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5/12/2011, 01:31 PM
In a nice, calm, The like way, someone explain to me why it is a good idea.

5/12/2011, 01:35 PM
Because I'm tired of my tax dollars being pissed away on the war on drugs.

5/12/2011, 01:43 PM
The drug war keeps cartels fat.

Position Limit
5/12/2011, 01:43 PM
because jesus smoked weed

5/12/2011, 02:09 PM
In a nice, calm, The like way, someone explain to me why it is a good idea.

Have you ever tried Twitter... on weed? :twinkies:

5/12/2011, 02:17 PM
Because I'm tired of my tax dollars being pissed away on the war on drugs.

So, the war on drugs would be over if marijuana is legal?? I guess I was unaware that only marijuana dealers were being targeted. This has to be one of the weakest arguments ever for legalizing marijuana. Are we to assume that the mj dealers are all going to get permits to grow/sell mj the day it becomes legal instead of switching to some other illegal drug?? :confused:

5/12/2011, 02:18 PM
it cures adhd

5/12/2011, 02:31 PM
For starters, marijuana is safer than many legal alternatives.


Drug/Cause of Death
Ethyl Alcohol
Other Benzodiazepine
0 (http://blog.austindefense.com/2006/11/articles/marijuana-controlled-substances/the-safety-of-marijuana/)

"Tetrahydrocannabinol is a very safe drug. Laboratory animals (rats, mice, dogs, monkeys) can tolerate doses of up to 1,000 mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram). This would be equivalent to a 70 kg person swallowing 70 grams of the drug—about 5,000 times more than is required to produce a high. Despite the widespread illicit use of cannabis there are very few if any instances of people dying from an overdose. In Britain, official government statistics listed five deaths from cannabis in the period 1993-1995 but on closer examination these proved to have been deaths due to inhalation of vomit that could not be directly attributed to cannabis (House of Lords Report, 1998). By comparison with other commonly used recreational drugs these statistics are impressive."
An exhaustive search of the literature finds no deaths induced by marijuana. The US Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) records instances of drug mentions in medical examiners' reports, and though marijuana is mentioned, it is usually in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Marijuana alone has not been shown to cause an overdose death. (http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/58)

Now, compared to perfectly legal alcohol?

Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 14,406
Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 23,199 (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/alcohol.htm)

Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5337a2.htm)

Alcohol is the drug most commonly used to help commit sexual assault. (http://www.womenshealth.gov/faq/date-rape-drugs.cfm#5)

Excessive alcohol use is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States annually and its economic impact is estimated at over $150 billion. (http://apha.confex.com/apha/136am/webprogram/Paper186294.html)

Based on published studies, Roizen (3) summarized the percentages of violent offenders who were drinking at the time of the offense as follows: up to 86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, 60 percent of sexual offenders, up to 57 percent of men and 27 percent of women involved in marital violence, and 13 percent of child abusers. These figures are the upper limits of a wide range of estimates. In a community-based study, Pernanen (4) found that 42 percent of violent crimes reported to the police involved alcohol, although 51 percent of the victims interviewed believed that their assailants had been drinking. (http://www.athealth.com/consumer/disorders/angeralcohol.html)


Every serious scholar and government commission examining the relationship between marijuana use and crime has reached the same conclusion: Marijuana does not cause crime. The vast majority of marijuana users do not commit crimes. Almost all human and animal studies show that marijuana decreases aggression. (http://www.personal.psu.edu/afr3/blogs/SIOW/2010/09/some-scientific-facts-about-marijuana.html)

How about the smoke and cancer?

The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/25/AR2006052501729.html)

While a clear increase in cancer risk was seen among cigarette smokers in the study, no such association was seen for regular cannabis users.
Even very heavy, long-term marijuana users who had smoked more than 22,000 joints over a lifetime seemed to have no greater risk than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,196678,00.html)

So how much does it cost? How much is this stupid, idiotic, idealistic war costing the U.S. taxpayer?

In 1970, hippies were smoking pot and dropping acid. Soldiers were coming home from Vietnam hooked on heroin. Embattled President Richard M. Nixon seized on a new war he thought he could win.

"This nation faces a major crisis in terms of the increasing use of drugs, particularly among our young people," Nixon said as he signed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. The following year, he said: "Public enemy No. 1 in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive."

His first drug-fighting budget was $100 million. Now it's $15.1 billion, 31 times Nixon's amount even when adjusted for inflation.

Using Freedom of Information Act requests, archival records, federal budgets and dozens of interviews with leaders and analysts, the AP tracked where that money went, and found that the United States repeatedly increased budgets for programs that did little to stop the flow of drugs. In 40 years, taxpayers spent more than:

_ $20 billion to fight the drug gangs in their home countries. In Colombia, for example, the United States spent more than $6 billion, while coca cultivation increased and trafficking moved to Mexico – and the violence along with it.

_ $33 billion in marketing "Just Say No"-style messages to America's youth and other prevention programs. High school students report the same rates of illegal drug use as they did in 1970, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says drug overdoses have "risen steadily" since the early 1970s to more than 20,000 last year.

_ $49 billion for law enforcement along America's borders to cut off the flow of illegal drugs. This year, 25 million Americans will snort, swallow, inject and smoke illicit drugs, about 10 million more than in 1970, with the bulk of those drugs imported from Mexico.

_ $121 billion to arrest more than 37 million nonviolent drug offenders, about 10 million of them for possession of marijuana. Studies show that jail time tends to increase drug abuse.

_ $450 billion to lock those people up in federal prisons alone. Last year, half of all federal prisoners in the U.S. were serving sentences for drug offenses.

At the same time, drug abuse is costing the nation in other ways. The Justice Department estimates the consequences of drug abuse – "an overburdened justice system, a strained health care system, lost productivity, and environmental destruction" – cost the United States $215 billion a year.

Harvard University economist Jeffrey Miron says the only sure thing taxpayers get for more spending on police and soldiers is more homicides.

"Current policy is not having an effect of reducing drug use," Miron said, "but it's costing the public a fortune." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/13/us-war-on-drugs-has-met-n_n_575351.html)

Here's a clock showing the money spent on the War on Drugs just this year.

Federal $5,542,955,989
State $9,447,665,745

The U.S. federal government spent over $15 billion dollars in 2010 on the War on Drugs, at a rate of about $500 per second. (http://www.drugsense.org/cms/wodclock)

Now you're probably saying, that's the War on DRUGS and not just marijuana. I wish that was true but it's not.

The focus of the drug war in the United States has shifted significantly over the past decade from hard drugs to marijuana, which now accounts for nearly half of all drug arrests nationwide, according to an analysis of federal crime statistics released yesterday. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/03/AR2005050301638.html)


So are we getting our money's worth? Have we stopped marijuana?

Contrasting government figures for traditional crops -- like corn and wheat -- against the study's projections for marijuana production, the report cites marijuana as the top cash crop in 12 states and among the top three cash crops in 30.

The study estimates that marijuana production, at a value of $35.8 billion, exceeds the combined value of corn ($23.3 billion) and wheat ($7.5 billion). (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=2735017&page=1)

That's just in the United States too.

So why was marijuana made illegal in the first place if it's safer? It's simple, racism. Black people and Mexicans liked marijuana and white people and politicians didn't like that.

When Montana outlawed marijuana in 1927, the Butte Montana Standard reported a legislator’s comment: “When some beet field peon takes a few traces of this stuff… he thinks he has just been elected president of Mexico, so he starts out to execute all his political enemies.” In Texas, a senator said on the floor of the Senate: “All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] is what makes them crazy.”

