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6/9/2011, 04:27 PM
Penis Tequila: Liquid Courage for ex-Mayor of Tijuana Held on Gun Charges (http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bella/2011/06/penis_tequila_liquid_courage_f.php)

What do you call tequila made with three penises, scorpion poison and antlers if you're an alleged Mexican mafioso? Breakfast.
Jorge Hank Rhon is a former mayor of Tijuana who ran for the governorship of Baja California in 2007. He lost. While on the campaign trail he gave an interview to an NPR reporter, and he offered her his special tequila mix, made with three animal penises -- taken from a lion, tiger, and dog -- deer horns, eight scorpions, bear bile, a lion bone, and three cobras.
Really (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12484396).
Rhon was arrested over the weekend when Mexican military stormed his compound and seized 88 firearms and nearly 10,000 rounds of ammunition on a US intelligence tip, according to the Associated Press (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iWj35xaL7zF4Z25MsCtqMfX6n79g?docId=9216a1faa 03c43478ff804ae3b8932f7), and his rap sheet includes alleged complicity in the 1988 murder of a journalist (http://www.centrodepublicaciones.com/upload/files/libro_77_499.pdf).
Our research suggests "penis tequila" is rare and limited to bottles shaped like dongs (http://www.flickr.com/photos/50087332@N00/2635336696/) -- but scorpion mezcal and cobra whiskey are very real for anyone interested in exotic liquid courage -- after the jump.
A Mexican liquor company called Caballeros Inc. sells scorpion mezcal, which is apparently FDA-certified (http://www.scorpionmezcal.com/mezcals/faq.shtml) for you health nuts.
Thailand Unique, based in Maakaeng, sells cobra whiskey (http://www.thailandunique.com/store/asian-snake-whiskey-c-11.html). They even sell a brand with cobra and scorpion (http://www.thailandunique.com/store/real-cobra-snake-scorpion-whiskey-p-11.html) in it. "This is used in SE Asia as a very strong Aphrodisiac," according to the distributors.
Let us know in the comments if you've ever had any penis with your tequila -- or scorpions and cobras, for that matter.

6/9/2011, 04:35 PM
By using dog penis instead of the long prescribed bear penis, Ol' Jorge was taking a gamble.

Guy was busted over cheap substitute penis, as the bear member is known to cloud the peering eyes of enemies such as US intelligence.

King Crimson
6/9/2011, 04:39 PM
so, Taco posts on this board?

6/9/2011, 07:32 PM
That is beyond awesome.

6/9/2011, 08:32 PM
You are what you drink.