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View Full Version : Need a couple of favors for the UNM series....

5/9/2011, 03:20 PM
This is actually a request for a couple of things that I hope OU fans will NOT do when the UNM Lobos are in town:

1. Don't call them New Mexico State. That's the school that used to have Gary Ward as head coach (a.k.a. Satan). His son, who is a bit more behaved, at least where the in-state rivalry with UNM is concerned, is back to being the Aggies' head coach again.

2. Avoid any heckling that anyone could misinterpret as racist. The Lobos have several Hispanic players, but OU has had quite a few as well. I remember when Top Daug came out in a sombrero and serape back in '88 when UNM came to down for a beat-down by the OU men's basketball team. I just cringed at the time.

Your non-actions will be greatly appreciated by this OU grad who's also a UNM staff person (but with no divided loyalties - I'm almost praying for a sweep).

5/9/2011, 03:23 PM
I don't recall ever hearing a racist heckle. I know it doesn't come from our section. If it does, it's squashed IMMEDIATELY.

As for the New Mexico State part, that might be kind of fun. Maybe we'll use that since you brought it up! :)

5/9/2011, 03:41 PM
Indy is right, no rascist comments from the Yardbirds ever. There are a few things we won't do, or stand for, and that's one of them.

5/9/2011, 03:51 PM
Actually, the UNM coach (Ray Birmingham) is a graduate of NMSU. But I was thinking the fans would be offended if someoned called the Lobos "New Mexico State." I've known people in Oklahoma who didn't know the difference, including some newspaper people.

I've always been confident that the OU fans would be extra-careful in this day and age, regarding the Latino element on the UNM roster. However, I also remember the Top Daug get-up at the time in '88 at the LNC. Luckily I lived in OKC at the time, so I didn't have a chance to hear any complaints.

The main thing I want to guard against is hearing any crap from any Lobo fans about how those evil "BCS school" people were out of line. Both in-state schools are highly paranoid about "big-name schools," and they especially enjoy lying about what happened in the Fiasco Bowl with Potato A&M (Boise).

5/9/2011, 04:27 PM
So wearing this t-shirt would be appropriate since it's complimenting New Mexico?


5/9/2011, 05:19 PM
So wearing this t-shirt would be appropriate since it's complimenting New Mexico?


hahahahaha thats a winner

5/9/2011, 05:29 PM
The main thing I want to guard against is hearing any crap from any Lobo fans about how those evil "BCS school" people were out of line. Both in-state schools are highly paranoid about "big-name schools," and they especially enjoy lying about what happened in the Fiasco Bowl with Potato A&M (Boise).

You'll hear it. We hear it all the time. Then we go on the road and realize how tame we are. We're just constant. Annoyingly constant. We do it on purpose. Annoyance is what we're going for!

5/10/2011, 10:31 AM
If they are that worried about BSC big-time schools, it sounds like only a golf clap would be acceptable to them, and that ain't happening :D

5/10/2011, 11:21 AM
Unfortunately, that's how the local park is "run" by the moronic staff of the Albuquerque Isotopes (or IsoDorks, as I call them). They consider heckling a violation of ballpark etiquette, unless it's done by a visiting fan.

Next year, the Lobos will be playing in a renovated Lobo Field (which is currently a major dump). They've got money lined up to do it pretty nice, sort of like what OU and Baylor have. The OU-UNM series in '12 should be at the new park, not at IsoDorks Park. I just hope, for the sake of atmosphere for all their home games, that they dump the IsoDorks' approach to ballpark "security." But I also think part of that ongoing conflict is because the PCL staff people resent having to share "their" sacred ballpark. And they forget that one reason they set up the share-agreement was because the ballpark property was UNM's all along.

The new park, which will be just south of The Pit, will have lights and rebuilt stands and pressbox. I just hope we can pack it with local OU grads and have some of you guys out here on a road trip.