Newspapers in 1934 editorialized: “Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men’s shadows and look at a white woman twice.”

Dr. A. E. Fossier wrote in the 1931 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal: “Under the influence of hashish those fanatics would madly rush at their enemies, and ruthlessly massacre every one within their grasp.” Within a very short time, marijuana started being linked to violent behavior. (http://www.drugwarrant.com/articles/why-is-marijuana-illegal/)

In an editorial in 1919, the New York Times said, “No one here in New York uses this drug marijuana. We have only just heard about it from down in the Southwest,” and here comes the substitution. “But,” said the New York Times, “we had better prohibit its use before it gets here. Otherwise, all the heroin and hard narcotics addicts cut off from their drug by the Harrison Act, and all the alcohol drinkers cut off from their drug by the 1919 prohibition on alcohol, will substitute this new and unknown drug marijuana for the drugs they used to use.” (http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/3jcl/3JCL29.htm)

5/12/2011, 02:35 PM
Because it's none of the Federal Governments business thats why.

5/12/2011, 02:42 PM
Judas H. Priest bringin' in a couple of keys, MR2 is a major pothead. Congrats on living half a life.

5/12/2011, 02:43 PM
Because Dope Smokers are clearly the best to decide what is good for our Country and the World.

Look at the Middle East. Hash and Opium is a way of life over there. Look how well things are going there.

Lets not forget Columbia and the others down there. They have been providing it to the masses there for a very long time. Just look at how they have progressed.

I think it's amazing.

It's unbelievable we've waited so long to just allow everyone to torch up and blaze before their early commute to work.

WTF? You all are ruining our Country. We have to make this legal.

5/12/2011, 02:43 PM

5/12/2011, 02:45 PM
So, the war on drugs would be over if marijuana is legal?? I guess I was unaware that only marijuana dealers were being targeted. This has to be one of the weakest arguments ever for legalizing marijuana. Are we to assume that the mj dealers are all going to get permits to grow/sell mj the day it becomes legal instead of switching to some other illegal drug?? :confused:

If they can make a living legally doing what they are doing already, why would they switch to stay illegal. For what it's worth I don't want to see my tax dollars wasted on guys who deal coke, shoorms, e, or **** like that either.

5/12/2011, 02:50 PM
Never smoked it, never will but here are a couple of thoughts that I have:

1. If cannabis is illegal, why not alcohol or tobacco?
1a. A lot of people against it also preach on less government. A little hypocritical, no?
2. The whole back story behind the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act is so full of corruption and awful motives it's sad. Google it and read about it, corruption at it's finest.
3. If it is legalized, how is it regulated? Who makes these decisions? The federal government or the states?
3a. How do you measure it in a persons system like you would alcohol (if someone was high and driving)?

I think it is so much deeper than illegal vs legal. It's a multi pointed problem that needs to either be gradually changed or not changed at all.

5/12/2011, 02:59 PM
Judas H. Priest bringin' in a couple of keys, MR2 is a major pothead. Congrats on living half a life.

Actually Dean I haven't smoked in a long time. I had a puff at new years if you must know.

Now, on your living "half a life" as you say, I have some questions.

I know about how you've lived and how it wrecked you. I appreciate you sharing that story with people and I think it's great that you care about others to not make the same mistakes you have. It's great to help others. Reaching out and wanting to do good is always a plus. However, you claim it was all because of marijuana, correct?

You said you woke up, took a hit, took a hit at lunch, and took a hit when you got home. Alright, I can see that being bad but couldn't the same be said about somebody who drinks when they get up in the morning and drinks all day? Do you see a difference between your habits (several hits a day) compared to maybe a hit after work or on a Friday/Saturday night or do you see them as one in the same?

You said you took harder drugs like cocaine, heroin, acid, etc. (correct me if I'm wrong). How do you know a combination of these drugs weren't causing you to live "a full life" as you have said. Of all of these drugs, marijuana was the one that caused it? Do you know it wasn't a combination of the drugs you were taking?

Do you feel smoking marijuana is as bad as compulsive gambling, pain medication abuse, or heavy drinking, which are all legal in this state? If you do, are you happy with how your tax dollars are being used? Do you feel it's the government's roll to keep people from marijuana, harshly even, to save themselves? Do you feel the government should spend more money if they do? Do you feel the violence from Mexico is worth it to keep marijuana illegal?

I only ask because, yes, I agree with you too much of anything is bad. However, of your past, I sometimes wonder why you single out one when you took much harder. If people want to drink or smoke themselves stupid by working a dead end job, so what? Does it personally hurt you if the burger flipper at McDonnalds smokes pot all the time and that's as good as it'll get for him? Sure, he might eat a Big Mac before you get yours but other than that is it really interfering with your rights and your life?

5/12/2011, 02:59 PM
Just trying to make sense of this discussion:
-You want to legalize Pot.
-And governments in New York, CA an the lib do-gooders want to outlaw transfats??? :rolleyes:

Give me my dang fries!
I want to die happy!

5/12/2011, 03:01 PM
Actually Dean I haven't smoked in a long time. I had a puff at new years if you must know.

Now, on your living "half a life" as you say, I have some questions.

I know about how you've lived and how it wrecked you. I appreciate you sharing that story with people and I think it's great that you care about others to not make the same mistakes you have. It's great to help others. Reaching out and wanting to do good is always a plus. However, you claim it was all because of marijuana, correct?

You said you woke up, took a hit, took a hit at lunch, and took a hit when you got home. Alright, I can see that being bad but couldn't the same be said about somebody who drinks when they get up in the morning and drinks all day? Do you see a difference between your habits (several hits a day) compared to maybe a hit after work or on a Friday/Saturday night or do you see them as one in the same?

You said you took harder drugs like cocaine, heroin, acid, etc. (correct me if I'm wrong). How do you know a combination of these drugs weren't causing you to live "a full life" as you have said. Of all of these drugs, marijuana was the one that caused it? Do you know it wasn't a combination of the drugs you were taking?

Do you feel smoking marijuana is as bad as compulsive gambling, pain medication abuse, or heavy drinking, which are all legal in this state? If you do, are you happy with how your tax dollars are being used? Do you feel it's the government's roll to keep people from marijuana, harshly even, to save themselves? Do you feel the government should spend more money if they do? Do you feel the violence from Mexico is worth it to keep marijuana illegal?

I only ask because, yes, I agree with you too much of anything is bad. However, of your past, I sometimes wonder why you single out one when you took much harder. If people want to drink or smoke themselves stupid by working a dead end job, so what? Does it personally hurt you if the burger flipper at McDonnalds smokes pot all the time and that's as good as it'll get for him? Sure, he might eat a Big Mac before you get yours but other than that is it really interfering with your rights and your life?


5/12/2011, 03:06 PM
As long as I have the exclusive distribution rights, I have no problem with such a law. I will pay the taxes!!!

5/12/2011, 03:07 PM
Actually Dean I haven't smoked in a long time. I had a puff at new years if you must know.

Now, on your living "half a life" as you say, I have some questions.

I know about how you've lived and how it wrecked you. I appreciate you sharing that story with people and I think it's great that you care about others to not make the same mistakes you have. It's great to help others. Reaching out and wanting to do good is always a plus. However, you claim it was all because of marijuana, correct?

You said you woke up, took a hit, took a hit at lunch, and took a hit when you got home. Alright, I can see that being bad but couldn't the same be said about somebody who drinks when they get up in the morning and drinks all day? Do you see a difference between your habits (several hits a day) compared to maybe a hit after work or on a Friday/Saturday night or do you see them as one in the same?

