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View Full Version : Ohio State Sanctions

5/15/2011, 04:41 PM
What do you think will be Ohio State's punishments in this upcoming season and future seasons?

I am thinking a bowl ban for at least two years, forfeit of some wins, limit on scholarships. Any other ideas on what they might receive?

Also what about some of these other schools receiving sanctions? What do you think will happen to them?

5/15/2011, 04:43 PM
you ask alot of questions

5/15/2011, 05:11 PM
you ask alot of questions

I like to know things.:D

5/15/2011, 06:06 PM
Questions are fine. Not sure though, they got caught and a least fessed up some, more then usc did. So, not worse then what usc got (or going to get) but something more then they have done to themselfs punishment wise.

MyT Oklahoma
5/15/2011, 06:09 PM
Since they knowingly used ineligible players in every game last season let's start with forfeiting their entire 2010 season including the Sugar Bowl. After all Tressel lied to the NCAA when he said he didn't know any of those kids weren't ineligible before the Sugar Bowl.

Next make OSU pay back the Sugar Bowl monies. That will teach them a lesson when they have to refund $14 million which includes the cuts that every other Big 10 team got out of it.

Last but not least, ban Tressel from coaching for at least one year . No coaching, no salary, no bonus monies.

After all of the above I really don't care what happens to them.

NorCal Sooner
5/15/2011, 06:11 PM
Questions are fine. Not sure though, they got caught and a least fessed up some, more then usc did. So, not worse then what usc got (or going to get) but something more then they have done to themselfs punishment wise.

For sure not as much as USC got. USC, under Garret, thumbed their noses at the NCAA. Not only did Garret get canned but the NCAA smacked USC. I think Ohio State has been a little smarter, but we will need to see if any more dirt comes out.

5/15/2011, 06:18 PM
Since they knowingly used ineligible players in every game last season let's start with forfeiting their entire 2010 season including the Sugar Bowl. After all Tressel lied to the NCAA when he said he didn't know any of those kids weren't ineligible before the Sugar Bowl.

Next make OSU pay back the Sugar Bowl monies. That will teach them a lesson when they have to refund $14 million which includes the cuts that every other Big 10 team got out of it.

Last but not least, ban Tressel from coaching for at least one year . No coaching, no salary, no bonus monies.

After all of the above I really don't care what happens to them.

Excellent choice of penalties and fair.

5/15/2011, 06:43 PM
It will be the NCAA deciding the punishment....so who knows what they will come up with.

5/16/2011, 12:49 AM
Well, I don't care about forfeiting already played games; seems an empty penalty. What if a big deal were made of SUC forfeiting TGOWWDNS? That would be a joke...

The painful penalties are the ones that would take tosu out of MNC contention. A bowl ban for a yr or two. Are TV bans a real thing of the past?

5/16/2011, 01:59 AM
Are TV bans a real thing of the past?

I don't know but I would think with today's TV contracts the NCAA would have to be prepared to have the Big 10 Network all over them if they tried to do that. Unless of course the contract takes into account the NCAA has power over whether a team can play on TV. The opposing team or it's network might take exception as well.

I would guess the NCAA might be able to keep Ohio State from receiving any revenue from TV appearances easier than keeping them completely off the air.

5/16/2011, 08:11 AM
Tressel should have to get a tatoo sleeve

5/16/2011, 09:48 AM

5/16/2011, 09:50 AM

Haha, that's great

5/16/2011, 10:29 AM
Are TV bans a real thing of the past?

I think they should let them be on TV but their opponent should receive 100% of the game payout. Losing a year's worth of TV revenue is still a pretty harsh penalty for a school. Imagine what OU's AD budget would be like if they didn't get any football tv money for a year?

ATX Sooner
5/16/2011, 10:58 AM
Tressel should have to get a tatoo sleeve

...and a gold grill...

5/16/2011, 11:30 AM
The most meaningful punishment would be a loss of five to ten scholarships for multiple years.

5/16/2011, 11:39 AM
Have their name changed to the Ohio State University Aggies for 3 seasons.[hairGel]

5/16/2011, 12:42 PM
It sure seems like they should get hammered for this. Head coach is aware of stuff... tries to hide it under the rug... allows everyone to play... then lies about it later. Really?:pop:

5/16/2011, 12:54 PM
If they follow their form, they'll The Univeristy of Ohio on two years probation.

5/16/2011, 01:05 PM
Sanctions I would give them if I were the HMFIC of the NCAA infractions committee:

Since I really do not like taking away games already played, no...no revocation of games.

Instead, a 2 year post season ban. Which includes conference championship games.
2 year Live TV ban, which would have to start after 2011.
No off campus recruiting for Tressel.
Reduction of recruiting hours by staff.
Reduction of scholarships.

What was worse? USC thumbing their noses at the NCAA or the head coach lying to the NCAA? I think they are both equally as bad as the other. So the punishment should be just as bad.

Tressel signed a piece of paper stating that he did not know of any ineligible players, when he know of at least 5 of them and allowed the ineligible players to play.

Not only that, but he also denied knowing when the NCAA came down with the ruling that the 5 players were to be suspended for 5 games the following season and not the Bowl game.

Thumbing your nose at the NCAA? Yeah, that is exactly what Tressel did to win at all costs!