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View Full Version : As I mentioned before, O'bummer trying to take your gun away...

5/29/2011, 04:32 AM
The Liar in chief at it again... (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/05/28/obama-administration-eyeing-gun-control-radar-groups-warn/?test=latestnews)

5/29/2011, 04:39 AM
I don't have a problem with the theory of ways to limit getting guns into the wrong hands. The problem with it all is it will do essentially nothing to thwart the black market, while restricting a law-abiding person's abilities to collect/buy/use whatever guns they want. And that can be very dangerous.

5/29/2011, 04:42 AM
outlaw guns and only criminals have them :D

5/29/2011, 04:45 AM
outlaw guns and only criminals have them :D

Egg Zachary

5/29/2011, 05:52 AM
Okay, I am in Europe and it is 1 pm, what's all your excuses for posting now... ;)

5/29/2011, 05:56 AM
After decades of early work schedules I still wake up by 5 am...hell, I was up till 1 am last night and I still woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed...well, I woke up...

5/29/2011, 10:07 AM
Dey took our jerbs...and our guns

5/29/2011, 10:17 AM
With his voting record, none of us should be surprised to find that POTUS supports the worst kinds of gun control

5/29/2011, 12:00 PM
We should disarm the Government.

hawaii 5-0
5/29/2011, 12:03 PM
I think next time we go vote we should all be issued assault weapons and we can decide the thing in the parking lot.

It should at least increase voter turnout.


Trump/ Rambo 2012

5/29/2011, 12:22 PM
I think next time we go vote we should all be issued assault weapons and we can decide the thing in the parking lot.

It should at least increase voter turnout.


Trump/ Rambo 2012
Sounds good to me. :rolleyes:

5/29/2011, 03:05 PM
He can't fix the economy or the National Debt...

Sound like he needs to go back to Chicago....

5/29/2011, 03:06 PM
He can't fix the economy or the National Debt...

Sound like he needs to go back to Kenya....


5/29/2011, 03:09 PM
Vet was saying something about Obama taking things like Borders and stuff back to before 1959.....that way Hawaii wouldn't actually be a State and he wouldn't qualify to be POTUS?

5/29/2011, 05:05 PM
Okay, I am in Europe and it is 1 pm, what's all your excuses for posting now... ;)

Shift worker. Graveyards weekend.

5/29/2011, 05:22 PM
Super Shifts are teh Bomb!

5/30/2011, 02:05 AM
Some of you people absolutely amaze me to the fullest, seriously. You read something, like say "the sky is blue" and you interpretet as "socialism, obamacare, Hawaiian borders, the POTUS is not a citizen even though "O-N-E" of the parents is for sure an American, blah, blah, blah...........

I read the article. I haven't seen where it states that the POTUS is trying to take guns away from us. I did read how certain measures are being brought up and I personally would have to agree with them. With how society has evolved and given the situation, certain things need to happen I think due to the wrongdoing of a few. I bet you Repubs certainly don't have a prob with the Patriot Act extension even though that goes against the Constitution and that was overwhelmingly passed by a Republican controlled House to begin with and originally created by a Republican President i.e. GW Bush.......

"Pratt pointed to two proposals in particular. Under one proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, dealers in four Southwestern states would be required to report multiple sales to the same person of certain kinds of rifles. The proposed requirement -- which would apply to dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas -- is open for comment until the end of May. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence claims the change would help the ATF "crack down" on Mexico's gunrunners."

"In addition, ATF released a study in January that looked at criteria for restricting the importation of certain shotguns. The authors were working off a 1968 law that restricts gun imports but exempts firearms used for "sporting purposes." The report, then, tried to define which features on shotguns are not suitable for "sporting purposes" and therefore not importable -- among the features they flagged are folding stocks, magazines over five rounds and "light enhancing devices."

"Pratt said the shotgun restrictions, if approved, could lead to broader restrictions on other imported long guns -- at a time when the administration is trying to reduce federal regulations. Pratt also cited a decision last year to block the sale of U.S.-made antique rifles by the South Korean government to gun collectors in America. The State Department said at the time it was concerned the guns could fall into the wrong hands.

"These smaller-scale proposals come in lieu of sweeping restrictions like the assault-weapons ban Obama supported as a candidate but has not pursued as president. Another proposal on the table calls for banning high-capacity magazines, but it has not advanced in Congress."