You said you took harder drugs like cocaine, heroin, acid, etc. (correct me if I'm wrong). How do you know a combination of these drugs weren't causing you to live "a full life" as you have said. Of all of these drugs, marijuana was the one that caused it? Do you know it wasn't a combination of the drugs you were taking?

Do you feel smoking marijuana is as bad as compulsive gambling, pain medication abuse, or heavy drinking, which are all legal in this state? If you do, are you happy with how your tax dollars are being used? Do you feel it's the government's roll to keep people from marijuana, harshly even, to save themselves? Do you feel the government should spend more money if they do? Do you feel the violence from Mexico is worth it to keep marijuana illegal?

I only ask because, yes, I agree with you too much of anything is bad. However, of your past, I sometimes wonder why you single out one when you took much harder. If people want to drink or smoke themselves stupid by working a dead end job, so what? Does it personally hurt you if the burger flipper at McDonnalds smokes pot all the time and that's as good as it'll get for him? Sure, he might eat a Big Mac before you get yours but other than that is it really interfering with your rights and your life?

1. I don't care if they legalize it or not.

2. I don't care what the government spends on it. Legal or not, nothing is gonna change except that the government will get more tax revenue from the potheads. Maybe that's not such a bad thing?

3. I single out the weed for one very important reason. It's insidious. It harms you and you don't even know it or even think it's harming you. No, you won't OD. No, you probably won't go blind. No, you probably won't end up on skid row without a job. However, you will be functioning at much less than 100% in everything you do. And I'm not just talking about when you're high. It creates apathy in everyone who uses it - to varying levels depending on the amount of use and one's chemical makeup. IDGAS who smokes it, I ain't down on anybody who smokes it, I just know what it does to folks.

5/12/2011, 03:09 PM
1. I don't care if they legalize it or not.

2. I don't care what the government spends on it. Legal or not, nothing is gonna change except that the government will get more tax revenue from the potheads. Maybe that's not such a bad thing?

3. I single out the weed for one very important reason. It's insidious. It harms you and you don't even know it or even think it's harming you. No, you won't OD. No, you probably won't go blind. No, you probably won't end up on skid row without a job. However, you will be functioning at much less than 100% in everything you do. And I'm not just talking about when you're high. It creates apathy in everyone who uses it - to varying levels depending on the amount of use and one's chemical makeup. IDGAS who smokes it, I ain't down on anybody who smokes it, I just know what it does to folks.

That was actually a nicer, more laid back response from you than I expected.

You high?

5/12/2011, 03:10 PM
That was actually a nicer, more laid back response from you than I expected.

You high?

wha? Dave's not here man...pass the Doritos.

5/12/2011, 03:13 PM
wha? Dave's not here man...pass the Doritos.

NOW I know wha the C&C stands for!


5/12/2011, 03:14 PM
I would love it if the whole world's productivity went down 50% but everyone just chilled the **** out.

5/12/2011, 03:14 PM
Does it personally hurt you if the burger flipper at McDonnalds smokes pot all the time and that's as good as it'll get for him? Sure, he might eat a Big Mac before you get yours but other than that is it really interfering with your rights and your life?

It doesn't bother me as long as he walks Home or takes a Cab after torching up everyday of his life. I don't think he's capable of making decisions like you need to when driving a motor vehicle. Americans have gone to great lengths to protect themselves from people who would smoke MJ on a daily basis. Pilots, Bus Drivers the list is very long. The number of folks killed on our Nations Highways is staggering anymore. We do not need a bunch of folks who legally want to smoke their lives up using that stuff, getting into a car and killing someone I love.

If they want to smoke it...they can do it legally. I think they should register as legal users. We all make choices. Tough choices everyday. I see no need to allow this crap to be used like tobacco or even alcohol. I know some think we should give in to arresting users. If we do....we should make it well known that you will indeed work at a place that will allow you to maybe wash dishes and that you will indeed need to have someone drive you Home or really anywhere you need to go.

If you are seeing a doctor for any serious condition you will also need to admit that you are a legal user so he knows what the hell he can prescribe to you. California almost has it right maybe. They just need to make sure they certify it's description of who is capable of prescribing the drug and prescribing it specifically for whatever it's intended use is. They can then notify the Dept of Motor vehicles so that they can revoke their Drivers License and get them some ID. for proof of who they are.

5/12/2011, 03:17 PM
NOW I know wha the C&C stands for!


I'm old enough to have actually rolled a joint out of the big paper inside the Big Bambu album.

"No stems, no seeds that you don't need, Acapulco Gold is wwwwwwtttttttt.....ahhhhhhh some badass weed."

5/12/2011, 03:18 PM
It doesn't bother me as long as he walks Home or takes a Cab after torching up everyday of his life. I don't think he's capable of making decisions like you need to when driving a motor vehicle. Americans have gone to great lengths to protect themselves from people who would smoke MJ on a daily basis. Pilots, Bus Drivers the list is very long. The number of folks killed on our Nations Highways is staggering anymore. We do not need a bunch of folks who legally want to smoke their lives up using that stuff, getting into a car and killing someone I love.

If they want to smoke it...they can do it legally. I think they should register as legal users. We all make choices. Tough choices everyday. I see no need to allow this crap to be used like tobacco or even alcohol. I know some think we should give in to arresting users. If we do....we should make it well known that you will indeed work at a place that will allow you to maybe wash dishes and that you will indeed need to have someone drive you Home or really anywhere you need to go.

If you are seeing a doctor for any serious condition you will also need to admit that you are a legal user so he knows what the hell he can prescribe to you. California almost has it right maybe. They just need to make sure they certify it's description of who is capable of prescribing the drug and prescribing it specifically for whatever it's intended use is. They can then notify the Dept of Motor vehicles so that they can revoke their Drivers License and get them some ID. for proof of who they are.

Hello 1937. Geez. I'm not saying anyone should get behind the wheel of a car high, or drunk, or on prescription drugs that have the little warning on the side, but IMO, they should all be treated the same. Not having a license because you smoke weed? Seriously?

5/12/2011, 03:19 PM
I'm old enough to have actually rolled a joint out of the big paper inside the Big Bambu album.

"No stems, no seeds that you don't need, Acapulco Gold is wwwwwwtttttttt.....ahhhhhhh some badass weed."


5/12/2011, 03:20 PM
Not having a license because you smoke weed? Seriously?

Do you think Pilots should be allowed to torch up the night before they fly?

I mean....if you do.....your pretty much in the minority. Why the hell do I think you should be able to drive a car the next day?

5/12/2011, 03:21 PM
If they're not impaired...

5/12/2011, 03:25 PM
If they're not impaired...

Describe legally not impaired?

For Pilots and related.....impaired currently is no Marijuana for up to anywhere from 30 days to as much as 80 days depending on your body type?

I think Doctors should be able to decide just how capable you are in making the decisions. Currently it's not the next day as far as the Department of Transportation is concerned.

5/12/2011, 03:27 PM
I know....every time I have this conversation with Stoners and folks who don't really understand what the current laws in this Country are....

I either become really uncool or completely out to lunch and not in touch with reality.

Everybody gets high. :rolleyes: :cool: :pop:

5/12/2011, 03:28 PM
I have never tried any illegal drug in my life, but on more than one occassion I have been asked "what are you on?"

5/12/2011, 03:30 PM
I have never tried any illegal drug in my life, but on more than one occassion I have been asked "what are you on?"

