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5/3/2011, 07:04 PM

She actually had something that we should all agree with in her foreign policy.

I doubt anyone would actually follow it, because this is actually campaign season. I mean Obama basically said he was going to get the hell out of Afghanistan and Iraq and end Gitmo. None of that is really happening anytime soon. But I would love someone with this foreign policy to emerge as a democrat or republican candidate.

1. "We should only commit our forces when clear & vital American interests are at stake. Period."

2. "If we have to fight, we fight to win. To do that we use overwhelming force. We only send our troops into war with the objective to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. We do not send our military and stretch out the mission with an open-ended and ill-defined mission. Nation building is a nice idea in theory but, it's not the main purpose of our armed forces. We use our military to win wars."

3. "We must have clearly defined goals & objectives before sending troops into harm's way. If you can't explain the mission to the American people clearly, concisely then our sons & daughters should not be sent into battle. Period."

4. "American soldiers must never be put under foreign command. We will fight side-by-side with our allies but American soldiers must remain under the care and the command of the American officers."

5. "Sending our armed forces should be the last resort; we don't go looking for dragons to slay. However, we will encourage the forces of freedom around the world who are sincerely fighting for the empowerment of the individual. When it makes sense, when it's appropriate, we'll provide them with support and help them win their own freedom. We're not indifferent to the cause of human rights or the desire for freedom. We're always on the side of those. But, we can't fight every war. We can't undo every injustice around the world. But, with strength & clarity in those 5 points we'll make for a safer, more prosperous, more peaceful world because as the U.S. leads by example, as the we support freedom across the globe we're going to prove that free and healthy countries they don't wage war on other free and healthy countries. The stronger we are the stronger and more peaceful the world will be under our example."

Over the last 60 years we've gone into wars without any real goals. Any real clear way to have success. We've basically turned Afghanistan and Iraq into money pits not real wars.

5/3/2011, 07:25 PM
Is she saying anything that people don't already believe? These aren't exactly new or unpopular talking points. Also, being able to explain policy to the public is a valuable, but wholly unnecessary skill, and is frankly a dangerous way of approaching government. All the fireside chats in the world aren't going to explain why giving Israel and Pakistan billions of dollars is a good idea.

5/3/2011, 07:32 PM
Is she saying anything that people don't already believe? These aren't exactly new or unpopular talking points. Also, being able to explain policy to the public is a valuable, but wholly unnecessary skill, and is frankly a dangerous way of approaching government. All the fireside chats in the world aren't going to explain why giving Israel and Pakistan billions of dollars is a good idea.

That begs the question, should we be giving away that amount of foreign aide, if we can't explain why it is a good idea?

5/3/2011, 07:39 PM
That begs the question, should we be giving away that amount of foreign aide, if we can't explain why it is a good idea?Not all foreign aid is created equal. Explaining why giving aid to pro-US dictators that keep our resources and interests intact is a world different that facilitating Jesus coming back. For the record, I honestly believe the evangelical movement in this country is adamantly pro-Israel simply because it sets the stage for JC to get back here.

5/3/2011, 07:42 PM
I see someone is deep into their meds this fine evening. Cool.

5/3/2011, 07:50 PM
Wonder how all that is affected by the actual Laws that are on the books that stop her or anyone else from actually doing anything?

I'd like to see the Republicans get the subsidies to the cotton farmers that don't need it anymore that was enacted back 70+ years ago repealed.

If someone can do some of the stuff in the 1st post too....fine but I think learning how to repeal laws we don't need any longer, more efficiently should be at the top of the list.


The nuns of the Missionaries of Charity believed two abandoned buildings in New York City would make ideal homeless shelters. The city agreed and offered to sell the building for one dollar each. Yet the shelter project faltered: the city's bureaucracy imposed such expensive remodeling requirements on the buildings that the shelter plans were scrapped. To Howard, an attorney practicing in New York City, this is but one of many examples of the law's suffocating Americans by extensive decrees on what may and may not be done. His book is truly a catalog of horror stories, actually quite engrossing and adding to the story of public inefficiencies chronicled by David Osborne's Reinventing Government (Addison-Wesley, 1992).

I thought Jon Stewart Interview last night with Philip K. Howard was interesting.


5/3/2011, 07:55 PM
For the record, I honestly believe the evangelical movement in this country is adamantly pro-Israel simply because it sets the stage for JC to get back here.

I sure hope myComeback Special Jesus is as Elvisy as I pray him to be.

5/3/2011, 07:57 PM
I see someone is deep into their meds this fine evening. Cool.I know it sounds that way. Notice I said the evangelical movement, not everybody. BTW, happy retirement, seriously.

5/3/2011, 09:05 PM
I derive a lot of comfort knowing that she's kept an eye on Russia for us all this time. She's doing it for us!!!

Why does this forum not have an American flag emote? Does this board hate America?

5/3/2011, 09:20 PM
All the fireside chats in the world aren't going to explain why giving Israel and Pakistan billions of dollars is a good idea.

Lets face it. Fox gave her a saop box and she's not qualified to be POTUS.

Again.....75% of the tax payers budget evidently is earmarked for something prior to her getting into office and it would be 5-10 years before she could do anything to enact any of her ideas even if she was elected.

Americans need to push to change all these useless laws that are on the books for absolutely no reason. We are drowning in the mistakes of the past. What the Presidents that get into office these days are up against is the debts of the past. If we can get that money back into the taxpayers account and stop the hemorrhaging of millions/billions of dollars to these Countries that stab us in the back when we are trying to help them.....we might even be able to rebuild the nations Infrastructure and then pay off the debt and lower taxes in this country.

My God how these politicians place us as chumps.

5/3/2011, 09:21 PM
I derive a lot of comfort knowing that she's kept an eye on Russia for us all this time. She's doing it for us!!!

Why does this forum not have an American flag emote? Does this board hate America?


China is the one we should be worried about.

5/4/2011, 08:02 AM
Lets face it. Fox gave her a saop box and she's not qualified to be POTUS.

I think Obama and Bush were just as qualified and failed miserably. In fact the biggest thing against Obama was if he was qualified.