Out of all this, I haven't seen where or how Obama is taking guns away.....

5/30/2011, 02:13 AM
I just now got calmed down....no way I'm getting all worked up at 2 am

Wow....you are enraged....

5/30/2011, 02:17 AM
Some of you people absolutely amaze me to the fullest, seriously. You read something, like say "the sky is blue" and you interpretet as "socialism, obamacare, Hawaiian borders, the POTUS is not a citizen even though "O-N-E" of the parents is for sure an American, blah, blah, blah...........

I read the article. I haven't seen where it states that the POTUS is trying to take guns away from us. I did read how certain measures are being brought up and I personally would have to agree with them. With how society has evolved and given the situation, certain things need to happen I think due to the wrongdoing of a few.

Gave you the benefit of the doubt up until this point below...

I bet you Repubs certainly don't have a prob with the Patriot Act extension even though that goes against the Constitution and that was overwhelmingly passed by a Republican controlled House to begin with and originally created by a Republican President i.e. GW Bush.......

Patriot Act? Where did that come from? Left field? Some of the rolling comments in this thread are in jest, referencing other Obama-bash or Republican-bash threads. I know it's hard to glean that from plain words on a computer screen, but that has been the tone around here the last couple weeks.

Out of all this, I haven't seen where or how Obama is taking guns away.....

As far as gun control... I stand by what I posted earlier. Gun control legislation sounds all awesome and righteous and civilized, and I can't really disagree with the logic employed by gun control advocates. But the bottom line is that gun control legislation only discourages law-abiding citizens to arm themselves (or simply establish gun collections, for pete's sake) and does absolutely nothing at all to quell the black market. Anyone who thinks so has no idea how guns are traded in this country.

5/30/2011, 02:35 AM
So, let's say, hypothetically, that new regulations on background checks led to 50% false positives (half of those who should be ineligible to make a purchase, e.g., convicted felons or diagnosed crazy folks, are able to make the purchase anyway) and 5% false negatives (5% of those who should be eligible to make a purchase are initially blocked - although some are able to clear their name with further petitioning). Would this be objectionable?

5/30/2011, 02:41 AM
it does both? yeah, eff that

5/30/2011, 02:43 AM
So, let's say, hypothetically, that new regulations on background checks led to 50% false positives (half of those who should be ineligible to make a purchase, e.g., convicted felons or diagnosed crazy folks, are able to make the purchase anyway) and 5% false negatives (5% of those who should be eligible to make a purchase are initially blocked - although some are able to clear their name with further petitioning). Would this be objectionable?

It would, but I can't see how there would be that large of a margin for room of error, unless there was just a sh%t load of new identities being bought on the black market....

5/30/2011, 02:47 AM
A ban on break-action and magazines over 5 rounds is ridiculous. I highly doubt that will fly. Other than that, as an owner of around 20 guns, I am still not that worried. Actually, I am ready to go hunting right now.

5/30/2011, 02:49 AM
So, let's say, hypothetically, that new regulations on background checks led to 50% false positives (half of those who should be ineligible to make a purchase, e.g., convicted felons or diagnosed crazy folks, are able to make the purchase anyway) and 5% false negatives (5% of those who should be eligible to make a purchase are initially blocked - although some are able to clear their name with further petitioning). Would this be objectionable?

If 100% could clear their name and go on...yeah. If one American was denied their right to bare arms and purchase a firearm when they should have been legally able to do so...no.

5/30/2011, 02:56 AM
So, let's say, hypothetically, that new regulations on background checks led to 50% false positives (half of those who should be ineligible to make a purchase, e.g., convicted felons or diagnosed crazy folks, are able to make the purchase anyway) and 5% false negatives (5% of those who should be eligible to make a purchase are initially blocked - although some are able to clear their name with further petitioning). Would this be objectionable?

Jared Loughner. Va Tech. Columbine. Examples of how legislation (okay, back ground checks) would not have prevented what happened.

I get the impression from a lot of folks that if there were no guns we'd have a pacifist utopia society a la Demolition Man of "mellow greetings" and "joy joy" feelings.

