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5/30/2011, 07:24 AM
Looks like the compliance dept is not honest either... WOW this could get real ugly... Look foward to the SI article coming out this Tuesday:)


5/30/2011, 08:07 AM
and now Tressel flees the sinking ship.

No reason for the compliance dept to cover that up unless they were complicit in all this, and if they were, holy hell they will get slammed by the NCAA.

5/30/2011, 08:37 AM
"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"

5/30/2011, 08:47 AM
HS Batman - is this Big Red all over again?


5/30/2011, 09:21 AM
Wow, Lack of Institutional Control here we come. And a whole, whole lot more.

5/30/2011, 09:23 AM
Sooo... are you mixing vodka, rum, whiskey and beer altogether right now to see if things can be even more awesome than they already are for you in Columbus, CBUS?

5/30/2011, 10:22 AM
Sooo... are you mixing vodka, rum, whiskey and beer altogether right now to see if things can be even more awesome than they already are for you in Columbus, CBUS?

Gosh things are pretty good. Went for a jog this am and someone had their ****eye flag half mast... Freakin priceless. Hopefully things get better with the SI article tomorrow... Icing on the cake would be for our Sooner to win the whole thing next year. BOOMER!

5/30/2011, 10:33 AM
Wait... a half-mast BUCKEYE flag on MEMORIAL DAY?! Replace that pathetic flag with an American flag right now! It's your patriotic duty! ;)

Seriously... sweater vest couldn't wait a day? They just had to break this news on the day we're remembering our armed forces? Booooo. Bad form. Well, wouldn't be the first time he tried to milk patriotism:

5/30/2011, 01:16 PM
Wait... a half-mast BUCKEYE flag on MEMORIAL DAY?! Replace that pathetic flag with an American flag right now! It's your patriotic duty! ;)

Seriously... sweater vest couldn't wait a day? They just had to break this news on the day we're remembering our armed forces? Booooo. Bad form. Well, wouldn't be the first time he tried to milk patriotism:

I tought the same thing. Since it is Memorial day...Just when the fans cant have any less class...

5/30/2011, 01:17 PM
"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"

Costanza spek.

5/30/2011, 01:30 PM
You know, we sure are having great fun and enjoyment from Ohio State's problems. It's like having a goody goody sibling who finally gets busted by your parents and the sibling keeps lying and it only makes things worse and you just savor the moment and anticipate with joy what terrible punishments lie ahead for the little brat.

5/30/2011, 01:34 PM
A few fun links from ESPN --- how tOSU churns players through worthless classes and Tressel's lies: Link (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1919255)

And Mo Clarett's story: Link (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1919246)

You know, we sure are having great fun and enjoyment from Ohio State's problems. It's like having a goody goody sibling who finally gets busted by your parents and the sibling keeps lying and it only makes things worse and you just savor the moment and anticipate with joy what terrible punishments lie ahead for the little brat.

Word. As the younger sibling in the family, I was accustomed to being the punished one and the day when the older brother got into trouble and has "the punishment" coming to him I couldn't wait and kept talking about it gleefully --- "What is the punishment?" I would ask my parents. "What shall I do during the punishment?" I would ask, just to keep the punishment in the conversation. Finally, mom's like "You sound like you're eager for your brother to get punished." And I assured, probably rather unconvincingly, that I wasn't.

I don't even remember what the punishment was. However, older brother tattled on me too many times to count, so that was a glorious day for the younger sister :D

5/30/2011, 01:43 PM
Clarret starting to look like Jose Canseco.

5/30/2011, 01:49 PM
tosu makes Watergate look silly.

5/30/2011, 01:57 PM

5/30/2011, 01:59 PM
Those two links I provided are very d@mning stories about how basically tOSU under Tressel was almost like making kids beholden to the tOSU scene, making it virtually impossible to escape or step out of line.