5/10/2011, 03:22 PM
I think Indy may have just answered why you don't get as much attendance as you would like in Norman. Heckling does not bother the opposing players but it does get tiresome for the people in the stands. The Texas crowd consisted of a large part of older people and families. Both which would avoid going to a venue with a crowd shouting insults nonstop. People go to these games to watch baseball not to listen to the crowd. Hecklers for some reason seem to think they are part of the game, they are not. I do draw a distinction between participation and heckling. Last year at the A&M games the crowd did some great stuff. I thought it was hilarious when they would get on a pitcher by yelling ball 5, ball 6 until he threw a strike. But outside of the people doing it no one enjoys hearing nonstop screaming of insults. I must admit that I have not been to a game in Norman I am going by what friends have told me. So if I miss my mark with this I apologize. But if I am correct it is something to consider.

5/10/2011, 03:28 PM
I think Indy may have just answered why you don't get as much attendance as you would like in Norman. Heckling does not bother the opposing players but it does get tiresome for the people in the stands. The Texas crowd consisted of a large part of older people and families. Both which would avoid going to a venue with a crowd shouting insults nonstop. People go to these games to watch baseball not to listen to the crowd. Hecklers for some reason seem to think they are part of the game, they are not. I do draw a distinction between participation and heckling. Last year at the A&M games the crowd did some great stuff. I thought it was hilarious when they would get on a pitcher by yelling ball 5, ball 6 until he threw a strike. But outside of the people doing it no one enjoys hearing nonstop screaming of insults. I must admit that I have not been to a game in Norman I am going by what friends have told me. So if I miss my mark with this I apologize. But if I am correct it is something to consider.

Ball 5.

5/10/2011, 03:35 PM
Ball 5.

Ball 6.

5/10/2011, 03:36 PM
I think Indy may have just answered why you don't get as much attendance as you would like in Norman. Heckling does not bother the opposing players but it does get tiresome for the people in the stands. The Texas crowd consisted of a large part of older people and families. Both which would avoid going to a venue with a crowd shouting insults nonstop. People go to these games to watch baseball not to listen to the crowd. Hecklers for some reason seem to think they are part of the game, they are not. I do draw a distinction between participation and heckling. Last year at the A&M games the crowd did some great stuff. I thought it was hilarious when they would get on a pitcher by yelling ball 5, ball 6 until he threw a strike. But outside of the people doing it no one enjoys hearing nonstop screaming of insults. I must admit that I have not been to a game in Norman I am going by what friends have told me. So if I miss my mark with this I apologize. But if I am correct it is something to consider.

Not REALLY worth a reply, but.......

Our heckling section is 10x smaller than the section at Baum, for example. They don't have any attendance issues and they are more vile than we ever dream to be. My experience is that our group is generally tamer than other schools our size. The difference is that everyone in the park can hear us because we are 20 or so guys in a stadium of 1000 instead of 20 in a stadium of 3 to 8 times that.

Our attendance problems have NOTHING to do with fans being fans, but instead people not being fans.

Oh, and if you don't think the players hear and pay attention to what we are doing you are kidding yourself.

5/10/2011, 03:39 PM
I think Indy may have just answered why you don't get as much attendance as you would like in Norman. Heckling does not bother the opposing players but it does get tiresome for the people in the stands. The Texas crowd consisted of a large part of older people and families. Both which would avoid going to a venue with a crowd shouting insults nonstop. People go to these games to watch baseball not to listen to the crowd. Hecklers for some reason seem to think they are part of the game, they are not. I do draw a distinction between participation and heckling. Last year at the A&M games the crowd did some great stuff. I thought it was hilarious when they would get on a pitcher by yelling ball 5, ball 6 until he threw a strike. But outside of the people doing it no one enjoys hearing nonstop screaming of insults. I must admit that I have not been to a game in Norman I am going by what friends have told me. So if I miss my mark with this I apologize. But if I am correct it is something to consider.

Wrong. We've had way too many players react to us, and in some ways not so kind, so yes, it does bother at least some of them.

5/10/2011, 04:44 PM
Ball 7?

5/10/2011, 07:16 PM
Wrong. We've had way too many players react to us, and in some ways not so kind, so yes, it does bother at least some of them.