Yes, it should be hard to acquire firearms. But making it so hard as to discourage it altogether, as any further legislation would only do, will not ever keep guns off the black market. There has to be a balance between making it too easy through the legal means for criminals to get them and making it too hard through the legal means for John Q. Public to get them if he wants.

Prohibition worked, didn't it? Crime should never be tolerated, and laws should always be followed. But the more laws you write, the more crime you fight.

5/30/2011, 06:54 AM
So, let's say, hypothetically, that new regulations on background checks led to 50% false positives (half of those who should be ineligible to make a purchase, e.g., convicted felons or diagnosed crazy folks, are able to make the purchase anyway) and 5% false negatives (5% of those who should be eligible to make a purchase are initially blocked - although some are able to clear their name with further petitioning). Would this be objectionable?


What you say is not gonna happen. If they are a felon or certified by law crazy, they are already caught - should they go to a legal gun shop and fill out the form.

What you ask will be onerous for the regular guy. It will miss the non-certified legal crazy's and the felon, will still go to the dude down the street to get him a street gun...

5/30/2011, 06:56 AM
A ban on break-action and magazines over 5 rounds is ridiculous. I highly doubt that will fly. Other than that, as an owner of around 20 guns, I am still not that worried. Actually, I am ready to go hunting right now.

California limits the size of mags, how's that working out for ya? Not too good. Joe Blow don't have a 13 round mag, but Felon Sam and all his buddies do...

5/30/2011, 08:03 AM

What you say is not gonna happen. If they are a felon or certified by law crazy, they are already caught - should they go to a legal gun shop and fill out the form.
What you ask will be onerous for the regular guy. It will miss the non-certified legal crazy's and the felon, will still go to the dude down the street to get him a street gun...

So are present background checks biometric?

5/30/2011, 12:17 PM
We sure have created a large population of stupid people.

5/30/2011, 01:07 PM
Obama doesn't want you to have guns? Water is wet.

5/30/2011, 01:39 PM
We should disarm the Government.

We sure have created a large population of stupid people.


5/30/2011, 01:39 PM
I am for gun control too. I don't anyone to have one that might shoot at me.

5/30/2011, 01:40 PM
Did many of you read the article?

the president has since made a public call for tougher background checks

This is the only thing the POTUS has called for on record. The rest is speculation and fear mongering.

Nobody will ever take our guns away, not only because it is in the constitution, but also because we are armed.

5/30/2011, 01:43 PM
Did many of you read the article?

This is the only thing the POTUS has called for on record. The rest is speculation and fear mongering.

Nobody will ever take our guns away, not only because it is in the constitution, but also because we are armed.

England says, "Hello."

5/30/2011, 01:47 PM
I know why people are hyping this. the Obamaphobia translates to strong gun sales.Obama has been great when it comes to gun sales. (http://articles.cnn.com/2008-11-11/justice/obama.gun.sales_1_gun-shop-brady-campaign-gun-owner?_s=PM:CRIME)

Record sales lately (http://www.ammoland.com/2011/05/06/firearms-industry-numbers-reflect-record-pace-of-gun-sales/).

Only fear sells better than sex.

5/30/2011, 02:03 PM
I know why people are hyping this. the Obamaphobia translates to strong gun sales.Obama has been great when it comes to gun sales. (http://articles.cnn.com/2008-11-11/justice/obama.gun.sales_1_gun-shop-brady-campaign-gun-owner?_s=PM:CRIME)

Record sales lately (http://www.ammoland.com/2011/05/06/firearms-industry-numbers-reflect-record-pace-of-gun-sales/).

Only fear sells better than sex.

All one would have to do is look at his voting record (http://hotair.com/archives/2008/06/30/obamas-illinois-votes-on-guns/).

5/30/2011, 02:06 PM
This is hilarious.


Curly Bill
5/30/2011, 02:07 PM
Some of you people absolutely amaze me to the fullest, seriously. You read something, like say "the sky is blue" and you interpretet as "socialism, obamacare, Hawaiian borders, the POTUS is not a citizen even though "O-N-E" of the parents is for sure an American, blah, blah, blah...........

I read the article. I haven't seen where it states that the POTUS is trying to take guns away from us. I did read how certain measures are being brought up and I personally would have to agree with them. With how society has evolved and given the situation, certain things need to happen I think due to the wrongdoing of a few. I bet you Repubs certainly don't have a prob with the Patriot Act extension even though that goes against the Constitution and that was overwhelmingly passed by a Republican controlled House to begin with and originally created by a Republican President i.e. GW Bush.......

