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View Full Version : Senator Coburn quits the Gang of Six

5/17/2011, 09:51 PM
If you didn't know, the Gang of Six was a group of Senators working on our long term fiscal crisis. They came about after Obama ignored the Simpsons Bowles Deficit Commission that Obama himself put together.

What was Sen Coburn's reason?

We can’t bridge the gulf of where we need to go on mandatory spending,” Corburn said Tuesday afternoon. “I don’t see that there’s going to be any fruition in continuing them at this time.”

Coburn has insisted for weeks that Social Security reform, including cutting benefits, would have to be part of any Gang of Six deal. But Democrats such as Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said they wanted to deal with Social Security reform separately, not as part of a broad deficit-reduction package…

“We’re at an impasse,” Coburn said. “There’s no reason to sit and talk about the same things over and over and not get any movement.

You cannot talk about our long term fiscal crisis and take Social Security off the table. Sen Coburn was right to walk away.

After Obama ignored his own commission, Mr. Simpson was asked about the Gang of Six and if they failed:

Just pray for the Gang of Six,” he said. “You guys your age, keep praying.

What happens if the Gang of Six fails? Mr. Simpson was asked.

“Guys like you will be picking grit with the chickens when you are 65,” he replied.

I guess it’s going to take a fiscal collapse after all.... I better get the old chicken coup ready...

5/17/2011, 09:55 PM
If you didn't know, the Gang of Six was a group of Senators working on our long term fiscal crisis. They came about after Obama ignored the Simpsons Bowles Deficit Commission that Obama himself put together.

What was Sen Coburn's reason?

You cannot talk about our long term fiscal crisis and take Social Security off the table. Sen Coburn was right to walk away.

After Obama ignored his own commission, Mr. Simpson was asked about the Gang of Six and if they failed:

I guess it’s going to take a fiscal collapse after all.... I better get the old chicken coup ready...

So....I should blame Coburn for being a no deal making quitter?

5/17/2011, 09:57 PM
So....I should blame Coburn for being a no deal making quitter?

No. Ron Paul.

5/17/2011, 10:03 PM
So....I should blame Coburn for being a no deal making quitter?

How about Obama for not following any of his own bipartisan deficit commission's recommendations? What was the point of the commission if he was just going to ignore it? Must have been politics and not what was best for our country.

As for Coburn, do you believe we can have an honest discussion about our long term fiscal crisis and NOT talk about Social Security like the Dems want?

It is a silly position to try and defend.

5/17/2011, 10:26 PM
Short headline I saw said that the Gang of 4 was at an impasse as to how to handle the deficit.
So, if they can't agree, what chance......?

5/18/2011, 12:27 AM
Gang of four...
These guys?

5/18/2011, 01:32 AM
It's going to take something drastic before people get real. Something like...


5/18/2011, 08:00 AM
It's going to take something drastic before people get real. Something like...


http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Driving-tax-gains-favor-as-cnnm-3287317126.html;_ylt=AjBmgoLz8agRBI2X7z7FKMq7YWsA; _ylu=X3oDMTE1Ym9zcm1pBHBvcwM3BHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzB HNsawNkcml2aW5ndGF4Z2E-?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=4&asset=&ccode=

5/18/2011, 08:20 AM
You cannot talk about our long term fiscal crisis and take Social Security off the table. Sen Coburn was right to walk away.

Agreed, nor can you talk about our long term fiscal crisis without and take taxes off the table.

5/18/2011, 08:33 AM
Agreed, nor can you talk about our long term fiscal crisis without and take taxes off the table.

If you mean ways to increase revenue, then I agree.

5/18/2011, 08:40 AM
Agreed, nor can you talk about our long term fiscal crisis and take taxes off the table.

You just don't get it, do you? When we give the virtuous capitalists who run the giant corporations a free ride and a free reign, all will be well!! The deficit will disappear - as long as we quit spending money on wasteful things (which is defined as anything "big business" doesn't need.) And those incorrigible poor people and other underachievers will disappear, because they will all have jobs. So they may get paid only a dollar a day after the minimum wage is abolished, but it'll be work. Get in tune with the new old laissez faire movement, ya commie dinosaur!

The Profit
5/18/2011, 08:53 AM
You just don't get it, do you? When we give the virtuous capitalists who run the giant corporations a free ride and a free reign, all will be well!! The deficit will disappear - as long as we quit spending money on wasteful things (which is defined as anything "big business" doesn't need.) And those incorrigible poor people and other underachievers will disappear, because they will all have jobs. So they may get paid only a dollar a day after the minimum wage is abolished, but it'll be work. Get in tune with the new old laissez faire movement, ya commie dinosaur!

Brilliant post...Thanks for sharing it.

5/18/2011, 08:58 AM
Brilliant post...Thanks for sharing it.

Of course it's absurd; but it's just the mirror image of some of the right wing drivel that's so popular around here.