In that case I have a question. Why would you think it's appropiate for a person not in the game to interfere with the game?

5/10/2011, 10:28 PM
In that case I have a question. Why would you think it's appropiate for a person not in the game to interfere with the game?

Ball 8. Bufsa is making like Bobby Shore in Omaha.

5/10/2011, 11:38 PM
bufsa must be an 60 year old southern baptist who thinks we should shake all their hands after the game and enjoy a Dr. Pepper at the Soda Fountain after the game, but not in excess.

5/10/2011, 11:39 PM
PS ... I am still kinda drunk so i am sure that last post will make a ton of sense in the moanin

5/11/2011, 08:54 AM
In that case I have a question. Why would you think it's appropiate for a person not in the game to interfere with the game?

Man, I bet you are hoot to attend games with. And I'm guessing you try and quiet the crowd at Owen Field when the opposing offense has the ball?

5/11/2011, 10:23 AM
In that case I have a question. Why would you think it's appropiate for a person not in the game to interfere with the game?

I'm sorry, I will never do it again.

I also will stop yelling encouragement to the Sooners - yes, we do that also - and stop clapping and whistling when something good happens. Sure hope that doesn't make the Sooners play harder because I wouldn't want to do anything to "interfere" with the game since I'm not in the game. Wonder where the term "home field advantage" came from. BTW, tell Loud City to be quite at the Thunder games also :rolleyes:

5/11/2011, 10:31 AM
Maybe they should just play games in a vacuum-sealed environment safely away from the fans. I don't just mean OU baseball, but every sport. Wouldn't want to create any unnecessary advantage or disadvantage for any team.

Of course, considering that spectator sports are ... ahem ... FOR the spectator, wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

Oh, hell with it ... BUFSA -- Ball 9!!

5/11/2011, 10:40 AM
If you would bother to read my original post or try to understand it, I differentiate between being involved with the game and heckling. I am fed up with "fans" that spend the whole game yelling insults and ridiculing kids on the opposing team. You can be a loud fan without being an obnoxious fan. If you can't tell the difference you probably fall into the second group.

5/11/2011, 11:03 AM
I got to sit next to Rochas dad during one of the games during the Texas series. Bufsa, no offense, but when parents of the kids tell you how much they appreciate you being loud and how much the players appreciate it and love the heckling then Im gonna go with what helps the team, even if it may upset a few individuals.

5/11/2011, 11:06 AM
If you would bother to read my original post or try to understand it, I differentiate between being involved with the game and heckling. I am fed up with "fans" that spend the whole game yelling insults and ridiculing kids on the opposing team. You can be a loud fan without being an obnoxious fan. If you can't tell the difference you probably fall into the second group.

Ball 10.

Maybe you could come and "educate" us with your superior "fandom." Or, you could just be a online tool. In which case: Ball 11.

5/11/2011, 11:08 AM
I got to sit next to Rochas dad during one of the games during the Texas series. Bufsa, no offense, but when parents of the kids tell you how much they appreciate you being loud and how much the players appreciate it and love the heckling then Im gonna go with what helps the team, even if it may upset a few individuals.

Exactly. When the father of one of the players actually reaches out to us and says he's going to cook for all of us before a game for being such great fans and supportive of his son, then I'll take his word over a few people who need to remove a 2x4 from out of their keisters.

5/11/2011, 11:09 AM
BFUSA I have to disagree heckling is part of baseball from the MLB down. The Yardbirds have been told by many parents that they are tame compared to what they face going to A&M, Texas & Tech.

5/11/2011, 11:22 AM
If you would bother to read my original post or try to understand it, I differentiate between being involved with the game and heckling. I am fed up with "fans" that spend the whole game yelling insults and ridiculing kids on the opposing team. You can be a loud fan without being an obnoxious fan. If you can't tell the difference you probably fall into the second group.