"Pratt pointed to two proposals in particular. Under one proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, dealers in four Southwestern states would be required to report multiple sales to the same person of certain kinds of rifles. The proposed requirement -- which would apply to dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas -- is open for comment until the end of May. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence claims the change would help the ATF "crack down" on Mexico's gunrunners."

"In addition, ATF released a study in January that looked at criteria for restricting the importation of certain shotguns. The authors were working off a 1968 law that restricts gun imports but exempts firearms used for "sporting purposes." The report, then, tried to define which features on shotguns are not suitable for "sporting purposes" and therefore not importable -- among the features they flagged are folding stocks, magazines over five rounds and "light enhancing devices."

"Pratt said the shotgun restrictions, if approved, could lead to broader restrictions on other imported long guns -- at a time when the administration is trying to reduce federal regulations. Pratt also cited a decision last year to block the sale of U.S.-made antique rifles by the South Korean government to gun collectors in America. The State Department said at the time it was concerned the guns could fall into the wrong hands.

"These smaller-scale proposals come in lieu of sweeping restrictions like the assault-weapons ban Obama supported as a candidate but has not pursued as president. Another proposal on the table calls for banning high-capacity magazines, but it has not advanced in Congress."

Out of all this, I haven't seen where or how Obama is taking guns away.....

You're more enraged than bright huh? :O

5/30/2011, 02:16 PM
Hide ya kids, hide ya wives, hide ya guns, they takin' everyones civil liberties up in here!!!

Curly Bill
5/30/2011, 02:23 PM
Hide ya kids, hide ya wives, hide ya guns, they takin' everyones civil liberties up in here!!!

I hear they're coming for the atheist first. ;)

5/30/2011, 02:25 PM
Hide ya kids, hide ya wives, hide ya guns, they takin' everyones civil liberties up in here!!!

You never really know (http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20067005-281.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20) until it happens. (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/05/15/indiana-high-court-rules-people-resist-illegal-entry-police-homes/)

5/30/2011, 02:26 PM
All one would have to do is look at his voting record (http://hotair.com/archives/2008/06/30/obamas-illinois-votes-on-guns/).

This is a totally different issue. This is an opinion piece from June 2008 during the presidential race. Obama was not yet president, and the opinion piece talks about his voting record in Illinois.

I think it is a stretch to take something from that long ago, disregard the possibility of people changing, disregard that Obama has done absolutely nothing to prevent gun sales, disregard the fact that Obama as president has called only for tougher background checks, and make the statement "He's gonna take our guns away."

Even if we look at the link you posted, that opinion piece makes Obama look undecided at worst on gun issues. That is still far from "He's gonna take our gun with the same certainty that water is wet."

The link states that Obama voted against Illinois SB 2165, which was proposed after some incident in Illinois. The bill which passed said this:
Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Provides that it is an affirmative defense to a violation of a municipal ordinance that prohibits, regulates, or restricts the private ownership of firearms if the individual who is charged with the violation used the firearm in an act of self-defense or defense of another.

Saying that since Obama voted against this law, thus he will take our guns away with the same certainty that water is wet, is a huge stretch. He might have had a problem with the language.

The law makes a statement for possessing illegal weapons and about using them to defend yourself.

Provides that the the affirmative defense is only available if the individual who is charged with the violation used the firearm in an act of self-defense or defense of another on his or her land or in his or her own abode or fixed place of business

So basically the issue is over what to do about charging a person with illegal possession of weapons when those weapons are used in self-defense.

Once again, it is far from saying Obama will take our guns away. Personally I think Obama doesn't like guns, but since it is a constitutional right for Americans to have guns, he respects that and his presidency has done NOTHING to prevent even one cent from reaching the gun industry. His presidency hasn't even been a nuisance to the gun industry.

hawaii 5-0
5/30/2011, 02:27 PM
If I were some of you I'd be more concerned about losing the hard earned Medicare benefits you've been working for the last 20 or 30 years. All those payments for nothing.

A big bunch of you are gonna be shlt outta luck.

But you'll get a nice voucher if you need a big bandaid. Just don't get real sick.