Heh....I've around 10-15 PMs telling me to back off the loritab.....lol

Stupid fuggers. They are probably higher than a kite themselves.

5/12/2011, 03:30 PM
it cures adhd

I had a girlfriend that was bipolar, had border personality disorder, and had ADHD. She was on anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants. But, nothing, and I mean nothing, turned her into a normal human being like marijuana. She has a serious chemical imbalance in her brain and weed is the only cure that she's found.

5/12/2011, 03:30 PM
1. I don't care if they legalize it or not.

2. I don't care what the government spends on it. Legal or not, nothing is gonna change except that the government will get more tax revenue from the potheads. Maybe that's not such a bad thing?

3. I single out the weed for one very important reason. It's insidious. It harms you and you don't even know it or even think it's harming you. No, you won't OD. No, you probably won't go blind. No, you probably won't end up on skid row without a job. However, you will be functioning at much less than 100% in everything you do. And I'm not just talking about when you're high. It creates apathy in everyone who uses it - to varying levels depending on the amount of use and one's chemical makeup. IDGAS who smokes it, I ain't down on anybody who smokes it, I just know what it does to folks.

Bingo! Agree.
And, or denying it!

5/12/2011, 03:32 PM
I had a girlfriend that was bipolar, had border personality disorder, and had ADHD. She was on anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants. But, nothing, and I mean nothing, turned her into a normal human being like marijuana. She has a serious chemical imbalance in her brain and weed is the only cure that she's found.

Again....she should be under a Doctors care and be able to receive the amount of pot needed to help her with her condition.

5/12/2011, 03:41 PM
Describe legally not impaired?

For Pilots and related.....impaired currently is no Marijuana for up to anywhere from 30 days to as much as 80 days depending on your body type?

I think Doctors should be able to decide just how capable you are in making the decisions. Currently it's not the next day as far as the Department of Transportation is concerned.
I figure a sobriety test would be more effective than a test for the drug itself.

5/12/2011, 03:42 PM
Describe legally not impaired?

For Pilots and related.....impaired currently is no Marijuana for up to anywhere from 30 days to as much as 80 days depending on your body type?

I think Doctors should be able to decide just how capable you are in making the decisions. Currently it's not the next day as far as the Department of Transportation is concerned.

thats how long thc metabolites stay in your system, not how long you are high

5/12/2011, 03:50 PM
I don't care if they legalize it or not but the assumption that the vast majority of pot users do not committ any crimes is laughable. Anyone using pot is committing a crime.

Seriously though in California the standard to receive a medical marijuana perscription is "Do you have $300, cash?".

Like most everything in this country it's a money thing. Pot wasn't made illegal because it's bad for you. Pot was made illegal because hemp was bad for Randolph Hearst's paper pulp business. It's still illegal because it allows bureaucrats to manage huge budgets.

War on drugs? We must suck at that. I don't use any illicit drugs but even I can walk out my front door and be back within a few minutes with anything I could name.

I don't think it is possible for there to be more drugs in this country. The war? It's not working. Give up or try something else. But really if people want to do it let them do it. Maybe then we can focus on real government issues like abortion and gay marriage.

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 04:10 PM

5/12/2011, 04:11 PM
thats how long thc metabolites stay in your system, not how long you are high

I know very well what you are saying. I'm saying you'll need to start writing to your Congressmen and Congresswomen, representatives and everyone you think needs to straighten this huge freaking mess that others before them have created. I wish you and all the stoners luck as I have hardly any faith they could pass a law to give themselves a 25% pay cut to save America right now. I'm sure they could pass one for you or me but not themselves.

Also.... Mongo. How long do you think it should be. We will need a new legal standard you know?

5/12/2011, 04:26 PM
I know....every time I have this conversation with Stoners and folks who don't really understand what the current laws in this Country are....

I either become really uncool or completely out to lunch and not in touch with reality.

Everybody gets high. :rolleyes: :cool: :pop:

I am painfully aware of such laws. Some of the things you just said are terrifying.

I'll tell you what, I'm cool with my pilot being high as long as he trained, tested, and has been flying high for hid entire career. One size fits all is bull****. The next person to suggest more bureaucracy and government intervention in our lives is getting an elbow in the face.

5/12/2011, 04:26 PM
I dont smoke

5/12/2011, 04:27 PM
I think if you can sing Boomer Sooner you should be good to go.

5/12/2011, 04:27 PM
Again....she should be under a Doctors care and be able to receive the amount of pot needed to help her with her condition.

Catch a 22!
Too poor from buying Pot to afford a doctor!

5/12/2011, 04:33 PM
Not if the pot is government subsidized in the medical industry. :D

5/12/2011, 04:34 PM
I dont smoke

I don't either, but the DOT lives in my ***.

5/12/2011, 04:34 PM
Catch a 22!

I read this using Borat's voice in my head. Is this correct? TIA.

5/12/2011, 04:38 PM
I had a girlfriend that was bipolar, had border personality disorder, and had ADHD. She was on anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants. But, nothing, and I mean nothing, turned her into a normal human being like marijuana. She has a serious chemical imbalance in her brain and weed is the only cure that she's found.

If she's the same one I'm familiar with, congratulations. Best POA ever!!!!!

5/12/2011, 04:42 PM
Catch a 22!
Too poor from buying Pot to afford a doctor!

Pot isn't legal. Go to jail. Quit whining and enjoy the *** rapes.

5/12/2011, 04:45 PM
I am painfully aware of such laws. Some of the things you just said are terrifying.

I'll tell you what, I'm cool with my pilot being high as long as he trained, tested, and has been flying high for hid entire career. One size fits all is bull****. The next person to suggest more bureaucracy and government intervention in our lives is getting an elbow in the face.

Don't freaking blame me. It's currently the law I have dealt with for over 30 years. Some of you I guess are just now waking up from your pot induced comas.....lol

5/12/2011, 04:48 PM
[quote=Sooner_Tuf;3227823 But really if people want to do it let them do it. Maybe then we can focus on real government issues like abortion and gay marriage.[/quote]

Yea! Gay married people should get abortions!

5/12/2011, 04:49 PM
Do you think Pilots should be allowed to torch up the night before they fly?

I mean....if you do.....your pretty much in the minority. Why the hell do I think you should be able to drive a car the next day?

ive known potheads that were pilots. none of em would smoke before flying just because of all the **** that could go wrong on an airplane. it isnt like a car. if a car suffers a mechanical failure, you can pull it off to the side of the road and call a wrecker to come get you.

pot's effectiveness only lasts a 3-7 hours (depending on its potency) and does not leave you hung over the way alcohol does.

5/12/2011, 04:51 PM
ive known potheads that were pilots. none of em would smoke before flying just because of all the **** that could go wrong on an airplane. it isnt like a car. if a car suffers a mechanical failure, you can pull it off to the side of the road and call a wrecker to come get you.

pot's effectiveness only lasts a 3-7 hours (depending on its potency) and does not leave you hung over the way alcohol does.

And this statement makes sense?Are you high?

5/12/2011, 04:55 PM
I had a girlfriend that was bipolar, had border personality disorder, and had ADHD. She was on anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants. But, nothing, and I mean nothing, turned her into a normal human being like marijuana. She has a serious chemical imbalance in her brain and weed is the only cure that she's found.

why do you think the partnership for a drug free america (lobbying arm of the perscription drug and alcohol corporations) spends so much money keeping weed illegal with a massive and expensive disinformation campaign? you think they wanna put weed, a plant you can grow in your own home, up against prozac??? they'd lose. they know they'd lose, so they spend hundreds of millions annually to make sure weed stays a contraband substance, even though it undergoes no chemical processing, isn't cooked up by 8th grade dropouts in a bathtub, and is much safer to use than any current anti-depressant.

people opposed to pot legalization don't really care a lick about individual freedoms.

