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5/26/2011, 06:20 AM
For the Messicans Whats Next? a Party for the Afro-mericans? wonder what they will call that? :D


5/26/2011, 07:07 AM
Mad Dog 20/20 Party:confused:

5/26/2011, 07:32 AM
I don't know about the Tequila Party, but the Latino vote is no joke. In the future, Texas, Florida, and other key states in the Prez election will turn blue due to the increasing numbers of Latino voters. As each election occurs in the future, it will become harder and harder for the GOP to win the White House because Cali and the NW, the NE, Texas, and Florida will all go blue.

5/26/2011, 07:35 AM
Should the Tea Party be called the "Bud Light Party" or "Moutain Dew Party?"

5/26/2011, 08:29 AM
Should the Tea Party be called the "Bud Light Party" or "Moutain Dew Party?"Uhm, no. It's called the "Tea Party"...pay tention.

The Profit
5/26/2011, 08:37 AM
Uhm, no. It's called the "Tea Party"...pay tention.

I thought they were the "tea bagged or tea baggers."

5/26/2011, 09:04 AM
I thought they were the "tea bagged or tea baggers."No, those terms are reserved for bigot's...

5/26/2011, 09:07 AM
The gays just started the Appletini Party

5/26/2011, 09:22 AM
Uhm, no. It's called the "Tea Party"...pay tention.

I dunno, have you seen the bellies on some of those members?

The Profit
5/26/2011, 09:31 AM
No, those terms are reserved for bigot's...

Weren't they walking around with little tea bags stapled to their hats?

5/26/2011, 09:44 AM
I don't know about the Tequila Party, but the Latino vote is no joke. In the future, Texas, Florida, and other key states in the Prez election will turn blue due to the increasing numbers of Latino voters. As each election occurs in the future, it will become harder and harder for the GOP to win the White House because Cali and the NW, the NE, Texas, and Florida will all go blue.

Not so hasty, my friend. The latino vote is not so easy to slot. If the GOP made any effort whatsoever there is a great deal of latent conservatism in the latino community....as is typical in a lot of immigrant communities. The You're-Not-An-Amurcan-Unless-You're-WASP branch of the GOP is doing great damage to the limited government cause these days.

5/26/2011, 10:08 AM
Not so hasty, my friend. The latino vote is not so easy to slot. If the GOP made any effort whatsoever there is a great deal of latent conservatism in the latino community....as is typical in a lot of immigrant communities. The You're-Not-An-Amurcan-Unless-You're-WASP branch of the GOP is doing great damage to the limited government cause these days.

I don't disagree, actually. The GOP's social stances and perceived pro-small business positions are appealing to the Latino community. However, the huge sticking point is immigration, namely illegal immigration. The GOP's hardline stance continues to turn off many in the Latino community. Unless the GOP softens its stance, Latinos will continue to vote blue. Perhaps not as blue as African Americans, but still enough to give the Dems a big advantage in Prez elections.

5/26/2011, 10:11 AM
a Party for the Afro-mericans? wonder what they will call that? :D


5/26/2011, 10:13 AM

5/26/2011, 10:19 AM
I don't disagree, actually. The GOP's social stances and perceived pro-small business positions are appealing to the Latino community. However, the huge sticking point is immigration, namely illegal immigration. The GOP's hardline stance continues to turn off many in the Latino community. Unless the GOP softens its stance, Latinos will continue to vote blue. Perhaps not as blue as African Americans, but still enough to give the Dems a big advantage in Prez elections.

Bingo. And let's all face it: the only real workable plan out there was proposed by Bush Jr. It didn't go because, by that time, 40-50% of the country would have shot down Mom/Apple Pie/Sesame Street if proposed by the demon Bush.

Just dig the damn thing up, brush off the dust, label it after some famous Democrat and let's get down the road. The drug war will end, as will Mexico's demographic youth bubble. We're going to be living next door to them forever. We desperately need the relationship to be functional.

Plus they've got tastier food that we do and some amazingly hot ladies. These are not bad things.

5/26/2011, 03:19 PM
Whats Next? a Party for the Afro-mericans? wonder what they will call that? :D

Jheri Curl Party?

5/26/2011, 03:26 PM
Bingo. And let's all face it: the only real workable plan out there was proposed by Bush Jr. It didn't go because, by that time, 40-50% of the country would have shot down Mom/Apple Pie/Sesame Street if proposed by the demon Bush.

Just dig the damn thing up, brush off the dust, label it after some famous Democrat and let's get down the road. The drug war will end, as will Mexico's demographic youth bubble. We're going to be living next door to them forever. We desperately need the relationship to be functional.

Plus they've got tastier food that we do and some amazingly hot ladies. These are not bad things.
But most of their hot ladies turn into mexi-mamas. They are not attractive. But the food, oh God the food.