Trump/ Hawkeye 2012

5/30/2011, 03:27 PM
Once again, it is far from saying Obama will take our guns away. Personally I think Obama doesn't like guns, but since it is a constitutional right for Americans to have guns, he respects that and his presidency has done NOTHING to prevent even one cent from reaching the gun industry. His presidency hasn't even been a nuisance to the gun industry.

They learned their lesson in '94, the backlash that they got from the laws, and know this time everybody is watching and there will be an even bigger backlash.

Yes, he has been somewhat (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392132/Obama-eyeing-gun-control-radar.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) quiet on the issue but that doesn't mean I won't take my eye off of him.

When he goes on record saying he's against concealed carry laws (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/s_560181.html), permanently bring back the assault weapons ban (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,289373,00.html), voted against S. 397 a bill to prohibit civil liability actions from being brought against gun manufacturers (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=1&vote=00219), and he also voted no on both John G. Roberts, Jr. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=1&vote=00245) and Samuel A. Alito (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00002) who were part of the ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case. I could go on and on but I think everybody gets the idea. He's big time anti-second amendment, he's on record showing it, and given the chance I wouldn't put it past him to put a law on the books to cripple it.



Trump/ Hawkeye 2012

Afraid to debate the issue I see.

5/30/2011, 04:26 PM
Hide ya kids, hide ya wives, hide ya guns, they takin' everyones civil liberties up in here!!!

Pretty much it. This is another scared tactic by the NRA to raise more money.

5/30/2011, 05:06 PM
California limits the size of mags, how's that working out for ya? Not too good. Joe Blow don't have a 13 round mag, but Felon Sam and all his buddies do...

I'd be pizzed. Here in Oklahoma, when I go hunting, I plan on doing a good bit of shooting. I load it down. True, I only have a semi-auto and pump shotgun that hold much, as my break actions, are single shot and double barrel. The 22s and 22 mags are a different story. I can load about 16-18 rounds in them. Normally I never have to reload when hunting, unless its a really good day. Unlike Felon Sam, Joe Blow doesn't need 13 round to hit what he is shooting at. I'd still like to to have all the rounds I want, though.

5/30/2011, 11:10 PM
Some of you people absolutely amaze me to the fullest, seriously. You read something, like say "the sky is blue" and you interpretet as "socialism, obamacare, Hawaiian borders, the POTUS is not a citizen even though "O-N-E" of the parents is for sure an American, blah, blah, blah...........

I read the article. I haven't seen where it states that the POTUS is trying to take guns away from us.

I have a 12 gauge with a pistol grip & a "lighting feature". This would be illegal under the new requirements. Sounds like he wants to take away my firearm.


5/31/2011, 07:01 AM
Unlike Felon Sam, Joe Blow doesn't need 13 round to hit what he is shooting at. I'd still like to to have all the rounds I want, though.

That is why when the revolution comes, the center part of the country will win, because all the left and east coast felons with guns can't hit the side of a barn... ;)

jk the sooner fan
5/31/2011, 07:42 AM
I bet you Repubs certainly don't have a prob with the Patriot Act extension even though that goes against the Constitution and that was overwhelmingly passed by a Republican controlled House to begin with and originally created by a Republican President i.e. GW Bush.......

do a little pro-gun reading and they'll help you dig deeper into the infringements this administration is slowly and subtly taking against the 2d amendments

as for your non-sensical patriot act post - you do realize that since the original inception of the Patriot Act - it's been renewed by both a democratic controlled congress (during the second Bush administration) and by the Obama administration.......seems to me to be a clear bi-partisan supported issue

5/31/2011, 07:44 AM
Most open administration ever, what could possibly give gun owners pause here?

as Obama has said, 'under the radar.'

Liberal "open-government" advocates are giving Obama a medal for supposedly promoting "government transparency."

He shares their liberal ideology, but not their alleged commitment to transparency. In reality, Obama is so hostile to open government that “the Obama administration censored 194 pages of internal e-mails about its Open Government Directive,” according to the Associated Press. For example, "it blacked-out one e-mail discussing how to respond to AP’s request for information about the transparency directive.”

You can read about the rest of the train wreck here.


jk the sooner fan
5/31/2011, 07:45 AM
there's a greek saying....."Molon Labe"

"come and take them..."