5/12/2011, 04:57 PM
And this statement makes sense?Are you high?

not yet... and im runnin low. hook me up with a ounce?

5/12/2011, 04:59 PM
not yet... and im runnin low. hook me up with a ounce?

I aint a dealer Gomer.

5/12/2011, 05:02 PM
I aint a dealer Gomer.

you could always grow for your own consumption, fat man. don't you have a buncha land?

5/12/2011, 05:05 PM
Shoulda given these kids MJ, coulda kept them out of trouble. Who woulda known?


5/12/2011, 05:10 PM
ive known potheads that were pilots. none of em would smoke before flying just because of all the **** that could go wrong on an airplane. it isnt like a car. if a car suffers a mechanical failure, you can pull it off to the side of the road and call a wrecker to come get you.

pot's effectiveness only lasts a 3-7 hours (depending on its potency) and does not leave you hung over the way alcohol does.

Well....whoopie ****ing big dog. Did anyone of them kill anyone? Do you know what happens to them if they do and they test hot?

I'm just going to let you in on a little secret. Not to many know this but even if you just hurt yourself or say you have an in-flight shutdown of one of those engines....you are going to get drug tested and if maybe....just maybe you are smart enough to find your way past the drug screen....you are one lucky SOB.

If they don't....maybe just maybe their Uncle or Dad can cover it for them.

Other than that....they will have ruined their careers and put a bunch of people's lives in jeopardy that they had no business doing that too.

They will pay huge fines, lose their license to fly....and if you think going to sleep as an air traffic controller on a night shift is big news....you have to wait and see what your little buddies will go through when this happens to them...Also the embarrassment their families will endure.

But it's just weed.

Get real Bro.

Get it legal, get off my *** and pull your head out. Seriously.

5/12/2011, 05:12 PM
you could always grow for your own consumption, fat man. don't you have a buncha land?

You aint real bright are ya boy? If i was to grow for MY own consumption why you think Id hook you up with an ounce?
No i dont own any land, Thats just a story ive made up. I live in the Low rent apartments ;)

5/12/2011, 05:13 PM
It's a friend of mine that grows all the dope. I'll PM you his name if you want. He's a real Trophy. :D ;)

He's one smart SOB.

5/12/2011, 05:13 PM

5/12/2011, 05:17 PM
Clean livin' it ain't that hard.

You can really do lots more things without having to worry about the Cops or losing your job.

If you are retired or ill....

I say go for it. You've earned it more than likely but if you are just out of School or in School....you have a huge surprise coming to you in life.

5/12/2011, 05:19 PM


5/12/2011, 05:19 PM
I am confused about what we're discussing anymore. If pot is legal then you're not breaking the law if you smoke it, right?

5/12/2011, 05:23 PM
No offense to ST, but whatever the opposite of clean living is called, I've got your poster boy right here...

5/12/2011, 05:27 PM
why do you think the partnership for a drug free america (lobbying arm of the perscription drug and alcohol corporations) spends so much money keeping weed illegal with a massive and expensive disinformation campaign? you think they wanna put weed, a plant you can grow in your own home, up against prozac??? they'd lose. they know they'd lose, so they spend hundreds of millions annually to make sure weed stays a contraband substance, even though it undergoes no chemical processing, isn't cooked up by 8th grade dropouts in a bathtub, and is much safer to use than any current anti-depressant.

people opposed to pot legalization don't really care a lick about individual freedoms.

It couldn't be that their liability would be affected could it?

Some of this medication shouldn't be used with pot.

Like Dean said. The **** is bad for you on it's own merit. Smoking causes cancer but this is a cure-all for alcoholism? Hell....it took a long time for Tylenol to be discovered that it would hurt your liver. Now you want to add in some uncontrolled street drug because you think it's the right thing to do?

I'm seriously concerned for our Countries Future.

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 05:30 PM
I don't smoke, but reading this thread is seriously making me consider starting.

5/12/2011, 05:32 PM
No offense to ST, but whatever the opposite of clean living is called, I've got your poster boy right here...

Like i said earlier Del. Every time this has been brought up on this board those of us that have given solid reasons for concern about it being legal and what legal would look like once it's law have been attacked and told we are idiots.

I don't take it personal but I do have the right to my opinion. I think their are just as many folks opposed as for these days and what was funny was that even if you want a National Vote about it....the folks involved in it illegally would vote against it. I say leave them alone. They seem to be very happy with it being illegal.

Even once legal....there will still be tons of problems because of it's use.

5/12/2011, 05:32 PM
I wonder why David keeps starting these threads asking for answers and opinions when he has an open line to ask God? Who cares what Mongo thinks unless he is in fact God...

5/12/2011, 05:32 PM
I don't smoke, but reading this thread is seriously making me consider starting.

Please dont. You dont need yer mind any more ****ed up than it is already.:P

5/12/2011, 05:34 PM
I don't smoke, but reading this thread is seriously making me consider starting.

Have at it. Start at work tomorrow....LOL Toke it up!

5/12/2011, 05:35 PM
I wonder why David keeps starting these threads asking for answers and opinions when he has an open line to ask God? Who cares what Mongo thinks unless he is in fact God...

Wow dude....you are blowing my mind.....lol

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 05:36 PM
Smoking marijuana=bad.
Producing and distributing an illegal alcoholic substance=good.

Is that about right, fellas?

5/12/2011, 05:36 PM


Is that where you keep it? :D ;)

5/12/2011, 05:37 PM
Smoking marijuana=bad.
Producing and distributing an illegal alcoholic substance=good.

Is that about right, fellas?


There is a homemade beer and wine hobby shop right here in our little town of Tulsey.

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 05:38 PM

There is a homemade beer and wine hobby shop right here in our little town of Tulsey.

Right. That's what I meant.

5/12/2011, 05:39 PM
I wonder why David keeps starting these threads asking for answers and opinions when he has an open line to ask God? Who cares what Mongo thinks unless he is in fact God...

just a retard here, but I wish I could smite you right now

5/12/2011, 05:40 PM
Like i said earlier Del. Every time this has been brought up on this board those of us that have given solid reasons for concern about it being legal and what legal would look like once it's law have been attacked and told we are idiots.

I don't take it personal but I do have the right to my opinion. I think their are just as many folks opposed as for these days and what was funny was that even if you want a National Vote about it....the folks involved in it illegally would vote against it. I say leave them alone. They seem to be very happy with it being illegal.

Even once legal....there will still be tons of problems because of it's use.
ST, the only real rebuttal I've seen so far is "it makes you dumb" and the Dean variant "it makes you dumb for a long time". Neither of those are very compelling arguments.

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 05:40 PM
just a retard here, but I wish I could smite you right now

I don't think smite means what you think it means. Or maybe it's not what I think it means...

5/12/2011, 05:43 PM
ST, the only real rebuttal I've seen so far is "it makes you dumb" and the Dean variant "it makes you dumb for a long time". Neither of those are very compelling arguments.

If this board is any indication, by those merits, we have LOTS of stoners on here ;)

5/12/2011, 05:56 PM
if possession of marijuana was legalized, about a quarter of a million attorneys would be struggling for clients.

it's not gonna happen for a while

you might as well try to make women frugal

5/12/2011, 06:08 PM
ST, the only real rebuttal I've seen so far is "it makes you dumb" and the Dean variant "it makes you dumb for a long time". Neither of those are very compelling arguments.

