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View Full Version : NFL...Back to Buisness on Friday

Sooner in Tampa
4/28/2011, 01:04 PM
This outta be interesting:

After some scrambling following Judge Susan's Nelson refusal to lift the lockout, the NFL has gotten much of its business in store. In short, on Friday, the league will notify teams of when the 2011 League Year begins. This will let teams know when they can sign free agents and make trades.

In the meantime, players are free to return to work at 8 a.m. EST Friday morning. Workouts will resume, coaches can meet with players and distribute playbooks, OTA's can be scheduled, etc.

Here's the statement the league sent out:

The NFL clubs have been notified that we have requested from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals a stay of the preliminary injunction issued late Monday afternoon by the Federal District Court. Pending further guidance from the Eighth Circuit, we believe it is appropriate for clubs to take additional steps in response to the preliminary injunction. The clubs were informed of the steps below that will be effective on Friday at 8 am ET following tonight’s first round of the NFL Draft. Clubs are free to contact players immediately to advise them of the hours that the facility will be open for their use, to schedule medical and rehabilitation activity, and to arrange meetings with coaches or related activity, such as film study or classroom work.
1.Players will be permitted to use club facilities for physical examinations, rehabilitation and medical treatment, as scheduled by the club.

2.Clubs will be permitted to distribute playbooks, game film and other similar materials to players.

3.Coaches may meet with players for the purpose of discussing any materials distributed to players under item 2 above, as well as the club’s off-season workout program, its schedule of mini-camps, Organized Team Activities (“OTAs”), and other similar matters.

4.Voluntary off-season workout programs, including OTAs and classroom instruction, may begin subject to the rules in Article XXXV of the 2006 CBA and Appendix L. Participating players will be paid $130 per day, provided the player fulfills the club’s reasonable off-season workout requirements. Such workouts will count toward the requirements of any off-season workout bonus in the player’s contract.

5.On days during which no official off-season workouts or OTAs are scheduled under item 4 above, nothing shall prevent the club from permitting any player to use the club facility to work out on his own on a voluntary, unpaid basis during normal business hours, or such other hours as may be set by the club, provided: (i) there is no participation or supervision by any coach, trainer or other club personnel; and (ii) the club has first verified that the player has an existing medical insurance policy in place. Players without such personal coverage should not be permitted to work out at the club facility on an unsupervised basis under this item 5, but may do so under item 4 above. Unsupervised workouts will not count toward the requirements of any off-season workout bonus in the player’s contract. This item 5 will apply both prior to and after the commencement of the club’s official off-season workout program.

6.Mandatory and voluntary mini-camps may begin subject to the rules in Article XXXVI of the 2006 CBA.

7.The league office will promptly make arrangements to resume counseling, rehabilitation and treatment activities in connection with the substances of abuse and steroid programs. We will advise clubs as to when and on what basis testing will commence.

8.Players may participate in club-sponsored charitable and community relations events.

With respect to player transactions (such as signings, trades of player contracts, terminations, tryouts, etc.), we plan to distribute to all clubs, likely tomorrow, a comprehensive set of procedures governing such transactions. This will include the timing for the commencement of the 2011 League Year, free agent signings and other customary player transactions.

It's possible the NFL believes that the appeals court will rule on the lockout stay before Friday morning (which, if the ruling is favorable to the league, would make everything above moot). But it's also possible (very possible, in fact) that the appeal will be denied, meaning football really will resume Friday.

4/28/2011, 01:24 PM
Just curious...some of those items refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. Since the CBA has ended, and the players have disbanded their union, how does the CBA still stand in effect?

If there's wording in the current (last) CBA that says that all terms are to be carried over if no new agreement is met by the end of the CBA, then doesn't this mean they're stipulating that the rest of the CBA is still intact?

I doubt you can pick and choose which of the Articles in the CBA they're going to follow. Either they abide by it all, or it is all null and void.

4/28/2011, 01:27 PM
about time...its a bunch of crap having to get the courts involved anyway agree to something and get on with it

4/28/2011, 02:47 PM
Don't care, don't watch the NMFL...

4/28/2011, 03:19 PM
I think it's funny that a bunch of billionaire owners couldn't hire better lawyers to get the law to side with them on this dispute with a handful of thousandaires and millionaires or those that have already gone broke due to it being offseason or being retired. Score one for the moderately-little guys!

Public opinion has largely sided with the players since the beginning. It isn't even anti-everyone sentiment that I thought it would be (boo hoo, billionaires don't want to pay and millionaire/thousandaire players aren't satisfied with their million and thousands).

You lose, owners. Next time, don't sign them to that much money if you don't want to pay em.

4/29/2011, 08:37 PM
8th Circuit issued a temporary stay - players locked out again.