Position Limit
5/18/2011, 08:59 AM
Brilliant post...Thanks for sharing it.

ronnie? is that you?

5/18/2011, 10:03 AM
How about Obama for not following any of his own bipartisan deficit commission's recommendations? What was the point of the commission if he was just going to ignore it? Must have been politics and not what was best for our country.

As for Coburn, do you believe we can have an honest discussion about our long term fiscal crisis and NOT talk about Social Security like the Dems want?

It is a silly position to try and defend.


He has not ignored it. This is a bipartisan issue and neither side is serious about fixing the deficit. The Republicans will not stand for any tax increases or defense cuts and the Dems will not bow to pressures to cut entitlements. So tell me how does the President impliment either plan when none of them will budge. We need a combination of cuts and taxes.

5/18/2011, 10:28 AM

He has not ignored it. This is a bipartisan issue and neither side is serious about fixing the deficit. The Republicans will not stand for any tax increases or defense cuts and the Dems will not bow to pressures to cut entitlements. So tell me how does the President impliment either plan when none of them will budge. We need a combination of cuts and taxes.

First of all, he is the President.. He could start by leading... From the front. How about introducing a bill that encompasses the things you speak. He hasn't. All he did was introduce a 2012 budget that was so pathetic it was laughed out of town by everyone. It didn't contain anything that the commission recommended. Why not?

Any chance of a bipartisan solution went up in smoke when Obama invited Paul Ryan to his speech and then used the opportunity to attack him. Simpson knew that, that is why he said to pray for the Gang of Six

Oh well.. At least we have Biden's Deficit Task Force that Obama put together... :rolleyes:

The Profit
5/18/2011, 10:41 AM
I think it is a relatively easy fix. First of all, do away with the cap on Social Security earnings, and the program will be solvent forever. Then, return to the Clinton-era tax schedule for those making over $250K. This will provide a stronger revenue string. Then, cut military spending by 20 percent each year for the next 5 years. Then, do away with food stamps, and immediately replace the program with a WPA work program, while taking care of children with an expanded school meal program. Make school year-round in large metropolitan areas, and begin Head Start at age 2. Elect me, and we will get these things done. Thank you, and God Bless America.

5/18/2011, 11:49 AM
Of course it's absurd; but it's just the mirror image of some of the right wing drivel that's so popular around here.


5/18/2011, 12:06 PM
First of all, he is the President.. He could start by leading... From the front. How about introducing a bill that encompasses the things you speak. He hasn't. All he did was introduce a 2012 budget that was so pathetic it was laughed out of town by everyone. It didn't contain anything that the commission recommended. Why not?

Any chance of a bipartisan solution went up in smoke when Obama invited Paul Ryan to his speech and then used the opportunity to attack him. Simpson knew that, that is why he said to pray for the Gang of Six

Oh well.. At least we have Biden's Deficit Task Force that Obama put together... :rolleyes:

Ryan's budget is a nonstarter to begin with and will explode the budget. Boehner has said taxes are off the table. The Republicans are not interested in serious solutions.

5/18/2011, 01:50 PM
Of course it's absurd; but it's just the mirror image of some of the right wing drivel that's so popular around here.

Left Wing drivel!
Thanks for posting!

5/18/2011, 01:53 PM
First of all, he is the President.. He could start by leading... From the front. How about introducing a bill that encompasses the things you speak. He hasn't. All he did was introduce a 2012 budget that was so pathetic it was laughed out of town by everyone. It didn't contain anything that the commission recommended. Why not?

Any chance of a bipartisan solution went up in smoke when Obama invited Paul Ryan to his speech and then used the opportunity to attack him. Simpson knew that, that is why he said to pray for the Gang of Six

Oh well.. At least we have Biden's Deficit Task Force that Obama put together... :rolleyes:

Obama can only lead "protesters" - by trade!
And he has no intention on doing what's best for the country; as long as it would be bad for his re-election!
How's that hope & change thing goin'???

5/18/2011, 05:26 PM
liberal/progressive Dems will never budge becuse they have never had too through the years...the only way anything changes is because of a complete collapse...very sad really and probably treasonous...

hawaii 5-0
5/19/2011, 09:01 AM
Everyone loves a quitter.

Wait a minute !!!! No they don't. Just some.


Trump/ Coburn 2012

5/19/2011, 11:58 AM
SS will be insolvent before all the baby boomers die. There will be nothing left of SS and they will have to tax the crap out of everyone to make it up, or just call it an oops and say you get nothing...

5/19/2011, 12:05 PM
Any chance of a bipartisan solution went up in smoke when Obama invited Paul Ryan to his speech and then used the opportunity to attack him. Simpson knew that, that is why he said to pray for the Gang of Six

That is why Scumbag has no credibility with the Republicans for stuff like this over and over and over.

He calls for civility and then calls the Republicans enemies and they will have to sit in the back of the bus.

Just surprised that anybody on this Board can continue to support him.