It's been going on for quite some time in baseball. Baseball is a game of concentration so, as a fan, if you can get into a players head, and it doesn't happen all that often the higher up you get, then you are helping the home team. I wouldn't condone doing it at say high school games or below but college baseball consists of a top % of players that should be immune to that stuff but some aren't. I know the team loves it and has expressed as much so I have no problem with it when I'm in attendance. I don't personally do it but if it helps get a W, so be it. Tho occasionally I will get on a coach if necessary.

5/11/2011, 11:23 AM
Ouch...BUFSA is taking a beating (justified). One of the reasons that the Yardbirds "sound" so loud....is because the only place they have to sit is in the main seating area. Their comments get the megaphone effect.

When I make my first gazillion....and I completely remodel L Dale Mitchell with chairback seating down both lines.....they 'birds will flock to a more strategic vantage point directly above/behind the opposing teams dugout. I wish every fan we have would show up as engaged as the 'birds. Strength in volume if we can't get numbers.....

See you all at 1st pitch on Friday!

5/11/2011, 12:12 PM
I'm wondering if the new chairback seats set to be in next season are going to bother the 'Birds any?

Seems like the bleachers provide them a comfortable perch.

5/11/2011, 02:08 PM
I'm wondering if the new chairback seats set to be in next season are going to bother the 'Birds any?

Seems like the bleachers provide them a comfortable perch.

Believe me. Discussions have been had.

5/11/2011, 02:12 PM
I'm wondering if the new chairback seats set to be in next season are going to bother the 'Birds any?

Seems like the bleachers provide them a comfortable perch.

Very nice, Colston ;)

Oh yeah, while I'm at it......BALL 11 :eek:

5/11/2011, 02:26 PM
I said that I think that fans continuosly heckling the apposing players has a tendency to keep some fans away. Your response was,---bufsa must be an 60 year old southern baptist who thinks we should shake all their hands after the game and enjoy a Dr. Pepper at the Soda Fountain after the game, but not in excess.----Man, I bet you are hoot to attend games with. And I'm guessing you try and quiet the crowd at Owen Field when the opposing offense has the ball?----Maybe they should just play games in a vacuum-sealed environment safely away from the fans. I don't just mean OU baseball, but every sport. Wouldn't want to create any unnecessary advantage or disadvantage for any team.----Maybe you could come and "educate" us with your superior "fandom." Or, you could just be a online tool.----Nice to know that you appreciate views other than your own.

5/11/2011, 03:40 PM
/\ I think the greater point is this:

If you are going to let something as simple as banter....which is heard at every sporting event...be the weak excuse to keep you from the ballpark....then the likelihood of you showing up in exceptionally slim....to none. (you = potential fan)

Everybody is welcome to an opinion on what is / isn't obnoxious....but ain't no way in heck that we have a phantom contingent of OU fans that are chomping at the bit to get to L Dale Mitchell if it weren't for the pesky Yardbirds.

5/11/2011, 08:45 PM
.----Nice to know that you appreciate views other than your own.

I do...but they need to be good ones.

5/12/2011, 08:37 AM
...and Vaughn has walked the bases full.

5/12/2011, 09:03 AM
I've been to a few games this year, and honestly, I don't even hear the YBs except the "left right left right" deal and it's barely noticeable.

If someone stays away from the park because of them, someone probably isn't much of an OU baseball fan.

5/12/2011, 09:05 AM
If someone stays away from the park because of them, someone probably isn't much of an OU baseball fan.


5/12/2011, 11:44 AM
I've been to a few games this year, and honestly, I don't even hear the YBs except the "left right left right" deal and it's barely noticeable.

If someone stays away from the park because of them, someone probably isn't much of an OU baseball fan.



5/12/2011, 03:36 PM
You're not the boss of me...

5/12/2011, 08:07 PM
I wonder if bufsa ever went to a game in which one Bob Homolka was the umpire? Homolka is the reason heckling was invented.

I think I have heard it all now, though, concerning OU baseball fans. I don't think there is anyone in the league who would rate OU as having obnoxious fans. Most of them would be hard pressed to remember their games at L. Dale due to the sparce crowds. There is something said to trying to bring some atmoshphere to the park during gamedays. Our three chant football mentality can make the park a little dull at times.