1- Player arrives at tOSU
2- Player gets booster money, do-nothing job money, cars, hotel rooms, etc.
3- Player gets enrolled in non-transferable do-nothing courses that are designed to keep players eligible.
4- Player gets blacklisted from easy courses and easy money should they step outta line.

By making tOSU athletes dependent on easy money and enrolling them in non-transferable courses that would not get any credit at any other university, they are essentially ensuring that they will never, ever leave tOSU until either they go to the NFL or run out of eligibility.

Somebody find Bob Stoops and hug him for following and enforcing the rules.

5/30/2011, 02:08 PM
Who was the poster here back when Tressel was hired that started endless threads about honorable Jim Tressel was and how much better of a guy he was than Bob Stoops?

Guy posted a lot back then. I can't remember his name although it might have contained a first name like Dan or something. Of course it might not have either :D

5/30/2011, 02:16 PM
I have a co-worker who worships Ohio State football. He evens owns a Tressel vest and he wore it after they "won" the Sugar Bowl. Since the Tressel scandal broke he has been very quiet and seemingly brokenhearted about the whole affair. I have been careful in talking to him about it since he might suddenly go ballistic. Of course some of my co-workers are not so compassionate, so it will be interesting how he takes all of this latest news or just takes extended leave.

5/30/2011, 02:32 PM
I can only imagine how we'd all feel if the news suddenly broke that our beloved Bob Stoops was Tresseling the whole time. However, there has been some hints before regarding the way the sweater vest ran things at tOSU that haven't been here at OU under Stoops. I think we're safe from our own humiliating, humbling Tressel moment.

5/30/2011, 02:40 PM
that story doesn't incriminate anyone as far as I can see... Looks like the sales were legit.

5/30/2011, 02:43 PM
A new word: Tresseling

5/30/2011, 02:51 PM
that story doesn't incriminate anyone as far as I can see... Looks like the sales were legit.

Back when I lived in Wisky, there was a shoe store that everyone would flock to near Madison because shoes were cheap. Suddenly when the NCAA found out about said shoe store, it was an NCAA violation. Cheap shoes? Oh noes! Athletes can't buy cheap shoes! Shoppers were shocked, because that place was notorious for discounted shoes -- for everyone, not just Badger football players.

It might be one of those cases.

5/30/2011, 02:52 PM
OSU has been doing this on academics since Tressel arrived at OSU. Clarrett should have been declared ineligible against Miami in the National Championship game. Are we going to have another National Championship vacated because of cheating?

This has been coming for a long time and looks like it is going to get worse instead of better. Knew once the dripping started it would turn into a flood. Tressel's book is a joke.

5/30/2011, 03:00 PM
HS Batman - is this Big Red all over again?


What? Are you really trying to draw a comparison between the current OSU cesspool with the massive coverups and the episode in which Stoops and OU handled the Bomar situation decisively and openly?

Surely I am mistaken about what the intent of your post was.

5/30/2011, 03:33 PM
that story doesn't incriminate anyone as far as I can see... Looks like the sales were legit.

Because of people get comped tickets to BCS Games over and over.

Did they ever explain the 0 dollar figure on the titles of the vehicles they sold to players? Simple Tax Evasion? We've all done that. Oh, wait, no we haven't.

5/30/2011, 03:36 PM
Because of people get comped tickets to BCS Games over and over.

Did they ever explain the 0 dollar figure on the titles of the vehicles they sold to players? Simple Tax Evasion? We've all done that. Oh, wait, no we haven't.

where in the story did you read they were comped bcs tickets? Maybe I cannot read

5/30/2011, 03:43 PM
that story doesn't incriminate anyone as far as I can see... Looks like the sales were legit.

yep. Does everyone think that this crap only happens at tOSU???

5/30/2011, 04:11 PM
yep. Does everyone think that this crap only happens at tOSU???

It happens everywhere except my school [/typical college fan]

5/30/2011, 04:14 PM
It happens everywhere except my school [/typical college fan]

Except Tejas fans actually believe it.

