Come to think of it the left one is more irritated than the right. HMMMM think Ill call the Doc tomorrow, was hoping I could just rest em a bit
Thanks Yall.

Never hurts to check.

6/14/2011, 07:33 PM
Have you been around Mongo lately?


6/14/2011, 07:36 PM

6/14/2011, 07:43 PM

I was talking to my Librarian today and she said that also. I do have to take an allergy pill every day, But Its never affected my eyes.:confused:

6/14/2011, 07:45 PM
I know whats makes you go blind, but you you have to be reading penthouse or something like it.

6/14/2011, 07:45 PM
I was talking to my Librarian today and she said that also. I do have to take an allergy pill every day, But Its never affected my eyes.:confused:

I know my allergies are causing my eyes to feel grainy and just uncomfortable. Get some artifical tears and see if that helps. If not, then call the doctor.

6/14/2011, 07:53 PM
I know whats makes you go blind, but you you have to be reading penthouse or something like it.

You Provert

I know my allergies are causing my eyes to feel grainy and just uncomfortable. Get some artifical tears and see if that helps. If not, then call the doctor.

Will tomorrow, aint going back to town tonight.Thanks again Yall

6/14/2011, 07:55 PM
Just took another allergy pill. I think Yall might have hit it.

6/14/2011, 08:40 PM
You have your own Librarian?

Is she locked up in that old trailer? :D

6/14/2011, 08:59 PM
You have your own Librarian?

Is she locked up in that old trailer? :D

She acts like she s my very own , I go there and just starts grabbin books that she knows Ill like, Then marks my Initial in the back to keep up with em

Her and her helper spoil me rotten and I love it.:cool:

6/14/2011, 09:03 PM
You might want to check into some wetting drops or liquid tears.

YOU older adults have a problem with less tears, and therefore dry eyes.
Usually eye strain is more like inability to focus, and headache.

Of the two types of allergy meds (antihistimines & decongestants), both tend to dry you up too.

6/14/2011, 09:06 PM
YOU older adults have a problem with less tears, and therefore dry eyes.
Usually eye strain is more like inability to focus, and headache.

Bet Im younger than you , ya old fart :P

Pretty sure now its the allergies, I took that extra allergy pill awhile ago and they seem to have improved.

6/14/2011, 09:07 PM
Die betes?

6/14/2011, 09:11 PM
Die betes?

Naw the sugars been pretty good , around 130 in the mornings

Pretty sure its the allergies carp now,

6/14/2011, 09:30 PM
yeah , eye strain sounds like it's more of a muscle thing, not a moisture, dryness kinda thing

6/14/2011, 09:33 PM
Wash the semen out of them......

6/14/2011, 09:33 PM
Have ya tried KY?

6/14/2011, 09:37 PM
Or vagasil

6/14/2011, 09:40 PM
I love you Proverts, In a GOOD way.:D