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View Full Version : want to know what's worse than snakes on a plane?

Partial Qualifier
6/3/2011, 09:47 AM
Try beer farts & diarrhea on a plane.


6/3/2011, 09:48 AM
Yours or the person sitting next to you? Because one of these is much worse than the other.

Partial Qualifier
6/3/2011, 09:51 AM
*raises hand*

6/3/2011, 09:53 AM
That's so much worse than reclining into someone's knees.

6/3/2011, 09:54 AM
Being trapped next to a Bengali grandmother with a wet (tubercular? Yay!) cough that spews particles on your sleeve from Hong Kong to LA.

Only resolution? Dr. Bombay to the rescue. It's anti-microbial! It's 'for medical reasons'!!

6/3/2011, 09:56 AM
My brother and I once partied for St. Patrick's Day in Chicago the night before we were due for a morning flight out of there. The other folks on the plane were hating us.

6/3/2011, 10:59 AM
taking a **** in an airplane bathroom is tough. not too roomy in there.

I feel bad for the peeps sitting next to the baffroom door. there is no ventilation in those things

6/3/2011, 11:15 AM
Nothing worse than being hungover on a plane. I usually sweat a little more than usual anyway when flying because the air and body heat is usually a bit much for me. But when I'm hungover, I immediately apologize to those around me.

6/3/2011, 11:23 AM
Soonermix and I had the worst experience ever. Being hungover on a plan after an all-week bender, in the middle of summer, and the A/C on the plane goes out on the tarmac and so we sit there ont he tarmac for at least an hour while they try to fix it unsuccesfully. Everyone has teh beer farts and ****s, is sweating alcohol like crazy. Vomiting. You name it. Worst flight ever.

6/3/2011, 11:27 AM
Try beer farts & diarrhea on a plane.


So you got to meet Samuel L. Jackson?

6/3/2011, 11:29 AM
I can't continue to read this thread...the flashback to a business trip from hell is palpable.

6/3/2011, 11:49 AM
I drank too much and ate a lot of really spicy food the night before boarding a 6am flight to Mexico last year. Much to teh wife's horror I explained my stomach issues in graphic detail to the stewardess upon boarding (something to the effect of please let me go to the restroom asap or I am gonna sh!t my pants and be a nuisance for the next 3 hours). as soon as the plane's wheels went up, she let me ignore the seatbelt sign and go to the restroom. I guess i fell asleep back there too. 3 hours later, she was banging on the door, telling me were wer landing. I woke up refreshed and much lighter. Upon clearing customs i bought a beer. i know... cool story bro.

6/3/2011, 12:12 PM
I actually used one of the barf bags after catching an early flight out of Dallas after a bachelor party. Filled that sucker up too!!

6/3/2011, 12:14 PM

6/3/2011, 03:18 PM
In the late 1980's, domestic airliners in China experimented with a 'mens' room' complete with urinals on planes. You've never lived until you've stood, peeing between two Chinese guys ... and then hit turbulence.

6/3/2011, 10:52 PM
Worse? I'll tell you what's worse...


6/4/2011, 12:40 AM
In the late 1980's, domestic airliners in China experimented with a 'mens' room' complete with urinals on planes. You've never lived until you've stood, peeing between two Chinese guys ... and then hit turbulence.

You've pissed on a Chinaman? Sweet. Mark that one of the bucket list.