5/30/2011, 05:23 PM
Most schools compliance officers don't deal with car dealership to steer players and their parents. New investigation into Pryor and the cars -- this is getting nastier -- no wonder Tressel resigned.

5/30/2011, 05:52 PM
where in the story did you read they were comped bcs tickets? Maybe I cannot read

I don't know but in the past several months there have been numerous stories about the guy getting BCS tickets seven or so years in a row.

Check it out (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ohio+State+Car+Dealer+BCS+Tickets)

5/31/2011, 09:25 AM
I don't know but in the past several months there have been numerous stories about the guy getting BCS tickets seven or so years in a row.

Check it out (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ohio+State+Car+Dealer+BCS+Tickets)

Yes, the auto dealer sold the players cars and received many tickets to games from some unknown source.

6/1/2011, 12:54 PM
Forgive if already posted elsewhere, but so many tOSU threads right now....reports out now about the Tattoo artist that traded tattoos for memorabilia was arrested on drug trafficking and money laundering charges....Wonder if part of his plea bargain will include having to disclose all of those details and smear the program even more


The tattoo artist who exchanged free tattoos for Ohio State memorabilia with Buckeye football players has been charged with drug trafficking and money laundering, according to federal prosecutors.

Tattoo parlor owner Edward Rife, whose barter of services for goods triggered what has become an ever-widening investigation into improper benefits at Ohio State, will likely enter into some kind of plea deal. Documents show Rife pleading guilty to one count of money laundering and one count of "conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute more than 200 pounds of marijuana." This is probably a very good idea on the part of Rife and his defense team; these charges are federal, and federal prosecutors have a habit of being very serious about these things. (Ask Marion Jones about that.)

The investigation into Rife's shady business dealings is the very one mentioned in emails to Jim Tressel regarding an ongoing federal probe involving Buckeye football players, and the starting point for the series of garbled communications (and some say outright lies) between Jim Tressel, the Ohio State administration, and the NCAA regarding players receiving improper benefits.

Though you're probably going to jail, Mr. Rife, don't say you never accomplished anything. You may have helped unseat a seemingly unfireable coach at one of the nation's biggest football programs, and that certainly does qualify as something. (A big, messy, damaging something, but something nonetheless.)

6/1/2011, 01:28 PM
Leaf -

That's how the whole thing came to tOSU admin's attention. Basically, when they did the drug trafficking raid, they found tOSU memorabilia, so the feds contacts tOSU to ask if it was stolen. Check the Dec. 7 entry here. (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/43215783/ns/sports/)

Or I can just post it :D

Dec. 7: The U.S. attorney's office notifies Ohio State officials that it has discovered some Ohio State memorabilia during a raid on Rife's home and/or the tattoo parlor and asks if the items were stolen. A day later, the athletic department is informed. The list of dozens of items released later estimates the value at $12,000 to $15,000.

Note the timing - December. Right before the bowl season kicks off. That's where the big stink was raised about whether the players would be suspended for the Sugar Bowl or allowed to serve their suspensions next season.

6/1/2011, 03:18 PM
Leaf -

That's how the whole thing came to tOSU admin's attention. Basically, when they did the drug trafficking raid, they found tOSU memorabilia, so the feds contacts tOSU to ask if it was stolen. Check the Dec. 7 entry here. (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/43215783/ns/sports/)

Or I can just post it :D

Note the timing - December. Right before the bowl season kicks off. That's where the big stink was raised about whether the players would be suspended for the Sugar Bowl or allowed to serve their suspensions next season.

The link I posted was stating that the Tattoo guy has officially charged and plead guilty to the federal charges...you just wonder if part of his plea bargain included rolling over on the Buckeye players and program. That was my point to the post. I know it's what started it all way back when....it was just up until now that the Tattoo guy had been convicted of anything.