I know. It's amazing it's illegal.

I will say this....I think every one of you should set up a meeting with the folks you are going to screw out of money by legalizing it.

I would love to see it legal and not such a big deal....I'm just continuing to play devil's advocate about it. I don't do it. I don't condone it but I know that I've been made to be very careful throughout the last 30 years of my life and whether it was friends or Family...I've had to time and again explain to them why I can't have that stuff in my life. Those that have chose to do so....that's their problem and I have seen plenty of folks head to rehab over it to save their jobs.

I made the choice to stay away from it. Those that don't understand or respect my personal decision over it....I could care less. Those that get caught and lose a job or have nothing but chaos and hard times in their lives....I think they should really consider getting themselves sober for a long period of time. It's not that hard if that's what you decide to do.

5/12/2011, 06:10 PM
If this board is any indication, by those merits, we have LOTS of stoners on here ;)

Some very pissed off bat **** crazy stoners....lol

5/12/2011, 06:13 PM
ST, the only real rebuttal I've seen so far is "it makes you dumb" and the Dean variant "it makes you dumb for a long time". Neither of those are very compelling arguments.

Timeout. I said "it makes you dumb for a long time?" I think not. I said it makes you apathetic/worthless/without drive or motivation/etc. Of course it does make you dumb too, but that's just one of the minor side effects. It's much more serious when you have a kid who is a genius who is working in a comic shop for $7 an hour and he could be a doctor or lawyer or whatever the hell he wants to be.

That's my beef with the weed. It inhibits personal advancement.

Go ahead and cue the usual 2-3 potheads or folks who've never touched it with the "but I know tons of people who are successful who smoke the dope."

5/12/2011, 06:16 PM
A long time might be only as long as one can hold their last bong hit in

5/12/2011, 06:16 PM
I haven't ever smoked pot but I know tons of people who are successful who smoke the dope!

5/12/2011, 06:17 PM
Cheech Marin.....quit the pot.

Tommy didn't

I think I see something there....not sure who was more successful......lol

5/12/2011, 06:17 PM
Well....whoopie ****ing big dog. Did anyone of them kill anyone? Do you know what happens to them if they do and they test hot?

I'm just going to let you in on a little secret. Not to many know this but even if you just hurt yourself or say you have an in-flight shutdown of one of those engines....you are going to get drug tested and if maybe....just maybe you are smart enough to find your way past the drug screen....you are one lucky SOB.

If they don't....maybe just maybe their Uncle or Dad can cover it for them.

Other than that....they will have ruined their careers and put a bunch of people's lives in jeopardy that they had no business doing that too.

They will pay huge fines, lose their license to fly....and if you think going to sleep as an air traffic controller on a night shift is big news....you have to wait and see what your little buddies will go through when this happens to them...Also the embarrassment their families will endure.

But it's just weed.

Get real Bro.

Get it legal, get off my *** and pull your head out. Seriously.

sleep deprivation is a much bigger problem in the airline industry than any drug, yet we allow airlines to keep scheduling pilots for 2 day shifts, while cutting thier pay and benefits...

dont understand what you're arguing

5/12/2011, 06:20 PM
sleep deprivation is a much bigger problem in the airline industry than any drug, yet we allow airlines to keep scheduling pilots for 2 day shifts, while cutting thier pay and benefits...

dont understand what you're arguing

I'm not really arguing.

Go read this thread over and over until you think you learned something.

You realize that pot is illegal for pilots and since 99.9% of them don't smoke pot....they are going to have some different issues right?

5/12/2011, 06:20 PM
Timeout. I said "it makes you dumb for a long time?" I think not. I said it makes you apathetic/worthless/without drive or motivation/etc. Of course it does make you dumb too, but that's just one of the minor side effects. It's much more serious when you have a kid who is a genius who is working in a comic shop for $7 an hour and he could be a doctor or lawyer or whatever the hell he wants to be.

That's my beef with the weed. It inhibits personal advancement.

Go ahead and cue the usual 2-3 potheads or folks who've never touched it with the "but I know tons of people who are successful who smoke the dope."

so thomas jefferson, george washington, benjamin franklin, carl sagan, etc., etc., (the list of successful potheads throughout history is as long as my ****... pretty long) had no personal drive or motivation. got it. thanks for the lesson, o wise and all knowing dude on the internet.

i know plenty of potheads that prove you wrong.

5/12/2011, 06:22 PM
If you can name all of the successful ones, they probably aren't a very high percentage of the overall group.

5/12/2011, 06:23 PM
so thomas jefferson, george washington, benjamin franklin, carl sagan, etc., etc., (the list of successful potheads throughout history is as long as my ****... pretty long) had no personal drive or motivation. got it. thanks for the lesson, o wise and all knowing dude on the internet.

i know plenty of potheads that prove you wrong.

You're so full of **** I can smell you from here. I was a pothead and I'm very successful. When I was a pothead, I wasn't. I know plenty of ex-potheads that prove you wrong.

It's well documented on this board that you are full of ****, a liar, and pretty much effed up. Save your bull**** for something you know something about. Like princessing.

5/12/2011, 06:23 PM
Somebody is really really really high right now....lol

5/12/2011, 06:24 PM
I take that back....someone just had their buzz killed....lol

5/12/2011, 06:26 PM
Someday once I'm retired I'm gonna sell weed to your kids. :D ;)


5/12/2011, 06:27 PM
You're so full of **** I can smell you from here. I was a pothead and I'm very successful. When I was a pothead, I wasn't. I know plenty of ex-potheads that prove you wrong.

It's well documented on this board that you are full of ****, a liar, and pretty much effed up. Save your bull**** for something you know something about. Like princessing.

if i had even the slightest amount of respect for you as a person or a mod, i'd be offended.

5/12/2011, 06:29 PM
if i had even the slightest amount of respect for you as a person or a mod, i'd be offended.


5/12/2011, 06:30 PM

5/12/2011, 06:31 PM
If this board is any indication, by those merits, we have LOTS of stoners on here ;)

BTW....what's in those bubbles?

5/12/2011, 06:50 PM
When bubbles are disturbed, they pulsate (that is, they oscillate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillate) in size) at their natural frequency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_frequency). Large bubbles (negligible surface tension (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_tension) and thermal conductivity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity)) undergo adiabatic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic) pulsations, which means that no heat is transferred either from the liquid to the gas or vice versa. The natural frequency of such bubbles is determined by the equation:[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-1)[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-Leighton-2)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/d/0/dd0994fb3f3360dcd345b59dbbf40b25.png where:

γ is the specific heat ratio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity_ratio) of the gas
R0 is the steady state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steady_state) radius
p0 is the steady state pressure (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure)
ρ is the mass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass) density (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density) of the surrounding liquid Smaller bubbles undergo isothermal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isothermal) pulsations. The corresponding equation for small bubbles of surface tension σ (and negligible liquid viscosity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viscosity)) is[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-Leighton-2)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/4/e/c/4ec6a3f23854ca97bfaf431b176aac97.png Excited bubbles trapped underwater are the major source of liquid sounds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound), such as when a rain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain) droplet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droplet) impacts a surface of water

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2011, 06:53 PM
Deny. Deflect. Ignore. Change your argument to suit your needs when it's pointed out you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Nice work, Greg. You should have been a politician.

5/12/2011, 06:58 PM
Deny. Deflect. Ignore. Change your argument to suit your needs when it's pointed out you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Nice work, Greg. You should have been a politician.


5/12/2011, 07:00 PM
Deny. Deflect. Ignore. Change your argument to suit your needs when it's pointed out you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Nice work, Greg. You should have been a politician.

I have a hard time deciphering most of his posts to even try to figure out his motives.

5/12/2011, 07:11 PM
Timeout. I said "it makes you dumb for a long time?" I think not. I said it makes you apathetic/worthless/without drive or motivation/etc. Of course it does make you dumb too, but that's just one of the minor side effects. It's much more serious when you have a kid who is a genius who is working in a comic shop for $7 an hour and he could be a doctor or lawyer or whatever the hell he wants to be.

That's my beef with the weed. It inhibits personal advancement.

I completely disagree but will defend to the death your right to that opinion ( and by "defend to the death" i mean "meh")

But going with your thought process, so does TV, video games and this message board.

5/12/2011, 07:38 PM
I only regret that I may not live long enough to witness a weed debate where a stoner fails to mention alcohol.

5/12/2011, 07:52 PM
There is no rational reason for marijuana to remain illegal. The cost and negative effects of prohibition far outweigh any negative attribute, real or imagined, or marijuana itself.

And to eliminate any future confusion, I do not use marijuana nor would I if it were legal.

My Opinion Matters
5/13/2011, 07:27 AM
Hey ST, we're not done here. Please impart more of your insight on the rest of us.

5/13/2011, 09:04 AM
Stalking is against board rules.

5/13/2011, 09:24 AM

5/13/2011, 09:39 AM
MR2 Got it pretty much exactly right. One thing to add: MJ was not illegal for the majority of our country's history and was widely used up to the early years of the 20th century. As in the Caribbean, it was often mixed with tobacco to 'stretch' the tobacco. (In fact, you can look at the rosy eyed period of nation building of the 19th century and see legal cocaine, heroin, opium, pot, etc., etc., all without any particular social decay.)
The sole reason it became illegal was racism. As it was cheaper than liquor, use was associated with the lower socio-economic classes (read here: black people) and with the opening salvos of pop-culture assault on WASP orthodoxy. When it was banned, in the early 1900's, the reasons were more social order related than health related. Reasons that are now clearly seen as racist rather than scientific.

5/13/2011, 09:41 AM
Stalking is against board rules.


5/13/2011, 01:16 PM
I only regret that I may not live long enough to witness a weed debate where a stoner fails to mention alcohol.
We all know the reasons why they bring it up, but what are your reasons why they shouldn't be allowed to?

5/13/2011, 01:18 PM
Damn you Price. I was wanting this POS to die a slow, painful death and here you go blowing new life into it.

5/13/2011, 01:19 PM
Dang, can't you guys just chill with a beer or a lowball of Jameson and be cool?

5/13/2011, 01:21 PM
^^^^what her said

5/13/2011, 01:22 PM
Dang, can't you guys just chill with a beer or a lowball of Jameson and be cool?

who let you out of the kitchen and gave you a pair of shoes?

5/13/2011, 01:27 PM
She probably ain't even knocked up.

5/13/2011, 01:28 PM

5/13/2011, 01:28 PM
Been there done that still paying for the little monsters.

5/13/2011, 01:40 PM
Damn you Price. I was wanting this POS to die a slow, painful death and here you go blowing new life into it.
Heh, sorry, the statement intrigued me.

5/13/2011, 01:41 PM

5/13/2011, 04:30 PM
When bubbles are disturbed, they pulsate (that is, they oscillate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillate) in size) at their natural frequency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_frequency). Large bubbles (negligible surface tension (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_tension) and thermal conductivity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity)) undergo adiabatic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic) pulsations, which means that no heat is transferred either from the liquid to the gas or vice versa. The natural frequency of such bubbles is determined by the equation:[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-1)[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-Leighton-2)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/d/0/dd0994fb3f3360dcd345b59dbbf40b25.png where:

γ is the specific heat ratio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity_ratio) of the gas
R0 is the steady state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steady_state) radius
p0 is the steady state pressure (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure)
ρ is the mass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass) density (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density) of the surrounding liquid Smaller bubbles undergo isothermal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isothermal) pulsations. The corresponding equation for small bubbles of surface tension σ (and negligible liquid viscosity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viscosity)) is[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_bubble#cite_note-Leighton-2)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/4/e/c/4ec6a3f23854ca97bfaf431b176aac97.png Excited bubbles trapped underwater are the major source of liquid sounds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound), such as when a rain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain) droplet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droplet) impacts a surface of water

Oh man....that is awesome....I haven't seen some of that since my Physics II Class at TU. Me and a friend were talking about rockets today and how to figure out where they will go with some or a little information and how much info can be used to get you pretty close most of the time.

Kind of the North Korean School of Rocketry....lol

5/13/2011, 04:34 PM
I have a hard time deciphering most of his posts to even try to figure out his motives.

You have to have a motive to have conversation?

Do you need a motive to debate an issue?

5/13/2011, 04:36 PM
Oh man....that is awesome....I haven't seen some of that since my Physics II Class at TU. Me and a friend were talking about rockets today and how to figure out where they will go with some or a little information and how much info can be used to get you pretty close most of the time.

Kind of the North Korean School of Rocketry....lol

Reminds me of the Math Modeling class I took. 4 problems, 16 weeks, no book, no tests. Sounded good on day one, the rest of the time...not so much.

5/13/2011, 04:37 PM
alright Dean, lock this fugger up

5/13/2011, 04:40 PM

Did you know this....

I know this one Surgeon. He tests everyone of his patients. If they test positive for Marijuana or Crank/Meth, ecstasy, Crack....any of it...

He will not operate on you.

Wonder why he does that?

5/13/2011, 04:45 PM
Maybe he's a judgemental *******?

Just an idea.

Kind of on a par with the Dr.s who used to refuse to deliver babies of unwed mothers.

Pretty much a deliberate violation of his oath.

But that's just my take.

I'm sure there are those who find a medical professional refusing care to a person because that person has committed a crime to be perfectly acceptable.

Luckily there are lots of Dr.s in the world. I'm not sure I'd want a Dr. working on me if he was grinding his teeth with rage all the time.

7/12/2011, 02:01 PM
Philadelphia Saves $2 Million By Not Prosecuting Pot Smokers (http://consumerist.com/2011/07/philadelphia-saves-2-million-by-not-prosecuting-pot-smokers.html)

Just over a year ago, the powers that be in Philadelphia effectively decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana (http://consumerist.com/2010/06/philadelphia-no-longer-a-total-buzz-kill-for-marijuana-consumers.html) by offering offenders the chance to enroll in a three-hour class that would expunge the offense from their records. Not only did this give Philadelphia police more time and energy to focus on more serious crimes, it has also saved the city a pretty sizable Ziploc bag of green stuff.

"We were spending thousands of dollars for when someone possessed $10 or $15 worth of weed," District Attorney Seth Williams tells the Philadelphia Daily News. "It just didn't make any sense."

Under the program, being caught with up to 30 grams of marijuana is no longer a misdemeanor but a summary offense. By simply paying $200 to attend the three-hour class on the ills of drug use and abuse, the arrestee's record is wiped clean of the offense.

Before this change, offenders faced up to $500 in fines and possible, though unlikely jail time. If the suspect fought the charges, this meant expenses for the city — prosecutors, judges, lab tests, public defenders, etc. By all but decriminalizing pot, Williams estimates that the city has saved $2 million in the last 12 months.

Additionally, police tell the News that there has been no noticeable impact on the quality of life in Philadelphia since the program went into effect.

Looking at the bigger picture, DA Williams says the current way most U.S. authorities treat drug possession is shortsighted.

"I can put someone in jail for 90 days because they possess crack. But if we don't get them the help they need for their addiction, when they get out of jail, they're just going to be a 90-day-older crack addict," he explains. "We have to treat drug addiction as a public-health problem, not just a criminal-justice problem."

7/12/2011, 02:03 PM
not this **** again

7/12/2011, 02:03 PM
not this **** againyou don't have to read it Bongo

7/12/2011, 02:08 PM
yeah Bongo you don't have to read it

7/12/2011, 02:08 PM
I'm parched.

7/12/2011, 02:21 PM
Oh Philadelphia freedom shine on me. I love you.

Peach Fuzz
7/12/2011, 02:31 PM
wish we had that when I was 17... I had less than a gram and was put in jail... wow

Position Limit
7/12/2011, 02:35 PM
i need to put a spliff between my lips and just trip

7/12/2011, 02:35 PM
in OK you can get the death penalty for that

7/12/2011, 02:38 PM
We tried a war on alcohol in the 1910s-30s and that didn't really work well. You will never see total legalization of these drugs. If the federal war on drugs ends today drugs will still be illegal is most states. Marijuana will be illegal in others like Oklahoma.

7/12/2011, 02:39 PM
Ya'll wanna Let these vioLent criminals GO, but you PUT and amreican hero likk Jreome Esrland in Prison for LIFE.

7/12/2011, 03:39 PM
philly, huh?

philly... do i want to live in philly? worst sports fans on the planet vs. not having to worry about gettin locked up for smokin a j after work at home on my couch...

7/12/2011, 03:43 PM
philly, huh?

philly... do i want to live in philly? worst sports fans on the planet vs. not having to worry about gettin locked up for smokin a j after work at home on my couch...

Define "worst".

7/12/2011, 03:47 PM
Define "worst".


7/12/2011, 04:01 PM
More Tats than teeth.....


7/12/2011, 04:45 PM
Don't like pot?...Don't smoke it.
Don't like cigs?...Don't smoke it.
Don't like gay marriage?...Don't get one.
Don't like guns?...Don't buy one.
Don't like alcohol?...Don't drink it.
Don't like your rights taken away?...Don't take away someone else's.

Mad Dog Madsen
7/12/2011, 04:49 PM

7/12/2011, 04:53 PM
Don't like pot?...Don't smoke it.
Don't like cigs?...Don't smoke it.
Don't like gay marriage?...Don't get one.
Don't like guns?...Don't buy one.
Don't like alcohol?...Don't drink it.
Don't like your rights taken away?...Don't take away someone else's.
Don't like Women...Don't be a man.

Nothing like a little worldly advice from ole Miss. :pop:

7/13/2011, 07:01 AM
not this **** again

I figured you of all people would be in on this.

Oh yeah, thanks for that Californian Skunk and Hindu Kush. You have the best prices.

7/14/2011, 02:35 PM

7/14/2011, 03:23 PM
1. If cannabis is illegal, why not alcohol or tobacco?

You want to make alcohol illegal again?

7/14/2011, 04:02 PM
Is it legal yet? If not, send me a pm when this happens so I can quite my job and play xbox.

7/14/2011, 04:12 PM
I don't care if they legalize it or not but the assumption that the vast majority of pot users do not committ any crimes is laughable. Anyone using pot is committing a crime.

Are you just being argumentative or do you really not understand the point that is being made? The point is that pot smoking does not lead to other criminal behavior. (I'm not making or endorsing that statement just repeating it.)

The argument is generally made in an attempt to convince others that pot should be legal (as in this thread). The fact that a pot smoker is a criminal by the mere fact that he/she is smoking pot is immaterial to this argument.

To imply that pot should be illegal because pot smokers engage in this illegal activity is simply a circular argument.

The relavant statistic would be that pot smoking causes other criminal behavior (or antisocial behavior but we're merely talking about crimes at the moment). Even showing a correlation between pot smokers and increase crime rate would not be sufficient as one would expect a minor correlation here because by definition pot smokers have already displayed a willingness to break the law. You would expect the same correlation if you made the consumption of pizza a felony.

OU Engineer
7/14/2011, 06:58 PM
regardless of the effects it has on a human lets look at it economically:

governments are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to track down, catch, process and sometimes imprison pot smokers and dealers. I'm not saying legalizing it and taxing it would save the economy, but I am saying we're wasting a lot of money on an effing plant.

e.g.: saw an episode of cops the other day.Based in Hawaii, there were 4, thats right FOUR helicopters flying around with teams of 4 cops each looking for pot growing in sugarcane fields. there is NO WAY they found enough weed out there to justify spending all day flying around in 4 choppers and paying cops... lets do real police work.

7/14/2011, 07:25 PM
Are you just being argumentative or do you really not understand the point that is being made? The point is that pot smoking does not lead to other criminal behavior. (I'm not making or endorsing that statement just repeating it.)

The argument is generally made in an attempt to convince others that pot should be legal (as in this thread). The fact that a pot smoker is a criminal by the mere fact that he/she is smoking pot is immaterial to this argument.

To imply that pot should be illegal because pot smokers engage in this illegal activity is simply a circular argument.

The relavant statistic would be that pot smoking causes other criminal behavior (or antisocial behavior but we're merely talking about crimes at the moment). Even showing a correlation between pot smokers and increase crime rate would not be sufficient as one would expect a minor correlation here because by definition pot smokers have already displayed a willingness to break the law. You would expect the same correlation if you made the consumption of pizza a felony.

What? You quoted PART of a post I made 60 days ago. Are you high?

Do you have a point or are you just repeating stuff because you want to type?

You should probably read the rest of my post but to address the statement you seem to be having trouble with. Yes if you alter reality you can make any point you want. Reality is pot is illegal here. If you smoke it you are a criminal here.

You can dismiss that little point for the sake of argument in fantasy land. But here at the present time a person that smokes pot is a criminal, whether they engage in any other criminal behavior or not.

There is no logical argument to make here. Which is why you fookers haven't been able to legalize pot. There are plenty of decent arguments that would probably work but you have to have the sense to stay out of fantasy land and base your points in the here and now.

7/14/2011, 08:16 PM
What? You quoted PART of a post I made 60 days ago. Are you high?

Do you have a point or are you just repeating stuff because you want to type?

You should probably read the rest of my post but to address the statement you seem to be having trouble with. Yes if you alter reality you can make any point you want. Reality is pot is illegal here. If you smoke it you are a criminal here.

You can dismiss that little point for the sake of argument in fantasy land. But here at the present time a person that smokes pot is a criminal, whether they engage in any other criminal behavior or not.

There is no logical argument to make here. Which is why you fookers haven't been able to legalize pot. There are plenty of decent arguments that would probably work but you have to have the sense to stay out of fantasy land and base your points in the here and now.

I ain't sure of the demographic you're trying to impress here...

7/14/2011, 08:19 PM

7/14/2011, 09:02 PM


7/14/2011, 09:41 PM
I ain't sure of the demographic you're trying to impress here...

It was a response to an individual. If I wanted to impress teenagers I would wait until I pass my fiftieth, shave my head and sport a goatee. But I'm not so I won't.

7/14/2011, 09:55 PM
Uh man like when the doobage is like outlawed only like outlaws will have the doobage.